Congress' Job Approval at New Low of 10% - Yay! Tea Party!

This is absolutely incorrect. If the republicans thought it was a useless exercise, it is because the Democrats informed them that they would be obstructing those bills, and they have.

It is not incumbent upon the House to only vote on and pass legislation that the Senate will approve of. That would defeat the entire purpose of having a Senate and a House.

The Democrats in the Senate are the obstructionists, particularly Harry "Pass the cheddar" Reid, who is so uncertain of his fellow Senators that he fears bringing to a vote, any of those bills.

Sorry, but one half of the Congress does not stop just because the other half are petulant children.

The Senate and the Democrats are the obstructionists, and they show no good faith whatever by allowing bills to languish without a vote.

So what's the purpose of voting on the same bill they know won't go anywhere 33 times?
their purpose is to do as their constituents demand of them. You think they should just stop because the Democrats in the Senate are going to be so obstinate that nothing will ever get passed?

I wonder just how many on the left would be screaming bloody murder and yelling from every rooftop, Obstructionist, if it was the GOP that stopped every bill from being debated and voted upon.

Why is it that you and the rest of the crowd are not screaming for Reid to just being the bills to a vote? After all, if they are wrong for America, then the Senate will vote appropriately.

And while your at it, demand that the Democrats vote on a fucking budget.

33 times.

Oh, and btw, we have been shouting from the rooftops about how the GOP has been obstructing, pretty much because they have. And you know it. You're not entirely wrong about the Senate Dems but don't talk like your side's shit doesn't stink in this because it stinks to high heaven.
This entire debate is proof of the corruption of government. Stop going after businesses when the corruption runs so much deeper in government.

Good idea.

We'll go after government and make it less amenable to the whims of big business.
Tea Party??


Tea Party and Republicans in general.

Since 2010, the house has done nothing except put up bills to repeal the ACA, limit abortions, and generally engage in political stunts designed to embarrass the other party. The GOP in the Senate now holds the record for filibusters..

The mission statement of both houses is never to raise taxes, roll back women's reproductive rights and unseat the President.

And that's it.

Yet, the Dems have lost the most popularity.


Ok sorry being Captain Obvious, but you seem to still be missing the point.
It is difficult to pinpoint any specific recent actions that may have led to the continuing deterioration in Congress' image, particularly because much of the political attention in January and early February has focused on the Republican presidential race.


But the fact that Senate democrats and the WH are willing to enter into good faith negotiations and House republicans are not – and Senate republicans’ goal is only to ‘get rid of Obama’ – it’s clear the TPM and republicans in general are responsible for nothing getting done.

The American people want Congress to address the Nation’s issues, not engage in pointless partisan politics as republican have since 2009.

Funny I didn't see a single mention of the Tea Party in the link to Gallup somebody is projecting.
And while your at it, demand that the Democrats vote on a fucking budget.

For the milllllionth time, the pubs pull a nasty little trick on the Dem budget. They leave the dollar amounts but delete where the money is to go. Therefore, it cannot be passed.

"People are getting Smarter....."


C'mon man.
Yes if they are realizing that congress is what sucks, not a particular party then they are getting smarter.

People have never gotten smarter.

However the graph clearly shows that whatever little support Dems had in 2010 has eroded.

Just so partisan?

Ohh well in that case is shows that the Republicans support erroded long beofre the dems did.

surely you can see beyond that they are as bad as we care crap?
They can be replaced.

But they rarely are. That's the problem. Too many hyper partisan voters who would rather keep their own corrupt guy than vote for someone across the aisle to get rid of him.
Yes if they are realizing that congress is what sucks, not a particular party then they are getting smarter.

People have never gotten smarter.

However the graph clearly shows that whatever little support Dems had in 2010 has eroded.

Just so partisan?

Ohh well in that case is shows that the Republicans support erroded long beofre the dems did.

surely you can see beyond that they are as bad as we care crap?

Actually, I'm only stating what is clearly depicted: Democratic popularity has declined significantly more.

Would it make you feel better if I also noted that Republican popularity did not have very far to fall to begin with?
Tea Party??


Tea Party and Republicans in general.

Since 2010, the house has done nothing except put up bills to repeal the ACA, limit abortions, and generally engage in political stunts designed to embarrass the other party. The GOP in the Senate now holds the record for filibusters..

The mission statement of both houses is never to raise taxes, roll back women's reproductive rights and unseat the President.

And that's it.

Yet, the Dems have lost the most popularity.


Ok sorry being Captain Obvious, but you seem to still be missing the point.

Yes, we can clearly see once Obama came into office and the dems controlled both houses, the democrat's approval rating soared, progress was being made to fix the Bush/GOP nightmare, and the R's were in the toilet. Once the teabaggers came into office, started filibustering everything and acting like three year olds, progress stopped and everyone's approval went into the toilet.
Tea Party and Republicans in general.

Since 2010, the house has done nothing except put up bills to repeal the ACA, limit abortions, and generally engage in political stunts designed to embarrass the other party. The GOP in the Senate now holds the record for filibusters..

The mission statement of both houses is never to raise taxes, roll back women's reproductive rights and unseat the President.

And that's it.

Yet, the Dems have lost the most popularity.


Ok sorry being Captain Obvious, but you seem to still be missing the point.

Yes, we can clearly see once Obama came into office and the dems controlled both houses, the democrat's approval rating soared, progress was being made to fix the Bush/GOP nightmare, and the R's were in the toilet. Once the teabaggers came into office, started filibustering everything and acting like three year olds, progress stopped and everyone's approval went into the toilet.

Dumb ass you don't understand that fucking poll
Democrats approval of congress soared because congress was controlled by Democrats and they do not believe in doing things the Constitutional way. That poll shows how partisan democrats are.
Tea Party and Republicans in general.

Since 2010, the house has done nothing except put up bills to repeal the ACA, limit abortions, and generally engage in political stunts designed to embarrass the other party. The GOP in the Senate now holds the record for filibusters..

The mission statement of both houses is never to raise taxes, roll back women's reproductive rights and unseat the President.

And that's it.

Yet, the Dems have lost the most popularity.


Ok sorry being Captain Obvious, but you seem to still be missing the point.

Yes, we can clearly see once Obama came into office and the dems controlled both houses, the democrat's approval rating soared, progress was being made to fix the Bush/GOP nightmare, and the R's were in the toilet. Once the teabaggers came into office, started filibustering everything and acting like three year olds, progress stopped and everyone's approval went into the toilet. bring tears to my eyes....:confused:.....such a sad, sad story......

Interesting how a few imaginary boogiemen seem to have destroyed the popularity of Democrats, and it could not have been anything they did themselves, i.e. passing Obamacare
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Yet, the Dems have lost the most popularity.


Ok sorry being Captain Obvious, but you seem to still be missing the point.

Yes, we can clearly see once Obama came into office and the dems controlled both houses, the democrat's approval rating soared, progress was being made to fix the Bush/GOP nightmare, and the R's were in the toilet. Once the teabaggers came into office, started filibustering everything and acting like three year olds, progress stopped and everyone's approval went into the toilet.

Dumb ass you don't understand that fucking poll
Democrats approval of congress soared because congress was controlled by Democrats and they do not believe in doing things the Constitutional way. That poll shows how partisan democrats are.

Stupid idiot get a clue.

The democrat's approval was high because they stopped W and GOP's hard right wing fascist agenda, and returned to honoring freedom, liberty and the constitution.

Once the extreme right teabag radicals came in, that put a stop to that fast, and tried to again push the radical right want fascist agenda, which sent their approval into the shitter.
Yes, we can clearly see once Obama came into office and the dems controlled both houses, the democrat's approval rating soared, progress was being made to fix the Bush/GOP nightmare, and the R's were in the toilet. Once the teabaggers came into office, started filibustering everything and acting like three year olds, progress stopped and everyone's approval went into the toilet.

Dumb ass you don't understand that fucking poll
Democrats approval of congress soared because congress was controlled by Democrats and they do not believe in doing things the Constitutional way. That poll shows how partisan democrats are.

Stupid idiot get a clue.

The democrat's approval was high because they stopped W and GOP's hard right wing fascist agenda, and returned to honoring freedom, liberty and the constitution.

Once the extreme right teabag radicals came in, that put a stop to that fast, and tried to again push the radical right want fascist agenda, which sent their approval into the shitter.

So, like, what was on the liberal democratic agenda that, "right teabag radicals...put a stop to?"
Yes, we can clearly see once Obama came into office and the dems controlled both houses, the democrat's approval rating soared, progress was being made to fix the Bush/GOP nightmare, and the R's were in the toilet. Once the teabaggers came into office, started filibustering everything and acting like three year olds, progress stopped and everyone's approval went into the toilet.

Dumb ass you don't understand that fucking poll
Democrats approval of congress soared because congress was controlled by Democrats and they do not believe in doing things the Constitutional way. That poll shows how partisan democrats are.

Stupid idiot get a clue.

The democrat's approval was high because they stopped W and GOP's hard right wing fascist agenda, and returned to honoring freedom, liberty and the constitution.

Once the extreme right teabag radicals came in, that put a stop to that fast, and tried to again push the radical right want fascist agenda, which sent their approval into the shitter.

Congress rating was high with Democrats only. Or did you miss that part stupid?
Dumb ass you don't understand that fucking poll
Democrats approval of congress soared because congress was controlled by Democrats and they do not believe in doing things the Constitutional way. That poll shows how partisan democrats are.

Stupid idiot get a clue.

The democrat's approval was high because they stopped W and GOP's hard right wing fascist agenda, and returned to honoring freedom, liberty and the constitution.

Once the extreme right teabag radicals came in, that put a stop to that fast, and tried to again push the radical right want fascist agenda, which sent their approval into the shitter.

So, like, what was on the liberal democratic agenda that, "right teabag radicals...put a stop to?"

Congress rating was dropping until the tea party took control and then it shot back up.
Tea Party??


This is an interesting Graph.

I had thought that Dem's had reached a low in 2010.....

2012....doesn't look pretty either: In fact, it looks much worse.


If you look at the graph congressional approval was going down until the election of 2010 when the tea party took control of the house in 2011.

Um...there is no "Tea Party."

The "Tea Party Movement" was (is?) a grass-roots effort to decrease government spending and taxation.

I have not seen anything to make me believe either of these things have happened: So why do you insist that they have effected congressional popularity?

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