Congress need not pass any more immigration laws


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Governor Abbot has assumed the job. The US has no President so he must assume the role.

Those in Congress can all now go home.

Thanks for playing, it's been fun.
I think President Abbot should start a new currency once again.


One that does not get inflated into obivion.
Now that the country is ignoring the Federal government, will they still try to steal more elections?
View attachment 894663

Governor Abbot has assumed the job. The US has no President so he must assume the role.

Those in Congress can all now go home.

Thanks for playing, it's been fun.
The state of Texas has boundaries.The US has borders. The border falls under US jurisdiction
That's the law. The gov. Of Texas is commiting a crime. It's as simple as that.
Will Oklahoma start charging a tariff for the oil pipelines going into Texas ... or does Texas still have enough oil themselves to keep the refineries running? ...

Is Texas going to pay California duties for goods made in China? ... Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach, plus the railroads, are all under Federal Authority ... not California ... does Texas want that to change? ...

Gov. Abbot can recall all the servicemen currently in the Federal Military ... let's see how many respond ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
The state of Texas has boundaries.The US has borders. The border falls under US jurisdiction
That's the law. The gov. Of Texas is commiting a crime. It's as simple as that.
Enforce the laws, otherwise, shut up.

Really, it is just that simple.

Or do we have an incompetent and powerless leadership in the Federal government?

Which is it?
Will Oklahoma start charging a tariff for the oil pipelines going into Texas ... or does Texas still have enough oil themselves to keep the refineries running? ...

Is Texas going to pay California duties for goods made in China? ... Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach, plus the railroads, are all under Federal Authority ... not California ... does Texas want that to change? ...

Gov. Abbot can recall all the servicemen currently in the Federal Military ... let's see how many respond ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
None of that is covered under Article 4, Section 4.

The feds have a duty to secure the borders against invasion...They're derelict in that duty.
The state of Texas has boundaries.The US has borders. The border falls under US jurisdiction
That's the law. The gov. Of Texas is commiting a crime. It's as simple as that.
The President of the United States is committing a crime by not enforcing existing border security laws that are on the books. The Governor of Texas is doing the job that Joe Biden has deliberately chosen not to do. It's as simple as that.
None of that is covered under Article 4, Section 4.

The feds have a duty to secure the borders against invasion...They're derelict in that duty.
You are reading that all wrong.

It's like the word woman, these words change over time.

What that really is saying is, tear down border walls and build bridges.
The Gimp of Texas is dutifully regurgitating Daddy Trump's instructions...

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None of that is covered under Article 4, Section 4.

The feds have a duty to secure the borders against invasion...They're derelict in that duty.

Then Congress should re-write the political refugee laws ... when communist/jihadist/nazis are chasing down their enemies ... we, the United States of America, offer protection and safety and a gun ...

Republicans control the House right now ... only they can initiate the funding bill to pay to have these political refugees' cases heard in court ... I think you'll find the laws are adequate ... just need bigger facilities to process all the requests ...

In the mean time ... Texas and Florida can bus these folks up to New York, Illinois and especially California ... they're in this country legally ... their advocates can, you know, pay to take care of them ...

... or change the law ... Article 1 ... duh ... I would suggest the political asylum seeker be required to demonstrate they're NOT economic refugees taking advantage of the system ... perhaps by country, there's no government in Haiti, so no political repression, no political asylum ... simple ...
The Gimp of Texas is dutifully performing Daddy Trump's instructions...
So you think blacks want millions more illegals flooding into the US to compete for jobs and housing? Really?

Not to mention buying food, clothing, medicines, etc. Which makes the prices of everything go up due to supply vs demand.
Enforce the laws, otherwise, shut up.

Really, it is just that simple.

Or do we have an incompetent and powerless leadership in the Federal government?

Which is it?
Maybe you never read the current asylum law. Title 42 expired.

Title 42 is the name of an emergency health authority. It was a holdover from President Donald Trump’s administration and began in March 2020. The authority allowed U.S. officials to turn away migrants who came to the U.S.-Mexico border on the grounds of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Before that, migrants could cross illegally, ask for asylum and be allowed into the U.S.

Congress needs to either change the law, or start another pandemic.
So you think blacks want millions more illegals flooding into the US to compete for jobs and housing? Really?

Not to mention buying food, clothing, medicines, etc. Which makes the prices of everything go up due to supply vs demand.
Do you think whites are competing for those jobs as well?
None of that is covered under Article 4, Section 4.

The feds have a duty to secure the borders against invasion...They're derelict in that duty.
You could make that claim whether one person sneaks in, or a million do,.

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