CDZ Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You shouldn't have right to own a gun for no reason.
well I do

so get over it

If you want I'll give you a list a mile long of things you shouldn't be able to do but I won't and you know why?

Because what you do is none of my fucking business

and what I do is none of your fucking business

Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people
You shouldn't have right to own a gun for no reason.
well I do

so get over it

If you want I'll give you a list a mile long of things you shouldn't be able to do but I won't and you know why?

Because what you do is none of my fucking business

and what I do is none of your fucking business

Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people

No, on their own guns can do nothing. However in the hands of humans they make a human far more powerful than they would otherwise be. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

So does an ax, a spear, a knife, a rock, a bat, a stick etc

A gun is a tool not unlike any other tool.

But aside from the obvious tell me what the actions of a criminal have to do with my ability to use any tool I own responsibly?

But a gun gives far MORE power to a human over other humans than do some other weapons. You have a bat, what's the chances you'll kill someone compared to a gun?

There's a reason why guns are used in 3/4 of all murders.

What do criminals have to do with you owning a gun? Well.... society changes. Fear becomes more of an issue. The US has inner cities that are dangerous places. Police are scared, and rightly so, their actions are tainted by their fear and this often leads to acts that are seen as brutality and then people are pitting themselves against each other with this fear.

I've lived in many countries, and I've been to even more. A country with fear, like say South Africa, makes you think anyone who chooses to live there as being crazy as hell. In the US the cities aren't nice places to live in my opinion.
It is not a necessity. But the chance to have it increases the risk you would need it from 0,001 to 5%

And the idea one needs a reason to have a gun is in that they can apply for them for the reasons of hunting, sport and collection (no ammunition).

Do you want me to come up with a list a mile long of the shit you have that aren't necessities?
The collection of my empty notebooks are not a threat to anyone.
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem

Well they're not.

The problems are many and great. Some of the biggest problems are like what we discussed about education, and probably the biggest is an attitude which tries to say "we're not willing to improve our society", similar to you have. I do understand about govt staying out of people's lives, the problem is that I also understand what happens when people have a govt that doesn't work as it should, and that's the USA.

The gun issue is a secondary issue, part of the problem is the gun issue EXACERBATES the already bad situation in the US. But people aren't willing to deal with the major issues, and so they go for the secondary issues.
well I do

so get over it

If you want I'll give you a list a mile long of things you shouldn't be able to do but I won't and you know why?

Because what you do is none of my fucking business

and what I do is none of your fucking business

Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people
well I do

so get over it

If you want I'll give you a list a mile long of things you shouldn't be able to do but I won't and you know why?

Because what you do is none of my fucking business

and what I do is none of your fucking business

Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people

No, on their own guns can do nothing. However in the hands of humans they make a human far more powerful than they would otherwise be. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

So does an ax, a spear, a knife, a rock, a bat, a stick etc

A gun is a tool not unlike any other tool.

But aside from the obvious tell me what the actions of a criminal have to do with my ability to use any tool I own responsibly?

But a gun gives far MORE power to a human over other humans than do some other weapons. You have a bat, what's the chances you'll kill someone compared to a gun?

There's a reason why guns are used in 3/4 of all murders.

What do criminals have to do with you owning a gun? Well.... society changes. Fear becomes more of an issue. The US has inner cities that are dangerous places. Police are scared, and rightly so, their actions are tainted by their fear and this often leads to acts that are seen as brutality and then people are pitting themselves against each other with this fear.

I've lived in many countries, and I've been to even more. A country with fear, like say South Africa, makes you think anyone who chooses to live there as being crazy as hell. In the US the cities aren't nice places to live in my opinion.

And tha is why good people need access to guns.....they allow the old, the weak, people who are outnumbered by their attackers to abiding, good people need the ability to defend themselves...and guns are the best method for that purpose...they require much less training, much less physical prowess....and they allow even smaller, weaker people to fight off larger, more aggressive or more numerous attackers......

Since Americans use guns to end violent criminal attack far more than they are used for crime.....what is the problem?
Do you want me to come up with a list a mile long of the shit you have that aren't necessities?
The collection of my empty notebooks are not a threat to anyone.
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem

Well they're not.

The problems are many and great. Some of the biggest problems are like what we discussed about education, and probably the biggest is an attitude which tries to say "we're not willing to improve our society", similar to you have. I do understand about govt staying out of people's lives, the problem is that I also understand what happens when people have a govt that doesn't work as it should, and that's the USA.

The gun issue is a secondary issue, part of the problem is the gun issue EXACERBATES the already bad situation in the US. But people aren't willing to deal with the major issues, and so they go for the secondary issues. are wrong.....more guns = less crime....more guns = less gun crime.....we have seen this in the United States...200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s.....357-400 million guns in private hands in 2016.....and the gun murder rate went down 49%......your belief doesn't explain this.....your belief is shown to be wrong by this fact.....

in 1997 there were 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense, 2016 there were over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....and our gun murder rate went down 49%.......which shows your thoughts on this issue are wrong......

on top of that....violent crime went down 75% in the same period..again, showing your thoughts on this are not based in reality, truth or facts.......

The problem we have.....single teenage mothers raising young males without adult males to teach them how to be adults.....and how to be non violent.....fix that problem...and our inner city gun crime goes away.....
How many people do yo think are murdered with firearms every year ?

Let me give you a hint

8454 that's .0024% of the population

and that rate has been decreasing steadily

More people are murdered with fists and feet that with any type of rifle including those so called "assault" rifles you are all so afraid of
8454 that's .0024% of the population and that rate has been decreasing steadily

Well, TY for sharing that information. At least we now know what is minimum quantity of involuntary deaths at the hands of another we can rationally infer you find acceptable. Information gained is information gained, I guess.... the other side of the equation....1,500,000 times a year that normal, law abiding people use guns to stop violent criminal attack means that guns are far more a positive good.....

And again...of the 9,616 gun murders in 2015...from the FBI table 8.....70-80% of those murdered are criminals engaged in criminal activity......of the 1,923 gun murders left....many of them are the friends and family of those same criminals, caught up in the life of the criminals.....

1,923 people murdered by a country of over 320 million people......a country where over 34,000 people are killed in accidents with cars....

So please......try to understand the truth, the facts and the reality of gun crime in this country...
well I do

so get over it

If you want I'll give you a list a mile long of things you shouldn't be able to do but I won't and you know why?

Because what you do is none of my fucking business

and what I do is none of your fucking business

Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people
well I do

so get over it

If you want I'll give you a list a mile long of things you shouldn't be able to do but I won't and you know why?

Because what you do is none of my fucking business

and what I do is none of your fucking business

Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people

No, on their own guns can do nothing. However in the hands of humans they make a human far more powerful than they would otherwise be. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

So does an ax, a spear, a knife, a rock, a bat, a stick etc

A gun is a tool not unlike any other tool.

But aside from the obvious tell me what the actions of a criminal have to do with my ability to use any tool I own responsibly?

But a gun gives far MORE power to a human over other humans than do some other weapons. You have a bat, what's the chances you'll kill someone compared to a gun?

There's a reason why guns are used in 3/4 of all murders.

What do criminals have to do with you owning a gun? Well.... society changes. Fear becomes more of an issue. The US has inner cities that are dangerous places. Police are scared, and rightly so, their actions are tainted by their fear and this often leads to acts that are seen as brutality and then people are pitting themselves against each other with this fear.

I've lived in many countries, and I've been to even more. A country with fear, like say South Africa, makes you think anyone who chooses to live there as being crazy as hell. In the US the cities aren't nice places to live in my opinion.

You can kill a person with a bat with one swing
you can kill a person with one bullet

what does it matter?

I am not responsible for the criminal behavior of another no matter how much you try to say I am.
The individual is more important than the collective

People like me who own guns legally and are responsible with them are not the problem.
Do you want me to come up with a list a mile long of the shit you have that aren't necessities?
The collection of my empty notebooks are not a threat to anyone.
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem

Well they're not.

The problems are many and great. Some of the biggest problems are like what we discussed about education, and probably the biggest is an attitude which tries to say "we're not willing to improve our society", similar to you have. I do understand about govt staying out of people's lives, the problem is that I also understand what happens when people have a govt that doesn't work as it should, and that's the USA.

The gun issue is a secondary issue, part of the problem is the gun issue EXACERBATES the already bad situation in the US. But people aren't willing to deal with the major issues, and so they go for the secondary issues.

Well you think a government that works the way it should is when people are coerced into what you think are "right" behaviors via tax penalties and indoctrination

And really the problem is that we allow violent criminals to stay on the street.

You want to reduce gun crime? Then put people who commit crimes while in the possession of a gun away for a long long time
How many people do yo think are murdered with firearms every year ?

Let me give you a hint

8454 that's .0024% of the population

and that rate has been decreasing steadily

More people are murdered with fists and feet that with any type of rifle including those so called "assault" rifles you are all so afraid of
8454 that's .0024% of the population and that rate has been decreasing steadily

Well, TY for sharing that information. At least we now know what is minimum quantity of involuntary deaths at the hands of another we can rationally infer you find acceptable. Information gained is information gained, I guess....

it's minuscule. yet you people make it sound like an epidemic

most people who murder and most murder victims have criminal records

so couple those 2 facts and the very small percentage of people who are murdered with guns every year and you'll see that the law abiding gun owner is NOT the problem
Whatever....I merely made an observation about you.

yes I know facts don't matter to you people

I don't know who "you people" are in your mind. Why don't you clarify that for us all.
Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people
Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people

No, on their own guns can do nothing. However in the hands of humans they make a human far more powerful than they would otherwise be. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

So does an ax, a spear, a knife, a rock, a bat, a stick etc

A gun is a tool not unlike any other tool.

But aside from the obvious tell me what the actions of a criminal have to do with my ability to use any tool I own responsibly?
There is such a thing as reasonable defence.
and a firearm is a reasonable tool to be used for defense
Extremely rarely so.
That it is the reason why there is so much shootings in America?

Law abiding people aren't committing the vast majority of shootings the criminals who obtain guns illegally are
And they may obtain them from people who you don't know are illegally selling them forward.

and again how am I as a law abiding citizen responsible for the behavior of criminals?
Can you forget yourself for a moment and think of a society?

We are, you are not. Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack...that is lives saved, lives not many lives did criminals 2015, 9,616.....and of those 70-80% are not normal citizens, but other criminals engaged in crime....and the rest, many are family and friends of the criminals...

So the number of innocent people who are killed is dwarfed by those who are saved.......

Cars are used to accidentally kill more people every single year than are purposefully taken with guns...
But it is not your right to kill a man because intends to hurt you. You only have the right to kill a man if he is about to kill you and you have no other way to stop it.

On the other hand, you said ..Criminals see stopped and...Criminals took lives. How often do they kill the criminal then?
That it is the reason why there is so much shootings in America?

Law abiding people aren't committing the vast majority of shootings the criminals who obtain guns illegally are
And they may obtain them from people who you don't know are illegally selling them forward.

and again how am I as a law abiding citizen responsible for the behavior of criminals?
Can you forget yourself for a moment and think of a society?


I have no obligation to "society"

The individual is more important than the collective
Are you a tax evader?
It is not a necessity. But the chance to have it increases the risk you would need it from 0,001 to 5%

And the idea one needs a reason to have a gun is in that they can apply for them for the reasons of hunting, sport and collection (no ammunition).

Do you want me to come up with a list a mile long of the shit you have that aren't necessities?
The collection of my empty notebooks are not a threat to anyone.
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem
How do you know person x is law abiding?
Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people
Unless of course it involves you hurting me, or it involves you hurting someone, harming someone, or things like that. Now.... guns.... don't hurt anyone, do they?
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people

No, on their own guns can do nothing. However in the hands of humans they make a human far more powerful than they would otherwise be. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

So does an ax, a spear, a knife, a rock, a bat, a stick etc

A gun is a tool not unlike any other tool.

But aside from the obvious tell me what the actions of a criminal have to do with my ability to use any tool I own responsibly?

But a gun gives far MORE power to a human over other humans than do some other weapons. You have a bat, what's the chances you'll kill someone compared to a gun?

There's a reason why guns are used in 3/4 of all murders.

What do criminals have to do with you owning a gun? Well.... society changes. Fear becomes more of an issue. The US has inner cities that are dangerous places. Police are scared, and rightly so, their actions are tainted by their fear and this often leads to acts that are seen as brutality and then people are pitting themselves against each other with this fear.

I've lived in many countries, and I've been to even more. A country with fear, like say South Africa, makes you think anyone who chooses to live there as being crazy as hell. In the US the cities aren't nice places to live in my opinion.

You can kill a person with a bat with one swing
you can kill a person with one bullet

what does it matter?

I am not responsible for the criminal behavior of another no matter how much you try to say I am.
The individual is more important than the collective

People like me who own guns legally and are responsible with them are not the problem.

Yes you can. However that's not the point. People prefer guns, why do you think that is?

Why are 3/4 of all murders with guns and NOT with bats?

You say the individual is more important than the collective. I disagree. I think the collective and the individual stand at the same level.
The collection of my empty notebooks are not a threat to anyone.
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem

Well they're not.

The problems are many and great. Some of the biggest problems are like what we discussed about education, and probably the biggest is an attitude which tries to say "we're not willing to improve our society", similar to you have. I do understand about govt staying out of people's lives, the problem is that I also understand what happens when people have a govt that doesn't work as it should, and that's the USA.

The gun issue is a secondary issue, part of the problem is the gun issue EXACERBATES the already bad situation in the US. But people aren't willing to deal with the major issues, and so they go for the secondary issues.

Well you think a government that works the way it should is when people are coerced into what you think are "right" behaviors via tax penalties and indoctrination

And really the problem is that we allow violent criminals to stay on the street.

You want to reduce gun crime? Then put people who commit crimes while in the possession of a gun away for a long long time

But that doesn't work, does it?

I mean the US has either the highest or the second highest prison population in the world, in the first world it has the highest, and yet also has the worst murder rate in the first world. Louisiana has the highest prison population in the US and the highest murder rate. And yet you're telling me that locking people up is the answer.

Why do you think states with higher levels of education usually have lower rates of crime and murder?
Do you want me to come up with a list a mile long of the shit you have that aren't necessities?
The collection of my empty notebooks are not a threat to anyone.
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem

Actually, they know they aren't a problem....and that is the problem.....the left wingers know they can confiscate the guns of criminals...when they catch them...that is a given. The thing that infuriates them.....? Law abiding gun owners don't use their guns to commit they can't take those guns away from people.......unless.......they create laws that turn normal, law abiding people into criminals even if they don't commit an actual crime...that is why they want to register guns.....then, if you screw up the paperwork....they get your gun....if you fail to renew your registration....they get your gun.....dittos every other dumb law that doesn't stop criminals...but makes law abiding people into criminals for mistakes in paperwork or missing dates.....
A law that works in many a countries where crimes committed with guns are rare, being shot and dying because of it because some idiot didn't know how to throw a proper punch is rare and crimes hence forth rarer. It isn't the only thing that lowers the levels of crime but it is certainly one thing.
The collection of my empty notebooks are not a threat to anyone.
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem

Well they're not.

The problems are many and great. Some of the biggest problems are like what we discussed about education, and probably the biggest is an attitude which tries to say "we're not willing to improve our society", similar to you have. I do understand about govt staying out of people's lives, the problem is that I also understand what happens when people have a govt that doesn't work as it should, and that's the USA.

The gun issue is a secondary issue, part of the problem is the gun issue EXACERBATES the already bad situation in the US. But people aren't willing to deal with the major issues, and so they go for the secondary issues.

Well you think a government that works the way it should is when people are coerced into what you think are "right" behaviors via tax penalties and indoctrination

And really the problem is that we allow violent criminals to stay on the street.

You want to reduce gun crime? Then put people who commit crimes while in the possession of a gun away for a long long time
Your proposition does not lower crime rate. People can't be locked up for long just so as to keep them still unless they are mentally ill. In other cases they must be let out after the punishment is over and long prison terms do not lower the chances of that person committing a crime again. So putting a lot of people in prison for a long time does not reduce crime.
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people
no guns cannot do anything on their own since they are inanimate objects

People are responsible all the harm done to other people

No, on their own guns can do nothing. However in the hands of humans they make a human far more powerful than they would otherwise be. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

So does an ax, a spear, a knife, a rock, a bat, a stick etc

A gun is a tool not unlike any other tool.

But aside from the obvious tell me what the actions of a criminal have to do with my ability to use any tool I own responsibly?
There is such a thing as reasonable defence.
and a firearm is a reasonable tool to be used for defense
Extremely rarely so.

if you call 1.5 million times a year in the US extremely rare
Law abiding people aren't committing the vast majority of shootings the criminals who obtain guns illegally are
And they may obtain them from people who you don't know are illegally selling them forward.

and again how am I as a law abiding citizen responsible for the behavior of criminals?
Can you forget yourself for a moment and think of a society?

We are, you are not. Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack...that is lives saved, lives not many lives did criminals 2015, 9,616.....and of those 70-80% are not normal citizens, but other criminals engaged in crime....and the rest, many are family and friends of the criminals...

So the number of innocent people who are killed is dwarfed by those who are saved.......

Cars are used to accidentally kill more people every single year than are purposefully taken with guns...
But it is not your right to kill a man because intends to hurt you. You only have the right to kill a man if he is about to kill you and you have no other way to stop it.

On the other hand, you said ..Criminals see stopped and...Criminals took lives. How often do they kill the criminal then?

Actually all you need is a reasonable fear of grievous bodily harm

If you were correct and you're not then a person is not allowed to kill to defend himself from a beating so severe it might leave him wheelchair bound or with severe mental disabilities

many times just the pulling of a firearm will defuse the situation
many times the criminal piece of shit is merely wounded and unable to continue his attack

in 2012 there were 259 justifiable homicides

so you see the piece of shit criminals you are so worried about are more likely not to be killed than they are to be killed by law abiding gun owners
Last edited:
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
neither are my guns and 30 plus years of my owning guns bears that out
50 for me.
these people can't just admit that law abiding gun owners are not the problem

Well they're not.

The problems are many and great. Some of the biggest problems are like what we discussed about education, and probably the biggest is an attitude which tries to say "we're not willing to improve our society", similar to you have. I do understand about govt staying out of people's lives, the problem is that I also understand what happens when people have a govt that doesn't work as it should, and that's the USA.

The gun issue is a secondary issue, part of the problem is the gun issue EXACERBATES the already bad situation in the US. But people aren't willing to deal with the major issues, and so they go for the secondary issues.

Well you think a government that works the way it should is when people are coerced into what you think are "right" behaviors via tax penalties and indoctrination

And really the problem is that we allow violent criminals to stay on the street.

You want to reduce gun crime? Then put people who commit crimes while in the possession of a gun away for a long long time
Your proposition does not lower crime rate. People can't be locked up for long just so as to keep them still unless they are mentally ill. In other cases they must be let out after the punishment is over and long prison terms do not lower the chances of that person committing a crime again. So putting a lot of people in prison for a long time does not reduce crime.
people can be locked up for as long as we decide to lock them up

here's what it should be

Any crime committed while in possession of a firearm 25 years no parole
Any murder committed with a firearm life no parole

and it reduces crime for as long as they are in prison
And they may obtain them from people who you don't know are illegally selling them forward.

and again how am I as a law abiding citizen responsible for the behavior of criminals?
Can you forget yourself for a moment and think of a society?

We are, you are not. Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack...that is lives saved, lives not many lives did criminals 2015, 9,616.....and of those 70-80% are not normal citizens, but other criminals engaged in crime....and the rest, many are family and friends of the criminals...

So the number of innocent people who are killed is dwarfed by those who are saved.......

Cars are used to accidentally kill more people every single year than are purposefully taken with guns...
But it is not your right to kill a man because intends to hurt you. You only have the right to kill a man if he is about to kill you and you have no other way to stop it.

On the other hand, you said ..Criminals see stopped and...Criminals took lives. How often do they kill the criminal then?

Actually all you need is a reasonable fear of grievous bodily harm

If you were correct and you're not then a person is not allowed to kill to defend himself from a beating so severe it might leave him wheelchair bound or with severe mental disabilities

many times just the pulling of a firearm will defuse the situation
many times the criminal piece of shit is merely wounded and unable to continue his attack

in 2012 there were 259 justifiable homicides

so you see the piece of shit criminals you are so worried about are more likely not to be killed that they are to be killed by law abiding gun owners
Does this mean the rest from the 1,500,000 were only injured?

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