Congress Votes For Floors


Sep 23, 2010
The IRS scandal is not going away. That’s good news, but I wish somebody would point out that the IRS is handmaiden to a greater villain —— the XVI Amendment.

Three brief videos are included in this article about abolishing the IRS:

Getting rid of the tax-collecting agency has been little more than a fantasy for many ever since 1913 when the Sixteenth Amendment gave Congress the power to levy a national income tax.

But the tide seems to be shifting, now that the IRS has become the scandal-ridden butt of late-night jokes.

'Gang of 3': Time to dump the IRS
America's most hated agency 'weaponized by administration'
Published: 18 hours ago

?Gang of 3?: Time to dump the IRS

Although the IRS should be abolished by Congress, I do not see how it can be accomplished without repealing the XVI Amendment. So long as the XVI Amendment remains in place every federal court will rule that a tax on income is constitutional irrespective of anything Congress passes. Since it is constitutional the government requires a bureaucracy to collect the money.

Take this one to the bank. The Constitution means squat to the SCOTUS as John Roberts demonstrated with the Affordable Care Act. Abolish the IRS without repealing the XVI Amendment and the High Court will uphold the income tax on constitutional grounds because government revenues are at stake. Every case that is even remotely connected to government revenues is decided in favor of the government. When it comes to dumping the IRS, I can safely predict that the verdict will be 9 to 0 reaffirming the government’s Right to tax income.

Let’s put repeal aside and look at the proposals being offered to replace the IRS.

A flat tax

A flat tax is still a tax on income. Working Americans will still be required to file a tax return with a federal bureaucracy of one kind or another if Congress abolishes the IRS. Worse still, a flat tax does nothing to wipe out the malevolent tyranny built into a tax on income.

Here is a practical truth about a flat tax. If a flat tax begins at one percent it will quickly rise to fifty percent or higher. The only way to prevent a flat tax on income from going right back to where it stands today is to place a ceiling on the percentage. No Congress will ever place limits on itself. Bottom line: Congress votes for floors not ceilings.

Interestingly, a flat tax ceiling brings the issue right back to the Constitution. It would take an amendment to the Constitution to keep the ceiling from being raised. Even there the High Court can, and will, cite the XVI Amendment in order to nullify a fixed flat tax ceiling.

Now, let’s list the entities who support a tax on income:

1. Every unconstitutional government bureaucracy like the National Endowment for the Arts.

2. Every unnecessary government bureaucracy.

3. All of those “government employees” who bloat necessary bureaucracies.

4. The education industry. Most especially higher education, teachers’ unions, and the Department of Education.

5. Tax preparers. Then-speaker Denny Hastert once said that doing away with the IRS would save working Americans 2 billion dollars a year in fees. I’m sure that number is much higher today.

6. Every “private sector” entity that is subsidized with income tax dollars. The entire entertainment industry is the most visible although this category includes groups like ACORN, Planned Parenthood, La Raza, federal grant recipients, NGOs, and so on.

8. Wall Street firms. Absentee ownership is propped up by income tax dollars in a myriad of ways.

7. The American Bar Association.

8. The United Nations and its supporters.

9. The media. Tax deductible advertising dollars are passed onto the backs of every American who pays an income tax.

10. Realtors. Property taxes are an indirect tax on incomes. Higher property taxes contributes to churning home sales; hence, increased commissions for Realtors.

11. Welfare state programs. Those programs embrace the largest, but least influential, group of people living on the labors of strangers. Their influence is limited to election day. Happily, their influence will be meaningless should repealing the XVI Amendment become a reality.

Except for welfare state programs, the number of people in the other categories amounts to a small percentage of the total population. I probably missed a few, but you get the idea.

A sales tax

A federal sales tax is better than a flat tax.

1. Increases in a sales tax will hurt business. The people who now push for tax increases on income will oppose every increase in a sales tax. That’s a good thing because they are well-organized.

2. Welfare state programs and coerced charity will be impossible to fund with a sales tax.

3. No matter the rate, a sales tax will never support foreign aid.

4. Retail prices must come down under a sales tax. The working poor will never be able to afford big ticket items, but their standard of living must rise when lower retail prices are more in line with incomes at the lower end of the economic ladder.

5. A sales tax allows working Americans to spend, or NOT spend, the money they earn as they see fit. That is the very essence of a “fair tax.”

Finally, I like to think all of the talk about abolishing the IRS is designed to get state legislators to start debating repealing the XVI Amendment. Surely, every discussion about abolishing the IRS must end with one conclusion: Let’s just repeal the XVI Amendment and be done with it.
That's a great idea! A Flat Tax on top of all the other taxes. We should get a European style VAT Tax too. It would Save the Earth and none of it would go to Bankers.
That's quite the post you have there. To begin with if you have to realize that the IRS is NOT a government entity. It is wholly owned by the Federal Reserve which itself is privately owned. The IRS is the strong arm of the Fed.

The income tax collected goes to pay nothing other than the interest on the debt borrowed by the government from the Federal Reserve. To ever abolish the IRS than first you must abolish the Fed.
Until it is abolished the government will continue to borrow from it.

The income tax is a voluntary tax. There is no law that says you have to pay an income tax.

[ame=]There is No Law Requiring You to Pay Income Tax - YouTube[/ame]
That's quite the post you have there. To begin with if you have to realize that the IRS is NOT a government entity. It is wholly owned by the Federal Reserve which itself is privately owned. The IRS is the strong arm of the Fed.

To Stashman: Congress, not the Federal Reserve, writes, and enforces the tax code.

There is no objection to abolishing the Federal Reserve. The fact is this: The tax on income would still be levied and collected without the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. Not so if the XVI Amendment is repealed. Note that both were created in 1913.

The income tax is a voluntary tax.

To Stashman: Too bad Al Capone’s lawyers did not know that. Try not paying YOUR taxes and see who puts you behind bars and/or confiscates your property.

I’m curious. Are you saying that Americans can defend themselves with all necessary force when agents from the Federal Reserve come to take them away? It might even be considered defending yourself against kidnappers.

There is no law that says you have to pay an income tax.

To Stashman: Yes there is. It’s called the XVI Amendment. No other amendment did more to turn the Bill of Rights into a government bill of rights than did the XVI Amendment. It was the first amendment that punished Americans rather than protect them from government tyranny.

Incidentally, if you have not yet seen this video you should enjoy it:

[ame=]The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin) - YouTube[/ame]​
The fact of the matter goes like this. The U.S. Treasury prints Federal Reserve notes at 4 cents per bill. That is their printing cost. A 1 dollar reserve note cost the same as it does a 100 dollar reserve note to print. The Treasury than sells these notes to the Federal Reserve for 4 cents for each bill. The exact cost of printing them. The Fed than lends these notes to the U.S. Government, and charges interest on those loans. That's how it's done.

The income tax does not pay for roads, schools, defense, or government salaries. It only pays the interest we owe to the Fed. Period.

So, if we abolished the Fed and printed our own debt free money than there would be no reason to have an income tax, because there would be no interest to pay on it.
Who will build the roads?

To THORAX: The government as governments have always done.

Building roads, bridges and tunnels is not a license to build a totalitarian government.

The income tax does not pay for roads, schools, defense, or government salaries. It only pays the interest we owe to the Fed. Period.

To Stashman: That’s absurd. Labor is converted to money. Income taxes are paid with money. In short: Labor pays for everything. Eliminate the Fed and work will be done by a free people, or by a citizenry in chains.

So, if we abolished the Fed and printed our own debt free money than there would be no reason to have an income tax, because there would be no interest to pay on it.

To Stashman: The facts are these. The income tax funds the welfare state; i.e. Socialism/Communism. The Federal Reserve further enriches wealthy bankers. The only question is: Which one should be eliminated first?

Incidentally, here is the only legitimate argument for abolishing the Fed before repealing the XVI Amendment:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." -David Rockefeller-

BBC's Disinfo Piece: "Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?" - The Vigilant Citizen

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