Congress Won't Lift Ban On Savings For People On Disability


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Another $45 billion for Ukraine, a war that would have long been over had we minded our own business. And there will be more billions after this no doubt for more war between Ukraine and Russia. Plus we will get suckered into billions to help rebuild Ukraine.

But nothing was done for Americans on SSDI or SSI, programs that affect the neediest Americans and which have not been modernized in decades. Even a simple change to how much in assets a person can have couldn't get approved because of money(!), while Congress under Democrats has spent trillions in wasteful spending with their bills of 2021 and 2022.

Add in billions and billions for the Biden Hordes of illegals and we see that Democrats really don't give a damn about Americans but prefer the foreign.

Lacked bipartisan support? Democrats control both Houses and the White House. Had Biden really cared he would have publicly come out for this these past few weeks. But Democrats really don't care about the poor fellow Americans while sending tens of billions overseas and to their union friends here in America.

It once again exposes Democrats as xenophiles.

Lawmakers have decided not to change one of the federal governmentā€™s most outdated welfare rules as part of a government funding bill set to pass this week.
Disabled Americans receiving monthly benefits from the Supplemental Security Income program arenā€™t allowed to have more than $2,000 in savings or else the Social Security Administration docks their payments.
Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) introduced a bill raising the asset limit to $10,000 for individuals and $20,000 for couples, but the measure has been omitted from end-of-year spending legislation that was its last chance to become law.
Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Social Security Administration, said the measure lacked broad bipartisan support, partly because lawmakers viewed it as opening a can of worms.
ā€œIt didnā€™t get into this deal because Social Security issues were not in this bill,ā€ Crapo told HuffPost.
Brown, Portman and some like-minded colleagues first tried to attach the asset limit fix to a broader bill aimed at improving tax benefits for retirement savings, which the Finance Committee approved over the summer. They argued that if Congress wanted to enhance retirement security for people with tax-advantaged savings accounts, then it should let disabled people have balances of more than $2,000 without risking their monthly income.
Crapo and Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) didnā€™t want the amendment as part of the retirement bill, which wound up included in the year-end spending bill known as an omnibus. There was still a chance this week that the asset limit fix could catch a ride on the omnibus, too, but its $10 billion cost probably weighed it down in backroom negotiations.
Roughly 8 million Americans receive SSI benefits, which will max out at $914 per month next year. (Itā€™s a separate program from Social Security Disability Insurance, which requires a work history and has higher monthly payments.)
Applicants for SSI benefits must agree to let the government check their bank accounts to make sure theyā€™re poor and to tell the authorities if someone regularly gives them food. The rules havenā€™t been changed since 1989; if the asset limit had kept pace with inflation, it would be nearly $5,000 today.
Kathleen Romig, director of social security and disability policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal think tank, said itā€™s a shame Congress will update retirement tax policies, but not a rule essentially prohibiting millions of poor people from saving money.
ā€œThe omission of SSI asset limits is particularly unfortunate since the bill expands egregious tax breaks for those near or in retirement, like letting wealthy people wait until 75 before they are even required to touch their tax-favored ā€˜retirementā€™ account,ā€ Romig wrote Tuesday in a Twitter thread.
Republicans supported changing the asset limit because itā€™s stuck at $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples, meaning itā€™s an obvious ā€œmarriage penalty.ā€ Most tax and welfare policies go double for couples.
ā€œI think itā€™s a very Republican ideaā€ to change the limit, Portman told HuffPost this week.

if people have savings, they are less likely to need SSI....the Xiden admin and Nancy don't want that..the demafascist want to keep people dependent
Lacked bipartisan support? Democrats control both Houses and the White House. Had Biden really cared he would have publicly come out for this these past few weeks. But Democrats really don't care about the poor fellow Americans while sending tens of billions overseas and to their union friends here in America.

It once again exposes Democrats as xenophiles.
So when the GOP takes control of the House they will pass it? Great, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
So when the GOP takes control of the House they will pass it? Great, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
A depression will change everything. To many interactions that need surgical operations to make sense for all.
People on SSI can save Ten Grand?

I am blessed to be able to save money regularly. But the recent Bidenflation has added $160 to my monthly budget and - unlike Biden - I can't just print another $160. The money has to come from somewhere and I make it up by saving that much less per month.

Many working families are able to save nothing, and are having to cut back on things like eating out, and entertainment. Many working families are not able to save, not able to eat out, or other entertainment, and struggle to put meat on the table.

Yet, those working families are expected to support people not working such that they can save $833.33 per month?

Not to worry about the "disabled" SSI dolees. They have no work-related expenses and can keep money under their mattress to avoid losing that payout.
So when the GOP takes control of the House they will pass it? Great, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

It is Democrats who constantly say they are for the little guy, the poor, but once again tens of billions more for war in Ukraine (and what a disgraceful display they put on when Zelensky spoke, even waving a foreign flag in the House), plus hundreds of billions in 2022-2023 for Biden's illegals, nothing for the neediest American people.

Democrats are xenophiles.
People on SSI can save Ten Grand?

I am blessed to be able to save money regularly. But the recent Bidenflation has added $160 to my monthly budget and - unlike Biden - I can't just print another $160. The money has to come from somewhere and I make it up by saving that much less per month.

Many working families are able to save nothing, and are having to cut back on things like eating out, and entertainment. Many working families are not able to save, not able to eat out, or other entertainment, and struggle to put meat on the table.

Yet, those working families are expected to support people not working such that they can save $833.33 per month?

Not to worry about the "disabled" SSI dolees. They have no work-related expenses and can keep money under their mattress to avoid losing that payout.

Inflation and high cost of living is the same for everyone whether working or not. SSI is for disabled that don't have enough work hours to qualify for SSDI. SSI is basically a welfare program for those who can't work and I doubt any of them can save even a thousand dollars over a years time. With the amount any of them get, the cost of housing, and utilities eat that up, and depending on where they live, it doesn't come close to covering those basic needs,
Inflation and high cost of living is the same for everyone whether working or not. SSI is for disabled that don't have enough work hours to qualify for SSDI. SSI is basically a welfare program for those who can't work and I doubt any of them can save even a thousand dollars over a years time. With the amount any of them get, the cost of housing, and utilities eat that up, and depending on where they live, it doesn't come close to covering those basic needs,
I'm sure you are right. So, a two thousand dollar cap is plenty.
A depression will change everything. To many interactions that need surgical operations to make sense for all.
There may be a mild recession coming since the Feds were slow to act against inflation. No depression that I see.
No matter what the GOP in the House passes it will never make it past the Democratic Party controlled Senate.

And now you understand the 'Good Cop / Bad Cop" game they play with We The People ad nausea
And to think you believed Schumer, Turtle man and AOC are actually legitimately elected officials lol
It is Democrats who constantly say they are for the little guy, the poor, but once again tens of billions more for war in Ukraine (and what a disgraceful display they put on when Zelensky spoke, even waving a foreign flag in the House), plus hundreds of billions in 2022-2023 for Biden's illegals, nothing for the neediest American people.

Democrats are xenophiles.

Maybe, but rest assured...plenty of that money finds it's way into corporate hands and the right politicians pockets so all is well for Americans.
America is no longer a Republic OR a Democracy NOR governed by those who represent us.
The United States of America is now a solid Corporate Cartel Controlled Aristocracy.

That said..generally speaking, Americans don't too much care as long as they are fed and entertained.
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It is Democrats who constantly say they are for the little guy, the poor, but once again tens of billions more for war in Ukraine (and what a disgraceful display they put on when Zelensky spoke, even waving a foreign flag in the House), plus hundreds of billions in 2022-2023 for Biden's illegals, nothing for the neediest American people.

Democrats are xenophiles.
Both parties spend tens of billions on our military, in large part to counter Russia. Seems like Ukraine is carrying our water and that makes the cost a bargain.
People on SSI can save Ten Grand?

I am blessed to be able to save money regularly. But the recent Bidenflation has added $160 to my monthly budget and - unlike Biden - I can't just print another $160. The money has to come from somewhere and I make it up by saving that much less per month.

Many working families are able to save nothing, and are having to cut back on things like eating out, and entertainment. Many working families are not able to save, not able to eat out, or other entertainment, and struggle to put meat on the table.

Yet, those working families are expected to support people not working such that they can save $833.33 per month?

Not to worry about the "disabled" SSI dolees. They have no work-related expenses and can keep money under their mattress to avoid losing that payout.
Not to mention, that in just income tax alone Bonzi and I pay more than our mortgage.
The number of cigarettes/cans of cheap beer that this money subsidizes is crazy.
I love everytime I see another and another and another poor person smoking a cigarette with 20 tattoos on them. Just warms my heart knowing I pay for their necessities so they can waste their own money.
Both parties spend tens of billions on our military, in large part to counter Russia. Seems like Ukraine is carrying our water and that makes the cost a bargain.

Actually, the Corporate Cartel is using the Ukraine for shoveling BOAT LOADS of cash into Corporate hands and Leftist Elite hands.
Did you not see how giddy with excitement the Corporate Puppets were during the Speech by Zelensky?
They were practically drooling and besides themselves with delight.
The ONLY thing that makes them THAT excited is CASH and POWER.
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