Congressional Black Causcuss Chair Suggests Violence Against GOP Needed to Keep 'Pig' Painting Up

It is no surprise that these art critics of the right can only focus on one small part of the painting and not see the whole picture...
It is no surprise that these art critics of the right can only focus on one small part of the painting and not see the whole picture...
I wonder how the left and the Congressional Black Caucus would react if a painting of a black person assaulting a cop, looting, committing arson, committing black-on-black crime, etc was hanging up.

I'd have no problem with it...It would still be considered art...
on a public wall. It's not their wall, so in fact it's garbage and should be thrown out.

Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) hung a painting depicting a policeman as a PIG up on the wall in the Capitol complex.
Ex-Marine Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) was offended, as were the police, and took it down.

Clay tried to have Hunter charged with stealing - the police refused.

Hunter was ordered to return the painting - it was.

Clay Re-Hung the painting.

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) took the painting down.

It was returned - Clay Re-hung the painting.



The Congressional Black Caucus should not get their hands dirty themselves - they should do what Hillary did in regards to Trump supporters this past election: hire thugs to intimidate, beat , and bloody the GOP. :p

CBC chair suggests an ass-kicking might be needed to keep GOP reps from taking down cops-as-pigs painting

Keep your hands off of other peoples shit seems like an easy concept
it's on our wall and we want it down. Isn't that how you all put it?

No I clearly put it like "Keeping your hands off of other peoples shit seems like an easy concept. Maybe you quoted the wrong guy?
I personally applaud the Congressional Black Caucus and the DNC for the media attention they are generating over their desire to keep such an offensive, divisive, disrespectful painting up, to the point of being willing to physically attack others.

It is no surprise that these art critics of the right can only focus on one small part of the painting and not see the whole picture...
I wonder how the left and the Congressional Black Caucus would react if a painting of a black person assaulting a cop, looting, committing arson, committing black-on-black crime, etc was hanging up.

I'd have no problem with it...It would still be considered art...
on a public wall. It's not their wall, so in fact it's garbage and should be thrown out.
Well that is your opinion...
It is no surprise that these art critics of the right can only focus on one small part of the painting and not see the whole picture...
I wonder how the left and the Congressional Black Caucus would react if a painting of a black person assaulting a cop, looting, committing arson, committing black-on-black crime, etc was hanging up.

I'd have no problem with it...It would still be considered art...
on a public wall. It's not their wall, so in fact it's garbage and should be thrown out.
Well that is your opinion...
it's fact. the black caucus does not own the building, nor do they lease it. so, the painting is garbage, throw it out.
More assistance from Democrats that will assure a clean sweep in the 2018 and 2020 elections. God bless their open display of racial hatred.
Physical violence against the GOP and Trump adherents may be the only way to save the country in a couple years

Any time you turds want to try, whore, you're welcome to do so. If that is what it is going to take to wrest the country back from the democraptic party and its illegal alien pets/gang members/welfare parasites, then I'm on board.

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