Congressional Repubs acting like feckless douches, who would have guessed?

Corporations employee millions of middle class workers.
Ask the tens of thousands of Boeing employees and the tens of thousands of people who work for companies which supply Boeing if they care what happens to the big bad Boeing corporation. Wish up pal.
And small business employs about double the number of people...and yet corps are getting 500 B and small business 350B

Guess who insisted on that? Yea..Republicans
Guess who held up the relief to insist on 35 million going to the JFK center for arts, bailing out the USPS, the green new deal that got zero yes votes in the senate to simply bring to discussion, 30,000 for everyone with student debt, and fucking ballot harvesting. Thats what the relief got held up for. Pelosi could’ve made her own relief bill, she didn’t, she decided to block for the sake of blocking with a slap in the face to the American people.

It took just three and a half weeks for the virus to spread throughout Germany, popping up in every district, and that's with limited testing, mostly confined to those showing (severe) symptoms.

With 80% showing no or mild symptoms, in reality the spread was faster, still.

That's how contagious it is.

Also, about 15% of cases develop symptoms so severe as to require hospitalization. Letting the spread happen without measures to "flatten the curve" results in case loads certain to overwhelm every healthcare system in the world. Morgues overflowing and no longer able to manage, healthcare workers falling ill, making life-and-death decisions on the fly, all kinds of necessary infrastructure running out, from gloves to ventilators to medication to chemicals for testing. That's when the whole thing comes crashing down, and also when those ill (not Covid-19) will no longer receive proper care, and that's when the death toll rises through the roof.

Flatten. The. Curve.

Make sure workers have to eat and a roof over their heads, make sure small businesses remain solvent, same for mid-sized businesses not able to secure a loan, freeze mortgages for a few weeks, get creative so as to ensure that the economy is ready to restart once that thing has blown over.

Playing off people against businesses is shameful, devastating really, and the consequences of a repetition of Tarp, saving the rich and leaving pretty much everyone else exposed, for the body politic I cannot even begin to contemplate.
There is no way for the democrats to spin this to avoid the ass-kicking they have brought upon themselves in the next congressional elections.

We'll see who gets the ass-kicking! Just delude yourselves "on the right" thinking "everything will be fine! We're making America great again!" Yeah right, a great 3rd world nation as the deficits and Nat'l Debt increase exponentially! "Great job!" :102: :sigh2: :meow: :talktothehand:
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Apparently Fiero obstructionism is acceptable and justify the means, power, and the rest of the country is nothing more than collateral damage. National debt only applies to Republicans not some back bench moron spending 8 years on the campaign trail. So how did that hope and change game play out for you?
Apparently Fiero obstructionism is acceptable and justify the means, power, and the rest of the country is nothing more than collateral damage. National debt only applies to Republicans not some back bench moron spending 8 years on the campaign trail. So how did that hope and change game play out for you?

The Nat'l debt applies to them because they're always kvetchin' about it on the campaign trail, but have contributed to it mightily over the decades! It's the hypocrisy of these jerks "on the right" that PO's me to the max! If you hate the country so much, why try to run it? Republicans don't have a leg to stand on with Russian collusion and treacherous behavior going up and down their digestive tracts! Funny how they went after Obama for "not being American" while Trump sells us piecemeal to Russia and China! I'm too old to care! If we're this stupid, we deserve whatever happens! "Good luck America; you'll need it in the coming years!" :(

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