Congressional Repubs acting like feckless douches, who would have guessed?

Pelosi is playing games with American lives and economics.

The list of unrelated provisions is truly incredible. Pelosi’s emergency virus bill includes “collective bargaining… for federal workers,” a federal “study on climate mitigation efforts,” tax credits for wind and solar energy, and demands that the airlines involved buy carbon credits “to fully offset [their] annual carbon emissions.” It includes “same day [voter] registration,” national early voting and “grants for conducting” election audits.

Pelosi’s emergency virus bill legislates “funding standards for community newspaper” retirement plans, cancels $10,000 off peoples’ college debts, and forces a $15 minimum wage and permanent paid leave on aid recipients.

Pelosi’s emergency virus bill cancels the Post Office’s considerable debt to taxpayers and grants it “additional borrowing authority.” It gives Washington oversight of the “corporate board diversity” for the companies involved, mandates “a comparison of pay amongst racial and ethnic minorities… as compared to their white counterparts and comparison of pay between men and women,” orders the companies to start “diversity and inclusion offices” and give those offices “officials and budget dedicated to diversity,” and it establishes a program “to expand the use of minority banks and minority credit unions.”

Well Mitch opened with not giving Hospitals enough money and Corporation $500bn who lobbied not to help..

Difference is, Mitch doesn't mind a few dying to get what he wants...

Fact, thay had an agreement where EVERYONE except Pelosi was on board with. She stepped in and is playing games.
Hard to tell right now, but I would guess that's not going to help.
I think you may be wrong about that. The Dems have asked for transparency and Mnuchin agreed. It was a major obstacle in passage of the bill so my guess is it passes in the Senate today.

Yep, I may well be wrong. But I would count on transparency being achieved some time in 2021, when Trump got the relief funds and the election is over. That's most, if not the whole point.
All free of course
Meaning it is your suggestion that we should stand idly by and let hospitals reduce services because they can't afford to treat people? Do I have that right?
You realize that 500 billion of the bill is going to the states and cities, and another 500 billion is going directly to the people...The people who still hope they have jobs as their businesses are loosing money hand over fist still paying for their buildings and equipment that’s no longer producing money. But you’re right. Down with evil businesses.

Please provide evidence...

Why the need for the secretive no oversight $500bn for Corporations?

Why are hospitals not getting what they are asking for.

Hospitals need to stop treating patients and goto Washington and lobby for more money.
The Fed isn’t going to do a good job tracking every fucking hospital in the country, what they need, and when they need it. Which is why you give the money to the states and cities who are on the front lines of this. Every state has their own strategy, and their own obstacles. The best thing the fed can do is give money and paint with broad strokes.

There was a 30 hour discussion period to add things into the bill, like tracking where the money would go. But pelosi stepped in and asked for the most ridiculous shit totally unrelated to corona relief. Plane emissions, 35 million dollars for the JFK center for arts, 30,000 dollar bailout for all student loans worth billions, fucking ballot harvesting, a bailout of the USPS, why is it that pelosi added all this shit while millions of Americans are out of work due to shut downs, don’t know where their next paycheck is coming from, and don’t even know if they’ll have a job to come back too with companies quickly running out of money. All of this can be brought up later. But she chooses this time to add all this shit, preventing money getting to Americans now? Care to answer me that?
Medical resources first.

Relief to the American People second.

Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

According to reports the bill had BIPARTISAN support until Pelosi showed up.
Have you read the bill Berg or just your government issued talking points?
Impeachment and removal had bipartisan support too.

How much difference did that make?
Are you kidding me? This is pure Alinsky accusing somebody else of what you are guilty of. Democrats included all sorts of global warming stuff in the bill which delays and prevents it from being passed.
Hard to tell right now, but I would guess that's not going to help.
I think you may be wrong about that. The Dems have asked for transparency and Mnuchin agreed. It was a major obstacle in passage of the bill so my guess is it passes in the Senate today.

Yep, I may well be wrong. But I would count on transparency being achieved some time in 2021, when Trump got the relief funds and the election is over. That's most, if not the whole point.
My understanding is the funds under Mnuchin's control will be monitored by the IG of the Treasury. I just hope whoever that is isn't a Trump lackey like all the people he has appointed.
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
One of the major sticking points for Dems is the unchecked discretion Mnuchin would have to dole out aid to corporations without having to reveal who the recipient was for 6 months.
First, why would the admin ask for such a provision? Two, why would anyone in their right mind trust this enormously corrupt admin to make decisions without oversight?
You mean like Obama did with the so-called "stimulus?"
White House agrees to allow oversight of huge coronavirus loan program as $2 trillion Senate deal nears

The White House has agreed to allow enhanced scrutiny over a massive loan program that is a centerpiece of the Senate’s $2 trillion coronavirus economic package, two people briefed on the discussions said, taking steps to address a major Democratic concern and potentially pave the way for a vote by Tuesday night.
“I think there is real optimism that we could get something done in the next few hours,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Tuesday morning on CNBC. The stock market rose sharply in anticipation of the deal, with the Dow Jones industrial average up more than 1,400 points, or nearly 8 percent, at midday.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also struck a positive tone in remarks on the Senate floor, in a marked shift from days of bitter partisan wrangling over Congress’ failure to address the crisis that has shaken the economy, led many businesses to dramatically scale back operations, and forced millions of Americans to seek unemployment benefits.
Fact, thay had an agreement where EVERYONE except Pelosi was on board with.
Hey, I get it. Repubs are desperately searching for blame for provide cover for Trump's ongoing idiocy, lies, and incompetence regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.
Trump works to rewrite narrative on coronavirus response

Team Trump is rushing to rewrite the early narrative about the president’s response to coronavirus.

Faced with endless video clips of Donald Trump downplaying the escalating outbreak, Trump aides and allies are working furiously to instead highlight the president’s recent actions and comments.

Their effort comprises three tactics: Blanket supporters with detailed timelines of every action the Trump administration took. Amplify praise of those actions. And forcefully push back against anyone who criticizes those actions.

Just over seven months from the November election, Trump’s aides and allies realize the president’s campaign for a second term has been completely transformed in a matter of weeks. It will now come down to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and his response to a devastated economy, according to seven people familiar with the situation, including four who speak directly with the president.
Face it most dims have no clue as to how jobs are created in the private sector, in this case preserved, yet they do understand pork! Have you seen the list of add on’s to this bill? Looks to me like that their only concern is delivering the bacon not the health and economic well being of the people. Money for every pathetic wish list item they can think of. How about a simple to the point bill that addresses the issue of health, jobs, and security. Is that too much to ask for from these clowns, apparently so, they can’t help themselves.
Face it most dims have no clue as to how jobs are created in the private sector
So.........they should follow the Trump example? Borrow billions to artificially juice the economy (all of this before the virus), relax environmental standards that threaten Earth, relax worker safety standards, basically orient everything towards profit now and the future be damned.
Fact, thay had an agreement where EVERYONE except Pelosi was on board with.
Hey, I get it. Repubs are desperately searching for blame for provide cover for Trump's ongoing idiocy, lies, and incompetence regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.

You are apparently an ignorant Partisan. Nancy killed this with her Pork. Time to put your big girl pants on.
Pelosi is playing games with American lives and economics.

The list of unrelated provisions is truly incredible. Pelosi’s emergency virus bill includes “collective bargaining… for federal workers,” a federal “study on climate mitigation efforts,” tax credits for wind and solar energy, and demands that the airlines involved buy carbon credits “to fully offset [their] annual carbon emissions.” It includes “same day [voter] registration,” national early voting and “grants for conducting” election audits.

Pelosi’s emergency virus bill legislates “funding standards for community newspaper” retirement plans, cancels $10,000 off peoples’ college debts, and forces a $15 minimum wage and permanent paid leave on aid recipients.

Pelosi’s emergency virus bill cancels the Post Office’s considerable debt to taxpayers and grants it “additional borrowing authority.” It gives Washington oversight of the “corporate board diversity” for the companies involved, mandates “a comparison of pay amongst racial and ethnic minorities… as compared to their white counterparts and comparison of pay between men and women,” orders the companies to start “diversity and inclusion offices” and give those offices “officials and budget dedicated to diversity,” and it establishes a program “to expand the use of minority banks and minority credit unions.”

Well Mitch opened with not giving Hospitals enough money and Corporation $500bn who lobbied not to help..

Difference is, Mitch doesn't mind a few dying to get what he wants...

Fact, thay had an agreement where EVERYONE except Pelosi was on board with. She stepped in and is playing games.

Hmmm, you mean like McConnell when he has half a mind to be an obstructionist in the Senate? Pelosi's the Speaker and the leader of the HOUSE! If she wants some "add ons" and saves Planned Parenthood, that's her prerogative! If you don't like it, take back Congress and run the country into the ground faster! Why don't the hypocrites on "the right" acknowledge increasing budget deficits and the Nat'l Debt ballooning when they were in charge of the purse strings? Such $%@!! :sigh2:

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