Congressional Repubs acting like feckless douches, who would have guessed?

This cannot be a repeat of 2008 when the working class got left out in the cold. Big corporations and rich people have enormous borrowing power and should bail themselves out, at least in the short term. Critical health infrastructure, small business and paycheck-to-paycheck families must take precedence. Everything must be done to keep people in their homes, fed and the lights on or there will be no economy to restart when this is over.
We weren't just left out in the cold, we paid for the reckless behavior of the big banks while no corporate officers who put the nation's economy at risk were held accountable.
With this bill it's more a matter of where the priorities lie. It's a classic partisan divide, Repubs leaning towards big business with Dems leaning towards the common man. In this instance that includes the first line of defense, medical facilities.

“Now, let me be clear: the Majority Leader was well aware of how this vote would go before it happened, but he chose to move forward with it anyway—even though negotiations are continuing, so who’s playing games?” Schumer asked, before adding a hopeful note: “Can we overcome the remaining disagreements in the next twenty-four hours? Yes. We can and we should. The nation demands it.”
They weren't guilty of any crimes, asshole. You can't put people in jail because they aren't politically popular at the moment.
He is on tv for an hour or more EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don't watch ANY of it.
So where do you get your misinformation?
I get a lot of it from people like you. Thing is I'm smart enough to be skeptical no matter where it comes from and look for details myself.

As for this virus I have been relying on my local news and the official links they can supply.

I've not been on here much lately because too many of you are playing games with a very serious situation. This thread is an example of that.
Given the documented track record of corruption and incompetence by the admin no one can be blamed for being skeptical about giving the Treasury Dept. so much discretion over where the corporate bailout money goes.
All free of course
Meaning it is your suggestion that we should stand idly by and let hospitals reduce services because they can't afford to treat people? Do I have that right?
You realize that 500 billion of the bill is going to the states and cities, and another 500 billion is going directly to the people...The people who still hope they have jobs as their businesses are loosing money hand over fist still paying for their buildings and equipment that’s no longer producing money. But you’re right. Down with evil businesses.
“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., whose home state is one of the hardest-hit by the disease’s outbreak.

Murray is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. The panel is pushing for a number of additions, including more funding for hospitals and medical equipment. It also wants the Department of Labor to create a regulatory standard protecting frontline workers, like nurses, during crises like the coronavirus.

The Democratic-led House Appropriations Committee previously criticized the Republican draft bill for “lack of supplemental funding for federal, state and local response.”
I've been reading that hospitals in heavily impacted areas are at a point where they will not be able to make payroll soon or afford to buy needed supplies without governmental assistance. I'm not saying certain industries shouldn't get aid, I think they should if all options have been exhausted in the private market. Boeing, for example, (putting aside their culpability for the Max problems) is tremendously important to the overall economy because of all the components that go in to assembling a jetliner. They are so big shutting down production has the potential to hurt GDP by a few tenths of a percent. But we can not short change the medical facilities providing like saving care to thousands of people. Give them what they need for goodness sake.
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., whose home state is one of the hardest-hit by the disease’s outbreak.

Murray is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. The panel is pushing for a number of additions, including more funding for hospitals and medical equipment. It also wants the Department of Labor to create a regulatory standard protecting frontline workers, like nurses, during crises like the coronavirus.

The Democratic-led House Appropriations Committee previously criticized the Republican draft bill for “lack of supplemental funding for federal, state and local response.”
I've been reading that hospitals in heavily impacted areas are at a point where they will not be able to make payroll soon or afford to buy needed supplies without governmental assistance. I'm not saying certain industries shouldn't get aid, I think they should if all options have been exhausted in the private market. Boeing, for example, (putting aside their culpability for the Max problems) is tremendously important to the overall economy because of all the components that go in to assembling a jetliner. They are so big shutting down production has the potential to hurt GDP by a few tenths of a percent. But we can not short change the medical facilities providing like saving care to thousands of people. Give them what they need for goodness sake.
Maybe your side of the isle shoulda been doing something besides dimpeaching the president.
A process they knew from the beginning would fail.
Imagine the lives that would be saved if the dems weren't spending all their time trying to remove the president from office. "oh we've got him now."
“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., whose home state is one of the hardest-hit by the disease’s outbreak.

Don't be such a spoiler. Of course, Republicans were expected not to let that crisis go to waste. So, they shortchanged those in need to squeeze in a little payday for the plutocrats. Tell me you were not in the least surprised, please. Of course, Congress should not be informed where the money is going to go, and neither should the taxpayers. It's pay up and shut up time now - that's what a crisis is for, really.

Get in line already.

Watching Mitch "flabby chin" McConnell whine about politics in Washington - PRICELESS.

People are dying, and Trumpletons can't even feign to care. But lying on the plutocrats' behalf - one could be forgiven to think it's their nature.
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
One of the major sticking points for Dems is the unchecked discretion Mnuchin would have to dole out aid to corporations without having to reveal who the recipient was for 6 months.
First, why would the admin ask for such a provision? Two, why would anyone in their right mind trust this enormously corrupt admin to make decisions without oversight?
“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., whose home state is one of the hardest-hit by the disease’s outbreak.

Murray is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. The panel is pushing for a number of additions, including more funding for hospitals and medical equipment. It also wants the Department of Labor to create a regulatory standard protecting frontline workers, like nurses, during crises like the coronavirus.

The Democratic-led House Appropriations Committee previously criticized the Republican draft bill for “lack of supplemental funding for federal, state and local response.”
I've been reading that hospitals in heavily impacted areas are at a point where they will not be able to make payroll soon or afford to buy needed supplies without governmental assistance. I'm not saying certain industries shouldn't get aid, I think they should if all options have been exhausted in the private market. Boeing, for example, (putting aside their culpability for the Max problems) is tremendously important to the overall economy because of all the components that go in to assembling a jetliner. They are so big shutting down production has the potential to hurt GDP by a few tenths of a percent. But we can not short change the medical facilities providing like saving care to thousands of people. Give them what they need for goodness sake.
/——-/ The bill proposed by Pelosi includes provisions to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of "minority banks." - Tucker.
Yeah just the stuff to stop the Coronavirus
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
One of the major sticking points for Dems is the unchecked discretion Mnuchin would have to dole out aid to corporations without having to reveal who the recipient was for 6 months.
First, why would the admin ask for such a provision? Two, why would anyone in their right mind trust this enormously corrupt admin to make decisions without oversight?
/—-/ "So we are staring down the barrel of the most profound employment crisis of our lifetime -- that’s not an exaggeration -- and what are Democrats doing?" asked Carlson. "Trying to automatically renew visas and work permits for all immigrants because their jobs are very important, way more important than yours. Democrats want to make certain that people who are replacing your job are secure and happy.” - Tucker
“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., whose home state is one of the hardest-hit by the disease’s outbreak.

Murray is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. The panel is pushing for a number of additions, including more funding for hospitals and medical equipment. It also wants the Department of Labor to create a regulatory standard protecting frontline workers, like nurses, during crises like the coronavirus.

The Democratic-led House Appropriations Committee previously criticized the Republican draft bill for “lack of supplemental funding for federal, state and local response.”
I've been reading that hospitals in heavily impacted areas are at a point where they will not be able to make payroll soon or afford to buy needed supplies without governmental assistance. I'm not saying certain industries shouldn't get aid, I think they should if all options have been exhausted in the private market. Boeing, for example, (putting aside their culpability for the Max problems) is tremendously important to the overall economy because of all the components that go in to assembling a jetliner. They are so big shutting down production has the potential to hurt GDP by a few tenths of a percent. But we can not short change the medical facilities providing like saving care to thousands of people. Give them what they need for goodness sake.

You have to wonder how far back the democrats started working with Soros and the ChiComs to destroy the US economy to try to hurt Trumps chances at reelection.

Trump needs to have the USA monitor and review all communication between the Peoples Liberation Army, Soros and the DNC. If there was coordination they should all be brought to justice
Imagine the lives that would be saved if the dems weren't spending all their time trying to remove the president from office.
Imagine the lives that could have been saved if Capt. Chaos had listened to the warnings about the virus and taken steps to prepare the country instead of spending time in FL playing golf.

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