Congressional Repubs acting like feckless douches, who would have guessed?

Pelosi is playing games with American lives and economics.

The list of unrelated provisions is truly incredible. Pelosi’s emergency virus bill includes “collective bargaining… for federal workers,” a federal “study on climate mitigation efforts,” tax credits for wind and solar energy, and demands that the airlines involved buy carbon credits “to fully offset [their] annual carbon emissions.” It includes “same day [voter] registration,” national early voting and “grants for conducting” election audits.

Pelosi’s emergency virus bill legislates “funding standards for community newspaper” retirement plans, cancels $10,000 off peoples’ college debts, and forces a $15 minimum wage and permanent paid leave on aid recipients.

Pelosi’s emergency virus bill cancels the Post Office’s considerable debt to taxpayers and grants it “additional borrowing authority.” It gives Washington oversight of the “corporate board diversity” for the companies involved, mandates “a comparison of pay amongst racial and ethnic minorities… as compared to their white counterparts and comparison of pay between men and women,” orders the companies to start “diversity and inclusion offices” and give those offices “officials and budget dedicated to diversity,” and it establishes a program “to expand the use of minority banks and minority credit unions.”

Well Mitch opened with not giving Hospitals enough money and Corporation $500bn who lobbied not to help..

Difference is, Mitch doesn't mind a few dying to get what he wants...

Fact, thay had an agreement where EVERYONE except Pelosi was on board with. She stepped in and is playing games.

Hmmm, you mean like McConnell when he has half a mind to be an obstructionist in the Senate? Pelosi's the Speaker and the leader of the HOUSE! If she wants some "add ons" and saves Planned Parenthood, that's her prerogative! If you don't like it, take back Congress and run the country into the ground faster! Why don't the hypocrites on "the right" acknowledge increasing budget deficits and the Nat'l Debt ballooning when they were in charge of the purse strings? Such $%@!! :sigh2:

LOL, son I'm not locked into the binary political paradigm like you are. She won't get shit.
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

View attachment 314688
Being out of work is a damned sight better than being dead.

So, your plan is to support them, cradle to grave?

Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you (and yours) will not believe it, so we'll be freed from the Corporate Whores for a while.
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

View attachment 314688
Being out of work is a damned sight better than being dead.

So, your plan is to support them, cradle to grave?

Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you (and yours) will not believe it, so we'll be freed from the Corporate Whores for a while.
Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

Keep believing those businesses will still be around after the pandemic ends.
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

View attachment 314688
Being out of work is a damned sight better than being dead.

So, your plan is to support them, cradle to grave?

Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you (and yours) will not believe it, so we'll be freed from the Corporate Whores for a while.

Well some aren't seeing it that way! It's been inferred that people over 70 should make the ultimate sacrifice to save our economy! Obviously it's coming from the party that tried to defame the ACA/Obamacare talking about "death panels," now they're suggesting them! Total A-#$@! :rolleyes:
While the current bill would limit executive compensation and stock buybacks as a condition for new loans, Democrats said those conditions come with too many loopholes. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., said Monday he would be willing to accept more restrictions on corporations, and that he wasn't alone among Republicans.

“Whatever you want to do to hold the big companies accountable, with transparency, I’m a Main Street guy and I’m OK with that,” Braun said. He said he would support stronger protections against stock buybacks, more immediate disclosure of loan recipients, restrictions on employers’ ability to fire workers at a later time, and lengthier restrictions on executive compensation.

So, yeah.......
IOW, Dems are demanding more transparency, not repeating the mistakes of the 2009 bank bailouts, and making the aid directed at a bottom up approach that helps workers first. No wonder the Repubs hate it.

Except they don't. That's the problem.
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

View attachment 314688
Being out of work is a damned sight better than being dead.

So, your plan is to support them, cradle to grave?

Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you (and yours) will not believe it, so we'll be freed from the Corporate Whores for a while.

Well some aren't seeing it that way! It's been inferred that people over 70 should make the ultimate sacrifice to save our economy! Obviously it's coming from the party that tried to defame the ACA/Obamacare talking about "death panels," now they're suggesting them! Total A-#$@! :rolleyes:

Put down the talking points and step away from the computer.

Your simple repeating of this bullshit isn't helping anything.
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

View attachment 314688
Being out of work is a damned sight better than being dead.

So, your plan is to support them, cradle to grave?

Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you (and yours) will not believe it, so we'll be freed from the Corporate Whores for a while.

Well some aren't seeing it that way! It's been inferred that people over 70 should make the ultimate sacrifice to save our economy! Obviously it's coming from the party that tried to defame the ACA/Obamacare talking about "death panels," now they're suggesting them! Total A-#$@! :rolleyes:

Put down the talking points and step away from the computer.

Your simple repeating of this bullshit isn't helping anything.

The a-holes "on the right" have to be corrected again and again! That's why it seems like I'm repeating myself because you guys make it necessary! Retarded right-wingers need the extra enunciation of facts to educate themselves; they're a little slow! :rolleyes: :eusa_shhh: :102:
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

View attachment 314688
Being out of work is a damned sight better than being dead.

So, your plan is to support them, cradle to grave?

Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you (and yours) will not believe it, so we'll be freed from the Corporate Whores for a while.
Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

Keep believing those businesses will still be around after the pandemic ends.
Don't give a crap about the companies.

I care about the people.

Unless the Feds plan on bailing-out individuals to the same extent as corporations...

People first... corporations a very, very distant second...

If there are jobs to be had on the other side of this pandemic, that's great...

If not, at least the People are still alive, and can deal with the secondary jobs issues later.
I care about the people.
IF you cared about the people, you'd want to make sure they had jobs to go back to, instead of an empty building.

You don't, you want The People to be dependent on gubmint the reason of their lives.

your comments prove it.
“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., whose home state is one of the hardest-hit by the disease’s outbreak.

Murray is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. The panel is pushing for a number of additions, including more funding for hospitals and medical equipment. It also wants the Department of Labor to create a regulatory standard protecting frontline workers, like nurses, during crises like the coronavirus.

The Democratic-led House Appropriations Committee previously criticized the Republican draft bill for “lack of supplemental funding for federal, state and local response.”
I've been reading that hospitals in heavily impacted areas are at a point where they will not be able to make payroll soon or afford to buy needed supplies without governmental assistance. I'm not saying certain industries shouldn't get aid, I think they should if all options have been exhausted in the private market. Boeing, for example, (putting aside their culpability for the Max problems) is tremendously important to the overall economy because of all the components that go in to assembling a jetliner. They are so big shutting down production has the potential to hurt GDP by a few tenths of a percent. But we can not short change the medical facilities providing like saving care to thousands of people. Give them what they need for goodness sake.
Nancy wants millions of dollars from the bill to go to the Kennedy Center. How the fuck is that going to help people getting laid off?
The old bitch has dozens of sneaky pork barrel demands in the bill.
Their biggest sticking point from the interviews I've seen is oversight on the corporate money. Not the money itself but the management of it.
So you're good with handing over 500 BILLION to corporations with no oversight?

Short changing medical care?

Are you serious
The money to the corporations is a fucking LOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
The LOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has to be paid back to the taxpayers. Just like what happened with the auto industry.
Get you head out of your fat ass!
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
One of the major sticking points for Dems is the unchecked discretion Mnuchin would have to dole out aid to corporations without having to reveal who the recipient was for 6 months.
First, why would the admin ask for such a provision? Two, why would anyone in their right mind trust this enormously corrupt admin to make decisions without oversight?
CNN/MSNBC/WP/NYT are all reporting that "people close to the President" are saying the a large part of the 500B is going to go to the Trump properties.
Rachel Maddow is going to have one of these 'sources' on her show. The 'source' will have to be behind a curtain of course.
That's why Steve doesn't want to disclose where the money will go. I KNEW all along that Trump had created the phony virus scare just to put more money in his pocket!
I'm definitely now going to vote for a 'real' President Joe Biden in Nov.!
He would never allow anyone close to him to enrich themselves just b/c he was a powerful politician!
Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.
Ordinarily I'd agree. But these are cultists and for cultists Dear Leader can do no wrong. Even if he gets grandpa killed.
CNN/MSNBC/WP/NYT are all reporting that "people close to the President" are saying the a large part of the 500B is going to go to the Trump properties.
This highlights why the Orange Fraud should have removed any possibility of a conflict of interest by divesting himself from his businesses before the election as called for by the Emoluments Clause.
Bailouts for Big Business a very, very distant third - if ever.

and when all those people that have been sheltering place try to go back to work, how many will see signs like this one?

View attachment 314688
Being out of work is a damned sight better than being dead.

So, your plan is to support them, cradle to grave?

Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

People's lives first.

Fail to understand that - and act on that - right now - and you risk a terrible political defeat in the November general election.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you (and yours) will not believe it, so we'll be freed from the Corporate Whores for a while.
Just until the global pandemic is over, at which point we can begin to worry about the economy again.

Keep believing those businesses will still be around after the pandemic ends.
Don't give a crap about the companies.

I care about the people.

Unless the Feds plan on bailing-out individuals to the same extent as corporations...

People first... corporations a very, very distant second...

If there are jobs to be had on the other side of this pandemic, that's great...

If not, at least the People are still alive, and can deal with the secondary jobs issues later.
Corporations employee millions of middle class workers.
Ask the tens of thousands of Boeing employees and the tens of thousands of people who work for companies which supply Boeing if they care what happens to the big bad Boeing corporation. Wish up pal.
CNN/MSNBC/WP/NYT are all reporting that "people close to the President" are saying the a large part of the 500B is going to go to the Trump properties.
This highlights why the Orange Fraud should have removed any possibility of a conflict of interest by divesting himself from his businesses before the election as called for by the Emoluments Clause.
You ignorant asshole! I was making fun of your stupidity.
This my friends is a poster boy for the stupid rabid Trump haters. LOL LOL!
What Trumpleton would like to make a bet about whether Repubs use the massive amount of debt taken on by the cost of stimulating the economy to begin the drumbeat on cutting back on Social Security and Medicare/caid? Their wet dream for years. The goal..........keep lowered tax rates for corporations in place, continue wasting billions on military spending, while squeezing the sick and the elderly.
Corporations employee millions of middle class workers.
Ask the tens of thousands of Boeing employees and the tens of thousands of people who work for companies which supply Boeing if they care what happens to the big bad Boeing corporation. Wish up pal.
And small business employs about double the number of people...and yet corps are getting 500 B and small business 350B

Guess who insisted on that? Yea..Republicans
The dems would be masturbating to this bill, only problem is the headline would’ve read “Bipartisan relief bill passed in the senate” instead of “Pelosi and House pass relief bill”. And they just can’t allow that, now can they.
One of the major sticking points for Dems is the unchecked discretion Mnuchin would have to dole out aid to corporations without having to reveal who the recipient was for 6 months.
First, why would the admin ask for such a provision? Two, why would anyone in their right mind trust this enormously corrupt admin to make decisions without oversight?
CNN/MSNBC/WP/NYT are all reporting that "people close to the President" are saying the a large part of the 500B is going to go to the Trump properties.
Rachel Maddow is going to have one of these 'sources' on her show. The 'source' will have to be behind a curtain of course.
That's why Steve doesn't want to disclose where the money will go. I KNEW all along that Trump had created the phony virus scare just to put more money in his pocket!
I'm definitely now going to vote for a 'real' President Joe Biden in Nov.!
He would never allow anyone close to him to enrich themselves just b/c he was a powerful politician!
There has never been so many “anonymous sources” before until trump...and then the number of anonymous sources the media reports with jumped at least 1000%. And that’s not hyperbole, since they rarely ever used anonymous sources. Kind of seems like they don’t want to reveal their sources because they’d be discredited, and it’s easier to push an agenda if you can just use vagaries like “someone close to the president”.

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