Congressman gives warning on house floor

If corporations owe taxes and then they get excused from paying those owed taxes, that is a direct deposit into their coffers. Here is the definition:

corporate welfare, noun,
"Financial aid, such as a subsidy or tax break, provided by a government to corporations or other businesses, especially when viewed as wasteful or unjust."
You cannot owe taxes that are only due when the law changes AFTER the fact.

If they are excused from paying those taxes, then there is a reason and it isn't welfare.

Do you want to see direct payments (subsidies) for corporations? Look at the green energy sector. They are not only getting direct payments but are being excluded from the tax roles.

Let's not even get into the discussion of governments' need to reduce spending thereby reducing the need for excessive taxation.
He's bitching that congress just wants to give out "free stuff".
Free stuff + printing money = ruining the US economy

He lists a lot (47 minutes) of free stuff. He left out "subsidies" to big corporations. Typical.

How would you know, you didn't watch it all.


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