Congressman Goldman Flat-out Lied. I have to admit that I fell for it.

The sad thing with all of the cable channels and social media and everything else we have regressed. Many of the politicians are now weaned on this and most do not even sweat. It is clear if a journalist does not do their work and pines for one party and their agendas over that, then the nation they are in is finished. A high percentage of journalists are party shills. And most are on the Progressive Socialist bandwagon. Heaven is just a few steps away. Year after year after year after year while promoting agendas that cause more misery than it solves.

Basically you think everyone is a crook. Most people avoid breaking the law. They don't plot and scheme. They take testifying under oath seriously and they take jury duty seriously regardless of their political party. Ardent Trumpies are a Roger Stone and Rudy Giuliani. Most staffers are not crooks and they won't go to jail for Trump.
I'll shut my mouth on this subject if you can produce a document showing it was US policy to have Shokin fired prior to Joe flying to Ukraine in December 2015
surada another example of deafening crickets.
A probable Hunter meeting, foreigners around the table, one says, "We need to get Boris a passport so he can go to the Ukraine and move some money." Hunter: "No problem, the 'big guy' says he can do it.' Phone rings: "Hunter "Hi Dad, how's that 'thing' I talked to you about." Biden: "It's a go, say hi to you friends there. "
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Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Your post is a lie. Devon Archer testified. New facts. You're an idiot.
Uh, that's what I said happened. You just left out the part where they were in a business meeting, talking business, when Hunter would call his dad and put him on speakerphone.

I'll ask you again, did you ever do that? Thirty years and thousands of business meetings, and I never put my dad on speakerphone. Nor did anyone else in these thousands of meeting either.

I never made that claim. He took actions as VP that benefited Hunter's "clients" including Burisma.
Exactly. Why call your dad in the middle of a business meeting if he has nothing to do with the business? If I'm in a business meeting and a family member, even my wife, calls I'm going to get them off the phone as soon as possible, unless it is an emergency such that I have to cancel the meeting. I'm not putting dad or anyone else on speaker to say "hi" to the other business folk. They don't need their time wasted.

Hunter gets up in the middle of a meeting to call pop it's for a reason. It's to let those he's doing business with know that he's not just any old whore mongering crackhead, he's representing the VPOTUS. Joe doesn't have to say anything about business. The call and introduction shows that he knows what is going on.

The fact that Joe did not talk the actual business at hand shows that he knew it was shady and didn't want to be on tape talking about it. That cleverness will prevent him from being prosecuted, but it doesn't keep normal people from knowing what was going on.
Exactly. Why call your dad in the middle of a business meeting if he has nothing to do with the business? If I'm in a business meeting and a family member, even my wife, calls I'm going to get them off the phone as soon as possible, unless it is an emergency such that I have to cancel the meeting. I'm not putting dad or anyone else on speaker to say "hi" to the other business folk. They don't need their time wasted.

Hunter gets up in the middle of a meeting to call pop it's for a reason. It's to let those he's doing business with know that he's not just any old whore mongering crackhead, he's representing the VPOTUS. Joe doesn't have to say anything about business. The call and introduction shows that he knows what is going on.

The fact that Joe did not talk the actual business at hand shows that he knew it was shady and didn't want to be on tape talking about it. That cleverness will prevent him from being prosecuted, but it doesn't keep normal people from knowing what was going on.
He will be prosecuted.

"You will recall that Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman said that Archer testified that it was the illusion of access to Joe Biden that Hunter Biden was offering to these clients. But in fact, when you look at the transcript what you see is that phrase, illusion of access, is in Dan Goldman's question. It’s actually not what Devon Archer testified to," she explained.

According to the transcripts, Herridge noted, Archer said "This was about showing that there was the signal that there’s influence and access here. And Archer goes on to say that there were business meetings that Joe Biden attended, or business meetings, rather meals with business associates."

"What he also said is that after at least one of those meals money was wired to Hunter Biden that he believed had paid for one of his sports cars. So there’s a lot here in addition to these emails as well," Herridge noted.

Those of you who follow my posts closely (some a little too closely) know that in the last several days, I've mentioned that even though it is pretty obvious what the Bidens have been doing, proving that Joe committed a crime, based on proving that Hunter did something. In part that was based on that idea that Hunter's business associate had said that he was only selling the "illusion of access," not actual access. That (so we were told) was from the GOP's star witness against Hunter.

I took Goldman at his word, because the Republicans were there to correct anything the Dems lied about. I'm glad that they released the transcript. It's clear that Goldman had rehearsed that "illusion of access" line, hoping to slip it in during the closed door interview, and then bring it up later. It would have worked, if not for the public getting the information to analyze for themselves.

This reminds me of when the Democrats were in a tizzy that Trump had supposedly threatened to withhold funds from Ukraine unless they investigated Biden corruption. Trump surprised them by releasing the transcript which showed no such thing. Sad part for our democracy is that the Democrats didn't slow down a bit when the truth came out. They proceeded as if their lies were true, and the transcript - verified by their own witnesses as accurate - was false.

They will now to the same with this transcript. Gleefully aided by the media, of course.

Democrats have no problem with the crackhead son of a Dem VP using bribe money to buy a sports car, when he is so addled that he got lost and almost shot in a homeless encampment looking for a crack dealer. Nothing matters but "Get Trump" and that they person have that (D) after their name.
If you've ever listened to the guy for more than a minute you'll come to realize that that is pretty much all he does is lie.
Adam Schiff Jr.
If you've ever listened to the guy for more than a minute you'll come to realize that that is pretty much all he does is lie.
Adam Schiff Jr.
I foolishly allowed myself once again to think, 'come on, Man! Even a Democrat wouldn't do something that obviously dishonest, knowing it is sure to be found out.'

It was indeed sure to be found out, but by who? Sad to say, but the liberal Democrats on this forum are way more informed than the typical liberal Democrat who only consumes approved information fed to them by the Demedia. No Democrat who just watches the legacy news prattle one about how "this time they've finally got him," is ever going to know about Goldman's lies. So why should Goldman care?

In the incredibly likely event that a Democratic politician lost his office due to dishonesty, Goldman does what? Goes back to living off of the genius of his ancestor, Levi Strauss? Little turd probably ordered French Star Jeans from television as a kid, just be be "a rebel."

Note to self: Yes . . . they really are that blatantly dishonest.
I foolishly allowed myself once again to think, 'come on, Man! Even a Democrat wouldn't do something that obviously dishonest, knowing it is sure to be found out.'

It was indeed sure to be found out, but by who? Sad to say, but the liberal Democrats on this forum are way more informed than the typical liberal Democrat who only consumes approved information fed to them by the Demedia. No Democrat who just watches the legacy news prattle one about how "this time they've finally got him," is ever going to know about Goldman's lies. So why should Goldman care?

In the incredibly likely event that a Democratic politician lost his office due to dishonesty, Goldman does what? Goes back to living off of the genius of his ancestor, Levi Strauss? Little turd probably ordered French Star Jeans from television as a kid, just be be "a rebel."

Note to self: Yes . . . they really are that blatantly dishonest.
The Republican party has a very good chance to redeem itself from past mistakes right now in the wake of this crew..
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Where is the testimony that VP Biden talked business?
Where is the testimony that VP Biden took any action on their behalf. ?
Archer said Biden attended business meetings with Hunter and his associates.

And the proof of Biden’s wrongdoing is the $20 million the Biden’s collected via the shell companies they set up.
Archer said Biden attended business meetings with Hunter and his associates.

And the proof of Biden’s wrongdoing is the $20 million the Biden’s collected via the shell companies they set up.

Actually, Archer said VP Biden did not participate
You can’t show a single dollar that Biden can’t account for
Actually, Archer said VP Biden did not participate
You can’t show a single dollar that Biden can’t account for
No, Archer said he did.

And the $20 million in foreign payoffs laundered though the shell companies cannot be accounted for. What did the Bidens do to earn all that money? They could put all this corruption investigation to rest of they would just tell us what legitimate businesses they were running. But they can’t.
No, Archer said he did.

And the $20 million in foreign payoffs laundered though the shell companies cannot be accounted for. What did the Bidens do to earn all that money? They could put all this corruption investigation to rest of they would just tell us what legitimate businesses they were running. But they can’t.

Sooner or later you have to back up your accusations with actual evidence.
You are welcome to provide some
Why did Traitor Joe repeatedly LIE and claim he was never there?

Why did Hunter Biden tell the Chinese that Traitor Joe was there before receiving $10 million in "consulting fees" your side still cannot explain?

Why did every Zionist Fascist at CIA lie and tell the American people that the laptop was "russian disinfo" when they knew it was true?

Why are all the left wing Zionist Fascists from the W Administration for Traitor Joe and against Trump?
Traitor Joe? "Plus he repeatedly LIE". Seems Traitor Trump has lied for all four years in office, along with those years before and after his failure in office.

What is a "Zionist Fascist"?

What grammar and syntax do you use? It's not English and not making any sense at all. Go back to elementarily school for some education.
Traitor Joe? "Plus he repeatedly LIE". Seems Traitor Trump has lied for all four years in office, along with those years before and after his failure in office.

What is a "Zionist Fascist"?

What grammar and syntax do you use? It's not English and not making any sense at all. Go back to elementarily school for some education.

You are Zionist Fascist

I figured that would be your response. You have no idea how golf works. Do Ya?
Anyway, golf was great today.

You still here typing away????......LOLLOLLLOLL

3 great friends playing golf.

Yup, a few posts each day.
Not 100's.
Hitting a little ball just lying there. Let me know when you hit a baseball coming at you over 90 miles an hour and dipping up and down with a stick.
Hitting a little ball just lying there. Let me know when you hit a baseball coming at you over 90 miles an hour and dipping up and down with a stick.
Yeah, I played College Baseball, ya Loser.

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