Congressman LaMalfa stumps entire panel with climate questions

Why do you think CO2 is the only thing affecting climate?

Co2 does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, the truth of the data.

What does cause Earth climate change is the position of land near the poles, and the movement of land tectonically...
Nice try.

Top of Greenland totally green 2 million years ago.

Middle of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago.

Vikings found Greenland, the southern tip, GREEN, which is why they called in GREENland... DUH...

Then the continent specific ice age smashed through the mountain range at the top of the Southern Tip, and the Vikings were frozen off...

And that is a good reference for the "speed" of an ice age. It takes under 2 million years for the ice age, once started 600 miles from the Pole, get significantly outside the polar circle.... a glacial pace....

Top of Greenland totally green 2 million years ago.

But Chicago under ice for the last 30 million years....until 20,000 years ago?

Any evidence, or was it all erased?
Top of Greenland totally green 2 million years ago.

But Chicago under ice for the last 30 million years....until 20,000 years ago?

Any evidence, or was it all erased?

When Greenland first started its continent specific ice age less than 2 million years ago, Chicago had been under ice for 28+ million years....

And that is why the question that the Warmers cannot answer is correctly phrased

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME???
When Greenland first started its continent specific ice age less than 2 million years ago, Chicago had been under ice for 28+ million years....

And that is why the question that the Warmers cannot answer is correctly phrased

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME???

When Greenland first started its continent specific ice age less than 2 million years ago, Chicago had been under ice for 28+ million years....

Cool story. And why are you the only one who knows that?
When Greenland first started its continent specific ice age less than 2 million years ago, Chicago had been under ice for 28+ million years....

Cool story. And why are you the only one who knows that?

That map was supposed to be erased after the continent specific ice age theory surfaced. The Warmers do not like it at all, for obvious reasons...

So they erased all online references to NORTH AMERICAN ICE AGE

except the MAPS and that MAP says the ice way south of Chicago dates back to 50 million years, which is likely correct... putting Chicago under ice for 50, not 30, million years


and that line ended in Chicago.

What ended the NA ICE AGE?

When the "water" between Ellesmere Island and the rest of Canada changed from glacier to water. When did that happen? In the past 5 million years for sure, perhaps sooner. But that event TURNED OFF THE EARTH GLACIER MANUFACTURING SYSTEM except on the new Ellesmere "Island," which was not an island 50 million years ago.
That map was supposed to be erased after the continent specific ice age theory surfaced. The Warmers do not like it at all, for obvious reasons...

So they erased all online references to NORTH AMERICAN ICE AGE

except the MAPS and that MAP says the ice way south of Chicago dates back to 50 million years, which is likely correct... putting Chicago under ice for 50, not 30, million years


and that line ended in Chicago.

What ended the NA ICE AGE?

When the "water" between Ellesmere Island and the rest of Canada changed from glacier to water. When did that happen? In the past 5 million years for sure, perhaps sooner. But that event TURNED OFF THE EARTH GLACIER MANUFACTURING SYSTEM except on the new Ellesmere "Island," which was not an island 50 million years ago.

So, no evidence, besides your claim?
What is the cost of continuing to use fossil fuels for the next century?
same costs as today. Again, it seems you have information governments don't have. So what is the cost of continuing to use fossil fuels for the next century in your eyes? Funny, you won't answer but continue to freak out with catastrophic consequences of shit you can't identify.
Acid rain was quite real and was successfully dealt with by government action
no it wasn't real. Just more government bibble babble about shit they could never factually observe.
That should not relieve you, it should worry you,
The Ozone Hole was quite real and is still present to a reduced extent. The response was the Montreal Protocol that caused us all to replace our air conditioners and refrigerators to units that used a different polyfluorchlorocarbon.
No such situation is there. It is a natural process above Antarctica and Arctic. Why don't you ever just admit the truth. The ozone layer is built off of the UV rays of the sun. The holes are only ever present over the two poles, more apparent in the southern Pole. When the sun doesn't shine over either pole there is a depletion of the ozone layer and it is due to lack of UV rays and nothing more. That sir is basic physics. Has nothing to do with air conditioners, fk dude, there are no air conditioners around either pole. It's really how stupid the government thinks americans are. Me too, cause you believe them. Hilarious.
My Dr. thinks my heart would benefit from a vegetarian diet but our alarmist climate scientists say that the additional CO2 I would produce could destroy our planet. So what the fuck should I do? Die? My suggestion to you is to worry about yourselves. Maybe you could gather a bunch of like-minded alarmists, pool your resources and build massive survival orbs where you can go when the world becomes uninhabitable. And don't worry about us. We'll be fine.
Why do you think a vegetarian diet would add CO2?

That's my congressman. Not bad for a farmer with some common sense. All this talk of CO2 in the atmosphere is just another boogeyman that the government will tax us all to death over.

Mine too , voted for him since his first State Assembly Run in CA. ( Met him many times , he even told me about his SKS collection
You seem to have failed to note that I have consistently stated that NO SCIENTIST has made such predictions.

Yes, it is one answer, you ignorant bigot.
You said NO ONE made such claims EVER now you're moving goal post and crying about bigotry cause you're a fucking retard
AGW theory doesn't predict more hurricanes. It predicts stronger hurricanes, and that's been observed.
they have? So you have seen every hurricane that ever occurred to make such a stupid statement?

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