Congressman LaMalfa stumps entire panel with climate questions


for being an alarmist idiot
We're not all going to die. But some will. And many more will suffer. And the cost of dealing with it will beggar the wealthy. But, we have a democracy. You're entitled to your own opinion. Not your facts, but your opinion can be whatever you want. Just consider, though, what your grandchildren will think of your forward-looking, open mindedness. ; - )
We're not all going to die. But some will. And many more will suffer. And the cost of dealing with it will beggar the wealthy. But, we have a democracy. You're entitled to your own opinion. Not your facts, but your opinion can be whatever you want. Just consider, though, what your grandchildren will think of your forward-looking, open mindedness. ; - )
In the 80s you nuts were claiming Acid Rain would wipe out cities
In the 90s it was global warming and the Ozone would be destroyed
In the 00s whole cities would be under water and states like Florida would be gone
In the 2010s more of the same
Today it's give up your Gas Stoves, Gas cars and use EVs that you can't charge or the grid will overload

Meanwhile go look at where lithium is mined and think about the true human cost for you to virtue signal like a faggot


In the 80s you nuts were claiming Acid Rain would wipe out cities
Acid rain was quite real and was successfully dealt with by government action
In the 90s it was global warming and the Ozone would be destroyed
The Ozone Hole was quite real and is still present to a reduced extent. The response was the Montreal Protocol that caused us all to replace our air conditioners and refrigerators to units that used a different polyfluorchlorocarbon.
In the 00s whole cities would be under water and states like Florida would be gone
No scientist ever made such a prediction.
In the 2010s more of the same
Not from scientists.
Today it's give up your Gas Stoves, Gas cars and use EVs that you can't charge or the grid will overload
As your very own link showed, the concern about gas stoves deals with childhood asthma, not global warming. And, so far, the grid has not "overloaded" anywhere from the charging of EVs.
Meanwhile go look at where lithium is mined and think about the true human cost for you to virtue signal like a faggot
Like a faggot? I guess I should expect no less from an ignorant bigot. Bigot signaling.
Yes, me.
Acid rain was quite real and was successfully dealt with by government action

The Ozone Hole was quite real and is still present to a reduced extent. The response was the Montreal Protocol that caused us all to replace our air conditioners and refrigerators to units that used a different polyfluorchlorocarbon.

No scientist ever made such a prediction.

Not from scientists.

As your very own link showed, the concern about gas stoves deals with childhood asthma, not global warming. And, so far, the grid has not "overloaded" anywhere from the charging of EVs.

Like a faggot? I guess I should expect no less from an ignorant bigot. Bigot signaling.

Yes, me.
Florida Underwater (no such prediction eh)

You don't live in CA then do you dumbass

Like a faggot, yes you LOL
Florida Underwater (no such prediction eh)

I have posted several times about the tidal flooding in Dade County. That is not quite the same thing as your claim that someone had predicted the entire state being underwater. And this article is hardly the work of a scientist.
You don't live in CA then do you dumbass
I have in the past but not for about forty years you ignorant bigot.

Like a faggot, yes you LOL
That is such a shame. Well, they'll just have to install more wind turbines and solar panels.
I never suggested any of those things. But you might consider how you could reduce your CO2 emissions
My Dr. thinks my heart would benefit from a vegetarian diet but our alarmist climate scientists say that the additional CO2 I would produce could destroy our planet. So what the fuck should I do? Die? My suggestion to you is to worry about yourselves. Maybe you could gather a bunch of like-minded alarmists, pool your resources and build massive survival orbs where you can go when the world becomes uninhabitable. And don't worry about us. We'll be fine.
During the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze. How did Co2 do both at the same time?

Why do you think CO2 is the only thing affecting climate? Rest assured that no one else thinks like you. Your faceplant there is unique to you.

Oh, "ice albedo feedback" would have been the answer, had you phrased the question in an honest way.

Slightly lower CO2 levels kicked off more snow in a greener Greenland. More ice formed, that reflected sunlight, so it got even colder. That's ice-albedo feedback. By the time CO2 increased again, the ice-albedo feedback was already stronger than the positive effect on temperature from CO2, so it kept freezing.

As you've been given the answer, I hope you never ask the question again, because that would demonstrate deliberate dishonesty on your part.
How can any sane person believe the oceans are warming if there is

AGW theory doesn't predict more hurricanes. It predicts stronger hurricanes, and that's been observed.
I have posted several times about the tidal flooding in Dade County. That is not quite the same thing as your claim that someone had predicted the entire state being underwater. And this article is hardly the work of a scientist.

I have in the past but not for about forty years you ignorant bigot.

That is such a shame. Well, they'll just have to install more wind turbines and solar panels.
The article literally says FLORIDA UNDER WATER you illiterate fuckstick

Yeah more green energy is surely the answer. MORON
The southern tip thawed while the rest of Greenland froze?

Nice try.

Top of Greenland totally green 2 million years ago.

Middle of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago.

Vikings found Greenland, the southern tip, GREEN, which is why they called in GREENland... DUH...

Then the continent specific ice age smashed through the mountain range at the top of the Southern Tip, and the Vikings were frozen off...

And that is a good reference for the "speed" of an ice age. It takes under 2 million years for the ice age, once started 600 miles from the Pole, get significantly outside the polar circle.... a glacial pace....

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