Congressmen Confirm That Boehner Will Either Resign Speakership Or Be Forced Out

Because new leadership is always cripples groups rather than reinvigorates them.

Voting against Boehner for Speaker isn't a vote for "new leadership", it's a vote for "no leadership".

There is no need to vote for "no leadership", the GOP already has that in John "The White Flag" Boehner. What has John "The White Flag" Boehner done for the GOP? Let's see, he clearly has turned the GOP into the party of no.....the party of no fight that is. Boehner is a coward, he is not a real man, under John "The White Flag" Boehner, the GOP is now the Party of Surrender.

So...with that in mind, let's hope Boehner is forced out or resigns, it will save the GOP....Here is to you John Boehner on your way should be quite used to getting kicked in the butt...since Democrats repeatedly did it to you on every issue......


The man is a pantywaist.

I like how it is only the left that is claiming the tea party is 'destroying' the right.

Truth is, they are helping to solidify what the right actually believes in. Those on the left don't like it because they have been happy with a right that believes in exactly the same shit and spending policy of the left. The differences in the Bush administration and the Obama administration (read damn near none) should highlight exactly how lost the political parties have become. Seriously, does it not strike people as insane that tax policy the ONLY thing that delineates the two parties anymore? A tax policy that is utterly meaningless.

For those of you that actually think that rich people are going to pay more in taxes, I feel sorry for you. The truth is going to hurt.
Just what the country needs, widen the gap between the Right and Left to insure destruction of the economy. The Right and the country would have been better off if they had accepted Obama's proposal. They would have at least had some real spending cuts but they continued to say no until they got nothing.

Obama has never offered any real spending cuts, and never will unless he is forced to by a determined congress.

It is easy to offer spending cuts that take place in the future, because they will never happen. No future congress is going to take the hit for cuts that this congress is afraid to make.

We need to alter the spending curves on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, or we will, in a few short years, go over the real fiscal cliff. That one will hurt everyone, and the poorest will get hit the hardest.

He has already offered $400 billion in unspecified reductions in Medicare. He agreed to cut discretionary spending by $1.5 trillion over the next ten years. He also wants to cut military spending hundreds of billions.

Whatever is offered in spending cuts, the Right says it's not enough. This time they said it too many times and they got nothing.

What the Tea Party folks don't seem to understand is you are not going to win this war in a single battle. Neither the President, the Senate, or the public are going to accept massive spending cuts. Changing the tax structure so revenue is increased along with spending cuts phased in over time is the only way we're going to get a partiality solution. I say partial, because that is all that's possible.

This is the problem between ideological idiocy and reality.
And he's a liar...If he was serious about the budget cuts, he wouldn't have caved and pushed back the sequester.

To hell with that gutless wanker.
I think what you fail to realize, is it's the Congress that must make the decision. The president can only propose which he has done. Congress must make the decisions.
Congress made the decision to make the fecal cliff part of the last deal to raise the debt ceiling....Now they caved in to save their own favored spending priorities, which I predicted on day one of the whole fiasco.

And Boner and his neocon ruling class glee club are still a bunch of gutless wankers.
They caved in to save their political ass. If the House had rejected the Senate deal, the market would have started the year with a big sell off, everyone would be looking at big tax increases, economists would be debating how bad the 2013 recession would be and the Tea Party would be about as popular as a bloody case of hemorrhoids.
It's not going to happen.

And if it did, it would cripple the Republican Party for years.

Well, you're right about one thing. It would cripple the GOP for years. But the GOP has been so self destructive in recent times I'd almost be surprised if it didn't happen.
Put a tea partier in as speaker.

The teepotters are taking the GObP down. If they were to put a teepotter in as speaker, it would be the beginning of the end for the GObP because they are a minority. They are freaks and most Americans see they are anti-American.

Yes, put a potter in the job.

Armey was just fired and got paid $8MILLION DOLLARS to leave.

What does that tell you?

Actually, I think having a Tea Party Speaker might be the best thing for the GOP and the country, and could be the best way for the GOP to get the Tea Party monkey off their backs. Tea Partier takes the Spearkership, spouts ridiculously radical, partisan, and zealous agenda, completely refuses to waiver from an all-or-nothing point of view, demonstrates willingness to engage in endless deadlock like pentulant child in a candy store whose mommy tells him "no" ......

And suddenly it dawns on everyone that nobody needs to bother listening to these idiots who are in fact the most insignificant of factions. The Democrats form a loose working coalition with enough moderate Republicans to be able push through any bill the coalition so wishes. Both sides of the coalition manage to come up with reasonable middle ground compromises to address real issues, both sides benefit from the appearance of dignified compromise and earn the favor of the American people. The Tea Party micro-minority faction impotently tries to resist the bills coming through but becomes unable to do so, and a formalized distinctive Tea party arises by 2014, taking with it the majority of the more extreme branches of GOP.

The resulting GOP is lighter, more moderate, more reasonable and compromising, short, they're everything the American people want in their leaders. They will have created for themselves an appearance before the American people of being a truly revolutionary force in American politics, offering a very similar appeal as Obama offered with his "hope and change" campaign of 2008. This new GOP takes on many three way races in the mid term elections to ride to a commanding plurality in both the House and Senate, straddled on both sides of the political spectrum by minorities that could never unite against this new GOP because they are too ideologically different. And that's when the new GOP start turning the tide on Democrats to paint them just as extreme as the Teaers. After a while, the Democrats start to undergo similar inner bickering, leading to a series of defections from moderate and blue-dog Democrats.
Yea. The Republicans force Boehner out while voting for the deal. What heroes. Whoever voted for the deal, needs to be voted out themselves. ONLY took John Boner FOUR YEARS to see THE WRITING ON THE WALL!!!!!



[ame=]Obama's "Yes We Can" or John Boehner's "Hell No, You Can't"? Who Will You Listen? - YouTube[/ame]​
Put a tea partier in as speaker.

The teepotters are taking the GObP down. If they were to put a teepotter in as speaker, it would be the beginning of the end for the GObP because they are a minority. They are freaks and most Americans see they are anti-American.

Yes, put a potter in the job.

Armey was just fired and got paid $8MILLION DOLLARS to leave.

What does that tell you?

Actually, I think having a Tea Party Speaker might be the best thing for the GOP.....

Congressmen Confirm That Boehner Will Either Resign Speakership Or Be Forced Out
Cybercast News ^ | 1/2/13 | Ron Meyer

Congressmen Confirm That Boehner Will Either Resign Speakership Or Be Forced Out | CNS News
I have confirmed with a group of Congressmen that House Speaker John Boehner will not be reelected Speaker tomorrow.

He will either resign or be forced out tomorrow.

Only 17 members are needed to block Speaker Boehner's election tomorrow. A Speaker needs an absolute majority of all votes cast for a specific person.

If no one has a majority, the House is speakerless. I've confirmed these rules with the House Parliamentarian.

Boener sliced his throat passing this cliff deal. Good bye!

And good riddance.
You know what, put a tea partier there and watch the republican party hang itself. :badgrin:
Bonehead was finished when he kicked the Conservatives off the Budget Committee

He declared war on us and he's gonna get it
Also, you can keep your fucking cutesy little "Tea Party" Label to yourself, there is no real organization known as the Tea Party. There are a lot of people who believe in slightly different variations on the American Dream of opportunity and exceptionalism.

We don't need your stupid fucking labels
Also, you can keep your fucking cutesy little "Tea Party" Label to yourself, there is no real organization known as the Tea Party. There are a lot of people who believe in slightly different variations on the American Dream of opportunity and exceptionalism.

We don't need your stupid fucking labels

Put a tea partier in as speaker.
Just what the country needs, widen the gap between the Right and Left to insure destruction of the economy. The Right and the country would have been better off if they had accepted Obama's proposal. They would have at least had some real spending cuts but they continued to say no until they got nothing.

i love watching the GOP eat itself.

Pretty amazing. We'll see if the Tea Party has to literally crash & burn the GOP before things turn around.

The Dems have to be feeling pretty lucky right about now. It's been a helluva couple of months for them.

I think what you fail to realize, is it's the Congress that must make the decision. The president can only propose which he has done. Congress must make the decisions.
Congress made the decision to make the fecal cliff part of the last deal to raise the debt ceiling....Now they caved in to save their own favored spending priorities, which I predicted on day one of the whole fiasco.

And Boner and his neocon ruling class glee club are still a bunch of gutless wankers.
They caved in to save their political ass. If the House had rejected the Senate deal, the market would have started the year with a big sell off, everyone would be looking at big tax increases, economists would be debating how bad the 2013 recession would be and the Tea Party would be about as popular as a bloody case of hemorrhoids.

The situation was indeed unwinnable for the House.

Obama caved on his $250K level demand, and the Republicans - who wanted to protect 100% of us from the tax hikes - successfully protected 99.4% of us from the tax hike.

Obama had successfully included the 'middle class' in his class warfare against Republicans, thanks to the uncertainty surrounding these tax cuts.

Now that the 'middle class' has their protections, the conversation gets shifted to spending.

Human nature being what it is, the 'middle class' (who got theirs) is much less inclined to roil about the next phase where the House Republicans are MUCH better positioned to make their stand - spending cuts to freeloaders.

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