Congresswoman Gabbard reacts to being shut out of next debate

No one cares Tulsi.
Obviously people do care. The DNC is so scared of what she has to say they have to rig the debates to keep her out. Just like they had to pay several candidates off to drop out and endorse Joe to stop Bernie.

She has less than 1% of the votes and barely registers on polling. Not enough people care for her to be anything but a pointless distraction on the debate stage.

So you believe in playing by the rules only when it benefits you? Why am I not surprised?

Rules are arbitrary. Tulsi had her chance to get votes and it didn’t happen. If she had more votes, she wouldn’t be here. She has no chance in winning so the DNC has no purpose in putting her on any debate stage.
Again you are missing the entire point of WHY she is at 1%...

She is at 1% because that’s how many people voted for her (technically less than 1%).
Just never mind.

Sorry if the facts don’t line up with your story.
The only thing not lining up is your brain cells to grasp the simple facts. She is doing badly because she isn't and has never gotten the same exposure the other candidates have gotten...plain and simple. She is being suppressed by the DNC.

Seems like she has a pretty easy time getting on Fox News.
She came in 6th last night in a 3 person race. Three candidates who ended their campaigns beat her.
Kind of my point.The DNC keeps moving the goalposts JUST to keep her out of the debates and off of leftist tv shows...they don't want her anti war stance being talked about. She is well spoken and would destroy Biden and Sanders in a debate.
Nevada canceled its Republican caucus to help Trump re-election bid
Nevada canceled its Republican caucus to help Trump re-election bid

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul
Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

What were you saying?
And? Those STATES chose to do that, not the entire DNC and there is what like 2 has been's trying to beat Trump? Its a waste of money they know they won't win lol...The GOP DID do this kind of thing in 2008 and 2012 though to Ron Paul. Meh we got our revenge when we helped McCain and Romney lose though.
Nominate her to run against Trump as a pub if you love her so much. Dems don’t love her. Russians do tho

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