Conn. Heavily Controls Guns : Result : 20 Children Slaughtered

If someone in the office had had a firearm, the only dead person would be the shooter.


Why can't the fascists grab that simple fact?

I do not believe that they are concerned about the children. They just want to advance their gun grabbing agenda.

What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.

Yo Vern, who could have predicted that Silva was going to go postal?

Are there many individuals amongst us who are criminally predisposed?

But you answer is to disarm law abiding citizens?

Whose head is up his anal cavity?!?!?!?!?


My answer isn't, nor has it been to disarm citizens. My POV is make laws that aren't stupid, and tell the wingnut fanatics to go pound a few buckets of sand up their ass.

When I go duck hunting, I'm only allowed a shotgun that can load three shots. Those shells must also be ecofriendly. If it exceeds that limit, or I'm using lead shot, my gun can be confiscated, I'm subject to fine and imprisonment, and they get to keep any ducks that were stupid enough to let me hit them. I still have the right to bear arms. I just can't carry around a 50 cal., with a 500 shot belt.

Look when you get a chance read about the world's most formidable state police: The KGB. Yet not even they could control the blackmarket.

Why do you think that we can?

Why are you such a simpleton?

So, criminals will start obeying gun control laws...why, exactly?

No you stupid piece of wet shit. Access to guns with ever increasing killing power will make incidents like this more likely, and increase mortality and morbidity. What are you too fucking stupid to understand?
I'm unable to understand leftists.

You want to limit access. Again -- why are criminals going to obey the law?

Take your time. I can tell all you have is emotion; you haven't given this any thought at all.

Dumb fuck. Look at your avatar. You are part of the problem. The glorification of violence.

Yes, it is time to remove the war guns from our streets. It is time that those that have flooded our nation with weopons are held accountable for the results. And it is time for the NRA and it's fools to be seen for the cancer they are on this society.
I wonder what direction the Sunday Talk shows will go tomorrow..
I'm sure there will a few who will blame the republican party for this...
Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be on I'm sure.

And she would be correct in doing so.
All it takes is one well publicized tragedy and some, too many of you, go off the deep end.

The guy Lanza didn't hate 5 year olds. He hated his mother. There are 88,982 elementary schools in the U S. You propose arming ALL of them because of this one incident? That is rediculous because there is no proof that a madman could be stopped even if the administration and the teachers were armed. At the very least a shooter could kill as many as yesterday by just shooting through windows and aiming at teachers and any adults first. None of these wackos expects to live through these things anyway.

You wouldnever be able to prevent an attack on an elementary school. If the buildings were hardened then they would just attack the kids arriving or leaving in the parking lot. So then you are going to harden and arm all retail stores in every mall?? Where does it stop? How about putting some effort into finding these people and making it very difficult for them to gain access to weapons BEFORE they attack ANY NUMBER OF TARGETS??

Seems to me it would be more effective to send a memo out to all teachers and school admins that "if you have a wackadoodle at home..don't leave guns lying around".
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No you stupid piece of wet shit. Access to guns with ever increasing killing power will make incidents like this more likely, and increase mortality and morbidity. What are you too fucking stupid to understand?
I'm unable to understand leftists.

You want to limit access. Again -- why are criminals going to obey the law?

Take your time. I can tell all you have is emotion; you haven't given this any thought at all.

Dumb fuck. Look at your avatar. You are part of the problem. The glorification of violence.

Yes, it is time to remove the war guns from our streets. It is time that those that have flooded our nation with weopons are held accountable for the results. And it is time for the NRA and it's fools to be seen for the cancer they are on this society.

Don't bother with daveman, he's dumb as a box of rocks.
Yeah, because some civilian always comes out of the crowd to save people from being shot by the crazy guy.

If it were true that Conn "heavily controls guns", the shooter would not have been able to get the guns he used.

You defend the indefensible.
Here is what needs to happen. Every school, public and private, Nationwide, announces that the school will have undercover ARMED security detail. Whether it is one multiple personnel, make it known to any and every would be terrorist coward intent on taking the lives of innocent students, he/she will be killed on site once his first shot is fired. This is what will have a more profound effect on reducing gun violence at schools vs. banning guns. Right now, drugs are banned at school....."drug free school zones" well is that working out?
If someone in the office had had a firearm, the only dead person would be the shooter.

Where is the proof of that?

Are you saying this because civilians have shot mass killers in the past? If so, please post proof of that because I cannot find even one instance of a mass murderer being stopped by civilians.

Where are the examples of civilians shooting mass murderers?
Students subdued Kinkel.

"When Kinkel's rifle ran out of ammunition and he began to reload, wounded student Jacob Ryker tackled him, assisted by several other students. Kinkel drew the Glock and fired one shot before he was disarmed, injuring Ryker again as well as another student. The students restrained Kinkel until the police arrived and arrested him.[5] A total of seven students were involved in subduing and disarming Kinkel.

Kip Kinkel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On Sunday May 25, 2008 at approximately 2:30 a.m. the Winnemucca Police Department was dispatched to the Players Bar and Grill .... There were approximately 300 patrons in and around the bar....
The officers on scene discovered three adult males who had died from obvious gunshot wounds. Two additional gunshot victims were also located[, treated, and released from the hospital]....
The ... investigation lead detectives to believe that [Ernesto Fuentes] Villagomez[, 30,] entered the bar and at some point began firing multiple rounds. At least two of these rounds struck and killed the other two decedents, Jose Torres age, 20 and his brother Margarito Torres, age 19 both of Winnemucca. At some point during this shooting spree Villagomez allegedly stopped and according to witnesses reloaded his high capacity handgun and began shooting again.
It was at this point that ... [a 48-year-old Reno man] produced a concealed handgun and proceeded to fire upon Villagomez who succumbed to his wounds. The Reno resident was in possession of a valid Concealed Carry Permit issued through the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office.... [T]he shooting of Villagomez by the Reno man was [concluded to be] a justifiable homicide ."

The Volokh Conspiracy - Hero Stops Mass Shooting:

Three Men Killed in Winnemucca Shooting on Sunday - KTVN Channel 2 - Reno Tahoe News Weather, Video -
If someone in the office had had a firearm, the only dead person would be the shooter.

Where is the proof of that?

Are you saying this because civilians have shot mass killers in the past? If so, please post proof of that because I cannot find even one instance of a mass murderer being stopped by civilians.

Where are the examples of civilians shooting mass murderers?

Ever hear of anyone walking into a police department to do a mass killing.
What this interesting analysis shows is that in shooting rampages eight times (8x) as many people are killed when people wait for police to save them when compared to when a civilian is carrying a firearm and stops the shooter before police arrive.
Average number of deaths:
Waiting for police: 14.3
Civilian with a gun stops the shooter: 1.8

Civilian Carry Greatly Reduces Deaths in Shooting Rampages | FSN: Forensic Science News
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If someone in the office had had a firearm, the only dead person would be the shooter.

Where is the proof of that?

Are you saying this because civilians have shot mass killers in the past? If so, please post proof of that because I cannot find even one instance of a mass murderer being stopped by civilians.

Where are the examples of civilians shooting mass murderers?

Ever hear of anyone walking into a police department to do a mass killing.

Happens in Afghanistan, Iraq and Mexico almost every day...OK once a week. :lol:

It's Ubeckistan that it happens every day.. :lol:
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Where is the proof of that?

Are you saying this because civilians have shot mass killers in the past? If so, please post proof of that because I cannot find even one instance of a mass murderer being stopped by civilians.

Where are the examples of civilians shooting mass murderers?

Ever hear of anyone walking into a police department to do a mass killing.

Happens in Afgahanistan, Iraq and Mexico almost every day...OK once a week. :lol:

I suppose you think the cops would be safer if they were unarmed.

That's what you're proposing for students, after all.
What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.
Your a curious conflict...

Do you think that just anyone should be able to teach? Or should we have specialized training?

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