Conn. Heavily Controls Guns : Result : 20 Children Slaughtered

Israeli children practice for this shit all the time because islamic terrorists would pull this off inside Israel everyday if they had the chance.

So you believe this tragedy would have turned out better, all things considered, if we had five year old kids packing? I think you're a fucking nut. I bet you're too big a sissy to have ever been in a schoolyard brawl. You probably ran behind the bleachers and bit your nails.
No one said anything about arming children.

Are you a fucking idiot, or do you work at it?
name me one school in the USA where teachers are packing a gat.

name me one school in the USA where teachers and students are safe.


Are schools where kids are packing safer? How would you go about teaching five year olds how to use handguns or semiautos?

Whether or not to teach a five or six year old to use a firearm should be ought to the parent. But I do support having teachers carry firearms like they do in Israel.

What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.
So, criminals will start obeying gun control laws...why, exactly?

Don't hold your breath, he won't respond. Their neurotic response to criminals is to disarm the population.

When you limit the right of people to bear arms, when you erode human rights, people are vulnerable. Progressives promote and legislate for a system in which only the strong and violent have *rights*. This is the result.

I've never seen so many insensitive and ignorant fuckers like you spitting on the graves of children with your vile crap.

This board make me sick.
Arming teachers is still idiocy, regardless the thread.

Because the answer is not to add more guns to the equation davie boy. Stop throwing around your shit like your right, your slow, so we will let it slide this time, but learn your lesson.

What is the difference between Israeli and American schools. They care enough to let teachers carry firearms to defend their children. Why can't we?!?!?!?!?!?


Because the answer is not to add more guns to the equation davie boy. Stop throwing around your shit like your right, your slow, so we will let it slide this time, but learn your lesson.

What is the difference between Israeli and American schools. They care enough to let teachers carry firearms to defend their children. Why can't we?!?!?!?!?!?


Does the federal government prevent your state from arming school personnel??
Arming teachers is still idiocy, regardless the thread.

Why? Looking at every city haven banned guns having high gun violence. This should tell you that it simply doesn't work.

Anything that makes sense you're against. WTF?

Chicago banned guns...High gun violence
New york banned most guns....High gun violence.
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When you limit the right of people to bear arms, when you erode human rights, people are vulnerable. Progressives promote and legislate for a system in which only the strong and violent have *rights*. This is the result.

I've never seen so many insensitive and ignorant fuckers like you spitting on the graves of children with your vile crap.

This board make me sick.

Oh' the children that you kill two million a year without breaking a tear? You do understand that there will always be evil like that son of a bitch. Best to just be ready for it when it comes through the door.

Of course sense doesn't matter to you.
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What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.
So, criminals will start obeying gun control laws...why, exactly?

No you stupid piece of wet shit. Access to guns with ever increasing killing power will make incidents like this more likely, and increase mortality and morbidity. What are you too fucking stupid to understand?

No you stupid piece of wet shit. The fascists rules which prevent school teachers from accessing guns with ever increasing killing power will make incidents like this more likely, and increase mortality and morbidity.

What are you too fucking stupid to understand?

Israeli children practice for this shit all the time because islamic terrorists would pull this off inside Israel everyday if they had the chance.

So you believe this tragedy would have turned out better, all things considered, if we had five year old kids packing? I think you're a fucking nut. I bet you're too big a sissy to have ever been in a schoolyard brawl. You probably ran behind the bleachers and bit your nails.
No one said anything about arming children.

Are you a fucking idiot, or do you work at it?

Liberals are mentally fucked in the head. They can't think through things as the public educational system has left them wanting. :eusa_shhh:
If someone in the office had had a firearm, the only dead person would be the shooter.

Where is the proof of that?

Are you saying this because civilians have shot mass killers in the past? If so, please post proof of that because I cannot find even one instance of a mass murderer being stopped by civilians.

Where are the examples of civilians shooting mass murderers?

Joel Myrick, Vice Principal of Pearl High School

Pearl High School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.

And you think "gun free" killing fields are the proper answer? Who's head is up their ass? Have you ever heard of an Israeli school being shot up? No, that is reserved for schools that are left purposefully defenseless. Here's an experiment for a large sign on your lawn proclaiming your home to be gun free. Let us know how that works out for you.
Yeah that is what I want, a society that arms teachers with assault rifles...

I guess they're going to need more.

The Answer Sheet - Education Department buying 27 shotguns

Why is the Education Department purchasing 27 Remington Brand Model 870 police 12-gauge shotguns (all new, no re-manufactured products, thank you)?

The guns are to replace old firearms used by Education’s Office of Inspector General, which is the law enforcement arm of the department.

Here’s a statement from the office in response to a question about why need 27 shotguns with a 14-inch barrels:

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