Connecticut Democrats share cartoon comparing parents angry at school boards to horror villains

A minor girl got assaulted because she entered into a consensual relationship with a guy who had serious emotional problems. This is the part of the story you guys keep trying to gloss over, that this was the third time she had made arrangements to meet this boy in that bathroom for sex.

Now, I'm absolutely 100% for her having the right to change her mind, and this kid deserves to be punished for not respecting her boundaries

but it woudl have been helpful to all involved if she had put those boundaries a lot further out.

Anyone who heard it probably realized that she was the class slut. Come on, a girl who is having hookups in the bathroom at 15! Something seriously wrong there.

What is it about Conservatives that they have complete memory blocks of what they were like as Teenagers?

And if she did, she'd have to live with the consequences.

You see, the thing here is, you guys want to make the big deal that the boy involved was "gender fluid", whatever that means. No, the big problem here is that this girl has some serious issues and picked the wrong guy to go out with. But you don't care about that... this is about pushing your Transphobic agenda...
It’s impossible to have a consensual relationship with a 15 yr old. They are too young to consent.
A minor girl got assaulted because she entered into a consensual relationship with a guy who had serious emotional problems. This is the part of the story you guys keep trying to gloss over, that this was the third time she had made arrangements to meet this boy in that bathroom for sex.

Now, I'm absolutely 100% for her having the right to change her mind, and this kid deserves to be punished for not respecting her boundaries

but it woudl have been helpful to all involved if she had put those boundaries a lot further out.

Anyone who heard it probably realized that she was the class slut. Come on, a girl who is having hookups in the bathroom at 15! Something seriously wrong there.

What is it about Conservatives that they have complete memory blocks of what they were like as Teenagers?

And if she did, she'd have to live with the consequences.

You see, the thing here is, you guys want to make the big deal that the boy involved was "gender fluid", whatever that means. No, the big problem here is that this girl has some serious issues and picked the wrong guy to go out with. But you don't care about that... this is about pushing your Transphobic agenda...
Phobia means fear. Not sure anyone here is transphobic? If he didn’t do anything wrong then why did he have to be transferred, Colonel?
Rightwingers refuse to do anything about reducing mass shooting in schools, and they are fighting against masks in schools.
of course this is a lie.

we just dont agree with the lefts idea that guns should be taken away from everyone. thats the only "anything about reducing mass shootings in schools" the left wants to consider.
Most people who know me like me. I run a very successful business. The last time I was on a job hunt, THREE former co-workers recommended me for jobs because they actually wanted to work with me again.

Bull shit....You are a known liar, and what you just wrote here is the biggest load of shit this board has ever seen...You aren't to be trusted with anything you say, and that's on you because you are a worthless POS...Loser...No one in RL wants anything to do with you either, I'd feel safe in making that bet....Plus, you don't own a business, hell, I'd be surprised if you have a min wage job....
Now, I will be the first one to admit my faults.

:21: :21::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::bs1::ahole-1:

I am stubborn as hell, and I never give up in an argument. I tend to have a low tolerance for people who act stupidly, and sadly, I've seen a lot of compounded stupid in the last five years.

Why are you in front of a mirror?

Wow, Anger Issues, you really are working on getting banned, aren't you. Oh, yeah, and reported.

What a colossal pussy you are....(in my child like mocking voice) "Ooooh I'm telling mommy and daddy"! You worthless puke....If you were on fire I wouldn't piss on your burning corpse....I hope you get hit by a bus.
A minor girl got assaulted because she entered into a consensual relationship with a guy who had serious emotional problems. This is the part of the story you guys keep trying to gloss over, that this was the third time she had made arrangements to meet this boy in that bathroom for sex.

Now, I'm absolutely 100% for her having the right to change her mind, and this kid deserves to be punished for not respecting her boundaries

but it woudl have been helpful to all involved if she had put those boundaries a lot further out.

Anyone who heard it probably realized that she was the class slut. Come on, a girl who is having hookups in the bathroom at 15! Something seriously wrong there.

What is it about Conservatives that they have complete memory blocks of what they were like as Teenagers?

And if she did, she'd have to live with the consequences.

You see, the thing here is, you guys want to make the big deal that the boy involved was "gender fluid", whatever that means. No, the big problem here is that this girl has some serious issues and picked the wrong guy to go out with. But you don't care about that... this is about pushing your Transphobic agenda...
He assaulted another girl in a bathroom. Kinda makes your version of the story, bullshit.
A minor girl got assaulted because she entered into a consensual relationship with a guy who had serious emotional problems. This is the part of the story you guys keep trying to gloss over, that this was the third time she had made arrangements to meet this boy in that bathroom for sex.

Now, I'm absolutely 100% for her having the right to change her mind, and this kid deserves to be punished for not respecting her boundaries

but it woudl have been helpful to all involved if she had put those boundaries a lot further out.

Anyone who heard it probably realized that she was the class slut. Come on, a girl who is having hookups in the bathroom at 15! Something seriously wrong there.

What is it about Conservatives that they have complete memory blocks of what they were like as Teenagers?
I do remember as a teenager that I didn't think forcing myself on a girl was a good idea. Nor did I think that would be very much fun.
It’s impossible to have a consensual relationship with a 15 yr old. They are too young to consent.
The boy involved was 14... he couldn't legally consent, either. Apply a lick of fucking common sense here...

Phobia means fear. Not sure anyone here is transphobic? If he didn’t do anything wrong then why did he have to be transferred, Colonel?

Actually, to hear you guys tell it, you are TERRIFIED.

I'm not saying he didn't do something wrong. He was guilty of relationship abuse... and he should have been transferred until the law could deal with it.

But it wasn't what you wingnuts portrayed it as. It wasn't an evil trannie jumping unsuspecting girls in the bathroom. It was a couple of kids who were in a toxic relationship, hooking up in the bathroom. .
Bull shit....You are a known liar, and what you just wrote here is the biggest load of shit this board has ever seen...You aren't to be trusted with anything you say, and that's on you because you are a worthless POS...Loser...No one in RL wants anything to do with you either, I'd feel safe in making that bet....Plus, you don't own a business, hell, I'd be surprised if you have a min wage job....

Actually, I can prove everything I say... you'd probably lose that bet.

What a colossal pussy you are....(in my child like mocking voice) "Ooooh I'm telling mommy and daddy"! You worthless puke....If you were on fire I wouldn't piss on your burning corpse....I hope you get hit by a bus.
yup, you have anger issues... I'm sure you'll be getting a time out soon.
The boy involved was 14... he couldn't legally consent, either. Apply a lick of fucking common sense here...

Actually, to hear you guys tell it, you are TERRIFIED.

I'm not saying he didn't do something wrong. He was guilty of relationship abuse... and he should have been transferred until the law could deal with it.

But it wasn't what you wingnuts portrayed it as. It wasn't an evil trannie jumping unsuspecting girls in the bathroom. It was a couple of kids who were in a toxic relationship, hooking up in the bathroom. .
Pretty sure boys are stronger than girls. Not remotely terrified. The school mishandled the situation and tried to cover it up. Why did he say he was trans when he wasn't? Abused the system to get a quickie.
Pretty sure boys are stronger than girls. Not remotely terrified. The school mishandled the situation and tried to cover it up. Why did he say he was trans when he wasn't? Abused the system to get a quickie.

Zoggie, you have to come up with whole arguments...

You are clearly terrified of Trans people. I hope you haven't been watching Jeopardy! for the last few weeks.

the School handled this about as well as they could, given the legal restrictions. Because minors and sexual assault were involved, they had to keep a lot of things confidential. Then Bad Dad went in and lied about the circumstances.

The point was, he didn't abuse the system. There was no bathroom policy in place. He wasn't prancing around the school in a dress, and he described himself as "Gender Fluid". Most of his behavior seems to be to get his parents' attention.

That said, what happened here was that these two kids had a relationship. This was the THIRD time they had hooked up in this bathroom (which seems like the most unsexy place possible). Except this time, she said no. That's her right. Would have been nice if she drew boundaries before she locked herself in a stall with a boy with issues.
Zoggie, you have to come up with whole arguments...

You are clearly terrified of Trans people. I hope you haven't been watching Jeopardy! for the last few weeks.

the School handled this about as well as they could, given the legal restrictions. Because minors and sexual assault were involved, they had to keep a lot of things confidential. Then Bad Dad went in and lied about the circumstances.

The point was, he didn't abuse the system. There was no bathroom policy in place. He wasn't prancing around the school in a dress, and he described himself as "Gender Fluid". Most of his behavior seems to be to get his parents' attention.

That said, what happened here was that these two kids had a relationship. This was the THIRD time they had hooked up in this bathroom (which seems like the most unsexy place possible). Except this time, she said no. That's her right. Would have been nice if she drew boundaries before she locked herself in a stall with a boy with issues.
You disagree that boys are stronger than girls? OK

Can you link the back up to your rhetoric? Thanks

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