Connecticut Democrats share cartoon comparing parents angry at school boards to horror villains

If I had a daughter, she wouldn't be having hookups in the Girls' bathroom.
Really? How would you stop her? I thought teenagers are going to do what they want to do. And that's not even the question. What would you do if your daughter was targeted and assaulted after agreeing to hook up twice?
Well, the parents should be angry because these teachers are teaching their children to hate the color of their skin. (if you're of european heritage). And teaching everyone else to hate and to never function as sane citizens of our society.

IT is evil to the core.

The same people that rioted and destroyed cities for months on end are the same assholes that are doing this...
"Stormlover" eh? as in Stormfront?
Really? How would you stop her? I thought teenagers are going to do what they want to do. And that's not even the question. What would you do if your daughter was targeted and assaulted after agreeing to hook up twice?

I'd have a serious talk with her about her life choices...

What I wouldn't do is go to the school board and scream at them because they didn't do my job.
I'd have a serious talk with her about her life choices...

What I wouldn't do is go to the school board and scream at them because they didn't do my job.
If you wouldn't go to the school board and find out why your daughter was vulnerable and what they're doing to make sure she isn't assaulted again, you're not being a good parent. I notice that you put all the responsibility on your daughter and none on the rapist who assaulted her. That's not a good parent, putting politics above the well-being of your daughter.
If you wouldn't go to the school board and find out why your daughter was vulnerable and what they're doing to make sure she isn't assaulted again, you're not being a good parent. I notice that you put all the responsibility on your daughter and none on the rapist who assaulted her. That's not a good parent, putting politics above the well-being of your daughter.

Here's the thing. She got involved with this boy. So we have to assume that she hid this relationship from her parents, because I don't think old Dad would be cool with her "Gender Fluid" boyfriend.

They had had TWO PREVIOUS consensual hookups in that bathroom. It wasn't what the Faux News media was portraying it as, which was a Trans-policy that was allowing predators to roam the halls.

The school took action in transferring the kid to another school until they got it all sorted out.

Now, I am not trying to make light of this, because acquaintance rape is kind of a big deal, and we should respect a woman's right to say no. But, yeah, she is the one who made an arrangement to meet with this boy, lock herself in the stall with him and THEN decide that she wasn't into it.

But good parenting - know who your kids' friends are, have frank discussions with them about sex... doesn't sound like that was happening here. Maybe hooking up with Fluid-Boy was her little bit of teen rebellion. Dont know, don't care.

What I do know is that the right wing media outright lied about the particulars to push a transphobic agenda.

Because if you didn't have people to hate based on race, religion or sex, then the great white unwashed might start to figure out that tax cuts for rich people and getting rid of regulations that protect them are probably NOT in their interests.
Here's the thing. She got involved with this boy. So we have to assume that she hid this relationship from her parents, because I don't think old Dad would be cool with her "Gender Fluid" boyfriend.

They had had TWO PREVIOUS consensual hookups in that bathroom. It wasn't what the Faux News media was portraying it as, which was a Trans-policy that was allowing predators to roam the halls.

The school took action in transferring the kid to another school until they got it all sorted out.

Now, I am not trying to make light of this, because acquaintance rape is kind of a big deal, and we should respect a woman's right to say no. But, yeah, she is the one who made an arrangement to meet with this boy, lock herself in the stall with him and THEN decide that she wasn't into it.

But good parenting - know who your kids' friends are, have frank discussions with them about sex... doesn't sound like that was happening here. Maybe hooking up with Fluid-Boy was her little bit of teen rebellion. Dont know, don't care.

What I do know is that the right wing media outright lied about the particulars to push a transphobic agenda.

Because if you didn't have people to hate based on race, religion or sex, then the great white unwashed might start to figure out that tax cuts for rich people and getting rid of regulations that protect them are probably NOT in their interests.
Except for the details that throw off your narrative. Minus the "let the boy pretending to be a girl use the girls' bathrooms", girls who saw him in the bathroom could have raised a stink about it and got him barred from it. With the policy in place, they couldn't without the usual suspects (you know who you are) calling them bigoted, transphobic, or whatever trendy word they want to use.
This woke poison needs to be removed from all of our schools and banned.

Elon Musk is so right!!!


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Except for the details that throw off your narrative. Minus the "let the boy pretending to be a girl use the girls' bathrooms", girls who saw him in the bathroom could have raised a stink about it and got him barred from it. With the policy in place, they couldn't without the usual suspects (you know who you are) calling them bigoted, transphobic, or whatever trendy word they want to use.

Except there was no policy in place when this happened. this is what they school board was discussing when Bad Dad decided to throw a punch at a cop.

I'm reasonably sure that if other kids heard the fucking in the bathroom, they could have ratted them out... but no one did. Which is understandable... no one likes a snitch.

This assault had nothing to do with him being 'Gender Fluid" and everything with the fact they were in a toxic relationship.
Here's the thing. She got involved with this boy. So we have to assume that she hid this relationship from her parents, because I don't think old Dad would be cool with her "Gender Fluid" boyfriend.

They had had TWO PREVIOUS consensual hookups in that bathroom. It wasn't what the Faux News media was portraying it as, which was a Trans-policy that was allowing predators to roam the halls.

The school took action in transferring the kid to another school until they got it all sorted out.

Now, I am not trying to make light of this, because acquaintance rape is kind of a big deal, and we should respect a woman's right to say no. But, yeah, she is the one who made an arrangement to meet with this boy, lock herself in the stall with him and THEN decide that she wasn't into it.

But good parenting - know who your kids' friends are, have frank discussions with them about sex... doesn't sound like that was happening here. Maybe hooking up with Fluid-Boy was her little bit of teen rebellion. Dont know, don't care.

What I do know is that the right wing media outright lied about the particulars to push a transphobic agenda.

Because if you didn't have people to hate based on race, religion or sex, then the great white unwashed might start to figure out that tax cuts for rich people and getting rid of regulations that protect them are probably NOT in their interests.

I did not know that much about it, and I appreciate you filling me in on the details.
However, anyone hooking up with girls in the girl's bathroom is NOT transgender, and should NOT be using the girl's bathroom.
The school is still screwing up letting this sexually aggressive male, use the girl's bathroom.
Except there was no policy in place when this happened. this is what they school board was discussing when Bad Dad decided to throw a punch at a cop.

I'm reasonably sure that if other kids heard the fucking in the bathroom, they could have ratted them out... but no one did. Which is understandable... no one likes a snitch.

This assault had nothing to do with him being 'Gender Fluid" and everything with the fact they were in a toxic relationship.
A minor girl gets sexually assaulted. No one who might have heard the assault said anything and your response is that it's "understandable... no one likes a snitch". Then you wonder why we say you don't like women all that much.
Yes, facts are stubborn things.

The way you presented it... A sexual predator used a Trans policy to sneak into a girls' bathroom and rape this poor girl.

The way it was... these two kids had a relationship already, had used that bathroom on two previous occasions to have sex, and had arranged in advance to meet there a third time. Except this time, she wasn't into it, which is totally her right. Probably would have been nice if she decided that before she locked herself into a stall with a guy. Instead of realizing "Hey, my daughter is way out of control", bad Dad decides he's going to go to the school board and get into a fight with the school board members and take a swing at a cop.

Fortunately for him, he was white and wasn't shot on the spot.
Good grief you blithering idiot....This subject is done you sick mother fucker...The young man is convicted, and you are still sticking up for him...Not only that, you but you are bringing this up yet again after the WHOLE site already saw what a POS you really are from the thread ON THE SUBJECT!

I don't know what your major malfunction is but, look, your views are abhorant, and you are the type of person that normal people would walk the other way from if they saw you coming....Not because you're a nice guy, but because you make yourself a parriah anywhere you become involved...In fact, this message board would be better off if you just went away, and joined some other group that you could pollute...

And I am not saying this to be a tough guy, but if we were face to face I'd kick your ass just for general purposes...Because that is how much I can't stand to think that someone like you occupies the same space as regular, normal people....No one likes you in here, not even those that might agree with your ideological positions....NO ONE...Why don't you just get lost loser....
I did not know that much about it, and I appreciate you filling me in on the details.
However, anyone hooking up with girls in the girl's bathroom is NOT transgender, and should NOT be using the girl's bathroom.
The school is still screwing up letting this sexually aggressive male, use the girl's bathroom.

The school didn't have a formal transgender policy, these kids just had hookups in the bathroom. I have to assume that they weren't the only ones doing that.

Good grief you blithering idiot....This subject is done you sick mother fucker...The young man is convicted, and you are still sticking up for him...Not only that, you but you are bringing this up yet again after the WHOLE site already saw what a POS you really are from the thread ON THE SUBJECT!

Actually, I stated that it was my suspiscion that we were being fed a line of bullshit by the Right Wing Media, and then when we got the facts of this case - that the kids in question had an ongoing sexual relationship and had consensually agreed to meet in that bathroom several times... I was proven right. It's not about "sticking up for the kid", it was about having the ACCURATE facts on the table.

Not a deceptive narrative to push a transphobic agenda.

I don't know what your major malfunction is but, look, your views are abhorant, and you are the type of person that normal people would walk the other way from if they saw you coming....Not because you're a nice guy, but because you make yourself a parriah anywhere you become involved...In fact, this message board would be better off if you just went away, and joined some other group that you could pollute...

Most people who know me like me. I run a very successful business. The last time I was on a job hunt, THREE former co-workers recommended me for jobs because they actually wanted to work with me again.

Now, I will be the first one to admit my faults. I am stubborn as hell, and I never give up in an argument. I tend to have a low tolerance for people who act stupidly, and sadly, I've seen a lot of compounded stupid in the last five years.

And I am not saying this to be a tough guy, but if we were face to face I'd kick your ass just for general purposes...Because that is how much I can't stand to think that someone like you occupies the same space as regular, normal people....No one likes you in here, not even those that might agree with your ideological positions....NO ONE...Why don't you just get lost loser....

Wow, Anger Issues, you really are working on getting banned, aren't you. Oh, yeah, and reported.
Rightwingers refuse to do anything about reducing mass shooting in schools, and they are fighting against masks in schools.

They are and will be responsible for thousands of deaths.

So this cartoon is entirely accurate and appropriate.

Connecticut is a high IQ state, so this will increase voter support for the Dems.
No, that's your narrative demonizing your political opponents...It isn't true, but that matters not to a liberal...
A minor girl gets sexually assaulted. No one who might have heard the assault said anything and your response is that it's "understandable... no one likes a snitch". Then you wonder why we say you don't like women all that much.

A minor girl got assaulted because she entered into a consensual relationship with a guy who had serious emotional problems. This is the part of the story you guys keep trying to gloss over, that this was the third time she had made arrangements to meet this boy in that bathroom for sex.

Now, I'm absolutely 100% for her having the right to change her mind, and this kid deserves to be punished for not respecting her boundaries

but it woudl have been helpful to all involved if she had put those boundaries a lot further out.

Anyone who heard it probably realized that she was the class slut. Come on, a girl who is having hookups in the bathroom at 15! Something seriously wrong there.

What is it about Conservatives that they have complete memory blocks of what they were like as Teenagers?

Lol, big man on the internet. In your world she would give up to whoever. That's the problem.

And if she did, she'd have to live with the consequences.

You see, the thing here is, you guys want to make the big deal that the boy involved was "gender fluid", whatever that means. No, the big problem here is that this girl has some serious issues and picked the wrong guy to go out with. But you don't care about that... this is about pushing your Transphobic agenda...
The school didn't have a formal transgender policy, these kids just had hookups in the bathroom. I have to assume that they weren't the only ones doing that.

Actually, I stated that it was my suspiscion that we were being fed a line of bullshit by the Right Wing Media, and then when we got the facts of this case - that the kids in question had an ongoing sexual relationship and had consensually agreed to meet in that bathroom several times... I was proven right. It's not about "sticking up for the kid", it was about having the ACCURATE facts on the table.

Not a deceptive narrative to push a transphobic agenda.

Most people who know me like me. I run a very successful business. The last time I was on a job hunt, THREE former co-workers recommended me for jobs because they actually wanted to work with me again.

Now, I will be the first one to admit my faults. I am stubborn as hell, and I never give up in an argument. I tend to have a low tolerance for people who act stupidly, and sadly, I've seen a lot of compounded stupid in the last five years.

Wow, Anger Issues, you really are working on getting banned, aren't you. Oh, yeah, and reported.
You do hate Jewish people and you do often snitch. More self admitted faults?

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