Connecticut Democrats share cartoon comparing parents angry at school boards to horror villains

Democrats are acting like they are completely unafraid of the voting public...Attacking Parents is not the way to win votes, or influence people...

These people are clueless...
Cute cartoon. Could people please stop villainizing humor? Humor is okay. Being a puritan isn't.
Well, we were discussing consent.
I agree.

The first two times they had sex in a stinky bathroom stall, it was consensual, in that they both agreed to it. Obviously, they are both below the age of consent, but that is only applies if one of the partners is above the age of consent.

The third time, she did not consent, and frankly, I have no problem with him being charged with sexual assault. No means no.

What I object to is the whackadoodle right wing claiming that this just proves that treating transgender people fairly has to stop. Because it had nothing to do with that. It was a toxic relationship that went too far.
Yeah, I'm sure... you were the only teenage boy not trying to get laid.
The fact that you cannot distinguish between trying to get laid and forcing yourself on a girl reveals something very troubling in your mindset.
The boy involved was 14... he couldn't legally consent, either. Apply a lick of fucking common sense here...

Actually, to hear you guys tell it, you are TERRIFIED.

I'm not saying he didn't do something wrong. He was guilty of relationship abuse... and he should have been transferred until the law could deal with it.

But it wasn't what you wingnuts portrayed it as. It wasn't an evil trannie jumping unsuspecting girls in the bathroom. It was a couple of kids who were in a toxic relationship, hooking up in the bathroom. .
Think about that for a moment. You say, "he should have been transferred until the law could deal with it". Instead of the school handling the problem, you want to simply transfer the kid to another school and set him up to do it again. You said you grew up Catholic. Doesn't that "solution" ring any bells with you?
The fact that you cannot distinguish between trying to get laid and forcing yourself on a girl reveals something very troubling in your mindset.

Forcing himself after she had let him lay her two previous times and she locked herself in a stall with him where they had sex two previous times....

Um... yeah... can't condone what he did, but man, she really set herself up for that one, didn't she?

I mean, if she just wanted to talk, couldn't they have done it a a Starbucks?
Think about that for a moment. You say, "he should have been transferred until the law could deal with it". Instead of the school handling the problem, you want to simply transfer the kid to another school and set him up to do it again. You said you grew up Catholic. Doesn't that "solution" ring any bells with you?

Grown ass men molesting kids as opposed to two kids engaged in a toxic relationship... nope, not seeing a correlation at all.

Point was, they filed a police report. They moved the kid to another school. They also had a number of confidentiality issues because everyone involved was a minor.
Forcing himself after she had let him lay her two previous times and she locked herself in a stall with him where they had sex two previous times....

Um... yeah... can't condone what he did, but man, she really set herself up for that one, didn't she?

I mean, if she just wanted to talk, couldn't they have done it a a Starbucks?
Yup, she sure was asking for it, wasn't she? Your answer does not convince me that you really understand the difference between trying to get laid and forcing yourself on a girl. After all, that's the jump you made when I said as a teenager I didn't think forcing myself on a girl was a good thing or even all that fun. Do you remember what you said? You said I was the only teenager not trying to get laid.
Grown ass men molesting kids as opposed to two kids engaged in a toxic relationship... nope, not seeing a correlation at all.
And since you're playing deliberately obtuse, I'll have to spell it out for you. The correlation is that in both cases, a problem was identified in one place, and instead of dealing with the problem, the authorities simply transferred it to another place and made them deal with it.
Point was, they filed a police report. They moved the kid to another school. They also had a number of confidentiality issues because everyone involved was a minor.
Basically, you're saying they did everything they could and were justified in what they did. Bull hockey. Here's how they could have handled it better.

1. In-school suspension until the police investigation is complete. The kid is taken out of the classroom and put in a location where he is monitored full time. He doesn't go anywhere by himself and has no contact with the accuser.
2. If the investigation clears him, he goes back to class, problem solved.
3. If the investigation finds him guilty, the appropriate legal penalties are assessed, but in the meantime, he's transferred to another school so he has no further contact with the accuser, along with an explanation to the new school administrators what he's done so they know what they're getting. Problem solved.
Yup, she sure was asking for it, wasn't she? Your answer does not convince me that you really understand the difference between trying to get laid and forcing yourself on a girl. After all, that's the jump you made when I said as a teenager I didn't think forcing myself on a girl was a good thing or even all that fun. Do you remember what you said? You said I was the only teenager not trying to get laid.

You are getting into full Corky-mode here, banging your head against the wall. Any sensible person can see the school slut who gets laid in the bathroom just doesn't have any credibility when she cries rape.

Basically, you're saying they did everything they could and were justified in what they did. Bull hockey. Here's how they could have handled it better.

Yes, and open themselves up for a lawsuit.... Frankly, an in-school suspension is pretty much declaring him guilty. Frankly, I doubt the court would have found him guilty if they Faux News lynch mob hadn't come for him.
You are getting into full Corky-mode here, banging your head against the wall. Any sensible person can see the school slut who gets laid in the bathroom just doesn't have any credibility when she cries rape.
And there it is, you don't believe her. Hillary would be so very angry with you. Your misogyny could only be held back for so long, then it had to come out.
Yes, and open themselves up for a lawsuit.... Frankly, an in-school suspension is pretty much declaring him guilty. Frankly, I doubt the court would have found him guilty if they Faux News lynch mob hadn't come for him.
They also cannot afford to let him have contact with his accuser until the matter is settled. The same happens when a cop shoots somebody. He gets put on administrative leave until an investigation clears him to go back to duty, and no one thinks it's a declaration of guilt.
And there it is, you don't believe her. Hillary would be so very angry with you. Your misogyny could only be held back for so long, then it had to come out.

Oh, I totally believe her. I totally believe she entered a toxic relationship with a troubled guy because he was edgy. I just can't work up a lot of sympathy for her when it gets bad.

When I was younger, I used to listen to these sob stories from women bitching about their bad boyfriends. Then I decided to stop being someone else's emotional toxic waste dump. I don't get involved. I don't show sympathy and if they insist, I openly mock them.

"Wow, 3 Billion Penises on the planet, and that's the one you picked? You really suck at this. have you considered becoming a Lesbian? You get to wear sensible shoes and no one leaves the toilet seat up."

I'm not anti-woman, I'm anti-stupid.

They also cannot afford to let him have contact with his accuser until the matter is settled. The same happens when a cop shoots somebody. He gets put on administrative leave until an investigation clears him to go back to duty, and no one thinks it's a declaration of guilt.

Okay. They sent him to another school. There was no chance of him having contact with his accuser.

Do you really want to use bad cops as an example? If we treated this kid like a bad cop, he'd have gotten the best lawyers and every boy that his girlfriend slept with would have been outed. Kind of like when a cop shoots some black kid, we hear about every petty thing he was accused of.
Oh, I totally believe her. I totally believe she entered a toxic relationship with a troubled guy because he was edgy. I just can't work up a lot of sympathy for her when it gets bad.

When I was younger, I used to listen to these sob stories from women bitching about their bad boyfriends. Then I decided to stop being someone else's emotional toxic waste dump. I don't get involved. I don't show sympathy and if they insist, I openly mock them.

"Wow, 3 Billion Penises on the planet, and that's the one you picked? You really suck at this. have you considered becoming a Lesbian? You get to wear sensible shoes and no one leaves the toilet seat up."

I'm not anti-woman, I'm anti-stupid.
Did you support Kavanaugh when he was put through the ringer with very old, very suspect accusations, or did you believe his accusers? Because that's a classic case of a false accusation. The point, though, is that this kid did assault her, and the school had to deal with it. Again, back in the day, a boy seen going into the girls' bathroom would have raised enough alarms that they couldn't have met in there once for sex, much less multiple times. It's only in today's permissive environment that people are afraid to voice any concern about a boy being where he had no business to be.
Okay. They sent him to another school. There was no chance of him having contact with his accuser.

Do you really want to use bad cops as an example? If we treated this kid like a bad cop, he'd have gotten the best lawyers and every boy that his girlfriend slept with would have been outed. Kind of like when a cop shoots some black kid, we hear about every petty thing he was accused of.
Do you see what you did there? I said any cop that shoots someone goes on leave until he's cleared, which is good bad or indifferent. You automatically went straight to bad cops. You seem to have a hard time focusing. And did the new school have any idea what this kid had done, or were they just handed a transfer with no idea that they were getting a sexual predator?
Did you support Kavanaugh when he was put through the ringer with very old, very suspect accusations, or did you believe his accusers? Because that's a classic case of a false accusation.
Oh, I totally believed his accuser, because she was credible, and because the REpublicans didn't even TRY to have a fair inquiry into the matter. And, no, not because of Politics, I thought Anita Hill was a lying sack of crap.

The point, though, is that this kid did assault her, and the school had to deal with it. Again, back in the day, a boy seen going into the girls' bathroom would have raised enough alarms that they couldn't have met in there once for sex, much less multiple times. It's only in today's permissive environment that people are afraid to voice any concern about a boy being where he had no business to be.
Except we don't know if anyone saw him going into the girls bathroom the three times they hooked up there. Maybe this bathroom is in an out of the way location with little foot traffic. Maybe they picked a time of day when they know the faculty is occuppied elsewhere. Kind of like when I was in HS, we all knew the places to hide to have a smoke.

The point is, this isn't what the Flying Monkey Right portrayed it as, an evil predator dressed like a girl picking off sweet innocent flowers in the locker room. This was a boy and a girl in a toxic relationship with bad parenting in both cases.

And did the new school have any idea what this kid had done, or were they just handed a transfer with no idea that they were getting a sexual predator?

That's a good question, and if we had a good answer, the Flying Monkey Right would probably distort that, too. If you all lied about the first incident, I kind of don't trust anything you say about the second one.

Do you see what you did there? I said any cop that shoots someone goes on leave until he's cleared, which is good bad or indifferent. You automatically went straight to bad cops. You seem to have a hard time focusing.
No hard time focusing at all... the way they treat a cop shooting someone is completely different than the way they would treat US shooting someone. You have to literally catch the cop on tape shooting the kid while he's lying on the ground. I mean, you can have 14 witnesses that said, "he had his hands up", and the prosecutors will ignore it.
Oh, I totally believed his accuser, because she was credible, and because the REpublicans didn't even TRY to have a fair inquiry into the matter. And, no, not because of Politics, I thought Anita Hill was a lying sack of crap.
Ford wasn't credible for multiple reasons, as has been laid out many times. There really was no way to have a credible inquiry after all the holes appeared in her story.
Except we don't know if anyone saw him going into the girls bathroom the three times they hooked up there. Maybe this bathroom is in an out of the way location with little foot traffic. Maybe they picked a time of day when they know the faculty is occuppied elsewhere. Kind of like when I was in HS, we all knew the places to hide to have a smoke.
"We all knew" is kind of the point, after all. The girls who didn't want to be in there when he came in were out of luck because phobic, and reasons, and stuff. Oh, and Jan 6.
The point is, this isn't what the Flying Monkey Right portrayed it as, an evil predator dressed like a girl picking off sweet innocent flowers in the locker room. This was a boy and a girl in a toxic relationship with bad parenting in both cases.
Yet it will be a predator. They're already there and we've just made it easier for them.
That's a good question, and if we had a good answer, the Flying Monkey Right would probably distort that, too. If you all lied about the first incident, I kind of don't trust anything you say about the second one.
Either the school administration knew or it didn't. Given that he resumed his pattern of predation, I'm going with probably not.
No hard time focusing at all... the way they treat a cop shooting someone is completely different than the way they would treat US shooting someone. You have to literally catch the cop on tape shooting the kid while he's lying on the ground. I mean, you can have 14 witnesses that said, "he had his hands up", and the prosecutors will ignore it.
You're ignoring reality. A cop that shoots someone doesn't just go on his next shift. He surrenders his weapon and does desk work until an internal investigation either clears him or not. The same should have been done with this boy. Separate him from the girl until we know if he assaulted her or not. Oh, and BTW, a transfer is MUCH more of a guilty statement than is a temporary in-school suspension.
of course this is a lie.

we just dont agree with the lefts idea that guns should be taken away from everyone. thats the only "anything about reducing mass shootings in schools" the left wants to consider.

You are a lying bag of shit.

No one has ever proposed that 'guns should be taken away from everyone'.
You are a lying bag of shit.

No one has ever proposed that 'guns should be taken away from everyone'.
fuck you BITCH. its PUSSIES like you that make me wish this shit was face to face.

now, enter the ignore list MORONIC BITCH ASS PUSSY.

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