Connecticut Governor & Rosie O'Donnell both say: The NRA Has Become a 'Terrorist Organization'

If the NRA obstructs any and all reasonable gun control laws, why not refer to every mass shooter as a NRA terrorist? After all is not the NRA enabling these shooters by its obstructionism? Are not NRA videos encouraging violence? Any one who has seen these NRA videos notice they are apoplectic and apocalyptic. They come very lose to ISIS propaganda videos in some ways.

Has not the NRA released a video where Dana Loesch turns over an hour glass then seems to make an implicit threat to law makers?

I am not saying the NRA is a terrorist organization, they are not.

They are increasingly acting like one though.
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If the NRA obstructs any and all reasonable gun control laws, why not refer to every mass shooter as a NRA terrorist? After all is not the NRA enabling these shooters? Are not NRA videos encouraging violence? Any one who has seen these NRA videos notice they are apoplectic and apocalyptic. They come very lose to ISIS propaganda videos in some ways.

I am not saying the NRA is a terrorist organization, they are not.

They are increasingly acting like one though.

Last I checked no nra member has never pulled off a mass shooting. It seems to be deranged liberals. Also did you know it was a liberal policy that allowed Cruz to buy the gun? The nra doesn't mind back ground checks, seems liberals do. Educate yourself and quit spouting talking points.
Rosie? Only an insane person listens to anything the bitch says.
study after study has proven, few criminals are stupid enough to try to pass a background check or have their names in any kind of system.

so they get their guns the same way bad guys always get their guns, by stealing them or buying them from an unlicensed source or getting them from family & friends.
If the NRA obstructs any and all reasonable gun control laws, why not refer to every mass shooter as a NRA terrorist? After all is not the NRA enabling these shooters by its obstructionism? Are not NRA videos encouraging violence? Any one who has seen these NRA videos notice they are apoplectic and apocalyptic. They come very lose to ISIS propaganda videos in some ways.

Has not the NRA released a video where Dana Loesch turns over an hour glass then seems to make an implicit threat to law makers?

I am not saying the NRA is a terrorist organization, they are not.

They are increasingly acting like one though.
The NRA is harmless and is not pro gun enough, this country needs to be better armed
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Only because NRA members want to keep the real terrorists at bay. The would-be dictators who don't want an armed populace stopping their plans.

The leftists only want government to have guns. The same government who can't handle money, can't build a safe website, can't keep promises and have managed to screw up everything they touch. I trust myself when it comes to my own safety, not some dipshit politicians.

study after study has proven, few criminals are stupid enough to try to pass a background check or have their names in any kind of system.

so they get their guns the same way bad guys always get their guns, by stealing them or buying them from an unlicensed source or getting them from family & friends.

Why dont the police go after these thugs, murderers and leave the law abiding citizens alone?
Sometimes you see BREAKING NEWS on the TV and something awful has happened and you get the creeping sensation that the whole sad "national conversation" is about to begin again.

on an issue like safety, there's never a big, final, dramatic victory. there's never a big signing ceremony where the president officially abolishes mental illness once and for all.
Wasn't it Rosie who said "radical Christianity is more threatening than radical Islam and "don't fear terrorists, they're mothers and fathers"? Rosie also opined after the carnage of 9-11 "for the first time in history fire has melted steel. It's physically impossible". Isn't that how they make steel?
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I remember when Rosie and Penny Marshall both advertised for K-Mart years ago. Right at the same time I bought a 30-06 semi auto rifle from K-Mart.
Oh, the irony.
Rosie is still pissed off that when she and Hillary both volunteered to 'coach' a young girls volleyball team Hillary got the coaching job.
Hey Rosie! What's that bulge under your body guards suit jacket?
It's that time of the month for Rosie. It's like clockwork every time her dildo gets too worn down she gets all cranky.
Fact: Not one member of the NRA has ever committed a mass shooting.

Fact: Rosie O'Donnell is a terrorist!

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