Connecting The Dots


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Sometimes connecting the dots is simple.....except for grads of government school.

But....they should try.....

Here are several items to peruse....see if you can connect the dots.

1. " reports have emerged which cite the [London Parliament] attacker as Abu Izzadeen, a spokesman for the Islamic extremist organization Al Ghurabaa."
Unconfirmed reports emerge about London attacker's identity

2. "Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’"
Ryan Saavedra Dec 31st, 2016
Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’

a. Bill's wife loses the election

3. ".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East, thought Gabriel, but the Middle East would follow it home. "
The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356
Today's horror in London should be the hermeneutic key that the Democrats have been pretending to seek since the loss in November.

They need look no further.

It is their willingness to sacrifice American citizens to savages like the individual mentioned in the OP, and the illegal aliens who raped the 14 year old in Baltimore. to gain the power that these individuals would represent at the ballot box, that cost them the election.

Not Putin, not Trump, not even the scandal-ridden background of their candidate.

It is their greed for power at the expense of this nation.

May it be ever so.

One of our members wrote this some time ago:
"....honestly, we need the Democrats to shed the embiciles and return to their traditional role of advocating as a LOYAL opposition party, not the seditious thugs they are now."
Dem Congresswoman Calls UC Berkeley Riots A “Beautiful Sight”
jim bowie1958

Democrats.....take back your party.
I hafta ask, what will the Democrat response be when Americans are killed in a terrorist attack somewhere in the USA by a refugee or an illegal alien or somebody from one of those 7 countries on Trump's EO? How can you defend not trying to effectively vet these people and expose all of us to a greater risk of attack?
The Left NEVER connects the dots. They must go through life in a constant state of surprise, as their reality is proven to be unreality.

Orwell must have known leftists of today, even back in the 1940s...when he wrote 2+2=5:

Nazi theory indeed specifically denies that such a thing as "the truth" exists. ... The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future but the past. If the Leader says of such and such an event, "It never happened" – well, it never happened. If he says that two and two are five – well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much more than bombs.
Sometimes connecting the dots is simple.....except for grads of government school.

But....they should try.....

Here are several items to peruse....see if you can connect the dots.

1. " reports have emerged which cite the [London Parliament] attacker as Abu Izzadeen, a spokesman for the Islamic extremist organization Al Ghurabaa."
Unconfirmed reports emerge about London attacker's identity

2. "Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’"
Ryan Saavedra Dec 31st, 2016
Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’

a. Bill's wife loses the election

3. ".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East, thought Gabriel, but the Middle East would follow it home. "
The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356

Abu Izzadeen was born in England.
Sometimes connecting the dots is simple.....except for grads of government school.

But....they should try.....

Here are several items to peruse....see if you can connect the dots.

1. " reports have emerged which cite the [London Parliament] attacker as Abu Izzadeen, a spokesman for the Islamic extremist organization Al Ghurabaa."
Unconfirmed reports emerge about London attacker's identity

2. "Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’"
Ryan Saavedra Dec 31st, 2016
Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’

a. Bill's wife loses the election

3. ".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East, thought Gabriel, but the Middle East would follow it home. "
The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356

Abu Izzadeen was born in England.

So? All that tells us is islam is worse than we thought if it turns citizens into terrorist.
I hafta ask, what will the Democrat response be when Americans are killed in a terrorist attack somewhere in the USA by a refugee or an illegal alien or somebody from one of those 7 countries on Trump's EO? How can you defend not trying to effectively vet these people and expose all of us to a greater risk of attack?

The very same response we will hear from the Democrats/Liberals when faced with the facts that Nunes revealed today:
"Trump transition communications were swept up in U.S. spying on foreign targets, Rep. Nunes says"
Trump transition communications were swept up in U.S. spying on foreign targets, Rep. Nunes says

Wrong about Trump being surveilled by Obama...and wrong about the 7th century savages.

Hear the apologies from the Democrat drones?
Me neither.

Sometimes connecting the dots is simple.....except for grads of government school.

But....they should try.....

Here are several items to peruse....see if you can connect the dots.

1. " reports have emerged which cite the [London Parliament] attacker as Abu Izzadeen, a spokesman for the Islamic extremist organization Al Ghurabaa."
Unconfirmed reports emerge about London attacker's identity

2. "Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’"
Ryan Saavedra Dec 31st, 2016
Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’

a. Bill's wife loses the election

3. ".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East, thought Gabriel, but the Middle East would follow it home. "
The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356

Abu Izzadeen was born in England.

Is there something else you're hiding?
Sometimes connecting the dots is simple.....except for grads of government school.

But....they should try.....

Here are several items to peruse....see if you can connect the dots.

1. " reports have emerged which cite the [London Parliament] attacker as Abu Izzadeen, a spokesman for the Islamic extremist organization Al Ghurabaa."
Unconfirmed reports emerge about London attacker's identity

2. "Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’"
Ryan Saavedra Dec 31st, 2016
Hillary wanted 550% increase in refugees; ‘Muslims not terrorists’

a. Bill's wife loses the election

3. ".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East, thought Gabriel, but the Middle East would follow it home. "
The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356

Abu Izzadeen was born in England.

So? All that tells us is islam is worse than we thought if it turns citizens into terrorist.

Roger Scruton wrote this in his book, "The West and the Rest:"

1. "Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

2. But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."

3. ["Ultimate sleeper cell: U.S.-born kids of immigrants are fertile jihadist recruiting grounds"American-born children of immigrants proving fruitful recruiting ground for jihad in U.S.]

The dark Islamic world of Khalil Abu-Rayyan.
Federal authorities arrested a Michigan man believed to be an ISIS supporter who had planned to carry out an attack on a 6,000-member Detroit church. Khalil Abu-Rayyan, 21, of Dearborn Heights, was allegedly in possession of guns and a large knife, and told an undercover FBI agent that he "tried to shoot up a church one day." "I bought a bunch of bullets. I practiced reloading and unloading," he said in an online conversation. Investigators did not specify which church Abu-Rayyan was eyeing, but said it has a capacity of 6,000 members. In conversations with an undercover agent, he said, "If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here." He also had armed himself with a knife and told the undercover agent, "It is my dream to behead someone."
'It Is My Dream to Behead Someone' – American Muslim

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*****SAD SMILE*****

I hafta ask, what will the Democrat response be when Americans are killed in a terrorist attack somewhere in the USA by a refugee or an illegal alien or somebody from one of those 7 countries on Trump's EO? How can you defend not trying to effectively vet these people and expose all of us to a greater risk of attack?
I'm curious... How long should it take to develop an extreme vetting plan?
I hafta ask, what will the Democrat response be when Americans are killed in a terrorist attack somewhere in the USA by a refugee or an illegal alien or somebody from one of those 7 countries on Trump's EO? How can you defend not trying to effectively vet these people and expose all of us to a greater risk of attack?
Here is a better question. Below is a link to our current vetting process which takes 18-24 months. What else would you add?

U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

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