Cons overwhelmingly vote for Harvey welfare .

Go screw .

This whole thread exposes how you right wingers are just dicks when it comes to helping fellow Americans. EXCEPT when it comes to you .

Am I wrong when I say you hate all things socialism? That you hate welfare ? That you hate big gov?

Then a hurricane comes along and suddenly your little theories on how things should work don't play out in reality .

Come on! Let's hear how the constitution doesn't include FEMA ! Let's hear how people should be responsible for their own foods insurance!
Poor hate-filled, hate-driven, un-American snowflake POLiberalS. I pity you and your miserable life...

Hate filled ? I'm for helping those in need. Can you say the same ? No, because all you care about is yourslef. We know who the miserable one is .
Yes, right now, after being called out for calling aid to hurricane victims 'welfare', you are suddenly FOR helping out Texas. You follow up this herculean flip-flop hypocritical tirade by falsely accusing someone else of something, as snowflakes have been doing for the last year now.

Just drop the charade, and go start another hate-filled, hate-driven, butt-hurt, un-American/pro-Antifa, anti-Trump post-election Hillary Lost PTSD thread to make yourself feel better...


Are you another conservative now admitting that your 'constitutional conservative' pals who insist disaster relief is not an 'enumerated power' are full of shit to thus conclude that it's unconstitutional?
So you are just another hypocritical liberal snowflake who talks the talk about compassion, caring for people, and giving a shit but is being exposed now?!

As I have repeatedly said, libs always reveal themselves / prove who they really are if you just give them time..


Was that a yes or a no?
Go screw .

This whole thread exposes how you right wingers are just dicks when it comes to helping fellow Americans. EXCEPT when it comes to you .

Am I wrong when I say you hate all things socialism? That you hate welfare ? That you hate big gov?

Then a hurricane comes along and suddenly your little theories on how things should work don't play out in reality .

Come on! Let's hear how the constitution doesn't include FEMA ! Let's hear how people should be responsible for their own foods insurance!
Poor hate-filled, hate-driven, un-American snowflake POLiberalS. I pity you and your miserable life...

Hate filled ? I'm for helping those in need. Can you say the same ? No, because all you care about is yourslef. We know who the miserable one is .
Yes, right now, after being called out for calling aid to hurricane victims 'welfare', you are suddenly FOR helping out Texas. You follow up this herculean flip-flop hypocritical tirade by falsely accusing someone else of something, as snowflakes have been doing for the last year now.

Just drop the charade, and go start another hate-filled, hate-driven, butt-hurt, un-American/pro-Antifa, anti-Trump post-election Hillary Lost PTSD thread to make yourself feel better...


Are you another conservative now admitting that your 'constitutional conservative' pals who insist disaster relief is not an 'enumerated power' are full of shit to thus conclude that it's unconstitutional?
So you are just another hypocritical liberal snowflake who talks the talk about compassion, caring for people, and giving a shit but is being exposed now?!

As I have repeatedly said, libs always reveal themselves / prove who they really are if you just give them time..


How am I a hypocrite? I do want to help the people of Texas and anyone else caught in a natural disaster. After all I'm a liberal "socialist as you would say.
419-3 the house voted to send $8bill in welfare to Texas . Just the beginning.

I guess everyone has an anti "wealth distribution " "big gubment" "nanny state ", plan until a hurricane punches you in the mouth .

House passes Hurricane Harvey relief aid - CNNPolitics
God, you are such a hateful, anti-American free-loader supporter.

You have no problem giving all the tax-payer-funded freebies possible out to deadbeats, out-of-work career Antifa protestors, drug abusers, etc, but when hard-working tax payers need a hand after a disaster you get your panties in a wad.


So a dying kid on chemo therapy is not a disaster ? How many times have we seen take care of their own, I don't want to pay for your healthcare bullshit on this forum?

419-3 the house voted to send $8bill in welfare to Texas . Just the beginning.

I guess everyone has an anti "wealth distribution " "big gubment" "nanny state ", plan until a hurricane punches you in the mouth .

House passes Hurricane Harvey relief aid - CNNPolitics
Quit falling down the well, only a fool believes redistribution works. And the federal government fucks everything up everything it touches. Lol
419-3 the house voted to send $8bill in welfare to Texas . Just the beginning.

I guess everyone has an anti "wealth distribution " "big gubment" "nanny state ", plan until a hurricane punches you in the mouth .

House passes Hurricane Harvey relief aid - CNNPolitics
God, you are such a hateful, anti-American free-loader supporter.

You have no problem giving all the tax-payer-funded freebies possible out to deadbeats, out-of-work career Antifa protestors, drug abusers, etc, but when hard-working tax payers need a hand after a disaster you get your panties in a wad.


So a dying kid on chemo therapy is not a disaster ? How many times have we seen take care of their own, I don't want to pay for your healthcare bullshit on this forum?

Any help given should be 100% voluntary, we don't need a thuggish government taking from Paul to pay Peter…
No one should be forced into the fucking Village/collective
419-3 the house voted to send $8bill in welfare to Texas . Just the beginning.

I guess everyone has an anti "wealth distribution " "big gubment" "nanny state ", plan until a hurricane punches you in the mouth .

House passes Hurricane Harvey relief aid - CNNPolitics
God, you are such a hateful, anti-American free-loader supporter.

You have no problem giving all the tax-payer-funded freebies possible out to deadbeats, out-of-work career Antifa protestors, drug abusers, etc, but when hard-working tax payers need a hand after a disaster you get your panties in a wad.


So a dying kid on chemo therapy is not a disaster ? How many times have we seen take care of their own, I don't want to pay for your healthcare bullshit on this forum?

It is a PERSONAL disaster, not a NATIONAL disaster.
419-3 the house voted to send $8bill in welfare to Texas . Just the beginning.

I guess everyone has an anti "wealth distribution " "big gubment" "nanny state ", plan until a hurricane punches you in the mouth .

House passes Hurricane Harvey relief aid - CNNPolitics

You really are a dumbfuck! There is a big difference in helping people get back on their feet after a devastating natural disaster FROM giving money to people (such as you and your family) to sit on their asses, watching TV and eating bonbon while collecting checks!

Sent from my iPhone using
Let Florida and Texas drown, I say. Why should I have to pay? They're going to rebuild on the same flooding-prone ground where they just lost everything. Rinse and repeat.
419-3 the house voted to send $8bill in welfare to Texas . Just the beginning.

I guess everyone has an anti "wealth distribution " "big gubment" "nanny state ", plan until a hurricane punches you in the mouth .

House passes Hurricane Harvey relief aid - CNNPolitics
God, you are such a hateful, anti-American free-loader supporter.

You have no problem giving all the tax-payer-funded freebies possible out to deadbeats, out-of-work career Antifa protestors, drug abusers, etc, but when hard-working tax payers need a hand after a disaster you get your panties in a wad.


So a dying kid on chemo therapy is not a disaster ? How many times have we seen take care of their own, I don't want to pay for your healthcare bullshit on this forum?

It is a PERSONAL disaster, not a NATIONAL disaster.
National disaster are nothing more than a bunch of personal disasters.
419-3 the house voted to send $8bill in welfare to Texas . Just the beginning.

I guess everyone has an anti "wealth distribution " "big gubment" "nanny state ", plan until a hurricane punches you in the mouth .

House passes Hurricane Harvey relief aid - CNNPolitics
God, you are such a hateful, anti-American free-loader supporter.

You have no problem giving all the tax-payer-funded freebies possible out to deadbeats, out-of-work career Antifa protestors, drug abusers, etc, but when hard-working tax payers need a hand after a disaster you get your panties in a wad.


So a dying kid on chemo therapy is not a disaster ? How many times have we seen take care of their own, I don't want to pay for your healthcare bullshit on this forum?

Any help given should be 100% voluntary, we don't need a thuggish government taking from Paul to pay Peter…
No one should be forced into the fucking Village/collective

Thank you for being honest and sticking to your guns . Even though I disagree .

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