Conservatism And Libertarianism Both Have No Dogma

So if someone robs you and you want your stuff back, why are they going to agree to a mediator? Why would Madoff agree to a mediator? Why would internet scammers agree to a mediator?

Sure, in the general store of the town you live in they might agree to that as they know their other customers are looking at them and they don't want to lose them. But there are a lot of bad guys out there, they aren't going to agree to mediation. That is a legitimate role of government, mediating results.

Then the next problem you have is even if you win, suppose they don't pay? I operate my business with integrity, but I have hundreds of vendors all over the country. Most of them have integrity too. Some don't. Sure, I can not do business with anyone I don't know, but without any repercussions to fraud, I would have to do that and my business would be far smaller if it survived at all.
I like Bob Murphy's answer from his book Chaos Theory. Essentially, if somebody robs you, but then doesn't agree to arbitration over the matter to decide who has the property right in the object stolen, then essentially we have a case where the rest of society will shun that individual. If you know that somebody is accused of theft, and that they refused arbitration, would you be willing to do business with them? Of course not. Their best option in that case is to seek arbitration. Now, naturally each party would seek a private court that they think would favor their argument, so it would naturally balance itself out to a more moderate court. This also ties into Murphy's argument for "prisons" for serial criminals. He doesn't believe that the prison system as it exists today would work without government force, so he puts forth the idea that there would be facilities, prisons for lack of a better term I suppose, where the worst offenders could go and pay, or provide their labor to the facility, to live in an attempt to rehabilitate themselves on the basis that they've destroyed their reputations in the real world and nobody will associate with them at all. They would also work for the facility so that the facility could then start paying off their debts to their victims on their behalf.

What a ridiculous answer. So why doesn't it work now? Why do vendors try to screw me, then stay in business? You still think we live in towns of hundreds of people where everyone knows everyone. Actually, we live in a country of 350 million and a world of billions. You're still living in the old west.

I actually agree with you.

Laissez-faire capitalism is a great 'theory'. But it can only work under ideal conditions. And if those conditions don't exist, laissez-faire fails miserably.

Critical to laissez-faire is that every 'actor' in the economy has to have an equal 'stake'

Wrong, that isn't the slightest bit "critical."

Living Enterprises with Living Owners
. An ideology of market fundamentalism has embedded a belief in the public culture that the sole purpose and responsibility of a business enterprise is to maximize financial returns to its owners. This belief, combined with a system of absentee ownership and instantaneous trading of corporate shares, encourages short-term over long-term thinking and strips corporate decision making of concern for social and environmental consequences.

ROFL! The planning horizon for the United States Congress is two years. Politicians don't give a crap what happens when they don't get reelected, so their decision making is based entirely on what it takes to get past the next election.

SOLUTION: Pursue local economic development programs that build diversified, self-reliant, energy efficient, democratically self-organizing local economies comprised of locally owned living enterprises devoted to serving local needs.

That's a euphemism meaning "crony capitalism. All businesses server social needs. THey wouldn't exist if they didn't. The idea that government can do a better job has been debunked by the empirical evidence 10,000 times.

Local Living Economies
. Fragmented local economies dependent on global corporations for jobs and basic goods and services leave people and nature captive to the financial interests of distant institutions that have no concern for their well-being and no accountability to their interests.

Mumbo Jumbo. Capitalism has demonstrated for the last 200 years its ability to produce a far higher standard of living than government control of productive enterprises.

SOLUTION: Recognize that the primary purpose of any enterprise is to serve the needs of a living community. Favor living enterprises with living, locally rooted owners who have a direct stake in the social and environmental consequences of the firm’s management decisions—people who are looking not for maximum financial return, but for a living return that includes a healthy community and a healthy natural environment. This means favoring cooperative, worker- and community-owned enterprises and discouraging the speculative public trading of corporate shares.

Translation: adopt crony capitalism or fascism.

Translation, adult concepts are way beyond you...

Your pretension that your beliefs are "adult" is so cute.
. An ideology of market fundamentalism has embedded a belief in the public culture that the sole purpose and responsibility of a business enterprise is to maximize financial returns to its owners.

I have an MBA, what they teach management is the way to succeed is to please your customers better than the international competition does if you want to survive. Capitalism makes slaves of owners and management to the whims of customers. Its exactly the opposite of what Marx taught and what todays brainwashed liberal Marxists think.
Both ends of the spectrum -- liberals & conservatives -- are forcing their religious dogma on the rest of us daily.

And whether it's God or government, the dogmas are based on their collectivist, authoritarian, submissive utopia.

Each side is a warped reflection of the other, and they'll never admit it, because they refuse to believe that they are what they hate.

How are conservatives "forcing their religious dogma on the rest of us?"

Todays liberal worries more about christianity than MUslims who will cut your head off while you are alive if your don't convert. Liberalism is insanity.
Conservatism and Libertarianism both have no Dogma. It's true because both a founding father of modern conservatim and a leading Libertarian intellectual (oxymoron?) have claimed this to be true.

What do you thnk?

why not quote the father and intellectual?
Both ends of the spectrum -- liberals & conservatives -- are forcing their religious dogma on the rest of us daily.

And whether it's God or government, the dogmas are based on their collectivist, authoritarian, submissive utopia.

Each side is a warped reflection of the other, and they'll never admit it, because they refuse to believe that they are what they hate.

How are conservatives "forcing their religious dogma on the rest of us?"

Todays liberal worries more about christianity than MUslims who will cut your head off while you are alive if your don't convert. Liberalism is insanity.

No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS
No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS

too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs
No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS

too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs

No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”
No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS

too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs

No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”

So if you cut funding for teaching Art, Music and History, you're as bad as terrorists who cut off people's head?

You kill me, BugFucker!
No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS

too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs

No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”

So if you cut funding for teaching Art, Music and History, you're as bad as terrorists who cut off people's head?

You kill me, BugFucker!

SEE, ULTRA-conservatives stick together...thank you for proving my point...
No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS

too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs

No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”

So if you cut funding for teaching Art, Music and History, you're as bad as terrorists who cut off people's head?

You kill me, BugFucker!

SEE, ULTRA-conservatives stick together...thank you for proving my point...

Why wouldn't they stick together in that they share the philosophy of freedom?
No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS

too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs

No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”

So if you cut funding for teaching Art, Music and History, you're as bad as terrorists who cut off people's head?

You kill me, BugFucker!

SEE, ULTRA-conservatives stick together...thank you for proving my point...

You mean they agree with each other? Who would have thunk it? And Stalinists like you don't agree with each other?
No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS

too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs

No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”

So if you cut funding for teaching Art, Music and History, you're as bad as terrorists who cut off people's head?

You kill me, BugFucker!

SEE, ULTRA-conservatives stick together...thank you for proving my point...

You mean they agree with each other? Who would have thunk it? And Stalinists like you don't agree with each other?

You didn't even know what you were replying to...

Bfgrn: No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS.


The Social Conservatism of Soviet Marxism

Outside of Market Economics and Religion (even that is questionable both in that the Soviet Union was far from Athiest and the Anglo-Sphere is far from Christian), and a brief do what you please period during the middle 1920s, the Soviet Union had a lot in common with the the social conservatives in the modern West.

Stalin, though a murderous bastard indeed, even banned abortions.

Perversion was also not tolerated in the Soviet Union. Be it lethargy, sloth or lust, all were decreed as subhuman and to be fought against by the enlightened man. Hard work was always heralded as a great virtue. Of course when hard work was not rewarded monetary, the call to work hard fell on deaf ears.

As mentioned earlier, family was of great importance, so perversions, like homosexuality was not tolerated and treated as a mental illness to be treated by psychologists not entertained by society...

Stanislav Mishin
too stupid of course since ultra conservative would mean ultra small govt while IS wants totalitarian liberal govt like Stalin's for who liberals spied . The liberal is still confused on his ABCs

No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”

So if you cut funding for teaching Art, Music and History, you're as bad as terrorists who cut off people's head?

You kill me, BugFucker!

SEE, ULTRA-conservatives stick together...thank you for proving my point...

You mean they agree with each other? Who would have thunk it? And Stalinists like you don't agree with each other?

You didn't even know what you were replying to...

Bfgrn: No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS.


The Social Conservatism of Soviet Marxism

Outside of Market Economics and Religion (even that is questionable both in that the Soviet Union was far from Athiest and the Anglo-Sphere is far from Christian), and a brief do what you please period during the middle 1920s, the Soviet Union had a lot in common with the the social conservatives in the modern West.

Stalin, though a murderous bastard indeed, even banned abortions.

Perversion was also not tolerated in the Soviet Union. Be it lethargy, sloth or lust, all were decreed as subhuman and to be fought against by the enlightened man. Hard work was always heralded as a great virtue. Of course when hard work was not rewarded monetary, the call to work hard fell on deaf ears.

As mentioned earlier, family was of great importance, so perversions, like homosexuality was not tolerated and treated as a mental illness to be treated by psychologists not entertained by society...

Stanislav Mishin

Are you actually claiming that Stalin was a conservative? Hitler was a vegetarian. According to your theory, that means he was a liberal.

You really are one colossal dumbass. Ya know that?
No, the world doesn't revolve around you, your dogma and your tiny little brain.

ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution In Schools

BAGHDAD (AP) — The extremist-held Iraqi city of Mosul is set to usher in a new school year. But unlike years past, there will be no art or music. Classes about history, literature and Christianity have been "permanently annulled."

The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, stresses that any reference to the republics of Iraq or Syria must be replaced with "Islamic State." Pictures that violate its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam will be ripped out of books. Anthems and lyrics that encourage love of country are now viewed as a show of "polytheism and blasphemy," and are strictly banned.

The new curriculum even went so far as to explicitly ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools.

ISIS Cuts Art, Music, and History Education in Iraq

The new guidelines, which have “permanently annulled” much of the liberal arts, also replace all references to the Iraqi and Syrian republics with the “Islamic States,” and deems patriotic songs, which are banned, to be “polytheism and blasphemy.” Pictures that don’t align with ISIS’s ultraconservative views have been torn out of text books. Similarly, ISIS has jettisoned philosophy and chemistry classes from schools in Raqqa, its Syrian stronghold.

Although it is not clear if teachers and school administrators have been showing up to work, instructors will now be segregated by gender. (Formerly, co-ed schools were permitted for students under 12.) They have been asked by ISIS “to teach and serve the Muslims in order to improve the people of the Islamic state in the fields of all religious and other sciences.”

So if you cut funding for teaching Art, Music and History, you're as bad as terrorists who cut off people's head?

You kill me, BugFucker!

SEE, ULTRA-conservatives stick together...thank you for proving my point...

You mean they agree with each other? Who would have thunk it? And Stalinists like you don't agree with each other?

You didn't even know what you were replying to...

Bfgrn: No, liberals worry about all conservatives, even the ULTRA-conservative Muslims like al Qaeda and ISIS.


The Social Conservatism of Soviet Marxism

Outside of Market Economics and Religion (even that is questionable both in that the Soviet Union was far from Athiest and the Anglo-Sphere is far from Christian), and a brief do what you please period during the middle 1920s, the Soviet Union had a lot in common with the the social conservatives in the modern West.

Stalin, though a murderous bastard indeed, even banned abortions.

Perversion was also not tolerated in the Soviet Union. Be it lethargy, sloth or lust, all were decreed as subhuman and to be fought against by the enlightened man. Hard work was always heralded as a great virtue. Of course when hard work was not rewarded monetary, the call to work hard fell on deaf ears.

As mentioned earlier, family was of great importance, so perversions, like homosexuality was not tolerated and treated as a mental illness to be treated by psychologists not entertained by society...

Stanislav Mishin

Are you actually claiming that Stalin was a conservative? Hitler was a vegetarian. According to your theory, that means he was a liberal.

You really are one colossal dumbass. Ya know that?

It was known as far back as 1927.


Even other conservatives know that Stalin was from the right camp.

The Art of Conservatism

"When Stalin rose to power after Lenin’s death, Stalin quickly parted into the Right camp of the Communist Party."

It was known in 1989 when Russia had their own 'tea party movement'...

Soviet Conservatives Try to Turn Back the Clock on Gorbachev's Policies

Russian conservatives, uneasy with the liberalization of Soviet society under Mikhail S. Gorbachev, have seized on the country's experiment in more democratic elections as a chance to fight for a return to more authoritarian ways.

The conservatives are a disparate alliance, including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they see as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church.

'I Am a Stalinist'
''We brought our case to the people, and the outcome speaks for us,'' said Mr. Zherbin, whose group regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

It has always been known by Russians...

Communism and Social Conservatism

Earlier this year, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii-KPRF) and its leader Gennady Zyuganov railed against what they see as the corrosive moral influence of Western-style media in Russia. It was an interesting bit of information, especially because Zyuganov criticized attacks against Orthodox Christianity.

Zyuganov's views may seem strange to the average Western observer, but it should be noted that communism tended to be socially conservative throughout much of the 20th century following Stalin's turn away from the moral chaos of the early Soviet period. Stalinist social policies included restrictions on divorce, the banning of legal abortion, and pro-natalist policies. While the ban on legal abortion was eventually repealed after Stalin's death, the Soviet government continued to produce and widely disseminate anti-abortion propaganda as part of its pro-natalist program.
Conservatism and Libertarianism both have no Dogma. It's true because both a founding father of modern conservatim and a leading Libertarian intellectual (oxymoron?) have claimed this to be true.

What do you thnk?
That neither know what the definition of dogma is – where dogma is defined as that which must be believed, without question.

Clearly this well describes most conservatives and libertarians who adhere blindly to their respective, and errant, dogmas.

The men referred to here KNOW what the definition of 'dogma' is. Please, try and keep up

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