Conservatism: Screw Blacks, Screw Women, White! White! White!


Gold Member
Apr 10, 2013
Conservative America is the PROBLEM!

[ame=]Screw Blacks, Screw Women, White! White! White! Says Conservative Thinker - YouTube[/ame]

So, wait conservatives FIRED him, as is stated FIRST in your report, and now he speaks for all conservatives? :cuckoo:

Its akin to saying ALL liberal rights activists like Theresa Sparks (executive director of San Francisco’s Human Rights Commission) who supports Larry Birken ( another human rights activist) 100 PERCENT, - an admitted and convicted pedophile and racist) after he spoke of "White Power and WHITE DICKS in N****** 2 year olds, while being raped"- He is a disgusting piece of crap racist and pedophile.
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Is it true that two thirds of all GOP budget cuts are for the poor, the disabled, women and children?
When I wake up in the morning, after a nutritious breakfast of white grits, and white milk, and white eggs, I get in my white primer pickup with the rebel battle flag attached, scoot on over to dogpatch and screw me over some black folks. I usually start by pissing on their mailbox; got to mark my white territory. Next, it's time to erect a cross and steal the malt liquor in the chicken coop next to the watermelon patch. A day without hating ******* is like a day without sunshine! White POWER!
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Whitey alrighty

If you ain't white-you ain't right :lol:

"Onepercenter" must refer to the amount of brain cells this kid has relative to a normal human.
CaféAuLait;8738410 said:

So, wait conservatives FIRED him, as is stated FIRST in your report, and now he speaks for all conservatives? :cuckoo:

Its akin to saying ALL liberal rights activists like Theresa Sparks (executive director of San Francisco’s Human Rights Commission) who supports Larry Birken ( another human rights activist) 100 PERCENT, - an admitted and convicted pedophile and racist) after he spoke of "White Power and WHITE DICKS in N****** 2 year olds, while being raped"- He is a disgusting piece of crap racist and pedophile.

San Francisco?s Gay Icon Larry Brinkin Guilty of Felony Child Porn Possession | CNS News

It's true, but your not supposed to talk about it, and you never put it in print!

Ball Gag Award

Lawmaker suggests ?duct tape? strategy for GOP pols: Shut up until November elections | The Raw Story

Recent: Cruz and Jindal got their asses handed to them.
When I wake up in the morning, after a nutritious breakfast of white grits, and white milk, and white eggs, I get in my white primer pickup with the rebel battle flag attached, scoot on over to dogpatch and screw me over some black folks. I usually start by pissing on their mailbox; got to mark my white territory. Next, it's time to erect a cross and steal the malt liquor in the chicken coop next to the watermelon patch. A day without hating ******* is like a day without sunshine! White POWER!

Whitey alrighty

If you ain't white-you ain't right :lol:


Truth shows it's ugly head.
Is it true that two thirds of all GOP budget cuts are for the poor, the disabled, women and children?

Most of the budget cuts are against areas that haven't caused the debt; infrastructure, science and r&d investment.

Very little has been cut out of welfare programs...

You are wrong mother lover!

I am Black and I'm proud to be a Conservative.

Here is the problem.

Lecture Summary

American political history is defined by three great crises. The first crisis was the American Revolution, which was declared on July 4, 1776 but whose roots can be traced back at least to 1763. That period of crisis ended with the election of Thomas Jefferson as president in what has become known as the “Revolution of 1800.”

The second crisis was the crisis over slavery that culminated in the Civil War. While the Founders had opposed slavery in principle, but had been forced to compromise with the institution in practice for the sake of the Union, the rise of the “positive good” school of slavery in the South marked a turn away from the Founders’ principles, and their practice. In response, Abraham Lincoln explained and defended the Founder’s approach.

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights. Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

In order to understand fully the previous crises, and to be able to respond well to the current crisis, we must understand the causes of America.

America has four causes—a material cause: primarily the land and the people; an efficient cause: the Founding Founders who led the Revolution in the name of the American people; a formal cause: the Constitution, especially the structure of government it establishes; and a final cause: the principles of free government outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

With this background, we can answer the question: Was the American Founding revolutionary or conservative? In fact it was both: It sought to conserve the oldest and highest law, which according to the Declaration of Independence is “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The Founders compared the natural law to the conventional law under which they lived, and—as described so eloquently and succinctly in the Declaration of Independence—determined that a revolution was justified in the name of this higher law.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses
With citizens like the 1/2% voting is it any wonder our country is headed into the shitter
Margaret+Sanger+and+KKK.jpg is an anti-immigration website, not a "White nationalist hate site".

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