Conservatism VS Liberalism

There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.

For one Progressive is a word that made a come back in 2008 from the Hillary camp you guys got so tired of us making fun of the word liberal

For two, only three democrats fliped partys for the millionth time Carter won the south

Three it always amuse me how you liberals both trash the founding fathers and then praise them as one of yours, which ever way the wind blows


And what makes you think I am a Democrat? I haven't said a single thing to express that. You think that anyone that is left of a Closet Axe Murderer is a Liberal. Newsflash: I am a Fiscal Conservative that leans towards Progressive. Just like Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower. You are a Social something. Translation: You believe that things should be turned back to the 50s. Great for some but miserable for most. You want to allow more of the (just yours) to rule the Government. Our Founding Fathers warned us about you.

You got your talking points wrong, it should be the 1860s....
You liberals are the ones who want to bring us back into the 1950s

There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.

For one Progressive is a word that made a come back in 2008 from the Hillary camp you guys got so tired of us making fun of the word liberal

For two, only three democrats fliped partys for the millionth time Carter won the south

Three it always amuse me how you liberals both trash the founding fathers and then praise them as one of yours, which ever way the wind blows


And what makes you think I am a Democrat? I haven't said a single thing to express that. You think that anyone that is left of a Closet Axe Murderer is a Liberal. Newsflash: I am a Fiscal Conservative that leans towards Progressive. Just like Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower. You are a Social something. Translation: You believe that things should be turned back to the 50s. Great for some but miserable for most. You want to allow more of the (just yours) to rule the Government. Our Founding Fathers warned us about you.

You got your talking points wrong, it should be the 1860s....
You liberals are the ones who want to bring us back into the 1950s


You Fascist need to get yours straightned out. And what makes you think I am a liberal? Well, I guess, if we use your yardstick, anyone left of a closet homicidal axe murderer would be a liberal.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

Well, you are wrong about that last statement. But whatever.

Please explain the difference between a progressive and a socialist. To me they are the same.

Let me give you something to think about. Was Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower Socialists? They were Progressives but certainly not Socialists. A Socialist is a form of government. A Progressive is a way to adopt change. And let's face it, those 3 made quite a few changes in America and, largely, they were good changes.

A socialists, is a person who advocates socialism.
Socialism is:
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Therefore if you believe that government should own, or control, the means of production, or distribution... you are a socialist.

Teddy Roosevelt, was a socialist. He believed in government ownership and control over pretty much everything.

Government ownership of land... is a socialist belief system.
Government regulation and control of food production... is a socialist belief system.
Government dictating how the world works, is a socialist belief system.

I don't know what you think you are saying when you say "Socialist is a form of government".... yeah it is. It's government control over every aspect of the society. That's what most of Teddy R policies pushed for.

Just because he doesn't stand up on a stage, and say "we're socialists now", doesn't mean that government controlling, regulating, and owning everything is magically capitalist.

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