Conservatism VS Liberalism

Of course not If you are incapable of doing the job, you will fail

But the issue is that you will have the "opportunity" to do the job. Women and minorities were denied the opportunity to belong to many professions because they were deemed incapable of doing those jobs while never even giving them a chance
As always, when wrongwinger is proven wrong - he moves the goalposts.

Snowflake - Dawn Loggins is a woman and was not only homeless, her parents abandoned her in high school. She was completely on her own. And all she did was get accepted in Harvard and will graduate with an Ivy League degree this spring.

Everything you say is an egregious lie. And we're all tired of listening to your shit. You're proven wrong in every post and yet you continue your shit. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Just admit that you want to mooch off of society and that's why you want marxism.

Which has NOTHING to do with my post

But I do appreciate you trying
Your post said that women are denied opportunities. You also said that people from unfortunate backgrounds have no chance. I just proved you wrong on all accounts. Thanks for playing snowflake.

Now just have an ounce of integrity for once in your life and admit that you desire to mooch off of society and that's why you support marxism. Because you're incapable of making a rational argument otherwise and it's making you look crazy stupid.

You seem to struggle with the concept of women as a whole and individual women

Kids used to make fun of you in school didn't they?
Of course not If you are incapable of doing the job, you will fail

But the issue is that you will have the "opportunity" to do the job. Women and minorities were denied the opportunity to belong to many professions because they were deemed incapable of doing those jobs while never even giving them a chance
As always, when wrongwinger is proven wrong - he moves the goalposts.

Snowflake - Dawn Loggins is a woman and was not only homeless, her parents abandoned her in high school. She was completely on her own. And all she did was get accepted in Harvard and will graduate with an Ivy League degree this spring.

Everything you say is an egregious lie. And we're all tired of listening to your shit. You're proven wrong in every post and yet you continue your shit. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Just admit that you want to mooch off of society and that's why you want marxism.

Which has NOTHING to do with my post

But I do appreciate you trying
Your post said that women are denied opportunities. You also said that people from unfortunate backgrounds have no chance. I just proved you wrong on all accounts. Thanks for playing snowflake.

Now just have an ounce of integrity for once in your life and admit that you desire to mooch off of society and that's why you support marxism. Because you're incapable of making a rational argument otherwise and it's making you look crazy stupid.

You seem to struggle with the concept of women as a whole and individual women

Kids used to make fun of you in school didn't they?
Bwahahahahaha! So wrongwinger moves the goalposts yet again and now states "well yeah - some women have opportunities, but some others don't". Funny - you said just women before. As in all women.

It's alright wrongwinger - there's a reason everyone refers to you by that name. We expect nothing less than for you to be wrong.
A liberal that actually works and produces something of positive value?

Try again... A true regressive would tell you that cutting wood is oppression, and perhaps even xenophobia/racism. And that sweatshop crafting? Clearly analogous to slavery.
I'm sure that's the way it must seem to the people who never step outside the house and get their reality from Fox News.
Of course not If you are incapable of doing the job, you will fail

But the issue is that you will have the "opportunity" to do the job. Women and minorities were denied the opportunity to belong to many professions because they were deemed incapable of doing those jobs while never even giving them a chance
As always, when wrongwinger is proven wrong - he moves the goalposts.

Snowflake - Dawn Loggins is a woman and was not only homeless, her parents abandoned her in high school. She was completely on her own. And all she did was get accepted in Harvard and will graduate with an Ivy League degree this spring.

Everything you say is an egregious lie. And we're all tired of listening to your shit. You're proven wrong in every post and yet you continue your shit. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Just admit that you want to mooch off of society and that's why you want marxism.

Which has NOTHING to do with my post

But I do appreciate you trying
Your post said that women are denied opportunities. You also said that people from unfortunate backgrounds have no chance. I just proved you wrong on all accounts. Thanks for playing snowflake.

Now just have an ounce of integrity for once in your life and admit that you desire to mooch off of society and that's why you support marxism. Because you're incapable of making a rational argument otherwise and it's making you look crazy stupid.

You seem to struggle with the concept of women as a whole and individual women

Kids used to make fun of you in school didn't they?

So you are suggesting that the individual woman who has just as much opportunity to succeed, is in leftard world, not part of the 'whole' which you claim does not?

Kids used to make fun of you in school, just like adults are making fun of you now, didn't they?
A liberal that actually works and produces something of positive value?

Try again... A true regressive would tell you that cutting wood is oppression, and perhaps even xenophobia/racism. And that sweatshop crafting? Clearly analogous to slavery.
I'm sure that's the way it must seem to the people who never step outside the house and get their reality from Fox News.

No that's just the way it is, from first hand experience in the work place.

Conservatives work hard, because they realize that they are earning the wage they work to get.

Liberals come in late, milk the clock, do as little as possible, and leave the moment clock the second hand hits 0, like the building was on fire.

We have a former union guy in our company right now. Used to be a Union employee for the state government. The guy is the most lazy useless person I've ever met. Twice I've found him asleep at his chair. He weights 400 lbs, and the only time he ever does any work at all, is the off chance someone happens to place something to do, within arms reach of chair, that is now deformed to perfectly fit his butt.

He loved Obama of course, and hated Bush and Trump. The other day, someone left a stack of papers intentionally on a desk about 10 steps away from where his chair is, just to see his lazy butt get up off his chair. To our amazement, he started wheeling his chair around the isles, to roll the butt modeled chair around the isles, to get the papers, and then rolled back.

I turned to the other guys who witnessed Jabba the Union man rolling around "That is a genuine Hillary supporter".
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.
I've been thinking of good way to teach people what each one means and may have come up with the parable. Wood shop. Yes that icky physical labor lefties hate so much. But it fits.

You step into wood shop on day one and have a choice to make. You can choose to be a liberal craftsman or a conservative one.

If you choose to be a liberal you will have the choice of all pine blocks cut exactly the same, same size, same weight and same grain. And you will make that into smaller blocks, perfectly square if you can but if you can't do that it's fine. You are guaranteed to get a D in the class. You can't make anything other than square blocks, you can never get a C for making better blocks than anyone else but you can't fail either if you never even get a block cut out. It's all fair. No winners, no special treatment for those that did well, everything is equal.

If you choose to be a conservative craftsman you walk into a room full of all kinds of lumber. Oak, Walnut, Redwood etc. 100's of varieties. You can make anything you want, out of anything you want. What you don't get is the guaranteed D for the class. You can get an F, but you can also get an A,B or C. All you have to do is make something people like. If you make perfectly square blocks like the libs you'll probably get an F. Nobody needs those they're pretty basic. Put in a little effort though and the sky is the limit.

If you want the guaranteed barely passing grade you need to be a liberal. If you want the A and all that comes with that success you need to be a conservative. It's really that simple.
Now let's continue with your shop class

The conservative shop class does not have women in it. Women have no place in a shop and dad and grandpa never worked with women
Blacks are allowed, but they are not allowed the same tools and are expected to sweep up afterwards
A gay guy tried to join once and classmates were encouraged to call him names and beat him up after class. A liberal classmate spoke up and was accused of being "politically correct"

In the Liberal shop class, boys who actually like shop class, and are more skilled, and thus would benefit the most, are kicked out of the class, to make room for far lesser skilled people, who happen to be the politically correct gender or color.

Additionally, in the name of helping minorities, and those who are disenfranchised, the best tools and wood are taken away from those who are actually skilled at wood working, and given to those who break the tools, and destroy the wood, thus discouraging those who have real talent, and giving an air of entitlement and taking for granted what they have, those who don't have talent.

Finally, at the end of the school year, all grades are averaged out, so that those still manage to put in the effort to make a bird feed, with engraving and painted sides, complete with stand, are given the same C+ as the students who showed up with two wood slats held to together with duck tape, causing all students to be upset, and hate the entire class. Those who barely showed up, are angry because the others should have worked harder so they didn't end up with a C+. And those who worked hard, because put in so much effort, and ended up with the same as those who didn't.

Then after all the social promotion of unqualified students, to meet arbitrary versions of "equality", they go to college, and have to spend $1.5 Billion dollars in remedial class, lie "Elementary Wood Working" and then "Pre-College Wood Working" and then "Bridge-to-College Wood Working", before they can start "College Wood Working".

Remedial classes have become a hidden cost of college

(these are all based on actual Math classes now offered at Columbus State.... because students coming out of liberal public schools, have to take Elementary Math 050, to take Pre-College Math 060, to take Intermediate Math 075, to take Bridge to College Math 099.......... to then take College Math 101.

We literally have FOUR pre-college math classes, because the liberal education system is so backwards and useless, that people have to spend an entire year of classes to catch-up to...... 12th grade, after they graduate 12th grade.

This is YOUR system. Not ours.

Then you sit around complaining that college costs too much, when you we spend hundreds of billions on public schools that fail so bad, you have to take four different classes in college to catch up to entry level college?

Whose fault is that? YOURS. Not ours. You punish good students, and reward bad students, and think that conservatives are to blame? YOUR SYSTEM... not ours.

Worse, after your system sucks so horribly that is the most expensive, and least effective system in the world... then you are shocked we don't want to pay for it?


You are almost close

That conservative shop class will be comprised of white boys, whose fathers and grandfathers were carpenters. When they graduate, their fathers will tie them into a nice apprentice position with a guy they used to work with. Then their uncle will make sure they get accepted into the union.

They will then brag about how they got where they are through skill and hard work and berate the minorities and women who were unable to be as successful as they are

Not true at all. I worked at car dealership where there was a kid whose father was an auto-mechanic, and he simply couldn't fix cars. He lost his apprenticeship.

The idea that simply coming from a family of successful people, magically means you have a free ride to the top without hard work and effort, is a complete and total joke.

I was working at a company just a few years ago, where the owner was retiring, and handed it off to his son. His son ran the company into the ground, to the point the board of executives called up the retired owner, and said they were removing his son as CEO, and he would either take over the company again, or they would all resign. He came back, and the the son, was removed.

This claim of yours (or implication) that if you can get by with being from a family of carpenters, means you'll magically make a good carpenter, is a joke. It all takes tons of hard work and effort.

There are many factors involved, such as your morality. People who cheat, lie, and steal, are not going to be successful. And that doesn't matter if you are white or black, quote unquote 'privileged' or poor.

I have a relative who was an engineer, and made hundreds of millions. Yet his son dropped out, and ended up in prison. He couldn't engineer anything.

And if everything you said was true, and it's not about hard work and effort.... then explain Asians? In the early 1900s, Asians were poor like any other minority. Today, Asians all do better than White Americans, by any standard of measurement.

So they started off with no long line of successful carpenters, and now they do better than those who did. Can you explain that?

Of course not

If you are incapable of doing the job, you will fail

But the issue is that you will have the "opportunity" to do the job. Women and minorities were denied the opportunity to belong to many professions because they were deemed incapable of doing those jobs while never even giving them a chance

And I disagree with that too.

This is a claim that isn't supported. For example, you can say that McDonald's denied women who asked to be franchise owners. And decades ago that was true.

But that didn't stop women from being restaurant owners, nor did it stop them from owning McDonald's franchises.

How? You just open your own store. How do you get a McDonald's franchise owner when McDonald's denies your franchise application? Buy an existing franchise. The guy that owns that Franchise down the street, if you got money, and he is willing to sell.... you got yourself a McDonald's franchise.

There is actually a fairly well known story of a lady who had a store of her own. Then she bought a McDonald's franchise. Then she bought a cattle ranch, and became a McDonald's beef supplier.

All the way, she was denied opportunities, but that didn't stop her. She simply found an another way. That's how you win.

You don't win by crying about discrimination. In fact, that simply justifies the people who reject you. If the moment something doesn't go your way, you start pointing fingers, and crying about how unfair life is, then obviously you are going to be a terrible employee, and I was right to fire your butt, so you can go ruin some other company.

She didn't do that. She simply kept going forward. It's back to the Rocky clip... it's not about getting hit... it's about how you take the hit, and keep moving forward.

And honestly, this idea that life should be fair, is so childish. It's like half the country is made up of adults that are still in pre-school. Life isn't fair. Never has been. Never will be. And the more you try and force life to be fair, the less fair it's going to be.

You are never going to have 'equal opportunity' ever.

This isn't a white thing, or black thing, or gender thing. It's a life thing.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark, and say you are a man. Likely a white man.

My relative is a the senior engineer at a major global company. If I asked him to, he could get me a job at the company tomorrow. He could have me hired with just a word. He reports directly to the executive board, and besides them, he has complete authority over his division.

That is an opportunity you don't have. If you asked him for a job, he'd direct you to HR, and say good luck.

Do you see the problem? You are a man, and white, and you don't have the same opportunity as me.

Discrimination against whites by whites!

Likely you also have some opportunities that I don't have.

Down the street from where I live, is food joint called Skyward Grill.
Owned by a black man. We walked in, and he had a relative working for him at the cash register.

That relative had an opportunity I didn't have. I have opportunities you don't have.

Must be discrimination against whites!

There is no 'equal opportunity' and never will be, or should be.

And it would be impossible to equal the opportunity. What law do you think is going to level the field so that my relative is going to give you a job, as easily as me? Not going to happen.

The only thing that you can do, is make a law preventing me from using the opportunity I have, that you don't.

And that.... is why left-wing ideology is always the ideology of ruining and destroying. You can't force people 'up', but you can drag everyone down. You can't force everyone to have more opportunity, but you can force everyone to have less opportunity.

Every country that moves towards the left, is always a move towards equal misery, equal poverty, and equal hopelessness.
Now let's continue with your shop class

The conservative shop class does not have women in it. Women have no place in a shop and dad and grandpa never worked with women
Blacks are allowed, but they are not allowed the same tools and are expected to sweep up afterwards
A gay guy tried to join once and classmates were encouraged to call him names and beat him up after class. A liberal classmate spoke up and was accused of being "politically correct"

In the Liberal shop class, boys who actually like shop class, and are more skilled, and thus would benefit the most, are kicked out of the class, to make room for far lesser skilled people, who happen to be the politically correct gender or color.

Additionally, in the name of helping minorities, and those who are disenfranchised, the best tools and wood are taken away from those who are actually skilled at wood working, and given to those who break the tools, and destroy the wood, thus discouraging those who have real talent, and giving an air of entitlement and taking for granted what they have, those who don't have talent.

Finally, at the end of the school year, all grades are averaged out, so that those still manage to put in the effort to make a bird feed, with engraving and painted sides, complete with stand, are given the same C+ as the students who showed up with two wood slats held to together with duck tape, causing all students to be upset, and hate the entire class. Those who barely showed up, are angry because the others should have worked harder so they didn't end up with a C+. And those who worked hard, because put in so much effort, and ended up with the same as those who didn't.

Then after all the social promotion of unqualified students, to meet arbitrary versions of "equality", they go to college, and have to spend $1.5 Billion dollars in remedial class, lie "Elementary Wood Working" and then "Pre-College Wood Working" and then "Bridge-to-College Wood Working", before they can start "College Wood Working".

Remedial classes have become a hidden cost of college

(these are all based on actual Math classes now offered at Columbus State.... because students coming out of liberal public schools, have to take Elementary Math 050, to take Pre-College Math 060, to take Intermediate Math 075, to take Bridge to College Math 099.......... to then take College Math 101.

We literally have FOUR pre-college math classes, because the liberal education system is so backwards and useless, that people have to spend an entire year of classes to catch-up to...... 12th grade, after they graduate 12th grade.

This is YOUR system. Not ours.

Then you sit around complaining that college costs too much, when you we spend hundreds of billions on public schools that fail so bad, you have to take four different classes in college to catch up to entry level college?

Whose fault is that? YOURS. Not ours. You punish good students, and reward bad students, and think that conservatives are to blame? YOUR SYSTEM... not ours.

Worse, after your system sucks so horribly that is the most expensive, and least effective system in the world... then you are shocked we don't want to pay for it?


You are almost close

That conservative shop class will be comprised of white boys, whose fathers and grandfathers were carpenters. When they graduate, their fathers will tie them into a nice apprentice position with a guy they used to work with. Then their uncle will make sure they get accepted into the union.

They will then brag about how they got where they are through skill and hard work and berate the minorities and women who were unable to be as successful as they are

Not true at all. I worked at car dealership where there was a kid whose father was an auto-mechanic, and he simply couldn't fix cars. He lost his apprenticeship.

The idea that simply coming from a family of successful people, magically means you have a free ride to the top without hard work and effort, is a complete and total joke.

I was working at a company just a few years ago, where the owner was retiring, and handed it off to his son. His son ran the company into the ground, to the point the board of executives called up the retired owner, and said they were removing his son as CEO, and he would either take over the company again, or they would all resign. He came back, and the the son, was removed.

This claim of yours (or implication) that if you can get by with being from a family of carpenters, means you'll magically make a good carpenter, is a joke. It all takes tons of hard work and effort.

There are many factors involved, such as your morality. People who cheat, lie, and steal, are not going to be successful. And that doesn't matter if you are white or black, quote unquote 'privileged' or poor.

I have a relative who was an engineer, and made hundreds of millions. Yet his son dropped out, and ended up in prison. He couldn't engineer anything.

And if everything you said was true, and it's not about hard work and effort.... then explain Asians? In the early 1900s, Asians were poor like any other minority. Today, Asians all do better than White Americans, by any standard of measurement.

So they started off with no long line of successful carpenters, and now they do better than those who did. Can you explain that?

Of course not

If you are incapable of doing the job, you will fail

But the issue is that you will have the "opportunity" to do the job. Women and minorities were denied the opportunity to belong to many professions because they were deemed incapable of doing those jobs while never even giving them a chance

And I disagree with that too.

This is a claim that isn't supported. For example, you can say that McDonald's denied women who asked to be franchise owners. And decades ago that was true.

But that didn't stop women from being restaurant owners, nor did it stop them from owning McDonald's franchises.

How? You just open your own store. How do you get a McDonald's franchise owner when McDonald's denies your franchise application? Buy an existing franchise. The guy that owns that Franchise down the street, if you got money, and he is willing to sell.... you got yourself a McDonald's franchise.

There is actually a fairly well known story of a lady who had a store of her own. Then she bought a McDonald's franchise. Then she bought a cattle ranch, and became a McDonald's beef supplier.

All the way, she was denied opportunities, but that didn't stop her. She simply found an another way. That's how you win.

You don't win by crying about discrimination. In fact, that simply justifies the people who reject you. If the moment something doesn't go your way, you start pointing fingers, and crying about how unfair life is, then obviously you are going to be a terrible employee, and I was right to fire your butt, so you can go ruin some other company.

She didn't do that. She simply kept going forward. It's back to the Rocky clip... it's not about getting hit... it's about how you take the hit, and keep moving forward.

And honestly, this idea that life should be fair, is so childish. It's like half the country is made up of adults that are still in pre-school. Life isn't fair. Never has been. Never will be. And the more you try and force life to be fair, the less fair it's going to be.

You are never going to have 'equal opportunity' ever.

This isn't a white thing, or black thing, or gender thing. It's a life thing.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark, and say you are a man. Likely a white man.

My relative is a the senior engineer at a major global company. If I asked him to, he could get me a job at the company tomorrow. He could have me hired with just a word. He reports directly to the executive board, and besides them, he has complete authority over his division.

That is an opportunity you don't have. If you asked him for a job, he'd direct you to HR, and say good luck.

Do you see the problem? You are a man, and white, and you don't have the same opportunity as me.

Discrimination against whites by whites!

Likely you also have some opportunities that I don't have.

Down the street from where I live, is food joint called Skyward Grill.
Skyward Grille
Owned by a black man. We walked in, and he had a relative working for him at the cash register.

That relative had an opportunity I didn't have. I have opportunities you don't have.

Must be discrimination against whites!

There is no 'equal opportunity' and never will be, or should be.

And it would be impossible to equal the opportunity. What law do you think is going to level the field so that my relative is going to give you a job, as easily as me? Not going to happen.

The only thing that you can do, is make a law preventing me from using the opportunity I have, that you don't.

And that.... is why left-wing ideology is always the ideology of ruining and destroying. You can't force people 'up', but you can drag everyone down. You can't force everyone to have more opportunity, but you can force everyone to have less opportunity.

Every country that moves towards the left, is always a move towards equal misery, equal poverty, and equal hopelessness.
Damn missed out on all that women's rights shit didn't you?

I didn't

When I was in Hight School and you asked a girl what her life plans were, most involved getting married and having lots of kids
In terms of occupation, the girls in my class tended towards teachers, nurses, secretaries, beauticians and cashiers

Being a truck driver or in the army didn't tend to be in their plans
In the Liberal shop class, boys who actually like shop class, and are more skilled, and thus would benefit the most, are kicked out of the class, to make room for far lesser skilled people, who happen to be the politically correct gender or color.

Additionally, in the name of helping minorities, and those who are disenfranchised, the best tools and wood are taken away from those who are actually skilled at wood working, and given to those who break the tools, and destroy the wood, thus discouraging those who have real talent, and giving an air of entitlement and taking for granted what they have, those who don't have talent.

Finally, at the end of the school year, all grades are averaged out, so that those still manage to put in the effort to make a bird feed, with engraving and painted sides, complete with stand, are given the same C+ as the students who showed up with two wood slats held to together with duck tape, causing all students to be upset, and hate the entire class. Those who barely showed up, are angry because the others should have worked harder so they didn't end up with a C+. And those who worked hard, because put in so much effort, and ended up with the same as those who didn't.

Then after all the social promotion of unqualified students, to meet arbitrary versions of "equality", they go to college, and have to spend $1.5 Billion dollars in remedial class, lie "Elementary Wood Working" and then "Pre-College Wood Working" and then "Bridge-to-College Wood Working", before they can start "College Wood Working".

Remedial classes have become a hidden cost of college

(these are all based on actual Math classes now offered at Columbus State.... because students coming out of liberal public schools, have to take Elementary Math 050, to take Pre-College Math 060, to take Intermediate Math 075, to take Bridge to College Math 099.......... to then take College Math 101.

We literally have FOUR pre-college math classes, because the liberal education system is so backwards and useless, that people have to spend an entire year of classes to catch-up to...... 12th grade, after they graduate 12th grade.

This is YOUR system. Not ours.

Then you sit around complaining that college costs too much, when you we spend hundreds of billions on public schools that fail so bad, you have to take four different classes in college to catch up to entry level college?

Whose fault is that? YOURS. Not ours. You punish good students, and reward bad students, and think that conservatives are to blame? YOUR SYSTEM... not ours.

Worse, after your system sucks so horribly that is the most expensive, and least effective system in the world... then you are shocked we don't want to pay for it?


You are almost close

That conservative shop class will be comprised of white boys, whose fathers and grandfathers were carpenters. When they graduate, their fathers will tie them into a nice apprentice position with a guy they used to work with. Then their uncle will make sure they get accepted into the union.

They will then brag about how they got where they are through skill and hard work and berate the minorities and women who were unable to be as successful as they are

Not true at all. I worked at car dealership where there was a kid whose father was an auto-mechanic, and he simply couldn't fix cars. He lost his apprenticeship.

The idea that simply coming from a family of successful people, magically means you have a free ride to the top without hard work and effort, is a complete and total joke.

I was working at a company just a few years ago, where the owner was retiring, and handed it off to his son. His son ran the company into the ground, to the point the board of executives called up the retired owner, and said they were removing his son as CEO, and he would either take over the company again, or they would all resign. He came back, and the the son, was removed.

This claim of yours (or implication) that if you can get by with being from a family of carpenters, means you'll magically make a good carpenter, is a joke. It all takes tons of hard work and effort.

There are many factors involved, such as your morality. People who cheat, lie, and steal, are not going to be successful. And that doesn't matter if you are white or black, quote unquote 'privileged' or poor.

I have a relative who was an engineer, and made hundreds of millions. Yet his son dropped out, and ended up in prison. He couldn't engineer anything.

And if everything you said was true, and it's not about hard work and effort.... then explain Asians? In the early 1900s, Asians were poor like any other minority. Today, Asians all do better than White Americans, by any standard of measurement.

So they started off with no long line of successful carpenters, and now they do better than those who did. Can you explain that?

Of course not

If you are incapable of doing the job, you will fail

But the issue is that you will have the "opportunity" to do the job. Women and minorities were denied the opportunity to belong to many professions because they were deemed incapable of doing those jobs while never even giving them a chance

And I disagree with that too.

This is a claim that isn't supported. For example, you can say that McDonald's denied women who asked to be franchise owners. And decades ago that was true.

But that didn't stop women from being restaurant owners, nor did it stop them from owning McDonald's franchises.

How? You just open your own store. How do you get a McDonald's franchise owner when McDonald's denies your franchise application? Buy an existing franchise. The guy that owns that Franchise down the street, if you got money, and he is willing to sell.... you got yourself a McDonald's franchise.

There is actually a fairly well known story of a lady who had a store of her own. Then she bought a McDonald's franchise. Then she bought a cattle ranch, and became a McDonald's beef supplier.

All the way, she was denied opportunities, but that didn't stop her. She simply found an another way. That's how you win.

You don't win by crying about discrimination. In fact, that simply justifies the people who reject you. If the moment something doesn't go your way, you start pointing fingers, and crying about how unfair life is, then obviously you are going to be a terrible employee, and I was right to fire your butt, so you can go ruin some other company.

She didn't do that. She simply kept going forward. It's back to the Rocky clip... it's not about getting hit... it's about how you take the hit, and keep moving forward.

And honestly, this idea that life should be fair, is so childish. It's like half the country is made up of adults that are still in pre-school. Life isn't fair. Never has been. Never will be. And the more you try and force life to be fair, the less fair it's going to be.

You are never going to have 'equal opportunity' ever.

This isn't a white thing, or black thing, or gender thing. It's a life thing.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark, and say you are a man. Likely a white man.

My relative is a the senior engineer at a major global company. If I asked him to, he could get me a job at the company tomorrow. He could have me hired with just a word. He reports directly to the executive board, and besides them, he has complete authority over his division.

That is an opportunity you don't have. If you asked him for a job, he'd direct you to HR, and say good luck.

Do you see the problem? You are a man, and white, and you don't have the same opportunity as me.

Discrimination against whites by whites!

Likely you also have some opportunities that I don't have.

Down the street from where I live, is food joint called Skyward Grill.
Skyward Grille
Owned by a black man. We walked in, and he had a relative working for him at the cash register.

That relative had an opportunity I didn't have. I have opportunities you don't have.

Must be discrimination against whites!

There is no 'equal opportunity' and never will be, or should be.

And it would be impossible to equal the opportunity. What law do you think is going to level the field so that my relative is going to give you a job, as easily as me? Not going to happen.

The only thing that you can do, is make a law preventing me from using the opportunity I have, that you don't.

And that.... is why left-wing ideology is always the ideology of ruining and destroying. You can't force people 'up', but you can drag everyone down. You can't force everyone to have more opportunity, but you can force everyone to have less opportunity.

Every country that moves towards the left, is always a move towards equal misery, equal poverty, and equal hopelessness.
Damn missed out on all that women's rights shit didn't you?

I didn't

When I was in Hight School and you asked a girl what her life plans were, most involved getting married and having lots of kids
In terms of occupation, the girls in my class tended towards teachers, nurses, secretaries, beauticians and cashiers

Being a truck driver or in the army didn't tend to be in their plans

Yeah? And?

Did it ever occur to you that, maybe that is what women wanted to do?

There's a girl where I work now, and I asked her what she wanted to do. Nurse or secretary, is what she said.

I've never met one that said "Engineer but I'm not allowed" or "Nuclear physicist, but I was told I can't".

Women as a group, prefer those types of jobs. This is true everywhere in the world.

You show me the country where all the women are Theoretical Physicists, and all the men are nurses. I'll look it up. By all means enlighten me.

Because it's not true in any of the other countries that you left-wingers promote as gender equality.

It's not true in Norway, that men and women earn the same amount of money. Sorry. Not true.

What is true is that a man working as a Nurse, earn about the same as a women working as a Nurse. And that's the difference. In the US we look at all wages combined, and in Norway, they only compare those of similar jobs.

The fact is, if you look at all wages combined in Norway, women earn a ton less than men, even more unequal than in the US. Because more women end up as Nurses and Secretaries and so on, than in the US.

So much for that sexism.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

Well, you are wrong about that last statement. But whatever.

Please explain the difference between a progressive and a socialist. To me they are the same.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

Well, you are wrong about that last statement. But whatever.

Please explain the difference between a progressive and a socialist. To me they are the same.

Let me give you something to think about. Was Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower Socialists? They were Progressives but certainly not Socialists. A Socialist is a form of government. A Progressive is a way to adopt change. And let's face it, those 3 made quite a few changes in America and, largely, they were good changes.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote


There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.

For one Progressive is a word that made a come back in 2008 from the Hillary camp you guys got so tired of us making fun of the word liberal

For two, only three democrats fliped partys for the millionth time Carter won the south

Three it always amuse me how you liberals both trash the founding fathers and then praise them as one of yours, which ever way the wind blows

There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

Well, you are wrong about that last statement. But whatever.

Please explain the difference between a progressive and a socialist. To me they are the same.

Let me give you something to think about. Was Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower Socialists? They were Progressives but certainly not Socialists. A Socialist is a form of government. A Progressive is a way to adopt change. And let's face it, those 3 made quite a few changes in America and, largely, they were good changes.

I would disagree, but ok.

Saying Progressive is a way to adopt change, would make the term meaningless. Socialists and Capitalists both want to adopt changes.

A Capitalists wants to adopt changes that make a more free-market, and better protected property rights, and so on.

A Socialists wants to adopt changes that make a more government controlled society, that dictates as much of people's lives as they can get away with.

Both want to "progress" towards what they see as 'progress'.

That said, you don't see many conservatives or capitalists as describing themselves as "progressives". It's generally socialists and communists, that use the term "progressive" to conceal the fact they are pushing towards socialism.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.

Um. I've looked at the history of Robber Barons, and honestly it's mostly a myth. Basically, just like today, anyone who succeeded in life, was called a "Robber Baron" by those who didn't succeed.

Quite frankly, if not for the "robber barons", America would never have been great. They are the ones that made the US a world power.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.

Um. I've looked at the history of Robber Barons, and honestly it's mostly a myth. Basically, just like today, anyone who succeeded in life, was called a "Robber Baron" by those who didn't succeed.

Quite frankly, if not for the "robber barons", America would never have been great. They are the ones that made the US a world power.
What a crock of shit

Do you guys ever stop with your revisionist history?
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.

Um. I've looked at the history of Robber Barons, and honestly it's mostly a myth. Basically, just like today, anyone who succeeded in life, was called a "Robber Baron" by those who didn't succeed.

Quite frankly, if not for the "robber barons", America would never have been great. They are the ones that made the US a world power.
What a crock of shit

Do you guys ever stop with your revisionist history?

Well, it's called "fact". If "fact" = "revisionist" in your world, that's your own problem.
There are Socialist Liberals as well as Progressive Liberals. Our founding fathers were Progressives as was the Republican Party until after 1975. There are Fiscal Conservatives and then there are Social Conservatives. Right now, the Social Conservatives are in the drivers seat. And the Social conservatives are exactly what your founding fathers warned us of.

So progressives owned slaves and didn't give women the right to vote



That is one real trolling response from you. Progressives from the early Republicans wanted equality for all. Progressive Republicans was what Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower were. Progressive only means looking at new ways to cure old problems. Progressive Republicans made this country great but the other side keeps tearing it down. Even to the point of burning it to the ground.

After Eisenhower, the parties had completely flipped. The Robber Barons bailed out of the Dem Party due to FDR and then Congress over the new deal. They took their money and support with them. They also changed the Republican Party forever. What they didn't realize is that those same Robber Barons were the ones that didn't want equal rights and had to control everything they touched. Look at the mess it's in today.

For one Progressive is a word that made a come back in 2008 from the Hillary camp you guys got so tired of us making fun of the word liberal

For two, only three democrats fliped partys for the millionth time Carter won the south

Three it always amuse me how you liberals both trash the founding fathers and then praise them as one of yours, which ever way the wind blows


And what makes you think I am a Democrat? I haven't said a single thing to express that. You think that anyone that is left of a Closet Axe Murderer is a Liberal. Newsflash: I am a Fiscal Conservative that leans towards Progressive. Just like Lincoln, Teddy R. and Eisenhower. You are a Social something. Translation: You believe that things should be turned back to the 50s. Great for some but miserable for most. You want to allow more of the (just yours) to rule the Government. Our Founding Fathers warned us about you.

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