Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For “America First, Law And Order” Red States


I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit

it's the LAW and ORDER part that frightens me.

You certainly don't respect any law that you don't agree with.....
I remember cons all over the country proudly proclaiming "I won't follow a law that I don't believe in!"

so....THAT is kinda hypocritical.

But even though you talk, on the one hand, about FREEDOM and RIGHTS , 5 minutes later you are talking about LAW and ORDER , which USUALLY means OTHER PEOPLE lose their "freedom and rights".

Law and order to a conservative is STRICT PUNITIVE LAWS AGAINST

and the banning of liberal thoughts, ideas and books.

The book burnings will be massive!
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

Was in SFO three times in the past year and never saw any shit.

I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.

So... the mayor of SF herself... is lying?

SF Mayor: 'There’s More Feces ... Than I’ve Ever Seen'

CA gets bashed because it deserves it. Bunch of elitist snobs that denigrate nearly the entire country for not being "progressive" enough while literally wallowing in human shit and fostering the return of medieval diseases.

Fuck your state. I hope the whole thing burns.

I did not say she is lying. Look at the date dumbshit.
Look at the link I provided dated 2019.
Ignorant people like you think they just leave it there doing nothing.

We don’t need ugly people like you here. We are doing fine.

Why do you want to kill your fellow Americans?

You're not my fellow Americans. You're degenerate Marxists who think the entire nation should bow to your whims and I have no use for a fucking one of you. The day you shitlords slide into the ocean cannot come fast enough.
Elect stupid commie Democrats to run the state. What could possibly go wrong?
Catholics are to fucking stupid to realize this and so are protestants.

Its Mother Mary against her son.

And I am her son

You know, there are a lot of people out there that would consider this to be blasphemy, but not me. Why? Simple...................

A few years back, National Geographic did a world wide survey of people and their DNA, testing it to see how close we are to each other. Guess what they discovered? There is a genetic Adam, and a genetic Eve.

Adam and His Eves

And, that kinda correlates with what the Bible says.

Then, there is the part in the Bible that says God sent Jesus to become part of the family of man and to save us from ourselves. So, if Jesus became a part of the human race (He was born and had a bellybutton as well as DNA), and there is a genetic Adam and Eve (meaning we are all somehow related), then that means Jesus is my big brother as He was born over 2000 years before me, and He was born into the family of man.

So are all of you people out there, you are all Jesus' little brothers and sisters. I just wish that more people realized that and acted accordingly.
A guy in Colorado woke me up when I was passed out, and told me bother you cant sleep here, come inside where its warm and gave me soup and a place to sleep.

No America has loving people in it.

Its politicians that divide us.


I am doing far and far better than that in helping homeless veterans since the 90s.
I have been to so many homeless shelters, not a bad person there.. not one

Not one, I guess this why I probably need to go to California, I need to see the streets for myself, I have a huge introvert attitude, dont fuck with me personality,. But I want to listen to you.

I’ve been involved with homelessness since the 90s after my parents passed away. Also include PTS treatments.

There are bad person especially those with substance abuse problems no matter where you go but mostly are good.

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit

it's the LAW and ORDER part that frightens me.

You certainly don't respect any law that you don't agree with.....
I remember cons all over the country proudly proclaiming "I won't follow a law that I don't believe in!"

so....THAT is kinda hypocritical.

But even though you talk, on the one hand, about FREEDOM and RIGHTS , 5 minutes later you are talking about LAW and ORDER , which USUALLY means OTHER PEOPLE lose their "freedom and rights".

Law and order to a conservative is STRICT PUNITIVE LAWS AGAINST

and the banning of liberal thoughts, ideas and books.

The book burnings will be massive!

LOL, get out from under your bed, we don't any of those things. All we want is for you authoritarian idiots to leave us alone.

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit

it's the LAW and ORDER part that frightens me.

You certainly don't respect any law that you don't agree with.....
I remember cons all over the country proudly proclaiming "I won't follow a law that I don't believe in!"

so....THAT is kinda hypocritical.

But even though you talk, on the one hand, about FREEDOM and RIGHTS , 5 minutes later you are talking about LAW and ORDER , which USUALLY means OTHER PEOPLE lose their "freedom and rights".

Law and order to a conservative is STRICT PUNITIVE LAWS AGAINST

and the banning of liberal thoughts, ideas and books.

The book burnings will be massive!

LOL, get out from under your bed, we don't any of those things. All we want is for you authoritarian idiots to leave us alone.

They can't, not even when they don't live in the state they're soiling themselves over.
I don’t have to provide you link because I stick with what I know and I don’t fucking lie. And I know you know what I’m talking about because you spent so much hours trying to dig shit.

I would never spend time on a lying Troll like yourself. I save things I think might be useful in the future. I have an excellent filing and search system. So don't compliment yourself.

You intentionally lie just to stir the pot. You post no links because they would prove you even more of a fool than usual.

As for lying, you would lie if the truth would serve you better.


You cut and paste my post to fit your lying propaganda. Start with that.

I know you have lots of files that fit your lying agenda.

Like your lying leprosy link. You know that is a lie and BLASTED your lying ass right away.

Like I said many times. I proved that you lied about mexicans leprosy.

So just be honest with your self. Prove to me where I lied. It’s that simple.

The Los Angeles Disease Renaissance: Typhoid & Typhus Make A Comeback

by Tyler Durden
Sat, 06/08/2019 - 21:30

Authored by Sarah Cowgill via,

As the homeless population in Los Angeles grows, so does the unfortunate revival of many third world diseases...

Despite hundreds of millions of dollars flowing through Los Angeles to stem the rising tide of homelessness, a resurgence of medieval diseases has the city – and neighboring states – on edge. Typhoid fever and typhus, borne by fleas, body lice, and feces, are turning the once glitzy and glamorous city into a third-world worthy environment.

The Los Angeles Disease Renaissance: Typhoid & Typhus Make A Comeback


Report: Over 1,000 Homeless People Died Around Los Angeles in 2018

TEHRAN (FNA)- More than 1,000 homeless people died in Los Angeles, California, in 2018, double the number of deaths from six years ago, according to a new report, underscoring the severe housing crisis in America’s wealthiest and most populous state.

The number of homeless deaths increased from 536 in 2013 to 1,047 in 2018, according to a report by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, presstv reported.

The report showed that the leading causes of death were coronary heart disease, which accounted for 22 percent of deaths, followed by alcohol and drug overdose at 21 percent. Other leading causes included traffic injuries, homicide and suicide.

FarsNews Agency - Report: Over 1,000 Homeless People Died Around Los Angeles in 2018


Leprosy Making Comeback In California
By Jim Hayek September 22, 2019

Leprosy is the most recent disease to make a comeback in the cesspool that is California a new study showed.

In 2016 former President Obama change the law of the United States to allow immigrants with leprosy in, and now it is taking its toll.

“Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is rarely seen in the United States, but cases continue to emerge in Los Angeles County, a new report says,” Medscape reported.

“Hansen’s disease still exists, and we need to educate medical students and physicians,” Dr. Maria Teresa Ochoa of Keck Medical Center said to Reuters.

Dr. Ochoa and colleagues identified 187 patients with the disease in a review of medical records from their leprosy clinic spanning 1973 to 2018. Most patients were Latino, originating from Mexico, and they experienced a median delay in diagnosis of more than three years, the team reports JAMA Dermatology, online August 7.
For some reason former President Obama thought it was a wise idea to allow immigrants with STDs and leprosy into the United States, The Washington Examiner reported.

The administration has decided to let immigrants with three sexually transmitted diseases known for causing sores or lesions on genitalia to enter the United States, an expansion of a previous decision to let in those with HIV.

Leprosy Making Comeback In California

1. Do you feel better talking about diseases and homelessness of poor Americans?

2. Does this makes you a good person?

3. Why do you hate Ca so much?

4. I already blasted your dumb story about leprosy in LA and you still came back with your same stupidity.

Just for your ignorance:
Leprosy total of 187 cases in 46 years. That is about 4 a year.

Typhoid Typhus from 2008 to 2018 in 10 years total of 167 cases. That is 17 cases.

From 40 MILLIONS populations? How fucking dumb can you be?

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded
All we want is for you authoritarian idiots to leave us alone.


That's the part the left simply cannot wrap their feeble minds around.

We don't give a flying rats ass what you dims do, just leave us the HELL out of it. But you're incapable of doing so. You think everyone should submit to your asinine worldviews and degeneracy. You parade your decadence and hostility in our streets, you spread your immorality and hatred through the media, you promote filth and deceit to our children, you demand everyone who doesn't share in your delusions be shunned from society - and then you cry foul when there's backlash?

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

Was in SFO three times in the past year and never saw any shit.

I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.

So... the mayor of SF herself... is lying?

SF Mayor: 'There’s More Feces ... Than I’ve Ever Seen'

CA gets bashed because it deserves it. Bunch of elitist snobs that denigrate nearly the entire country for not being "progressive" enough while literally wallowing in human shit and fostering the return of medieval diseases.

Fuck your state. I hope the whole thing burns.

I did not say she is lying. Look at the date dumbshit.
Look at the link I provided dated 2019.
Ignorant people like you think they just leave it there doing nothing.

We don’t need ugly people like you here. We are doing fine.

Why do you want to kill your fellow Americans?

You're not my fellow Americans. You're degenerate Marxists who think the entire nation should bow to your whims and I have no use for a fucking one of you. The day you shitlords slide into the ocean cannot come fast enough.

You want to kill Americans and I despised you for saying that. This is like you are admitting you are a criminal.
So don’t tell me about your fake patriotism.

I never asked anything. I only posted facts and reality and dumb ignorant like you keep posting the same bullshit about shits.
A formerly magnificent state, going down the tubes due to Progressive leadership.

Whoaaa! Nearly 700,000 people moved out of California last year
Nearly 700,000 people moved out of California last year.
U.S. census data shows that only a half million moved TO California during that same time. That means there are 200,000 more residents going out than coming in.

A recent poll by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies found that half of California voters have thought about moving out.


Whoaaa! Nearly 700,000 people moved out of California last year

I’ve been hearing this crap since I joined this site. So far I have not even seen a dent. So far we still have close to 40 millions populations.
Then so what?

We are still the 5th largest economy in the world.
Most visited state in America.
Economy booming far better than any states.
Ca is one of the top 10 happiest states.

Any questions?
Was in SFO three times in the past year and never saw any shit.

I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.

So... the mayor of SF herself... is lying?

SF Mayor: 'There’s More Feces ... Than I’ve Ever Seen'

CA gets bashed because it deserves it. Bunch of elitist snobs that denigrate nearly the entire country for not being "progressive" enough while literally wallowing in human shit and fostering the return of medieval diseases.

Fuck your state. I hope the whole thing burns.

I did not say she is lying. Look at the date dumbshit.
Look at the link I provided dated 2019.
Ignorant people like you think they just leave it there doing nothing.

We don’t need ugly people like you here. We are doing fine.

Why do you want to kill your fellow Americans?

You're not my fellow Americans. You're degenerate Marxists who think the entire nation should bow to your whims and I have no use for a fucking one of you. The day you shitlords slide into the ocean cannot come fast enough.

You want to kill Americans and I despised you for saying that. This is like you are admitting you are a criminal.
So don’t tell me about your fake patriotism.

I never asked anything. I only posted facts and reality and dumb ignorant like you keep posting the same bullshit about shits.

Nope. Never said a word about killing anyone one.

What I'm saying is when the time comes for California - and it will - I will not shed a single goddamn tear. Let's see how much your elitist progressive virtuosity & haughtiness helps you when you're being ravaged by plague or assfucked by the San Andreas fault.
I don’t have to provide you link because I stick with what I know and I don’t fucking lie. And I know you know what I’m talking about because you spent so much hours trying to dig shit.

I would never spend time on a lying Troll like yourself. I save things I think might be useful in the future. I have an excellent filing and search system. So don't compliment yourself.

You intentionally lie just to stir the pot. You post no links because they would prove you even more of a fool than usual.

As for lying, you would lie if the truth would serve you better.


You cut and paste my post to fit your lying propaganda. Start with that.

I know you have lots of files that fit your lying agenda.

Like your lying leprosy link. You know that is a lie and BLASTED your lying ass right away.

Like I said many times. I proved that you lied about mexicans leprosy.

So just be honest with your self. Prove to me where I lied. It’s that simple.

The Los Angeles Disease Renaissance: Typhoid & Typhus Make A Comeback

by Tyler Durden
Sat, 06/08/2019 - 21:30

Authored by Sarah Cowgill via,

As the homeless population in Los Angeles grows, so does the unfortunate revival of many third world diseases...

Despite hundreds of millions of dollars flowing through Los Angeles to stem the rising tide of homelessness, a resurgence of medieval diseases has the city – and neighboring states – on edge. Typhoid fever and typhus, borne by fleas, body lice, and feces, are turning the once glitzy and glamorous city into a third-world worthy environment.

The Los Angeles Disease Renaissance: Typhoid & Typhus Make A Comeback


Report: Over 1,000 Homeless People Died Around Los Angeles in 2018

TEHRAN (FNA)- More than 1,000 homeless people died in Los Angeles, California, in 2018, double the number of deaths from six years ago, according to a new report, underscoring the severe housing crisis in America’s wealthiest and most populous state.

The number of homeless deaths increased from 536 in 2013 to 1,047 in 2018, according to a report by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, presstv reported.

The report showed that the leading causes of death were coronary heart disease, which accounted for 22 percent of deaths, followed by alcohol and drug overdose at 21 percent. Other leading causes included traffic injuries, homicide and suicide.

FarsNews Agency - Report: Over 1,000 Homeless People Died Around Los Angeles in 2018


Leprosy Making Comeback In California
By Jim Hayek September 22, 2019

Leprosy is the most recent disease to make a comeback in the cesspool that is California a new study showed.

In 2016 former President Obama change the law of the United States to allow immigrants with leprosy in, and now it is taking its toll.

“Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is rarely seen in the United States, but cases continue to emerge in Los Angeles County, a new report says,” Medscape reported.

“Hansen’s disease still exists, and we need to educate medical students and physicians,” Dr. Maria Teresa Ochoa of Keck Medical Center said to Reuters.

Dr. Ochoa and colleagues identified 187 patients with the disease in a review of medical records from their leprosy clinic spanning 1973 to 2018. Most patients were Latino, originating from Mexico, and they experienced a median delay in diagnosis of more than three years, the team reports JAMA Dermatology, online August 7.
For some reason former President Obama thought it was a wise idea to allow immigrants with STDs and leprosy into the United States, The Washington Examiner reported.

The administration has decided to let immigrants with three sexually transmitted diseases known for causing sores or lesions on genitalia to enter the United States, an expansion of a previous decision to let in those with HIV.

Leprosy Making Comeback In California

Here’s the problem with theses kinds of unknown media that you heavily relied on.....
They exaggerate the subjects like outbreaks, whole Ca is burning, whole Ca streets are full of shits, whole Ca is homeless.

Which fits your personality.
I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.

So... the mayor of SF herself... is lying?

SF Mayor: 'There’s More Feces ... Than I’ve Ever Seen'

CA gets bashed because it deserves it. Bunch of elitist snobs that denigrate nearly the entire country for not being "progressive" enough while literally wallowing in human shit and fostering the return of medieval diseases.

Fuck your state. I hope the whole thing burns.

I did not say she is lying. Look at the date dumbshit.
Look at the link I provided dated 2019.
Ignorant people like you think they just leave it there doing nothing.

We don’t need ugly people like you here. We are doing fine.

Why do you want to kill your fellow Americans?

You're not my fellow Americans. You're degenerate Marxists who think the entire nation should bow to your whims and I have no use for a fucking one of you. The day you shitlords slide into the ocean cannot come fast enough.

You want to kill Americans and I despised you for saying that. This is like you are admitting you are a criminal.
So don’t tell me about your fake patriotism.

I never asked anything. I only posted facts and reality and dumb ignorant like you keep posting the same bullshit about shits.

Nope. Never said a word about killing anyone one.

What I'm saying is when the time comes for California - and it will - I will not shed a single goddamn tear. Let's see how much your elitist progressive virtuosity & haughtiness helps you when you're being ravaged by plague or assfucked by the San Andreas fault.

Yes you do want to kill Americans.

You want San Andreas fault to shallow us so millions can and will die. Thank you for your kindness.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

dude you DO realise you are talking to one of USMBs biggest resident trolls who always evade facts dont you?:abgg2q.jpg:
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious
Envious and jealous of a sh*thole state because it's been run by Dim Dems MUCH too long? I think NOT, Sparky.
As an immigrant and US citizen now....I knew and we knew that the best states for education, careers, and quality of lives are blue states and California always topped the a known fact overseas to avoid red areas because of racism and regressive tendencies of those areas. Fast forward 20 years ago I can safely say I live better than most Americans.....I don't think I would've done well if I first moved in to a red area.
He-he, what a brainwashed loony lib you appear to be. California is NO LONGER a great state to live in because Dems have transformed it into a sh*thole. And good luck with your obvious TDS. You're welcome.

PLUS the elite are murdering people burning it down.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious
Envious and jealous of a sh*thole state because it's been run by Dim Dems MUCH too long? I think NOT, Sparky.
As an immigrant and US citizen now....I knew and we knew that the best states for education, careers, and quality of lives are blue states and California always topped the a known fact overseas to avoid red areas because of racism and regressive tendencies of those areas. Fast forward 20 years ago I can safely say I live better than most Americans.....I don't think I would've done well if I first moved in to a red area.
Kalifornia ranks 42nd in education. If the weather wasn't nice, nobody would live in that shithole.

California ranked 42nd nationally in education

you nailed it.:2up:
A formerly magnificent state, going down the tubes due to Progressive leadership.

Whoaaa! Nearly 700,000 people moved out of California last year
Nearly 700,000 people moved out of California last year.
U.S. census data shows that only a half million moved TO California during that same time. That means there are 200,000 more residents going out than coming in.

A recent poll by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies found that half of California voters have thought about moving out.


Whoaaa! Nearly 700,000 people moved out of California last year

I’ve been hearing this crap since I joined this site. So far I have not even seen a dent. So far we still have close to 40 millions populations.
Then so what?

We are still the 5th largest economy in the world.
Most visited state in America.
Economy booming far better than any states.
Ca is one of the top 10 happiest states.

Any questions?

Sure you're "happy", you're stoned! :D

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California
By Jacob Passy
Published: Sept 29, 2019 11:03 a.m. ET

Four of the five American cities with the greatest incidences of unsheltered homelessness are in the Golden State

At the city level, four of the five cities with the highest rate of unsheltered homelessness are in California: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Rosa and San Jose. Seattle joins the California municipalities in the top five.

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

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