Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For “America First, Law And Order” Red States

I rather have mexicans here than racists pigs who has shitty food, bad attitude, and think they are the chosen ones.

I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.

For both of you fine, upstanding citizens to contemplate.

San Francisco's new district attorney has chosen social justice over the rule of law

by Kaylee McGhee
November 11, 2019 11:22 AM
In today's San Francisco, there’s a car break-in every 20 minutes. Public urination has gotten so out of control that the city spent $20 million to build open-air urinals in different parks — an effort that still hasn't reduced the amount of human feces, urine, and vomit that can be found on the streets at any given time. And now there are just under 10,000 homeless individuals living on San Francisco's streets — a crisis that rivals homelessness in third world countries.
"We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes," Boudin said during the campaign. "Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted. Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted. We have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness."
(My highlight)
San Francisco's new district attorney has chosen social justice over the rule of law

Is there ANY FAMILY, anywhere that wants to move to a city such as what San Francisco has become?

This is exactly what I’m talking about.

You are very dishonest and desperate to even post these kind of garbage link.
That is just an OPINION dumbshit.

But you ignored the link that I provided they clean the streets and provided porto potty all over SF. That’s a fact..

How the hell you can you even post these crap?
More bad news from the formerly great state of California.

Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles
Kristine Arbolario

Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles.

According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill.
Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles

Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.
More bad news from the formerly great state of California.

Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles
Kristine Arbolario

Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles.

According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill.
Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles

Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care
More bad news from the formerly great state of California.

Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles
Kristine Arbolario

Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles.

According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill.
Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles

Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Wait so LA is now racist against Mexicans?
More bad news from the formerly great state of California.

Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles
Kristine Arbolario

Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles.

According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill.
Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles

Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care

I’ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me.
And you make it sounds ..... it’s the entire California.
You make it sounds that we are not doing anything. Let those crap just sit there.
You make it sounds that we are the worst in the entire USA.

Despite spending millions in housing projects. Despite housing 50,000 plus of homeless people last year.

Way to go! You continue to throw things up for which you have no reliable source, no working link, and only the intent to lie!

You're doing something alright, you're working hard to make it worse. What family is going to want to move to San Francisco?

The voters of San Francisco are determined to destroy their formerly great city! This is criminal.

San Francisco's new district attorney has chosen social justice over the rule of law
by Kaylee McGhee
| November 11, 2019 11:22 AM
"We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes," Boudin said during the campaign. "Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted. Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted. We have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness."
San Francisco's new district attorney has chosen social justice over the rule of law

This selection by the upstanding voters of San Francisco is the son of a pair of domestic terrorists, convicted and put in prison. Close friends of former President Barack Hussein Obama, they were founders of the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn raised Chesa Boudin while his parents were in prison.

Keep up the good work!
Last edited:
More bad news from the formerly great state of California.

Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles
Kristine Arbolario

Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles.

According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill.
Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles

Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care

I’ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me.

And that's why Trump became president.

And you make it sounds ..... it’s the entire California.
You make it sounds that we are not doing anything. Let those crap just sit there.
You make it sounds that we are the worst in the entire USA.

Despite spending millions in housing projects. Despite housing 50,000 plus of homeless people last year.

Way to go! You continue to throw things up for which you have no reliable source, no working link, and only the intent to lie!

You're doing something alright, you're working hard to make it worse. What family is going to want to move to San Francisco?

The voters of San Francisco are determined to destroy their formerly great city! This is criminal.

San Francisco's new district attorney has chosen social justice over the rule of law
by Kaylee McGhee
| November 11, 2019 11:22 AM
"We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes," Boudin said during the campaign. "Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted. Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted. We have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness."
San Francisco's new district attorney has chosen social justice over the rule of law

This selection by the upstanding voters of San Francisco is the son of a pair of domestic terrorists, convicted and put in prison. Close friends of former President Barack Hussein Obama, they were founders of the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn raised Chesa Boudin while his parents were in prison.

Keep up the good work!

I don’t have to provide you link because I stick with what I know and I don’t fucking lie. And I know you know what I’m talking about because you spent so much hours trying to dig shit.

Look at this garbage link you just posted....... It’s just an opinion coming against someone and you glorify it to fit your stupid lies.
More bad news from the formerly great state of California.

Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles
Kristine Arbolario

Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles.

According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill.
Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles

Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care
Well..let's set the context, shall we? Everyone in California gets free healthcare..anyone poor, anyway. Everyone who is poor has access to Section 8 housing...albeit the waiting list can be years long. Veterans DO get preference..although some fall through the cracks. Veteran's get preference in every State..California does nothing special..other than a few local programs. California is 1m+ houses short of it's exodus is nigh---but the homeless go nowhere....just the working poor and the retiree's stretching their money. If you bought your home in the 70's or 80's...after Prop. 13 passed your property taxes never went up--so many are sitting on houses appraised a millions..but paying taxes on a few hundred thousand of value. California is gentrifying. No one wants to zone multi unit...single family dwellings only--pushing out the poor by controlling density and rents. If you have a million or so..Cali is still verrry sweet!

How Gentrification Is Forcing Californians Out Of Their Communities | HuffPost

Yeah it's Huff likee..Google love you.
More bad news from the formerly great state of California.

Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles
Kristine Arbolario

Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles.

According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill.
Doctor Warns Of Leprosy In Los Angeles

Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care
Well..let's set the context, shall we? Everyone in California gets free healthcare..anyone poor, anyway. Everyone who is poor has access to Section 8 housing...albeit the waiting list can be years long. Veterans DO get preference..although some fall through the cracks. Veteran's get preference in every State..California does nothing special..other than a few local programs. California is 1m+ houses short of it's exodus is nigh---but the homeless go nowhere....just the working poor and the retiree's stretching their money. If you bought your home in the 70's or 80's...after Prop. 13 passed your property taxes never went up--so many are sitting on houses appraised a millions..but paying taxes on a few hundred thousand of value. California is gentrifying. No one wants to zone multi unit...single family dwellings only--pushing out the poor by controlling density and rents. If you have a million or so..Cali is still verrry sweet!

How Gentrification Is Forcing Californians Out Of Their Communities | HuffPost

Yeah it's Huff likee..Google love you.

I thought you lived in Idaho?
Idaho and the states in the Northwest woods and mountains are where a lot of white supremacists are.
Bull fucking shit. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m very aware of this.
To start with......... it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

Fears of leprosy outbreak in Los Angeles unfounded

THE FACTS: Multiple online reports are falsely asserting that Los Angeles is at risk for a leprosy outbreak or has seen an increase in reported leprosy cases.

The concerns are not legitimate.

Over the last decade, the county has averaged two reported cases of leprosy a year. No more than four cases of leprosy, also called Hansen’s Disease, have been reported in any year during that time, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care
Well..let's set the context, shall we? Everyone in California gets free healthcare..anyone poor, anyway. Everyone who is poor has access to Section 8 housing...albeit the waiting list can be years long. Veterans DO get preference..although some fall through the cracks. Veteran's get preference in every State..California does nothing special..other than a few local programs. California is 1m+ houses short of it's exodus is nigh---but the homeless go nowhere....just the working poor and the retiree's stretching their money. If you bought your home in the 70's or 80's...after Prop. 13 passed your property taxes never went up--so many are sitting on houses appraised a millions..but paying taxes on a few hundred thousand of value. California is gentrifying. No one wants to zone multi unit...single family dwellings only--pushing out the poor by controlling density and rents. If you have a million or so..Cali is still verrry sweet!

How Gentrification Is Forcing Californians Out Of Their Communities | HuffPost

Yeah it's Huff likee..Google love you.

I thought you lived in Idaho?
I do.....much family and some busyness in California--go there 10+ times a year...and was, of course, raised there. Idaho for the last 40 years though---fresh air.
Since you dig so much crap....... Don’t tell me you don’t know about this.

Confronting The Homelessness Crisis

Since Mayor Garcetti took office, the City has housed more than 30,000 Angelenos; he has dedicated a record $431 million to homelessness services in his proposed 2018-19 budget and led the coalition that passed Proposition HHH, which will invest $1.2 billion to build thousands of units of supportive housing over the next decade, and was a force behind the passage of Measure H — a countywide sales tax that will grow outreach, mental health, and other services for people in desperate need.
Idaho and the states in the Northwest woods and mountains are where a lot of white supremacists are.
I suspect more White Supremacists on the streets of Portland than in the state of Idaho! The days of Richard Butler..and the Order--are long gone. Quite frankly..if some folk like that wished to self separate from society..might not even be a bad thing, eh?
Idaho and the states in the Northwest woods and mountains are where a lot of white supremacists are.
I suspect more White Supremacists on the streets of Portland than in the state of Idaho! The days of Richard Butler..and the Order--are long gone. Quite frankly..if some folk like that wished to self separate from society..might not even be a bad thing, eh?

Actually, the highest concentrations of them are Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Utah. I grew up in Montana, and the white supremacist rallies were a regular thing in the summers. We'd hear about them on the local news.
Since you dig so much crap....... Don’t tell me you don’t know about this.

Confronting The Homelessness Crisis

Since Mayor Garcetti took office, the City has housed more than 30,000 Angelenos; he has dedicated a record $431 million to homelessness services in his proposed 2018-19 budget and led the coalition that passed Proposition HHH, which will invest $1.2 billion to build thousands of units of supportive housing over the next decade, and was a force behind the passage of Measure H — a countywide sales tax that will grow outreach, mental health, and other services for people in desperate need.

I watched an article of that..about 2 weeks Sacramento. It's still a band-aid on a gushing artery--never mind that it's another level of bureaucratic complexity on an already overburdened city govt. Helping the homeless is business in California..with its own economies of scale. Unless they build 1m places to live..soon---the economy will snap----and the state will have to trim....that's when it will get tough for the poor...

Tahoe is still very nice though...lovely!
it’s extremely very very rare to see a homeless Mexican. Very rare.

We know you provide them housing and free medical care, while letting homeless vets live on the streets.

At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care
Well..let's set the context, shall we? Everyone in California gets free healthcare..anyone poor, anyway. Everyone who is poor has access to Section 8 housing...albeit the waiting list can be years long. Veterans DO get preference..although some fall through the cracks. Veteran's get preference in every State..California does nothing special..other than a few local programs. California is 1m+ houses short of it's exodus is nigh---but the homeless go nowhere....just the working poor and the retiree's stretching their money. If you bought your home in the 70's or 80's...after Prop. 13 passed your property taxes never went up--so many are sitting on houses appraised a millions..but paying taxes on a few hundred thousand of value. California is gentrifying. No one wants to zone multi unit...single family dwellings only--pushing out the poor by controlling density and rents. If you have a million or so..Cali is still verrry sweet!

How Gentrification Is Forcing Californians Out Of Their Communities | HuffPost

Yeah it's Huff likee..Google love you.

I thought you lived in Idaho?
I do.....much family and some busyness in California--go there 10+ times a year...and was, of course, raised there. Idaho for the last 40 years though---fresh air.

Then you know how much Californians messed it up.. they are blowing the housing markets out of the roof
Idaho and the states in the Northwest woods and mountains are where a lot of white supremacists are.
I suspect more White Supremacists on the streets of Portland than in the state of Idaho! The days of Richard Butler..and the Order--are long gone. Quite frankly..if some folk like that wished to self separate from society..might not even be a bad thing, eh?

Actually, the highest concentrations of them are Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Utah. I grew up in Montana, and the white supremacist rallies were a regular thing in the summers. We'd hear about them on the local news.
Don't know how old you are..but the last rally in Cd'A...had 300 or so racists..and 10,000 protesters--not been one for quite a few years now

The Idaho town that stared down hate – and won

Welcome to Hayden Lake, where white supremacists tried to build their homeland

Still some of course.....but it's pretty hidden. Nobody flaunts it...that's for sure.
At least try to get your BS straight. LA housed 50,000+ homeless people last year. Not a single one is a Mexican. All are whites and blacks. Priority are veterans.

Your talking homeless shelters..

Mexicans get free apartments and health care
Well..let's set the context, shall we? Everyone in California gets free healthcare..anyone poor, anyway. Everyone who is poor has access to Section 8 housing...albeit the waiting list can be years long. Veterans DO get preference..although some fall through the cracks. Veteran's get preference in every State..California does nothing special..other than a few local programs. California is 1m+ houses short of it's exodus is nigh---but the homeless go nowhere....just the working poor and the retiree's stretching their money. If you bought your home in the 70's or 80's...after Prop. 13 passed your property taxes never went up--so many are sitting on houses appraised a millions..but paying taxes on a few hundred thousand of value. California is gentrifying. No one wants to zone multi unit...single family dwellings only--pushing out the poor by controlling density and rents. If you have a million or so..Cali is still verrry sweet!

How Gentrification Is Forcing Californians Out Of Their Communities | HuffPost

Yeah it's Huff likee..Google love you.

I thought you lived in Idaho?
I do.....much family and some busyness in California--go there 10+ times a year...and was, of course, raised there. Idaho for the last 40 years though---fresh air.

Then you know how much Californians messed it up.. they are blowing the housing markets out of the roof
But that's good for some people..very good, in fact. Remember..Prop. 13? The Taxpayer's was the Property tax payer's revolt. I know people who pay tax on 150,000 of assessed value..even though their house is worth 2.5m---they liking things just fine..and people leaving the state..that's cool with them as well.
I rather have mexicans here than racists pigs who has shitty food, bad attitude, and think they are the chosen ones.

Yes, I can see by who you are attracting to your formerly beautiful state!






Since you lie a lot. This is where I question where your pictures came from.

There are homeless in Florida. Talking about hypocrite.
I really hate REALLY hate posting these pictures of homeless people. This is Florida.

homeless in florida - Google Search
The real fact is homelessness is worldwide. That means everywhere. It is not exclusive.

Yes, homelessness is a world-wide problem.

California has worked hard to attract them to their cities from all over our country. Drugs running in the streets with no consequences. Basically legalized theft up to nearly $1,000.00 driving businesses away. Allowing camping on their streets leading to third world diseases, public urinating and defecation.

How is that working for them. Shop keepers are moving boulders onto their sidewalks in order to prevent homeless tents from blocking the entrance to their stores.

How is that good for those cities?


And you make it sounds ..... it’s the entire California.
You make it sounds that we are not doing anything. Let those crap just sit there.
You make it sounds that we are the worst in the entire USA.

Despite spending millions in housing projects. Despite housing 50,000 plus of homeless people last year.
Ever considered a wall ?? I hear they work wonders in deterring undesirables (walls not just brick and mortar), but also lines drawn in the sand by having strategies and rules that detour undesirables from willy nilly seeking out the beautiful state to piss on it and crap in it.

Look, you can't take in everyone that the country sends your way. Y'all can't afford it, house it, care for it or coddle it. It will destroy you eventually, but are you who are in California just to naive to understand it ?
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