Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For “America First, Law And Order” Red States

California will probably not miss them much. Could Trumptards in Oregon please move also? :)

You sourced TruePundit? LoL cool :rolleyes-41: - THE number one site retweeted by Russian Trolls!

Clinton is a frequent target of the site. True Pundit was the source of the made-up claim that Clinton once asked “Can’t we just drone this guy?” about Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Paine’s report cited “State Department sources” and relied on a total misrepresentation of standard State Department language. The story was soon amplified by WikiLeaks itself, as well as by Infowars, Russia Today, and others. It generated more than 83,000 engagements on Facebook and was shared on Twitter more than 80,000 times. (It's also the story True Pundit submitted for a Polk Award.)


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

  • Overall, we rate True Pundit not only Questionable, but also a far right conspiracy site that rarely publishes credible news. This is a far right conspiracy source that cannot be trusted for accurate news reporting.
You've got that shit right, we have the right doing everything in their power to try and defend a president who is corrupt as hell.

After three years of investigations, no COLLUSION, no CORRUPTION, NOTHING...except for great, working policies and results. Why not just kick back and enjoy these great times?

Definitely corruption.

How about we just make America EQUAL for everyone, that would be a start.

Why is this what you demand shared poverty?

So you basically like the wealthy getting wealthier and the poor getting poorer.

Corruption? Specifically, WHERE?

BASICALLY, I love everyone taking personal responsibility and getting wealthier. Where did I say, or even infer that I like the poor getting poorer? As you know, that is not happening to low-income workers.

The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession
Update - October 4, 2019
Oct. 4, 2019 10:29 AM ET

|The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession: Update - October 4, 2019 | Seeking Alpha


Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states


It's comical listening to a Trump Humper accusing someone of being brain washed.

They should leave temporary, until after the big earthquake. Then move back to turn the state Red.

The brainwashing in you is strong.

It's comical listening to a Trump Humper accusing someone of being brain washed. :abgg2q.jpg:

And this is the sort of mentality the nation is having to deal with today folks.

You've got that shit right, we have the right doing everything in their power to try and defend a president who is corrupt as hell.

So the plan was to make America black and/or a brown majority I guess, otherwise if there is this fear of making America "white" again eh ?? You are revealing the agenda aren't you ??? Tsk tsk.

How about we just make America EQUAL for everyone, that would be a start.

Then we have all these strange alliances that have formed overtime, and this is all because these various groups figure that as individual groups it can't be done (i.e. this whitey over throw). Thanks for playing.

Amazing how when we hear of a Race War, overthrowing whites, etc. it always is being spewed by a right winger.:1peleas:
prove something, just once.

It's already been proven, being in denial doesn't make it untrue.

The libtards are destroying Texas too. I hope the real Texans can keep it under control. California and NY are sending all there mutants out to ruin all the other states.

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thats kinda like how the far lefties from the other states came to California and helped ruin back could be a bitch....

Yeah. Well all the conservatives are bailing out of California. Hopefully they go to states to strengthen the Red side. They need to get more conservatives in Texas so it stays red. The only reason liberals invaded Texas is to try and sway the electoral vote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I rather have mexicans here than racists pigs who has shitty food, bad attitude, and think they are the chosen ones.

Yes, I can see by who you are attracting to your formerly beautiful state!





Election ads lol....there were no drug addicts in the US before, no crimes, no mass murders, no drug organized crimes, no gun violence, till non whites came in. Is that what you are trying to say ?
Even trump filed multiple bankruptcies, lost lot of money, failed in many businesses but somehow you consider him a successful businessman.

Because he is. How many skyscrapers you got with YOUR name on them, smartass?
I rather have mexicans here than racists pigs who has shitty food, bad attitude, and think they are the chosen ones.

Yes, I can see by who you are attracting to your formerly beautiful state!





Election ads lol....there were no drug addicts in the US before, no crimes, no mass murders, no drug organized crimes, no gun violence, till non whites came in. Is that what you are trying to say ?
Sounds like it's what you're trying to infer baiter.
Election ads lol....there were no drug addicts in the US before, no crimes, no mass murders, no drug organized crimes, no gun violence, till non whites came in. Is that what you are trying to say ?

Hey morons, people leave due to financial problems. It's called "can't cut the mustard" and I can't blame them for that.
Hey morons, people leave due to financial problems. It's called "can't cut the mustard" and I can't blame them for that.

Yeah, financial problems caused by massive taxes and wackadoodle policies!
Hey morons, people leave due to financial problems. It's called "can't cut the mustard" and I can't blame them for that.

Yeah, financial problems caused by massive taxes and wackadoodle policies!

People leaving Ca doesn’t even makes a dent. I wish them well and get the fuck out of my state.

If not from California richness and economy they will not be able to do that. All of them.

Here is the sad part of your lying propagandas.
You portrayed we are the worst of everything. I mean everything.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

Fake news and your imagination are a hilarious mix, I see.

Fake news?

People are pooping more than ever on the streets of San Francisco
The Amount of Poop on San Francisco's Streets Has Hit an All-Time High
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson
San Francisco named poop capital of US
SF Mayor: 'There’s More Feces ... Than I’ve Ever Seen' - From the Mayor of San Francisco herself

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
Californians Doing The Once-Unthinkable: Leaving California | Investor's Business Daily
53 percent of Californians want to leave the state, according to new survey
Why More People are Leaving California Than Moving Here
More People Leaving California Than Moving In: Study

^I guess all these media outlets, left and right alike, are lying?

How do you breathe with all that sand around your head?

Let’s ignore the housing crisis and concentrate with your shitty problems.

All dates of your link are dated 2018. Except one from Business Insider dated 2019. Did you read it or you just stared at it? So let me tell you what it say. It’s give you the history from 2011 to 2018.
You got that?

To ALL ignorant people you may want to update your self. This is the reasons I keep saying. Do you honestly believe that the city will leave those shits to get embarrassed? This link is dated 2019.

San Francisco curbs waste with public toilets, 'poop patrol'

Today, the staffed bathrooms have grown from three to 25 locations, and the program has expanded to Los Angeles. In May, the toilets in San Francisco recorded nearly 50,000 flushes, all logged by attendants.

The condition of San Francisco's streets has been a source of embarrassment to city leaders, and cleaning up is not cheap. The city received nearly 27,000 requests for feces removal in the most recent fiscal year, although not all are human.

Some of the bathrooms are permanent fixtures, while others are portables with two toilets that are trucked in and out. The stops have receptacles for used syringes and dog waste. Attendants who are paid the city’s minimum wage of $16 an hour check after every use and knock on doors to make sure people are not doing drugs or other illicit activity. The bathrooms must shine or they do not open.
Last edited:
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

Was in SFO three times in the past year and never saw any shit.

I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.
Sounds like the US problems. Speaking of bankruptcies I'm sure california can ask trump how he did them.
Business bankruptcies are quite common. US states going under, not so much.
Complicating matters for Screw Some-Newsom is not only is California joined at the hip with their public employee pension problem but the tax base is eroding under their feet.

The middle and business class is leaving the state in record numbers and moving in taking their place are illegals and other low income types attracted by California's extremely generous social services and welfare net.

The state has some very strong money makers but taxes will have to rise and even then it's a long term no win situation.
Their money bucket has holes at the bottom of it.

You told me you are a residence of Napa valley.
I’ve been going to Napa for many years as far as I can remember. I know tons of NICE people there from vineyards owners to wine makers to vineyards workers (illegal aliens).
All I mean ALL are very nice wonderful people.

But I have not met or hear a single piece of shit human being till now.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

Was in SFO three times in the past year and never saw any shit.

I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.

Same here about finding the homeless. Gotta go looking for them. These right wing whackos got nothing better to do with their time and then there's right wing radio to get them worked up all the time. Gotta pity them. They're not that bright and obviously bored out of their minds. Is that your boat in the picture?
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

Was in SFO three times in the past year and never saw any shit.

I traveled to SF several times in a month and some to LA. I never saw a drop of shit. These people doesn’t even live here.
These jerks keep posting its like an every part of SF and LA. Or the whole Ca.

But what I don’t understand is ..... These Ca bashing is non stop.

Same here about finding the homeless. Gotta go looking for them. These right wing whackos got nothing better to do with their time and then there's right wing radio to get them worked up all the time. Gotta pity them. They're not that bright and obviously bored out of their minds. Is that your boat in the picture?

The older one and sold it. I bought a bigger one last year.
I rather have mexicans here than racists pigs who has shitty food, bad attitude, and think they are the chosen ones.

Yes, I can see by who you are attracting to your formerly beautiful state!






Since you lie a lot. This is where I question where your pictures came from.

There are homeless in Florida. Talking about hypocrite.
I really hate REALLY hate posting these pictures of homeless people. This is Florida.

homeless in florida - Google Search

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