Conservative Media glossary of terms.


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2011
Northern California
Me and a couple of my conservative friends came up with this last week.

Glossary of conservative media terms.

Affirmative action: 1. The only way Obama could have become President. 2. A program that encourages blacks to steal white people‘s jobs. 3. Institutionalized discrimination that has resulted in crippling long term social disadvantages for whites.

Big government: A term used to describe Obama’s communist control of every aspect of the daily lives of Republicans.

Democracy: Something that started being oppressive and bad according to the GOP right after more Americans voted for Al Gore than George Bush in 2000.

Democrats: Members of an American political party that are all gay elitist minorities from big cities that are out to enslave mom and apple pie Americans in a godless nazi socialist communist dictatorship.

Conservative principles: Whatever principles Rush Limbaugh thinks the GOP should adhere to.

College degree: Something that is not necessary because there are some people who started successful businesses without it, and all college professors are liberals.

Fair and balanced: Unfair representation of Democratic positions, and unbalanced favorable representation of GOP positions, from pundits featured on news networks run by Republicans..

Freedomsandliberties: An abstract term used to represent what Democrats want to take away from Americans whenever no specific examples are provided.

Liberals: People who have the goal of implementing socialism in America, as well as destroying the economy, the heterosexual family structure, and Christianity.

Public Sector Unions: Exorbitantly wealthy teachers and government workers created to support the Democratic party.

Republicans: Members of the American political party that pay more in taxes, fight all the wars, and never collect welfare..

Small government: Something Republicans say they want, but big countries never have.

Taxes: Revenue collected and reluctantly given to the government that is earned by Republicans, and then spent by Democrats on abortions, welfare, union benefits/pensions, and the war on Christmas.

Tea Party: A non partisan ethnically diverse grass roots political movement that was never promoted by conservative media.

Tyranny: Any decision, or action performed, by a Democrat in Washington…especially Obama.

Wasteful spending: Any federal funds that pay for programs Democrats proposed.

Will of the American people: The opinion of the majority of Americans when they poll favorably with issues Republicans and conservative media promote.
Me and a couple of my conservative friends came up with this last week.

Glossary of conservative media terms.

Affirmative action: 1. The only way Obama could have become President. 2. A program that encourages blacks to steal white people‘s jobs. 3. Institutionalized discrimination that has resulted in crippling long term social disadvantages for whites.

Big government: A term used to describe Obama’s communist control of every aspect of the daily lives of Republicans.

Democracy: Something that started being oppressive and bad according to the GOP right after more Americans voted for Al Gore than George Bush in 2000.

Democrats: Members of an American political party that are all gay elitist minorities from big cities that are out to enslave mom and apple pie Americans in a godless nazi socialist communist dictatorship.

Conservative principles: Whatever principles Rush Limbaugh thinks the GOP should adhere to.

College degree: Something that is not necessary because there are some people who started successful businesses without it, and all college professors are liberals.

Fair and balanced: Unfair representation of Democratic positions, and unbalanced favorable representation of GOP positions, from pundits featured on news networks run by Republicans..

Freedomsandliberties: An abstract term used to represent what Democrats want to take away from Americans whenever no specific examples are provided.

Liberals: People who have the goal of implementing socialism in America, as well as destroying the economy, the heterosexual family structure, and Christianity.

Public Sector Unions: Exorbitantly wealthy teachers and government workers created to support the Democratic party.

Republicans: Members of the American political party that pay more in taxes, fight all the wars, and never collect welfare..

Small government: Something Republicans say they want, but big countries never have.

Taxes: Revenue collected and reluctantly given to the government that is earned by Republicans, and then spent by Democrats on abortions, welfare, union benefits/pensions, and the war on Christmas.

Tea Party: A non partisan ethnically diverse grass roots political movement that was never promoted by conservative media.

Tyranny: Any decision, or action performed, by a Democrat in Washington…especially Obama.

Wasteful spending: Any federal funds that pay for programs Democrats proposed.

Will of the American people: The opinion of the majority of Americans when they poll favorably with issues Republicans and conservative media promote.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You are alright with me man.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Me and a couple of my conservative friends came up with this last week.

Affirmative action: 1. The only way Obama could have become President. 2. A program that encourages blacks to steal white people‘s jobs. 3. Institutionalized discrimination that has resulted in crippling long term social disadvantages for whites.

It's funny how the right never seems to be bothered by AA for the ruling class. Known as "legacy", it's how a self-admitted 'C' student got into Yale and Harvard, while many straight 'A' students get rejected.

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