Conservative No Fact Zone

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Conservative No Fact Zone

Things People Say That Are Not Intended To Be Factual Statements:


When Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) stood on the floor of the upper chamber, telling the C-Span cameras and gathered attendees something that prompted his office to later say in his defense 'his remark was not intended to be a factual statement' did this bring the US Congress or the political debate to new lows?

This politician, Jon Kyl, is on a special dirty dozen list and coincidentally he is the son of former congress person John Kyl who was on the original Dirty Dozen list put out by environmentalists in the early 1970's during/after the first Earth Day campaigns in the US.

Like Sly and the Family Stone says...



Some things are true after all.
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Let's see. You've got one incident to report. Then a sliming by association. And a clever youtube of a '60s song. And that's the entire basis for your post?

I'd say the "no fact zone" is right here in this thread.
One incident of statements made by conservatives that were later defended as not having been meant to be taken as factually correct?

hmmm, for starters just Google: Ronald Reagan


Please provide a list of statements made by "conservatives" (which to a lib means anyone to the right of Ted Kennedy). Then we can look at a list of statements made by liberals. I know which one will be far longer. Liberals would lie even the truth would do as well.
Things People Say That Are Not Intended To Be Factual Statements:

Hi, How's it hanging???

During his address Friday, the former Massachusetts governor implored the audience to stick close to true conservative principles, which he contrasted with false liberal principles.

"Ronald Reagan used to say that the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, but that what they know is wrong," Romney said.

The second he dropped the Reagan quote, several conservative journalists in the press room threw up their hands in despair. Romney Misquotes Reagan At CPAC

During his address Friday, the former Massachusetts governor implored the audience to stick close to true conservative principles, which he contrasted with false liberal principles.

"Ronald Reagan used to say that the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, but that what they know is wrong," Romney said.

The second he dropped the Reagan quote, several conservative journalists in the press room threw up their hands in despair. Romney Misquotes Reagan At CPAC

Of course that is a pretty fair paraphrase of what he actually said. You fail.
[ame=]YouTube - Reagan on our liberal friends[/ame]
Let's see. You've got one incident to report. Then a sliming by association. And a clever youtube of a '60s song. And that's the entire basis for your post?

I'd say the "no fact zone" is right here in this thread.

That's 10x better than most of the crapola you post, Rabbid.
So I think the way things are supposed to go now is some liberals find a few lies that conservatives have said. Then some conservatives list a few lies that liberals have said. Then we grumble for a while about which lies are worse. Everyone just confirms the opinions they already had. And we all walk away with the impression that there are no facts and that everyone is lying.

Doesn't sound like a very constructive discussion to me. We should not just talk about who is lying. It's more important to discuss what the facts are, and how they relate to the issues at hand. And if you go through one issue at a time, ferret out the facts, and relate them to the Republican talking points, a pattern emerges. Their arguments are not supported by facts.

Let's take a few examples. There's trickle down economics. It's the same basic argument since it started in the 80s. Transfer wealth to the investment class through tax cuts and subsidies, with the hope that they will invest the money, creating more jobs for everyone and stimulating the economy. It sounds good. But this now has a 30 year track record. So we have facts, and they do not support the conservative case. The economy has generally grown. But not particularly faster than we would have otherwise hoped for. Bush II doubled down with his tax cuts, targeted heavily to the rich. And we saw the first expansion in US history in which the purchasing power of US workers declined, while the rich have continued to get richer and richer. The investment class has plenty of wealth right now. They use it to pick over the real estate market like vultures, and to create jobs overseas. Yet the Ryan budget proposes a further trillion dollars worth of tax breaks for the wealthy. The facts just don't support this approach.

Let's take the original example. Planned Parenthood. 3% of their procedures are abortions. A legal and constitutionally protected medical procedure, but nonetheless one that we have agreed not to provide federal subsidies for. Planned Parenthood does provide it, along with an array of other reproductive services. Birth control, pap smears, mammograms, yadda yadda yadda. If you want to talk facts, it's generally agreed that for every dollar spent on this sort of healthcare, three dollars are saved somewhere down the line. Avoiding abortions, for instance. Yet the Republicans wanted Planned Parenthood shut down. They wanted it badly enough to make it the center piece of a game of chicken with our fragile economy in the balance if neither side blinked. Why? For ideological reasons. To appease their vengeful god, or the voters who believe in him. Do the facts support their case? Clearly not.

Let's take a big womping example. The Iraq war. I was one of the hundreds of thousands of people literally screaming at the top of my lungs that this was a bad idea before we started. Don't worry, it'll be easy. 6 months tops and we're out of there. We won't need more troops. They'll greet us as liberators. And besides. Saddam Hussein is an imminent threat. He's got chemical weapons. He wants nukes. He's got ties to terrorism. Hell, if you watch enough FOX, you'll even believe that he was involved in 9/11. Whose case do the facts support this time?

Here's another good example. Obama's birth certificate.

Then there's the famous "keep your government hands off of my medicare."

I'm tired of giving examples. It would be harder to find examples of conservative positions that are supported by the facts.

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