Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.

Frank Luntz is having a hard time rationalizing the possibility of a second term for President Trump.

He's about as conservative as toro.


Here it comes.
View attachment 186935

Frank Luntz is having a hard time rationalizing the possibility of a second term for President Trump.

He's about as conservative as toro.


Here it comes.

Always show Rasmussen and none of the others.

No one else gets even close to 50%, the last three before this were below 40%, his average is 38.4%, Obama's was 47.9%
View attachment 186935

Frank Luntz is having a hard time rationalizing the possibility of a second term for President Trump.

He's about as conservative as toro.


Here it comes.

Always show Rasmussen and none of the others.

No one else gets even close to 50%, the last three before this were below 40%, his average is 38.4%, Obama's was 47.9%

It's hilarious to watch them whistle past the political graveyard.
View attachment 186935

Frank Luntz is having a hard time rationalizing the possibility of a second term for President Trump.

He's about as conservative as toro.


Here it comes.

Always show Rasmussen and none of the others.

No one else gets even close to 50%, the last three before this were below 40%, his average is 38.4%, Obama's was 47.9%
You don't like it so you discount it.

That's what the Hildabeastie did too.


Trump is more unpopular than popular. He barely eked in with the electoral college and lost the popular vote. His cult like republican base seems to think he is a far right messiah for reasons I don't understand so he has a reliable base of voters.

There is definitely a chance the republican party loses voters, and that there is a turnout against them since they have gone radical retard. Dems taking the house and senate is awfully optimistic though and likely won't happen.
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.

Ain't you smart enough to know what "rallying your base" sounds and looks like? This is just the Olde "Woe is US" strategy. To get them to the voting booths.

With Pelosi and the cuckoo at the DNC -- the only way you're win anything is to run candidates to the RIGHT of most every Dem serving in Congress and 1/2 the Republicans.. Like you did in Penn. and Virginia and Alabama. YOU were so busy WINNING --- you didn't recognize your party is splitting into 2 or 3 pieces.. :laugh:.

And guess what? Your avg leftist doesn't care if they sound like Reagan... To you warriors -- it's JUST about winning ---- ain't it? When's the last time YOU discussed any REAL issues or principles that would sell to Independents and undecideds???
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.

Ain't you smart enough to know what "rallying your base" sounds and looks like? This is just the Olde "Woe is US" strategy. To get them to the voting booths.

With Pelosi and the cuckoo at the DNC -- the only way you're win anything is to run candidates to the RIGHT of most every Dem serving in Congress and 1/2 the Republicans.. Like you did in Penn. and Virginia and Alabama. YOU were so busy WINNING --- you didn't recognize your party is splitting into 2 or 3 pieces.. :laugh:.

And guess what? Your avg leftist doesn't care if they sound like Reagan... To you warriors -- it's JUST about winning ---- ain't it? When's the last time YOU discussed any REAL issues or principles that would sell to Independents and undecideds???

Duh, yes I grasp the psychology of rallying the base. However, the polls can't be ignored.
Lakhota post pre-election........LMAO!!!!

We’re going to spend a lot of time over the next 87 days contemplating the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency. Trump is a significant underdog — he has a 13 percent chance of winning the election according to our polls-only model and a 23 percent chance according to polls-plus. But those probabilities aren’t that small. For comparison, you have a 17 percent chance of losing a “game” of Russian roulette.

But there’s another possibility staring us right in the face: A potential Hillary Clinton landslide. Our polls-only model projects Clinton to win the election by 7.7 percentage points, about the same margin by which Barack Obama beat John McCain in 2008. And it assigns a 35 percent chance to Clinton winning by double digits.

Our other model, polls-plus, is much more conservative about Clinton’s prospects. If this were an ordinary election, the smart money would be on the race tightening down the stretch run, and coming more into line with economic “fundamentals” that suggest the election ought to be close. Since this is how the polls-plus model “thinks,” it projects Clinton to win by around 4 points, about the margin by which Obama beat Mitt Romney in 2012 — a solid victory but a long way from a landslide.

But the theory behind “fundamentals” models is that economic conditions prevail because most other factors are fought to a draw. In a normal presidential election, both candidates raise essentially unlimited money and staff their campaigns with hundreds of experienced professionals. In a normal presidential election, both candidates are good representatives of their party’s traditional values and therefore unite almost all their party’s voters behind them. In a normal presidential election, both candidates have years of experience running for office and deftly pivot away from controversies to exploit their opponents’ weaknesses. In a normal presidential election, both candidates target a broad enough range of demographic groups to have a viable chance of reaching 51 percent of the vote. This may not be a normal presidential election because while most of those things are true for Clinton, it’s not clear that any of them apply to Trump.

A related theory is that contemporary presidential elections are bound to be relatively close because both parties have high floors on their support. Indeed, we’ve gone seven straight elections without a double-digit popular vote victory (the last one was Ronald Reagan’s in 1984), the longest such streak since 1876-1900.

Just how bad could it get?

That would work out to 471 electoral votes, to 67 for Trump, which would be fairly typical for a win of that magnitude. Dwight D. Eisenhower won 457 electoral votes when beating Adlai Stevenson by 15 points in 1956, for example. And Franklin D. Roosevelt won 472 electoral votes in 1932, in an 18-point win against Herbert Hoover. Clinton would be a ways short of Ronald Reagan’s 525 electoral votes in 1984, however.

Much More: Nate Silver: What A Clinton Landslide Would Look Like

A very interesting analysis by Nate Silver - complete with charts and graphs.
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.
Frank Luntz, seriously?

He's the elites Paul Joseph Goebbels. No intelligent person takes his manipulation of the pulic opinion and attitudes anymore seriously than they do the journalistic stylings of HuffPo or Breitbart.

Did you learn nothing with the last election. Polls mean about as much as your vote does.
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.
Frank Luntz, seriously?

He's the elites Paul Joseph Goebbels. No intelligent person takes his manipulation of the pulic opinion and attitudes anymore seriously than they do the journalistic stylings of HuffPo or Breitbart.

Did you learn nothing with the last election. Polls mean about as much as your vote does.

Here's what I learned in the last election: Trump supporters didn't answer truthfully to pollsters. I also learned that the election was rigged against Hillary by a perfect storm of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians - but she still received 3 million more votes than Trump. However, the upcoming election is a midterm - which means the party in power is usually at a disadvantage.

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