Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Yep, even Paul Ryan the invertebrate has declined to say whether he'll run again. NBC visited his hometown of Janesville and talked to some folks last week.

A majority of those they talked to were Trump voters, and yet they can't stand the little weasel at this point because he won't stand up to Trump.

My bet is that the Creepy Munster Kid fades into the woodwork and that iron worker Randy Bryce takes his seat.

Democrat commissions poll pointing to tough reelection for Ryan


Dec 28, 2016 - Frank Luntz on Twitter, November 8, 2016: “Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States.
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.
This is nothing more than an effort to energize the base and maintain some measure of turnout.

The Dems will make some gains in the House, but the Senate is not in danger. The Dems have way too many seats up for grabs v. the Do-Nothings.

It's just reality.

May both parties shit all over each other and die in a motherfucking fire.
I'm of the mind that the GOP will not fare well at the voting booth this fall. I think, furthermore, that McConnell, Cruz and the GOP strategists who provide them far more precise "pulse of the people" information and analysis that is made public are well aware of the same set of realities that I've outlined above.
So one more guy comes along and says Republicans are going to lose. First thing that comes to mind is that same thing being said before the Republican victories of 2014 and 2016. Ho hum Yawn****
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.

Ain't you smart enough to know what "rallying your base" sounds and looks like? This is just the Olde "Woe is US" strategy. To get them to the voting booths.

With Pelosi and the cuckoo at the DNC -- the only way you're win anything is to run candidates to the RIGHT of most every Dem serving in Congress and 1/2 the Republicans.. Like you did in Penn. and Virginia and Alabama. YOU were so busy WINNING --- you didn't recognize your party is splitting into 2 or 3 pieces.. :laugh:.

And guess what? Your avg leftist doesn't care if they sound like Reagan... To you warriors -- it's JUST about winning ---- ain't it? When's the last time YOU discussed any REAL issues or principles that would sell to Independents and undecideds???
All they care about is using and abusing white people.

They have absolutely no political platform.
Poor poor white people....
Maybe the left is so delusional that they think Trump's approval numbers are sagging but they are rising. Luntz said the republicans could lose both houses if the election was held today but we have a year and a half of rising numbers for Trump and that's what democrats hate and fear most. The claim that Frank Luntz is "conservative" is exaggerated. Luntz predicted a Hillary win while the election was going on possibly in an effort to suppress republican turnout. If Luntz couldn't accurately predict the results of an election within 24 hours it's unlikely that he can predict the fall of the republican party in a year and a half.
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.

Ain't you smart enough to know what "rallying your base" sounds and looks like? This is just the Olde "Woe is US" strategy. To get them to the voting booths.

With Pelosi and the cuckoo at the DNC -- the only way you're win anything is to run candidates to the RIGHT of most every Dem serving in Congress and 1/2 the Republicans.. Like you did in Penn. and Virginia and Alabama. YOU were so busy WINNING --- you didn't recognize your party is splitting into 2 or 3 pieces.. :laugh:.

And guess what? Your avg leftist doesn't care if they sound like Reagan... To you warriors -- it's JUST about winning ---- ain't it? When's the last time YOU discussed any REAL issues or principles that would sell to Independents and undecideds???
All they care about is using and abusing white people.

They have absolutely no political platform.

Oh, I agree that they have no political platform. But when they finally find it, look out. The only Platform the Republicans have is that they give to the Rich and take from the Grand Kids. There isn't a Fiscal Conservative in the whole lot. It did sound good going in. But going out, it's a disaster. The last Budget is just too close to the 2018 mid elections. If the Dems come up with a good sounding Platform (whether they really believe it or not) there is going to be quite a change in congress. Remember, the Reps made it sound like they knew how to do a budget where they were fiscally responsible. They aren't and the voters know it now. This is going to be the #1 reason for people voting one way or another unless they are just blindly pulling either the blue or the red lever.

And it's not just the Dems that care about abusing while people. The Reps are doing a bang up job in that arena as well.

Neither parties actions are what most Americans are looking for. They want ACTION -- not words. And they want the Feds to FOCUS on their PRIMARY responsibilities and TRY not to make a mess of those.

You'll see what happens when just a handful of Indies and 3rd party people get elected.. But FIRST, voters have to VOTE for principles and issues and HUMILITY.. Not EGO and name recognition and polarization..

Don't REWARD that. Or if youve chosen to CONTINUE rewarding them for offering defective "winning" candidates ----- STOP YOUR WHINING. It's pitiful.. (Not you of course) LOL...

More Republicans are departing “than any year since at least 1952,” according to an elections observer.

WASHINGTON ― Republican House members are leaving Congress at the fastest pace in modern history, according to elections data compiled by Daily Kos.

So far, 37 House Republicans have announced they are retiring, running for another office or resigning outright. Such an exodus usually precedes the beginning of every primary season, but this year is shaping up to break records.

“This is more Republican retirements than any year since at least 1952 (and possibly much earlier than that),” Daily Kos Elections editor Daniel Donner tweeted last week.

By contrast, the comparable number for House Democrats totals 18.

More: Republicans Giving Up House Seats At A Rate Not Seen In Decades

More good news for Democrats.
Maybe the left is so delusional that they think Trump's approval numbers are sagging but they are rising. Luntz said the republicans could lose both houses if the election was held today but we have a year and a half of rising numbers for Trump and that's what democrats hate and fear most. The claim that Frank Luntz is "conservative" is exaggerated. Luntz predicted a Hillary win while the election was going on possibly in an effort to suppress republican turnout. If Luntz couldn't accurately predict the results of an election within 24 hours it's unlikely that he can predict the fall of the republican party in a year and a half.

You can try to spin this any way you like:
Republicans Giving Up House Seats At A Rate Not Seen In Decades
More Republicans are departing “than any year since at least 1952,”
Maybe the left is so delusional that they think Trump's approval numbers are sagging but they are rising. Luntz said the republicans could lose both houses if the election was held today but we have a year and a half of rising numbers for Trump and that's what democrats hate and fear most. The claim that Frank Luntz is "conservative" is exaggerated. Luntz predicted a Hillary win while the election was going on possibly in an effort to suppress republican turnout. If Luntz couldn't accurately predict the results of an election within 24 hours it's unlikely that he can predict the fall of the republican party in a year and a half.

You can try to spin this any way you like:
Republicans Giving Up House Seats At A Rate Not Seen In Decades
More Republicans are departing “than any year since at least 1952,”

Democrat party gets biggest ass whooping since 1921, obliterated in the House, lost the Senate, then Trump stomped the shit out of Dem's humiliating them. :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe the left is so delusional that they think Trump's approval numbers are sagging but they are rising. Luntz said the republicans could lose both houses if the election was held today but we have a year and a half of rising numbers for Trump and that's what democrats hate and fear most. The claim that Frank Luntz is "conservative" is exaggerated. Luntz predicted a Hillary win while the election was going on possibly in an effort to suppress republican turnout. If Luntz couldn't accurately predict the results of an election within 24 hours it's unlikely that he can predict the fall of the republican party in a year and a half.

You can try to spin this any way you like:
Republicans Giving Up House Seats At A Rate Not Seen In Decades
More Republicans are departing “than any year since at least 1952,”

Democrat party gets biggest ass whooping since 1921, obliterated in the House, lost the Senate, then Trump stomped the shit out of Dem's humiliating them. :auiqs.jpg:
Reminds me of 2006 and 2008
Maybe the left is so delusional that they think Trump's approval numbers are sagging but they are rising. Luntz said the republicans could lose both houses if the election was held today but we have a year and a half of rising numbers for Trump and that's what democrats hate and fear most. The claim that Frank Luntz is "conservative" is exaggerated. Luntz predicted a Hillary win while the election was going on possibly in an effort to suppress republican turnout. If Luntz couldn't accurately predict the results of an election within 24 hours it's unlikely that he can predict the fall of the republican party in a year and a half.

You can try to spin this any way you like:
Republicans Giving Up House Seats At A Rate Not Seen In Decades
More Republicans are departing “than any year since at least 1952,”

Democrat party gets biggest ass whooping since 1921, obliterated in the House, lost the Senate, then Trump stomped the shit out of Dem's humiliating them. :auiqs.jpg:
Reminds me of 2006 and 2008

Reminds me of 2010 after only 2 years with Obama at the helm Democrats get stomped to shit by angry voters and lose the House :auiqs.jpg:then lose the Senate:auiqs.jpg: then Trump rips them a new one taking the White House away from Hillary :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.

They BOTH predicted the Hildabitch would win, how did that work out for you?
I'm of the mind that the GOP will not fare well at the voting booth this fall. I think, furthermore, that McConnell, Cruz and the GOP strategists who provide them far more precise "pulse of the people" information and analysis that is made public are well aware of the same set of realities that I've outlined above.
So one more guy comes along and says Republicans are going to lose. First thing that comes to mind is that same thing being said before the Republican victories of 2014 and 2016. Ho hum Yawn****
Yeah, you go with that....

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