Conservative Principal Amy Sacks Fired - Pennsylvania


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
You can sit on your gluteus and whine, or you can whine on message boards to fiends and enemas (friends and enemies), or you can take your message to the people who can do something about it. In this case, it is the School Board in Pennsylvania.
(This is breaking news because it was announced just last night that she is suing the, ahem, unmarried parents, as they say.)

Here is the story of how a principal was fired for expressing her personal views simply because one irate parent complained to the Superintendent, Dr. Barbara Russell.
Her email is [email protected]

Every time a Leftist professor or teacher screams socialist insanity or badmouths America or proposes ways to tear down statues more efficiently, or steps on the flag, they are ALWAYS defended with "freedom of speech" mantras. But that doesn't apply to conservatives who are shouted down, censored, attacked, hit and in this case, fired.

Pennsylvania Elementary School Principal Claims She Was Fired over Conservative Facebook Memes

An elementary school principal in Pennsylvania claims she was fired over a series of conservative Facebook posts. Amy Sacks was removed in July from her position as principal of Evergreen Elementary School in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. According to her lawyer, “Like millions of Americans over the last year Amy posted political memes opposing Joe Biden and other Democrats, while supporting the police and Republican candidates, on her private Facebook account.”

According to a report by the College Fix, former Evergreen Elementary School Principal Amy Sacks was terminated from her position after one of her Facebook posts was criticized by a member of the community. Now, Sacks is suing her former employer, alleging a violation of her First Amendment rights.

Too bad. The 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection to say or do whatever you want with no consequences. I would have thought you right wingers would have picked up on that by now. Sure, you have the right to post whatever you want on social media. However, your employer has the right to fire you if it reflects poorly on them or if it violates your terms of employment.
Tbh I'm torn on this one. Prior to checking out her FB political posts, I mentally defended this PA's principal because our personal freedoms-including free speech must be protected. Certainly, people in all professions carry around their personal viewpoints which includes politics. Yes, people in the US have the legal right to express themselves, but bringing in the fact that she was employed as a principal changes the equation in my mind.

As a teacher, I can tell you that it really shows if a school is under positive leadership or otherwise, as with most work environments. It's just a smart move to refrain from getting into the political arena, particularly when elementary aged students from your school likely read your FB page. Some of her FB visual posts could be construed/misconstrued to assume she promoted hosing down all political protestors. Is hosing down protestors an act of violence? No, but the visual of using force is there and kids in elementary school are quite impressionable.

For the record I voted for Trump primarily because (among a few other reasons) I see our country swinging too far left for my tastes in the near future. I was hoping for at least another 4 years before that happens.
Too bad. The 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection to say or do whatever you want with no consequences. I would have thought you right wingers would have picked up on that by now. Sure, you have the right to post whatever you want on social media. However, your employer has the right to fire you if it reflects poorly on them or if it violates your terms of employment.
While that is true you never see too many democrats getting it done to them.
Tbh I'm torn on this one. Prior to checking out her FB political posts, I mentally defended this PA's principal because our personal freedoms-including free speech must be protected. Certainly, people in all professions carry around their personal viewpoints which includes politics. Yes, people in the US have the legal right to express themselves, but bringing in the fact that she was employed as a principal changes the equation in my mind.

As a teacher, I can tell you that it really shows if a school is under positive leadership or otherwise, as with most work environments. It's just a smart move to refrain from getting into the political arena, particularly when elementary aged students from your school likely read your FB page. Some of her FB visual posts could be construed/misconstrued to assume she promoted hosing down all political protestors. Is hosing down protestors an act of violence? No, but the visual of using force is there and kids in elementary school are quite impressionable.

For the record I voted for Trump primarily because (among a few other reasons) I see our country swinging too far left for my tastes in the near future. I was hoping for at least another 4 years before that happens.

1. The superintendent, Barbara Russell, participated in a Black Lives Matter rally. That doesn't trouble you at all does it.

2. The superintendent received ONE complaint from a parent. ONE.
You can't please everyone. If the superintendent had any courage, any backbone, she would have told the Lefty parent people are entitled to their opinions, even IF they're different from yours. Surprise surprise.
Leftists don't agree with this. They demand obeisance everywhere.

Tbh I'm torn on this one. Prior to checking out her FB political posts, I mentally defended this PA's principal because our personal freedoms-including free speech must be protected. Certainly, people in all professions carry around their personal viewpoints which includes politics. Yes, people in the US have the legal right to express themselves, but bringing in the fact that she was employed as a principal changes the equation in my mind.

As a teacher, I can tell you that it really shows if a school is under positive leadership or otherwise, as with most work environments. It's just a smart move to refrain from getting into the political arena, particularly when elementary aged students from your school likely read your FB page. Some of her FB visual posts could be construed/misconstrued to assume she promoted hosing down all political protestors. Is hosing down protestors an act of violence? No, but the visual of using force is there and kids in elementary school are quite impressionable.

For the record I voted for Trump primarily because (among a few other reasons) I see our country swinging too far left for my tastes in the near future. I was hoping for at least another 4 years before that happens.

1. The superintendent, Barbara Russell, participated in a Black Lives Matter rally. That doesn't trouble you at all does it.

2. The superintendent received ONE complaint from a parent. ONE.
You can't please everyone. If the superintendent had any courage, any backbone, she would have told the Lefty parent people are entitled to their opinions, even IF they're different from yours. Surprise surprise.
Leftists don't agree with this. They demand obeisance everywhere.

You wrote "The superintendent, Barbara Russell, participated in a Black Lives Matter rally. That doesn't trouble you at all does it."

You're assuming something (inaccurately btw) about me and you know what they say about assumptions. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. What's considered fair or foul play by one side should be fair or a foul by the other.

As I indicated, this particular issue was tricky for me. Firing her was overboard, and a better board would have handled it differently. With your info about the superintendent's own political views, sounds like the firing was personal.

My point is that she knowingly took the risk posting her political pics and messages on FB, her name known to not just faculty but parents and students. An elementary principal has a leadership role and she should have known better. Kids quote people all of the time, and a teacher would be pretty hard pressed to reprimand a student (age 6-12) for cussing in class when their principal has put it out in print. One of her FB posts stated: "Due to COVID, we're going to need people to riot from home and destroy your own shit". I am not some "holier than thou" poster, but we have to have certain standards for role models during those formative years. Once they hit middle school, it's mostly over lol

Maybe my take is partly based on my negative opinion about FB in general. People who choose to put their personal information out there for the public at large should expect that it will be read by more than one's intended audience-friends & family. Doing exactly that has led to consequences as many are learning. Consequences can be used for good, and have been, when they stop acts of violence by posting their rants and threats prior to their plan.

I try to take political issues and look for the long-term impact. Whatever we think is important won't be 20 years from now, not even 10 years from now at the rate things are evolving. In that respect, setting precedents matters greatly not just in determining what is fair treatment/consequence of an action but setting standards for our choices of action.
You can sit on your gluteus and whine, or you can whine on message boards to fiends and enemas (friends and enemies), or you can take your message to the people who can do something about it. In this case, it is the School Board in Pennsylvania.
(This is breaking news because it was announced just last night that she is suing the, ahem, unmarried parents, as they say.)

Here is the story of how a principal was fired for expressing her personal views simply because one irate parent complained to the Superintendent, Dr. Barbara Russell.
Her email is [email protected]

Every time a Leftist professor or teacher screams socialist insanity or badmouths America or proposes ways to tear down statues more efficiently, or steps on the flag, they are ALWAYS defended with "freedom of speech" mantras. But that doesn't apply to conservatives who are shouted down, censored, attacked, hit and in this case, fired.

Pennsylvania Elementary School Principal Claims She Was Fired over Conservative Facebook Memes

An elementary school principal in Pennsylvania claims she was fired over a series of conservative Facebook posts. Amy Sacks was removed in July from her position as principal of Evergreen Elementary School in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. According to her lawyer, “Like millions of Americans over the last year Amy posted political memes opposing Joe Biden and other Democrats, while supporting the police and Republican candidates, on her private Facebook account.”

According to a report by the College Fix, former Evergreen Elementary School Principal Amy Sacks was terminated from her position after one of her Facebook posts was criticized by a member of the community. Now, Sacks is suing her former employer, alleging a violation of her First Amendment rights.

First Amendment rights?

She got to say what she wanted to say. Nothing shields you from the consequences.

If Anything, she should be suing for wrongful termination or discrimination. And I wish her well in using whatever legal means are available.
Too bad. The 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection to say or do whatever you want with no consequences. I would have thought you right wingers would have picked up on that by now. Sure, you have the right to post whatever you want on social media. However, your employer has the right to fire you if it reflects poorly on them or if it violates your terms of employment.
While that is true you never see too many democrats getting it done to them.

That is true.

It is the current zeitgeist in this country to be liberal on social issues.

If you are not, you are expected to keep your mouth shut -- which is what most people do at work and in public.

In every country, there is a party line that the masses are expected to follow. If anyone steps out of line, s/he will be punished.

"Freedom of speech" only exists in theory. It has never existed in reality and never will.
Too bad. The 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection to say or do whatever you want with no consequences. I would have thought you right wingers would have picked up on that by now. Sure, you have the right to post whatever you want on social media. However, your employer has the right to fire you if it reflects poorly on them or if it violates your terms of employment.
While that is true you never see too many democrats getting it done to them.

That is true.

It is the current zeitgeist in this country to be liberal on social issues.

If you are not, you are expected to keep your mouth shut -- which is what most people do at work and in public.

In every country, there is a party line that the masses are expected to follow. If anyone steps out of line, s/he will be punished.

"Freedom of speech" only exists in theory. It has never existed in reality and never will.
Yes, back in the day it was "You have every right to state your opinion to me, and I have every right to knock you to the ground for doing so."
Too bad. The 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection to say or do whatever you want with no consequences. I would have thought you right wingers would have picked up on that by now. Sure, you have the right to post whatever you want on social media. However, your employer has the right to fire you if it reflects poorly on them or if it violates your terms of employment.

Not if that employer is the government, and not if political views are protected by law in a given State.
Is there even one single democrat here who isn't a fascist, or has even so much as the average level of intelligence necessary to understand principles?
Is there even one single democrat here who isn't a fascist, or has even so much as the average level of intelligence necessary to understand principles?
There are and they do. They are simply soulless traitor liars and likely foreign agents.
Tbh I'm torn on this one. Prior to checking out her FB political posts, I mentally defended this PA's principal because our personal freedoms-including free speech must be protected. Certainly, people in all professions carry around their personal viewpoints which includes politics. Yes, people in the US have the legal right to express themselves, but bringing in the fact that she was employed as a principal changes the equation in my mind.

As a teacher, I can tell you that it really shows if a school is under positive leadership or otherwise, as with most work environments. It's just a smart move to refrain from getting into the political arena, particularly when elementary aged students from your school likely read your FB page. Some of her FB visual posts could be construed/misconstrued to assume she promoted hosing down all political protestors. Is hosing down protestors an act of violence? No, but the visual of using force is there and kids in elementary school are quite impressionable.

For the record I voted for Trump primarily because (among a few other reasons) I see our country swinging too far left for my tastes in the near future. I was hoping for at least another 4 years before that happens.

1. The superintendent, Barbara Russell, participated in a Black Lives Matter rally. That doesn't trouble you at all does it.

2. The superintendent received ONE complaint from a parent. ONE.
You can't please everyone. If the superintendent had any courage, any backbone, she would have told the Lefty parent people are entitled to their opinions, even IF they're different from yours. Surprise surprise.
Leftists don't agree with this. They demand obeisance everywhere.

You wrote "The superintendent, Barbara Russell, participated in a Black Lives Matter rally. That doesn't trouble you at all does it."

You're assuming something (inaccurately btw) about me and you know what they say about assumptions. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. What's considered fair or foul play by one side should be fair or a foul by the other.

As I indicated, this particular issue was tricky for me. Firing her was overboard, and a better board would have handled it differently. With your info about the superintendent's own political views, sounds like the firing was personal.

My point is that she knowingly took the risk posting her political pics and messages on FB, her name known to not just faculty but parents and students. An elementary principal has a leadership role and she should have known better. Kids quote people all of the time, and a teacher would be pretty hard pressed to reprimand a student (age 6-12) for cussing in class when their principal has put it out in print. One of her FB posts stated: "Due to COVID, we're going to need people to riot from home and destroy your own shit". I am not some "holier than thou" poster, but we have to have certain standards for role models during those formative years. Once they hit middle school, it's mostly over lol

Maybe my take is partly based on my negative opinion about FB in general. People who choose to put their personal information out there for the public at large should expect that it will be read by more than one's intended audience-friends & family. Doing exactly that has led to consequences as many are learning. Consequences can be used for good, and have been, when they stop acts of violence by posting their rants and threats prior to their plan.

I try to take political issues and look for the long-term impact. Whatever we think is important won't be 20 years from now, not even 10 years from now at the rate things are evolving. In that respect, setting precedents matters greatly not just in determining what is fair treatment/consequence of an action but setting standards for our choices of action.

You're a Leftist. Long, boring blathers can't change that nor excuse your Leftist bias.

Tbh I'm torn on this one. Prior to checking out her FB political posts, I mentally defended this PA's principal because our personal freedoms-including free speech must be protected. Certainly, people in all professions carry around their personal viewpoints which includes politics. Yes, people in the US have the legal right to express themselves, but bringing in the fact that she was employed as a principal changes the equation in my mind.

As a teacher, I can tell you that it really shows if a school is under positive leadership or otherwise, as with most work environments. It's just a smart move to refrain from getting into the political arena, particularly when elementary aged students from your school likely read your FB page. Some of her FB visual posts could be construed/misconstrued to assume she promoted hosing down all political protestors. Is hosing down protestors an act of violence? No, but the visual of using force is there and kids in elementary school are quite impressionable.

For the record I voted for Trump primarily because (among a few other reasons) I see our country swinging too far left for my tastes in the near future. I was hoping for at least another 4 years before that happens.

1. The superintendent, Barbara Russell, participated in a Black Lives Matter rally. That doesn't trouble you at all does it.

2. The superintendent received ONE complaint from a parent. ONE.
You can't please everyone. If the superintendent had any courage, any backbone, she would have told the Lefty parent people are entitled to their opinions, even IF they're different from yours. Surprise surprise.
Leftists don't agree with this. They demand obeisance everywhere.

You wrote "The superintendent, Barbara Russell, participated in a Black Lives Matter rally. That doesn't trouble you at all does it."

You're assuming something (inaccurately btw) about me and you know what they say about assumptions. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. What's considered fair or foul play by one side should be fair or a foul by the other.

As I indicated, this particular issue was tricky for me. Firing her was overboard, and a better board would have handled it differently. With your info about the superintendent's own political views, sounds like the firing was personal.

My point is that she knowingly took the risk posting her political pics and messages on FB, her name known to not just faculty but parents and students. An elementary principal has a leadership role and she should have known better. Kids quote people all of the time, and a teacher would be pretty hard pressed to reprimand a student (age 6-12) for cussing in class when their principal has put it out in print. One of her FB posts stated: "Due to COVID, we're going to need people to riot from home and destroy your own shit". I am not some "holier than thou" poster, but we have to have certain standards for role models during those formative years. Once they hit middle school, it's mostly over lol

Maybe my take is partly based on my negative opinion about FB in general. People who choose to put their personal information out there for the public at large should expect that it will be read by more than one's intended audience-friends & family. Doing exactly that has led to consequences as many are learning. Consequences can be used for good, and have been, when they stop acts of violence by posting their rants and threats prior to their plan.

I try to take political issues and look for the long-term impact. Whatever we think is important won't be 20 years from now, not even 10 years from now at the rate things are evolving. In that respect, setting precedents matters greatly not just in determining what is fair treatment/consequence of an action but setting standards for our choices of action.

You're a Leftist. Long, boring blathers can't change that nor excuse your Leftist bias.

lol that's perfect! This shows me I'm doing a good job expressing my opinions here. I'm an independent who leans right on most issues, while supporting a few left-leaning issues (descheduling pot for one).

Now, I accept fully the part about being a long boring blather type. Comparing the length of your posts and mine, you do realize you're a pot calling the kettle black- yes?

Look, I'm not here to participate in the "You are this because I am clueless about you but have this impression of you" experience. I come to learn opinions/ideas and add what I can to the conversation.

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