Trump's top black campaign surrogate says blacks were better off under Jim Crow

Do you agree with trump that blacks were better off under Jim Crow?

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Today, all we ever hear from the Left is how bad things are for the Left. Despite being more opportunities (eg affirmative action) and protections over the last 60 years post Jim Crowe, we see more Blacks in American Poverty, higher Black single mother households, higher Black unemployment.

So, are Blacks better or worse?
It isn't single family homes that prevents black families from building intergenerational wealth, nor was it bootstraps that helped poor and middle class white families build their wealth. Those are results of the segregated assistance programs during the 20th century that subsidized white home ownership and the moving of the white middle class to subsidized white suburbs while pushing black families into red lined communities.

I call BS. Blacks have had GI benefits for all that served, including VA guaranteed home loans and educational assistance since the 40s.

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The claim is that black families were ruined by The Great Society programs. And I'm not the one saying we were better off during Jim Crow. I say Byron Donalds is an idiot.
What it is that people learn to play a system and not take responsibility for themselves to achieve the right way. There is a lot of money spent to help over the decades. For some reason when government offers resources it can become massively corrupted. And for your information. The illegal immigrants will take more and more resources forcing decline to African Americans. And last year the World Economic Forum collected 104 billion dollars on carbon taxes. The globalists want world taxes to be standardized. So, you will see a world tax on your pay stub. And of course it will keep rising in taxation.
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Why are you white Americans so fucking ignorant of your own history?
They believe the propaganda they've been fed since birth, it's like water to them, it has no taste.

Pretty stark to see it in action though.
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The new official symbol of the demented LEFT

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No excuses, those things I mention are sports. The players in the leagues you mention compete for jobs and whoever performs the best in competition gets the job regardess of color. You are racist because you did not point all all the other sports where whites are the majority. Your claim of not enough black representation is weak. More whites play football and basketball than blacks. And your argument is racist because you tried to use that when in jobs that are not sports the potential empoyees are not hired after several months of performing the job tasks until the candidate(s) who performed the best are selected. You are called a racist because you only identify the participants on the field while ignoring all the off field employees that actually have longer careers than the players.

The NFL is 53 percent black payers. What about coaches?

6 out of 32. 18 percent. And thats a record that just happened this year. So 53 percent of the players are back but 18 percent of the coaches are and that happened only after a rule was made forcing owners to interview, INTERVIEW, black/minority candidates. And still whites wjne because the NFL made that rule as if without it white owners were going to interview black candidates.

You are attempting to make the argument that white owners are only racist when it comes to hiring coaches and other staff and completely racist when it comes to other teams sports like hockey. For individual sports like tennis and golf, you have no argument at all. Owners want to win and will hire the best person for the job, just like the vast majority of other business owners in this country. What you want is to say that far more black people, per capita, are qualified to be professional athletes than whites. There is no racism involved in the choosing of pro NBA or NFL players, just qualifications. Should white people be given a 10 yard head start when running the 40 in the combine? Does that make any sense to you? What are not willing to say that perhaps there are more qualified white people, per capita, for many positions in corporate America than black people, a fact that is undeniably true that this is the case based on educational background and experience. For the record, I am not talking about an innate ability or disability, I am talking about qualifications necessary to be hired as a CEO, an engineer, a computer programmer, etc. We can discuss why not as many black people don’t have those qualifications, but that is a different topic.

In short, we are told by the woke community that it is ok, in the name of diversity, to level the playing field by potentially not hiring the most qualified person for a position in corporate America but would never dream of doing the same for players in the NFL or NBA. No business or team owner should hire a lesser qualified person if they want their business or team to be as successful as possible.
I call BS. Blacks have had GI benefits for all that served, including VA guaranteed home loans and educational assistance since the 40s.

They were selectively excluded from the new post war suburbs and relegated to the old deteriorating\depreciating inner city properties.
Again, I'm black. That's not the problem and hispanics do not do much better. Whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and 13 times the wealth of hispanics. You don't know the stats, so you and every other white person making this claim don't know what you are talking about.

"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood.

Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure."

-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

In 1959 the poverty rate for all American families was 20.8 percent. For white families, it was 16.5 percent. For black families, 54.9 percent. During the time people declare that black families were “intact,” black family poverty was 3.33 times that of white ones. In 1966, the American poverty rate was 13.1 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 9.7 percent, and for black families, 40.9 percent. In 1966, black family poverty was 4.2 times that of white families.

In 2020 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.5 percent. Poverty for black families was 17.4 percent, white families 8.2 percent. In 2020, black family poverty remained two times that of white families.

From 1959 through 2020 blacks have consstently lived at double the rate of poverty while whites have lived below the American poverty rate. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent families. The single parent claim is bs, so is the claim of how LBJ's Great Society caused the decline of the black family.

Again, I do not believe you.
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Blacks were shot out of hand during Jim Crow and nothing happened. Black Women and Girls were raped and nothing happeded. Lynchings were spectator sport

No Blacks were NOT better off under Jim Crow.

he didn't say that. He said they had a stronger family and more stable social structure.

He didn't talk about the killings, the economic disparity, and the lack of franchise in places.
Doing better than we were during Trump. And we would do even better if more whites got off their asses and worked to end the racism in their communities.

Really? Not according to stats.

But one bit of bad news caught our attention: Unemployment among Black workers rose sharply, up to 6.4%, in March, a 0.8% increase from March 2023.

It hasn’t been that high since the middle of 2022.

It was 5.5% under Trump, so you're not doing better under Biden, you're doing worse. Now MUCH worse.

The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%.

But don't let facts get in the way of your "hate Trump" narrative. For being black, you sure don't know much about your own race and how they're doing. I guess you have to go to whites like me to tell you, since you're too dumb to know yourself.
In broad terms, blacks were not better off under Jim Crow.

But that’s also not what he said.

All he did was point out that at least they still had an essentially nuclear family back then. To that very limited extent, black culture was “better.”

Did he say it in a way open to criticism? Obviously. But that’s all our libtards need to go off half cocked. As usual.
Not my history, I wasn't born then. But you folks still worship the commiecrats that did all that. Go figure.

Do I? I wasn't born then either and my family didn't even come to this country until the 1980s so it's really funny to watch you claim I love Segregationists Democrats just to mask your own admitted ignorance. So now that you know Black Americans didn't get to enjoy the same benefits as whites have your feelings on the matter changed? :dunno:
In broad terms, blacks were not better off under Jim Crow.

But that’s also not what he said.

All he did was point out that at least they still had an essentially nuclear family back then. To that very limited extent, black culture was “better.”

Did he say it in a way open to criticism? Obviously. But that’s all our libtards need to go off half cocked. As usual.
All he did was point out that at least they still had an essentially nuclear family back then. To that very limited extent, black culture was “better.”

Libs purposely misunderstand

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