Records expunged for St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters. They want their guns back

Pointing your gun at people is an offensive threat. The Guv pardoned them to help ensure he got to hit all the buffets for 4 more years
self defense the blm threatened them first and torr down their fence. blacks are only one s in the us who can defend themselves now even kill people and nothing happens. caucassions get in trouble for just breathing.
self defense the blm threatened them first and torr down their fence.

The protestors walked past them on their way somewhere else. Then these two morons waved their guns around in a way that would get them both punched in the nuts, at a gun club.

Two guilty pleas resulted.

You know this. You're reaching to say what you think you're supposed to say.
self defense the blm threatened them first and torr down their fence. blacks are only one s in the us who can defend themselves now even kill people and nothing happens. caucassions get in trouble for just breathing.
You are one stupid fuck

The protestors walked past them on their way somewhere else. Then these two morons waved their guns around in a way that would get them both punched in the nuts, at a gun club.

Two guilty pleas resulted.

You know this. You're reaching to say what you think you're supposed to say.
wrong the broke thier fence down and cussed at them/
How is pointing a [presumably] loaded firearm at a person "defending their property"?
They wanted to intimidate people by showing that they had guns, and then stupidly pointing those guns at one or more individuals who were "passing by their home" per the news story.
Pointing a firearm at another person, whether it's loaded or not, is considered an assault as well as a felony in Washington State.
The couple was inside their house when the crazed mob broke down the front gate and occupied the front yard.
The mob then moved close to the house screaming they were going to rape the wife and burn the house down.
Only then did the home owners, in fear for their lives. Step outside on the front porch and brandish their weapons in the hope of scaring the mob away from the house and off their property.
The couple was inside the house when the crazed mob broke down the front gate and occupied the front yard.
The mob then ran close to the house screaming they were going to rape the wife and burn the house down.
Only then did the home owners, in fear for their lives. Step outside on the front porch and brandish their weapons in the hope of scaring the mob away from the house and off their property.

What a load of crap

The protestors walked past them on their way somewhere else. Then these two morons waved their guns around in a way that would get them both punched in the nuts, at a gun club.

Two guilty pleas resulted.

You know this. You're reaching to say what you think you're supposed to say.
Nope. We all saw the video. Stop lying to yourself.
How is pointing a [presumably] loaded firearm at a person "defending their property"?

And for the record, people who are afraid but are in a safe location, such as inside of their home with the doors and windows locked, do not leave the safety of that location to go outside where the alleged "threat" exists.

They wanted to intimidate people by showing that they had guns, and then stupidly pointing those guns at one or more individuals who were "passing by their home" per the news story.

Pointing a firearm at another person, whether it's loaded or not, is considered an assault as well as a felony in Washington State.
They weren’t in Washington state..
Hopefully they take a safety class. That picture is embarrassing. That's the way to get your face punched in, around people who how how to handle guns.
Oh crap, I agree with a flaming liberal. Rule number one when a gunfight appears imminent, have something to protect you from flying bullets. That means stay in your house, especially if you have brick or stone walls.

well I remember this case. Another case of the only people allowed to defend themselves in the us are blacks. good luck getting your guns back.
Once you are "off paper", expungement after a set period is a normal course of action.

But they will never be able to wipe their stench off.
Snowflakes. Textbook snowflakes.

"Honey, there are some negroes in our neighborhood. Get the guns!"
the blm thugs busted in a private neighborhood , bust down the fence to the place and cussed and threatened these people in their yard. before they could take a plea the governor pardoned them in 2021. Recently there names were cleared by the courts. they want there guns back. its funny how caucasion folks cant defend their home and themselves only black people can. now that is racist.
Authoritarians never vanquish expunge documents. No matter their political leanings. A major reason we are heading into darkness. And deserved.

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