Steve Bannon Ordered to report to prison by July 1 for his conviction for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee.

it is an established principle, dating back to the administration of President Ronald Reagan, that the Justice Department does not pursue prosecution in a contempt case when the president has asserted executive privilege.
If the president represents the same political party as the accused, executive privilege is assured. It's likely that Obama didn't even have to invoke it because there is never media pressure when a democrat is involved.
If the president represents the same political party as the accused, executive privilege is assured. It's likely that Obama didn't even have to invoke it because there is never media pressure when a democrat is involved.
The differences is showing up to the hearing, and whether executive privilege could be asserted because it involves an official act. Was Bannon's communication with the president an official act? was Bannon performing an official role?

Take the example of Lois Lerner pleading the 5th to congress. She showed up.
The FBI ignored a Congressional Subpoena

"“Today, the FBI informed the Committee that it will not provide the unclassified documents subpoenaed by the Committee."

Comer Statement on FBI’s Refusal to Comply with Congressional Subpoena - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
I guess you missed this:

Oversight chairman halts plan to advance Wray contempt proceedings following deal over FBI document​

Comer, a Kentucky Republican, accepted the FBI’s offer to allow all members on the House Oversight panel to view the internal law enforcement document he initially subpoenaed, known as an FD-1023, in exchange for halting contempt proceedings.

Now let me refresh your memory. That informant's information turned out to be horseshit. In fact, that informant turned out to be a criminal.

Pedophile enabler Gym Jordan has been so eager to find ANY evidence of a crime by Joe Biden, he keeps falling for hoaxes and keeps shooting himself in the face.

The FBI ignored a Congressional Subpoena

"“Today, the FBI informed the Committee that it will not provide the unclassified documents subpoenaed by the Committee."

Comer Statement on FBI’s Refusal to Comply with Congressional Subpoena - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Just to catch you up about the aftermath of that little skirmish:

Ex-FBI source charged with lying about Biden Ukraine business dealings​

A former FBI informant has been indicted for allegedly lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings with a Ukrainian energy company.

Charging documents describe Alexander Smirnov, 43, as a former FBI confidential human source and say he provided “false and derogatory information” to federal agents about both Bidens in 2020.

In June 2020, Smirnov falsely told FBI agents that executives with Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid $5 million each to Hunter and Joe Biden in 2015 and 2016, the indictment alleges.


Smirnov is the same confidential source who generated the FD-1023 form which Republicans released last July alleging a bribery scheme involving President Biden, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to NewsNation.

The 43-year-old is charged with making a false statement to a government agent and creating a false and fictitious record.

Boy, that pissing contest between the FBI and Comer sure blew up in Comer's face! Pardon my mixed metaphors.
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  • #77
But totally okay for Democrats to ignore the same subpoenas.

Banana Republic.

Personally, I figure Congress should have referred, but if they dont', they don't.
It looks like refusing to give up documents, defying Congress really won't fly. His 4 month sentence had been on hold pending further appeal, as appeal rejected. I cannot say, I am disappointed in U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee.
View attachment 958429
Got the same sentence that Eric Holder and Lois Lerner got.....Oh wait.

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  • #79
But it's fine for Hunter...and you folks dance around for this, of course.
I have no problem with prosecuting Hunter and have never express such, here or anywhere else, so I don't know which folks you are talking about, but it isn't me. I filled out the paperwork correctly, honestly and have been investigated, due to security clearances, filing and updating multiple update FS86 forms. You got the wrong guy.
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When do we arrest Chris Wray?
Looks like you missed the boat, back when it was Trump's DOJ, but your are welcome to try. He's even getting his full retirement, I heard.

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