Conservative professor Mike Adams was found dead in his home yesterday...In the past weeks, cancel culture came for him & the mob demanded he be fired

Now his job has been deleted. LOL

You people who celebrate the deaths of people because their ideology is different are sick
He wasn't a criminal or destroying anyone else's things.

People on the aware....these people will kill you for your ideology.
Please exercise your rights if they violate the Castle Doctrine.
I don’t celebrate death or murder. I’m laughing at the teacher who got fired for tweeting liberals suck.

This is basic common sense. The reason I don’t talk political on Facebook is my employer might see it. So this guy is an idiot. No one wants to murder him you god damn fool.

Here is the kicker. This is a public school teacher who in the past would hav3 been protected by a union. Being a trump supporter and republican I hope the union doesn’t lift a finger to help him.

No more pension for this guy.

But relax. There are tons of private schools for him to go work for. Republicans hate public schools so he should go work for a private school. Or go work in th3 public sector. No reason in this great economy trump has given us this guy can’t go easily find another job.
Do you really want every liberal who tweet "Trump sucks" to get fired too? Do you think that is acceptable?
Good grief - he was only 55. If this were a covid death and not a cancel death, it would be leading the news right now.

Very familiar with this. He was not a "conservative," but rather a far right wing Trump style racist. American patriots applaud his passing!
"his Tweets and Facebook posts frequently skewer what he sees as moral failings, logical flaws, or hypocrisies in liberal and progressive circles."

LWNJ moonbats especially hate it when you point out their faulty logic because they ridiculously see themselves as "intellectuals".
He was a fringe thinker. He wasn’t convincing anyone just making cons happy. Got to go.
There's room for everyone to have a voice, whether you like it or not. Did you miss class that day?
But every other teacher wasn’t playing politics at school or after hours.

I don’t think teachers or government employees should have any more protections than I have. If my company wants to fire me you guys say they should have every right. I have no right to my job. And if you piss your bosses off you get fired.

ive been fired for being a liberal. I should have never let that be known. Find out what your boss is first then tell him you’re that too.
What you think or want is irrelevant because the Constitution applies to the government, not to private organizations, and the law allows private companies to fire people who express political opinions while it prevents government agencies from violating an employee's First Amendment rights. The reason a private company can fire you for being a jerk liberal while, for example, the Post Office cannot is the same reason why a teacher in a private school can not only lead a class in prayer, but can be compelled to do so while a government school teacher cannot. You might not like the way it's set up, but that's the law as it stands now, and it's a good one. Government employers are held to the Constitution while private employers are not.
Oh please. You guys argue trump can fire any government employee he wants for whatever reason he wants.
If the job is an appointed position in which the employee serves at the pleasure of the president, of course. Are you really trying to pretend you don't see the difference between somebody who has access to the president's private conversations with foreign world leaders and a teacher in a government school? I mean, seriously now, are you really that dense or just pretending to be?
Good grief - he was only 55. If this were a covid death and not a cancel death, it would be leading the news right now.

Very familiar with this. He was not a "conservative," but rather a far right wing Trump style racist. American patriots applaud his passing!
Can you, without looking it up, quote anything racist he wrote?
Good grief - he was only 55. If this were a covid death and not a cancel death, it would be leading the news right now.

This happened in my high school and I LOVE IT!

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, said he was summoned to a Zoom meeting with district administrators and questioned about three tweets he sent July 6.

Kucera retweeted a Trump tweet, saying "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" and also tweeted:

"I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me"

The latter tweet received several responses, including one that Kucera responded to with a tweet that said, "Liberals suck man." The tweet was later deleted.

Now his job has been deleted. LOL
A private school can hire and fire whomever and for whatever reasons, or none. A government school, OTOH, should not be able to fire a teacher simply for expressing a political opinion. That's in essence the government violating his free speech rights.
100% correct, as long as his speech occurred outside of his job.
Nonsense. If an employee is embarrassing the school and causing problems they can be fired.

I love it now suddenly cons want government employees to have special protections? This is insane. Republicans are such flip flippers. I suppose next you’ll want the union to protect him?

No he is not 100% correct.

I don’t believe you cons are saying a government agency should not be able to fire someone.... since when do you feel this way? Sense now because it fits your narrative? Wow
A private organization can hire and fire at will. A government organization, however, is bound by the Constitution, and should not be able to fire someone for simply expressing a political opinion.

Do you disagree with any of that? And if you're concerned with whether I thought differently in the past, feel free to point out where.
I don’t think he was simply doing anything. He was being an annoying trump supporter.

Is a government organization bound by the constitution to keep an employee who’s not fitting in? Can you show me that in the constitution?
Political speech is protected speech. You should know that. If you give the government the authority to punish for expressing political opinions, how long do you think it will be before it rebounds on someone you support?
What about the two FBI agents who got caught texting about trump?
Occurred on work phones. Plus they were in a sexual relationship which violated policy.
So much for constitutional rights
Are you really trying to pretend that constitutional rights outweigh the demands of a security classification or those of a highly sensitive job? You know very well that there are situations in which your First Amendment rights are abridged, just like there are with the 2nd, and so on.
Good grief - he was only 55. If this were a covid death and not a cancel death, it would be leading the news right now.

This happened in my high school and I LOVE IT!

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, said he was summoned to a Zoom meeting with district administrators and questioned about three tweets he sent July 6.

Kucera retweeted a Trump tweet, saying "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" and also tweeted:

"I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me"

The latter tweet received several responses, including one that Kucera responded to with a tweet that said, "Liberals suck man." The tweet was later deleted.

Now his job has been deleted. LOL
A private school can hire and fire whomever and for whatever reasons, or none. A government school, OTOH, should not be able to fire a teacher simply for expressing a political opinion. That's in essence the government violating his free speech rights.
100% correct, as long as his speech occurred outside of his job.
Nonsense. If an employee is embarrassing the school and causing problems they can be fired.

I love it now suddenly cons want government employees to have special protections? This is insane. Republicans are such flip flippers. I suppose next you’ll want the union to protect him?

No he is not 100% correct.

I don’t believe you cons are saying a government agency should not be able to fire someone.... since when do you feel this way? Sense now because it fits your narrative? Wow
A private organization can hire and fire at will. A government organization, however, is bound by the Constitution, and should not be able to fire someone for simply expressing a political opinion.

Do you disagree with any of that? And if you're concerned with whether I thought differently in the past, feel free to point out where.
I don’t think he was simply doing anything. He was being an annoying trump supporter.

Is a government organization bound by the constitution to keep an employee who’s not fitting in? Can you show me that in the constitution?
Political speech is protected speech. You should know that. If you give the government the authority to punish for expressing political opinions, how long do you think it will be before it rebounds on someone you support?
What about the two FBI agents who got caught texting about trump?
Occurred on work phones. Plus they were in a sexual relationship which violated policy.
So much for constitutional rights
The constitution doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your behavior while on the clock.
Now his job has been deleted. LOL

You people who celebrate the deaths of people because their ideology is different are sick
He wasn't a criminal or destroying anyone else's things.

People on the aware....these people will kill you for your ideology.
Please exercise your rights if they violate the Castle Doctrine.
I don’t celebrate death or murder. I’m laughing at the teacher who got fired for tweeting liberals suck.

This is basic common sense. The reason I don’t talk political on Facebook is my employer might see it. So this guy is an idiot. No one wants to murder him you god damn fool.

Here is the kicker. This is a public school teacher who in the past would hav3 been protected by a union. Being a trump supporter and republican I hope the union doesn’t lift a finger to help him.

No more pension for this guy.

But relax. There are tons of private schools for him to go work for. Republicans hate public schools so he should go work for a private school. Or go work in th3 public sector. No reason in this great economy trump has given us this guy can’t go easily find another job.
Do you really want every liberal who tweet "Trump sucks" to get fired too? Do you think that is acceptable?
If your employer might fire you for your political beliefs, don’t tweet political shit on Facebook. I worked for a republican run company. I thought it was fun arguing politics. I got fired by a republican manager. Even though I was a hard worker he got rid of me.

And then eventually I found out he got fired. Love it! And he got cancer. That I didn’t love to hear. But I think he survived it.
"his Tweets and Facebook posts frequently skewer what he sees as moral failings, logical flaws, or hypocrisies in liberal and progressive circles."

LWNJ moonbats especially hate it when you point out their faulty logic because they ridiculously see themselves as "intellectuals".
He was a fringe thinker. He wasn’t convincing anyone just making cons happy. Got to go.
There's room for everyone to have a voice, whether you like it or not. Did you miss class that day?
But every other teacher wasn’t playing politics at school or after hours.

I don’t think teachers or government employees should have any more protections than I have. If my company wants to fire me you guys say they should have every right. I have no right to my job. And if you piss your bosses off you get fired.

ive been fired for being a liberal. I should have never let that be known. Find out what your boss is first then tell him you’re that too.
What you think or want is irrelevant because the Constitution applies to the government, not to private organizations, and the law allows private companies to fire people who express political opinions while it prevents government agencies from violating an employee's First Amendment rights. The reason a private company can fire you for being a jerk liberal while, for example, the Post Office cannot is the same reason why a teacher in a private school can not only lead a class in prayer, but can be compelled to do so while a government school teacher cannot. You might not like the way it's set up, but that's the law as it stands now, and it's a good one. Government employers are held to the Constitution while private employers are not.
Oh please. You guys argue trump can fire any government employee he wants for whatever reason he wants.
If the job is an appointed position in which the employee serves at the pleasure of the president, of course. Are you really trying to pretend you don't see the difference between somebody who has access to the president's private conversations with foreign world leaders and a teacher in a government school? I mean, seriously now, are you really that dense or just pretending to be?
The president has fired many people for many different reasons. No I don’t see a difference. And why suddenly are you in favor of protecting government workers jobs when us in the private sector don’t have the same rights? Usually conservatives are against government workers. Now because one of them is a conservative you change your tune?

All the other teachers weren’t pushing joe biden. And they know not to post political shit on Facebook and twitter
There is no hell or heaven. You’re not a god. Your soul doesn’t live on past your death in eternal bliss where you never get sick or mad or sad. Grow up

That's another theory. Got any proof?

Always open to an education, if it has any foundation in fact.
Do you? And dont say your holy book is proof. It was written 1800 years ago by 11 guys. They literally invented a religion then travelled the world selling it.
Good grief - he was only 55. If this were a covid death and not a cancel death, it would be leading the news right now.

This happened in my high school and I LOVE IT!

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, said he was summoned to a Zoom meeting with district administrators and questioned about three tweets he sent July 6.

Kucera retweeted a Trump tweet, saying "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" and also tweeted:

"I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me"

The latter tweet received several responses, including one that Kucera responded to with a tweet that said, "Liberals suck man." The tweet was later deleted.

Now his job has been deleted. LOL
A private school can hire and fire whomever and for whatever reasons, or none. A government school, OTOH, should not be able to fire a teacher simply for expressing a political opinion. That's in essence the government violating his free speech rights.
100% correct, as long as his speech occurred outside of his job.
Nonsense. If an employee is embarrassing the school and causing problems they can be fired.

I love it now suddenly cons want government employees to have special protections? This is insane. Republicans are such flip flippers. I suppose next you’ll want the union to protect him?

No he is not 100% correct.

I don’t believe you cons are saying a government agency should not be able to fire someone.... since when do you feel this way? Sense now because it fits your narrative? Wow
A private organization can hire and fire at will. A government organization, however, is bound by the Constitution, and should not be able to fire someone for simply expressing a political opinion.

Do you disagree with any of that? And if you're concerned with whether I thought differently in the past, feel free to point out where.
I don’t think he was simply doing anything. He was being an annoying trump supporter.

Is a government organization bound by the constitution to keep an employee who’s not fitting in? Can you show me that in the constitution?
Political speech is protected speech. You should know that. If you give the government the authority to punish for expressing political opinions, how long do you think it will be before it rebounds on someone you support?
What about the two FBI agents who got caught texting about trump?
Occurred on work phones. Plus they were in a sexual relationship which violated policy.
So much for constitutional rights
The constitution doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your behavior while on the clock.
Or off the clock. You can be fired for stuff you do off the clock.

I remember in the past republicans said an employer should be able to fire an employee who smokes. Even if they don’t smoke at work.
Do you? And dont say your holy book is proof. It was written 1800 years ago by 11 guys. They literally invented a religion then travelled the world selling it.

Fair question.
I think it's personal to every person.

For me, it's just a feeling I have. Events in my life.
I think inside you either believe or you don't.

They can't prove God does exist, and you cannot prove he does not.

I guess that's why it's called 'Faith"

By and large, it is my opinion that regardless, most people who have faith live richer lives because they never feel
they walk alone. Even if it's psychological it has a benefit.

I find (in my life) that non believers are very often nastier and less happy in life.
Do you? And dont say your holy book is proof. It was written 1800 years ago by 11 guys. They literally invented a religion then travelled the world selling it.

Fair question.
I think it's personal to every person.

For me, it's just a feeling I have. Events in my life.
I think inside you either believe or you don't.

They can't prove God does exist, and you cannot prove he does not.

I guess that's why it's called 'Faith"

By and large, it is my opinion that regardless, most people who have faith live richer lives because they never feel
they walk alone. Even if it's psychological it has a benefit.

I find (in my life) that non believers are very often nastier and less happy in life.
Really? Compare trump to Obama. Which one would you consider the more nasty?
Really? Compare trump to Obama. Which one would you consider the more nasty?

I am of the opinion that EVERYONE in Washington DC is forced to comply with directives to some degree.
I would rather see a true patriot in the oval office than a billionaire or community organizer. Skin color irrelevant.

That said, while some things about Trump disgust me, his taking China to task for example is stellar.
There is no hell or heaven. You’re not a god. Your soul doesn’t live on past your death in eternal bliss where you never get sick or mad or sad. Grow up
Your authority on the matter, after wishing someone to "burn in hell", which would ordinarily be doubtful is
just asinine. You're a hypocrite, a liar and a fraud.
Spreading your misery around won't help you at all.
"his Tweets and Facebook posts frequently skewer what he sees as moral failings, logical flaws, or hypocrisies in liberal and progressive circles."

LWNJ moonbats especially hate it when you point out their faulty logic because they ridiculously see themselves as "intellectuals".
He was a fringe thinker. He wasn’t convincing anyone just making cons happy. Got to go.
There's room for everyone to have a voice, whether you like it or not. Did you miss class that day?
But every other teacher wasn’t playing politics at school or after hours.

I don’t think teachers or government employees should have any more protections than I have. If my company wants to fire me you guys say they should have every right. I have no right to my job. And if you piss your bosses off you get fired.

ive been fired for being a liberal. I should have never let that be known. Find out what your boss is first then tell him you’re that too.
What you think or want is irrelevant because the Constitution applies to the government, not to private organizations, and the law allows private companies to fire people who express political opinions while it prevents government agencies from violating an employee's First Amendment rights. The reason a private company can fire you for being a jerk liberal while, for example, the Post Office cannot is the same reason why a teacher in a private school can not only lead a class in prayer, but can be compelled to do so while a government school teacher cannot. You might not like the way it's set up, but that's the law as it stands now, and it's a good one. Government employers are held to the Constitution while private employers are not.
Oh please. You guys argue trump can fire any government employee he wants for whatever reason he wants.
If the job is an appointed position in which the employee serves at the pleasure of the president, of course. Are you really trying to pretend you don't see the difference between somebody who has access to the president's private conversations with foreign world leaders and a teacher in a government school? I mean, seriously now, are you really that dense or just pretending to be?
The president has fired many people for many different reasons. No I don’t see a difference. And why suddenly are you in favor of protecting government workers jobs when us in the private sector don’t have the same rights? Usually conservatives are against government workers. Now because one of them is a conservative you change your tune?

All the other teachers weren’t pushing joe biden. And they know not to post political shit on Facebook and twitter
I see where you got confused. You see, it's not a matter of "protecting government workers jobs", it's a matter of honoring the constitution, and the constitution prevents the government from punishing someone for expressing political opinions. Private sector workers don't have the same rights, because they're not employed by the government. Even you should be able to see the difference.
Good grief - he was only 55. If this were a covid death and not a cancel death, it would be leading the news right now.

This happened in my high school and I LOVE IT!

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, said he was summoned to a Zoom meeting with district administrators and questioned about three tweets he sent July 6.

Kucera retweeted a Trump tweet, saying "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" and also tweeted:

"I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me"

The latter tweet received several responses, including one that Kucera responded to with a tweet that said, "Liberals suck man." The tweet was later deleted.

Now his job has been deleted. LOL
A private school can hire and fire whomever and for whatever reasons, or none. A government school, OTOH, should not be able to fire a teacher simply for expressing a political opinion. That's in essence the government violating his free speech rights.
100% correct, as long as his speech occurred outside of his job.
Nonsense. If an employee is embarrassing the school and causing problems they can be fired.

I love it now suddenly cons want government employees to have special protections? This is insane. Republicans are such flip flippers. I suppose next you’ll want the union to protect him?

No he is not 100% correct.

I don’t believe you cons are saying a government agency should not be able to fire someone.... since when do you feel this way? Sense now because it fits your narrative? Wow
A private organization can hire and fire at will. A government organization, however, is bound by the Constitution, and should not be able to fire someone for simply expressing a political opinion.

Do you disagree with any of that? And if you're concerned with whether I thought differently in the past, feel free to point out where.
I don’t think he was simply doing anything. He was being an annoying trump supporter.

Is a government organization bound by the constitution to keep an employee who’s not fitting in? Can you show me that in the constitution?
Political speech is protected speech. You should know that. If you give the government the authority to punish for expressing political opinions, how long do you think it will be before it rebounds on someone you support?
What about the two FBI agents who got caught texting about trump?
Occurred on work phones. Plus they were in a sexual relationship which violated policy.
So much for constitutional rights
The constitution doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your behavior while on the clock.
Or off the clock. You can be fired for stuff you do off the clock.

I remember in the past republicans said an employer should be able to fire an employee who smokes. Even if they don’t smoke at work.
Who said that?

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