Conservative pundit and comedian Steven Crowder Destroys Obama/Liberal Gun Show Loophole Lie


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Comedian Goes Undercover to Test Out the ‘Gun Show Loophole’ — Watch How Gun Sellers React to Requests

"With the debate over gun control in America raging on fiercer than ever, conservative pundit and comedian Steven Crowder decided he would conduct an experiment to see if it really is as easy to purchase automatic weapons as some liberal politicians and celebrities have claimed.

Crowder visited several weapon vendors at a gun show and attempted to buy a gun without a license, which resulted in a hilarious failure."


“So I cannot buy a fully automatic?” Crowder asks another vendor.

“No. No one can really unless they have like a super-crazy license,” the vendor replies.

Crowder then tries to see whether it would be possible for him to buy a semi-automatic weapon and then bring it home with him that same day.

“There’s no way to do that,” the vendor said. He told Crowder that guns purchased at the show must be registered with the ATF before buyers can bring them home. “You could come in here with a million dollars in cash and I still wouldn’t give it to you.”


Don't despair, though, Liberals - the DOJ announced they are going to indict Crowder for secretly filming without notifying the vendors... :p

(For the Libs with no sense of humor - that last part was a JOKE. It's NOT really happening!)
Of course that is not how to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check, as the pathological liar Crowder knows.

First you go on Craig's list, etc., and arrange to MEET at the Gun show and purchase the gun PRIVATELY, and not from a dealer.
Everyone knows that the "loophole" is PRIVATE sales not dealer sales, including the liar Crowder!!!
Of course that is not how to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check, as the pathological liar Crowder knows.

First you go on Craig's list, etc., and arrange to MEET at the Gun show and purchase the gun PRIVATELY, and not from a dealer.
Everyone knows that the "loophole" is PRIVATE sales not dealer sales, including the liar Crowder!!!

First twit.....if you are going to buy a gun on Craiglist...why on earth would you have to meet at a gun show.......? You could have the guy send it to you in the mail.....or meet him at a Denny's..........and have an omellete while you wait......

Do you know how many cops there are working those shows....both in uniform and undercover just looking for straw buyers.......?
Of course that is not how to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check, as the pathological liar Crowder knows.

First you go on Craig's list, etc., and arrange to MEET at the Gun show and purchase the gun PRIVATELY, and not from a dealer.
Everyone knows that the "loophole" is PRIVATE sales not dealer sales, including the liar Crowder!!!

First twit.....if you are going to buy a gun on Craiglist...why on earth would you have to meet at a gun show.......? You could have the guy send it to you in the mail.....or meet him at a Denny's..........and have an omellete while you wait......

Do you know how many cops there are working those shows....both in uniform and undercover just looking for straw buyers.......?
Even the Right-wing newsmax knows it, so why didn't the Right-wing liar Crowder know it????

Gun Show Loophole: 5 Facts About Buying and Selling Firearms At Gun Shows

2. Background checks aren't required for gun show purchases in most states: The District of Columbia and 17 states require background checks for some or all private firearm sales but the remaining 33 states do not restrict private, intrastate sales of used firearms between private individuals, whether at gun shows or elsewhere..

3. "Gun show loophole" question has triggered controversy: The term "gun show loophole" has been used to refer to private sellers at gun shows not being required to perform a background check on or record the sale of firearms to private buyers. Gun control advocates complain that the loophole enables prohibited buyers to use gun shows to purchase weapons without a background check. It indicated gun rights enthusiasts counter that there is no loophole and that a federal law requiring background checks for all private party sales, whether at gun shows or not, would exceed the government's authority and be a prelude to registration and confiscation.
Of course that is not how to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check, as the pathological liar Crowder knows.

First you go on Craig's list, etc., and arrange to MEET at the Gun show and purchase the gun PRIVATELY, and not from a dealer.
Everyone knows that the "loophole" is PRIVATE sales not dealer sales, including the liar Crowder!!!

First twit.....if you are going to buy a gun on Craiglist...why on earth would you have to meet at a gun show.......? You could have the guy send it to you in the mail.....or meet him at a Denny's..........and have an omellete while you wait......

Do you know how many cops there are working those shows....both in uniform and undercover just looking for straw buyers.......?
Even the Right-wing newsmax knows it, so why didn't the Right-wing liar Crowder know it????

Gun Show Loophole: 5 Facts About Buying and Selling Firearms At Gun Shows

2. Background checks aren't required for gun show purchases in most states: The District of Columbia and 17 states require background checks for some or all private firearm sales but the remaining 33 states do not restrict private, intrastate sales of used firearms between private individuals, whether at gun shows or elsewhere..

3. "Gun show loophole" question has triggered controversy: The term "gun show loophole" has been used to refer to private sellers at gun shows not being required to perform a background check on or record the sale of firearms to private buyers. Gun control advocates complain that the loophole enables prohibited buyers to use gun shows to purchase weapons without a background check. It indicated gun rights enthusiasts counter that there is no loophole and that a federal law requiring background checks for all private party sales, whether at gun shows or not, would exceed the government's authority and be a prelude to registration and confiscation.

You do realize that nothing you just posted shows there is a loophole......private individuals can sell guns wherever they want without going through a background check...they are selling a legal product legally.........gun dealers must do background checks no matter where they sell their guns......

33 states do not restrict private, intrastate sales of used firearms between private individuals, whether at gun shows or elsewhere..

So it is not a Gun Show is called selling private property........

And please....none of the other anti gun people will explain do background checks stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

Also, how would requiring background checks on all private sales stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns? you know the difference between "Sale" and "Transfer" because the advocates of Universal Background checks want checks on all "Transfers"....not just you know what that means?
So it is not a Gun Show is called selling private property........
But it is CALLED "The Gun Show Loophole."

3. "Gun show loophole" question has triggered controversy: The term "gun show loophole" has been used to refer to private sellers at gun shows not being required to perform a background check on or record the sale of firearms to private buyers.
Gun show loophole is a phrase coined by liberal anti-gun nuts to try and make a case for more unnecessary laws. It doesn't exist. If a private seller wants to sell a gun he doesn't have to go to a gun show to do so. He only has to meet the buyer an sell it. Coining a phrase to falsely describe an action is a liberal tradition. Saying that it must be a problem because the phrase exists is stupid, but another liberal mainstay.
I just had a chance to watch the video...I have always liked Crowder and his comedy....and he married a beautiful woman......

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