Conservative Superstar Steven Crowder Announces Divorce - Is The Biden Admin To Blame?

It all depends if you want children and a loving relationship with a woman. I'm still young and in no hurry to tie the knot.
The way this world is going not bringing a kid into it would be the best option. And besides having a kid just gives the state one more reason to make the man pay
The state needs to get out of the marriage business altogether.

Why should the state give perks to certain sexual arrangements?

And why does one party deserve half of everything if only one works, etc.?

And why did you have to pay the state for a marriage license? What test did you have to take? LOL.

Marriage is a religious construct, and as such, should remain so. Only then will divorce numbers plummet because only those who are religious and serious about marriage in the eyes of God will do so.

Until then, we will continue to see 18-year-old girls marrying 90-year-old billionaires.
I don't feel I know enough to agree or disagree w/ this post

However, the *&^%$# government

(and this is something I objectively KNOW)

needs to get out of our lives almost completely... military excepted
Never heard of him. I wish he and his wife well and hope they can reconcile.
This is why I'm not and will never get married.

1) You need permission from the government in the form of a marriage license

2) The government 9 out of 10 times will side with the woman and give her half your assets

3) I like keeping my money
Question is....since men are the main ones who wrote most of these divorce laws.......why were they so cucked by women that they would allow them so much power?

Maybe trying to treat women as innocent damsels in distress, in constant need of being rescued wasn't such a good idea?

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Men too

Playboy Magazine and and porn disguised as mainstream films certainly helped make men restless and ready to play
actually....puberty made young men restless and ready to play....

There was far more fucking going on before "marriage" and definitely before "porn"

Ask the Pagans......

Sure, the fuse was always there

And anything-goes lib culture lit that fuse and cheered when it goes bang
So the libs invented Christmas?

Cool....I didn't know that....

I personally would never celebrate a "holy day" by borrowing ideas from Paganistic orgies.....but that's me
Is there no urban legend you're not dumb enough to believe?

LOL isn't urban legend.....

Funny how you believe something like a talking bush -- but don't believe something that is ACTUALLY PROVABLE, like how Pagan holidays were used to get people to convert to Christianity......

because Pagans really didn't want to give up their traditions......I bet you think Easter was an original Christian concept too huh


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