"Conservative Values" keeps the GOP from ever being able to pay down the debt



It's really very simple. Redistributing more and more of the country's wealth to the top 1% will never pay down the debt. It was conservative fiscal policies that led us to the Great Depression. It was years of GOP fiscal policies under Bush that led us to the Great Recession.

It was rebuilding and investing in the country that led us out of the Great Depression.

Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower had it right when he raised taxes and built the inter state highway system.

Remember, during the presidential debates when Obama said Republican policies give financial incentives to companies moving American jobs overseas and Romney said Obama was wrong? After the debate, the "fact checkers" said it was Obama who was correct. More than two million jobs moved to China under Bush. Republicans have lied again and again insisting those jobs were moved under Clinton, but available government statistics prove the exact opposite. It's all been posted here more than a dozen times.

What will help America pay down the debt is NOT stripping old people of their Social Security investments. Or cutting people off health care. Or cutting education. Or letting the American infrastructure fall apart. Or cutting taxes for the top 1%.

As every company knows, "IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY". Only by investing in American infrastructure, education, technology, and science can America pay down the debt.

Ask any right winger for their plan and they have none. Not one that makes sense. Ask someone on the right to explain their "plan" and you should be expected to be called every name in the book. It may make them feel better, but that's all it does.
According to Republicans, everything they've done has worked.
But they do have a policy. A universal one. Cut taxes and gov spending.
high unemployment? Cut taxes and gov spending.
low unemployment? Cut taxes and gov spending.
Deficit rising? Cut taxes and gov spending.
Rich not getting rich enough? Cut taxes and gov spending.

They simply have NO interest in the middle class. None at all. As long as their wealthy benefactors are happy and supporting them, they push their agenda.
But they do have a policy. A universal one. Cut taxes and gov spending.
high unemployment? Cut taxes and gov spending.
low unemployment? Cut taxes and gov spending.
Deficit rising? Cut taxes and gov spending.
Rich not getting rich enough? Cut taxes and gov spending.

They simply have NO interest in the middle class. None at all. As long as their wealthy benefactors are happy and supporting them, they push their agenda.

And that's the bottom line. Somehow, they've convinced their base what's good for billionaires is good for everyone.

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