Conservative "values" Republicans want Trump to protect.

Pseudocon values as of January 20, 2017:

Three marriages are okay if you put more and more years between your age and you new wife's age.

Serial adultery is okay, too.

Making a fortune off casinos is what god-directed heroes do.

Grabbing pussies is okay if you have an R after your name.

Gays and Democrats are the degenerates. Trump is bible-compliant and was sent by God to straighten us all out.

Embracing commie KGB thugs is the new black, and Reagan was a RINO.

Bombing Syria without permission from Congress is now okay and NOT an impeachable offense.

Increasing the debt is good.

Calling for the shutdown of the press makes a pseudocon cum in their shorts.

It's okay for Trump to lie since Obama lied. In fact, the more Trump lies, the less like Obama he is. Lying makes Trump more and more good.

Welcome to Orwell's 1984.
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Harry Truman sent troops to Korea on an executive order without congressional permission. JFK arranged for a covert operation to invade Cuba and chickened out at the last minute. LBJ used a fake crisis to get troops to Vietnam. To top it off Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in freaking Europe (without congressional permission) when he was literally caught with his pants down. Barry Hussein took care of his corporate donors with golden parachutes at taxpayer expense after companies like Solyndra went bankrupt. Hillary sold influence in the State Dept for about a quarter of a million dollars a pop for 15 minute speeches to her husband's friends in Wall Street banks and God only knows what else. Now the crazy left resorts to old tired cliches in the information age. No wonder the democrat party lost almost every significant election in the last six years. How much longer can the leaderless, angry and incoherent democrat party last when media sources like the Washington Post are starting to turn on them?
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Tax cuts for the rich.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.

Take away a woman's right to choose.

Kill unarmed blacks.

Destroy the lives of gays.

Ban other religions

Wow. And there's so much more. Now tell us again why Republicans think they are better than everyone else?

We don't think we are better than you, we just think that most of you are good people with bad ideas.

That being said, your thread is bogus! Prove to us, that is what we want him to do, and not just give us your UNEDUCATED, brainwashed, opinion.
Pseudocon values as of January 20, 2017:

Three marriages are okay if you put more and more years between your age and you new wife's age.

Serial adultery is okay, too.

Making a fortune off casinos is what god-directed heroes do.

Grabbing pussies is okay if you have an R after your name.

Gays and Democrats are the degenerates. Trump is bible-compliant and was sent by God to straighten us all out.

Embracing commie KGB thugs is the new black, and Reagan was a RINO.

Bombing Syria without permission from Congress is now okay and NOT an impeachable offense.

Increasing the debt is good.

Calling for the shutdown of the press makes a pseudocon cum in their shorts.

It's okay for Trump to lie since Obama lied. In fact, the more Trump lies, the less like Obama he is. Lying makes Trump more and more good.

Welcome to Orwell's 1984.

"Trump is bible-compliant and was sent by God to straighten us all out."?????

He is on his 3rd marriage and cheated on his first two wives. You call that "bible-compliant"? Really?
Pseudocon values as of January 20, 2017:

Three marriages are okay if you put more and more years between your age and you new wife's age.

Serial adultery is okay, too.

Making a fortune off casinos is what god-directed heroes do.

Grabbing pussies is okay if you have an R after your name.

Gays and Democrats are the degenerates. Trump is bible-compliant and was sent by God to straighten us all out.

Embracing commie KGB thugs is the new black, and Reagan was a RINO.

Bombing Syria without permission from Congress is now okay and NOT an impeachable offense.

Increasing the debt is good.

Calling for the shutdown of the press makes a pseudocon cum in their shorts.

It's okay for Trump to lie since Obama lied. In fact, the more Trump lies, the less like Obama he is. Lying makes Trump more and more good.

Welcome to Orwell's 1984.

"Trump is bible-compliant and was sent by God to straighten us all out."?????

He is on his 3rd marriage and cheated on his first two wives. You call that "bible-compliant"? Really?
Pseudocons do. Not me!
Tax cuts for the rich.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.

Take away a woman's right to choose.

Kill unarmed blacks.

Destroy the lives of gays.

Ban other religions

Wow. And there's so much more. Now tell us again why Republicans think they are better than everyone else?

Kill unarmed blacks.-
Republicans are trying to stop the killings of Black babies that are still in the wombs.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.-
If someone really wants their healthcare, they will be willing to pay for it from out of their own pockets, like the way they buy booze and drugs.

Kyle Hill, Bona-fide aesthete.
Answered Nov 16, 2012

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, money spent on alcohol and tobacco is about the same now as it was two decades ago (in real terms). Last year, the average American household spent $435 on beer, wine, hard liquor, and mixed drinks. This is more than the amount spent on all non-alcoholic beverages combined. Most of this is actually consumed in the home.

Well, we all knows how much they spends on illegal drugs and legalized marijuana last year..

Ban other religions-
If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them.

I see big problems in the claims made by the OP. But "If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them" is completely insane and goes against the fundamental principles of this great nation. In other words, no.
What is you were living in a neighborhood that all of the people in the neighborhood having anal sex in the streets. And it is all perfectly legal.
And so, will you stay there and smell all the fumes in the air, or moved?
Besides. Most Muslims thinks that we are so repulsive, deplorable people, that they will not shake our hands.

Tax cuts for the rich.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.

Take away a woman's right to choose.

Kill unarmed blacks.

Destroy the lives of gays.

Ban other religions

Wow. And there's so much more. Now tell us again why Republicans think they are better than everyone else?

Kill unarmed blacks.-
Republicans are trying to stop the killings of Black babies that are still in the wombs.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.-
If someone really wants their healthcare, they will be willing to pay for it from out of their own pockets, like the way they buy booze and drugs.

Kyle Hill, Bona-fide aesthete.
Answered Nov 16, 2012

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, money spent on alcohol and tobacco is about the same now as it was two decades ago (in real terms). Last year, the average American household spent $435 on beer, wine, hard liquor, and mixed drinks. This is more than the amount spent on all non-alcoholic beverages combined. Most of this is actually consumed in the home.

Well, we all knows how much they spends on illegal drugs and legalized marijuana last year..

Ban other religions-
If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them.

I see big problems in the claims made by the OP. But "If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them" is completely insane and goes against the fundamental principles of this great nation. In other words, no.
What is you were living in a neighborhood that all of the people in the neighborhood having anal sex in the streets. And it is all perfectly legal.
And so, will you stay there and smell all the fumes in the air, or moved?
Besides. Most Muslims thinks that we are so repulsive, deplorable people, that they will not shake our hands.


You are equating practicing religions other than Christianity with having anal sex in the street?? Really?

Also, I have known plenty of muslims. Never had one refuse to shake my hand.
Oh, and don't forget to abolish the EPA. All that clean air and water is vastly overrated.
And you forgot ban public schooling.

While I do think US public schools are not as good as ones in other countries, I do not think they should be privatized.
Think my values are slipping, been typing mean little digs last 2 days, sorry. will sign off till I can be nice again. some times think that word value has none.
Tax cuts for the rich.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.

Take away a woman's right to choose.

Kill unarmed blacks.

Destroy the lives of gays.

Ban other religions

Wow. And there's so much more. Now tell us again why Republicans think they are better than everyone else?

Kill unarmed blacks.-
Republicans are trying to stop the killings of Black babies that are still in the wombs.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.-
If someone really wants their healthcare, they will be willing to pay for it from out of their own pockets, like the way they buy booze and drugs.

Kyle Hill, Bona-fide aesthete.
Answered Nov 16, 2012

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, money spent on alcohol and tobacco is about the same now as it was two decades ago (in real terms). Last year, the average American household spent $435 on beer, wine, hard liquor, and mixed drinks. This is more than the amount spent on all non-alcoholic beverages combined. Most of this is actually consumed in the home.

Well, we all knows how much they spends on illegal drugs and legalized marijuana last year..

Ban other religions-
If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them.

I see big problems in the claims made by the OP. But "If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them" is completely insane and goes against the fundamental principles of this great nation. In other words, no.
What is you were living in a neighborhood that all of the people in the neighborhood having anal sex in the streets. And it is all perfectly legal.
And so, will you stay there and smell all the fumes in the air, or moved?
Besides. Most Muslims thinks that we are so repulsive, deplorable people, that they will not shake our hands.


You are equating practicing religions other than Christianity with having anal sex in the street?? Really?

Also, I have known plenty of muslims. Never had one refuse to shake my hand.

Best Answer: Salaam alaykum .. this is the proper greeting.. means "may peace be upon you"...
if you are a male, and especially a westerner, just offer to shake hands. The Saudis do the "kiss the air besides the ear" method upon meeting friends, but this might be a bit personal for you.. You can just take the lead of the person you meet..
Never though offer to shake a hand of a lady.. You can just politely overt your eyes and say modestly. Salaam to her.. But if you are at a business meeting and there is a western minded Saudi executive female, she might offer her hand to be shaken in western style.. I myself am of Aramco oil company family.. We've worked there for years. and there are many women executives there, they act just like they do in any western business situation.. You sort of just have to see how the other person does first.. but a good offer of your hand to the men will always be acceptable...
Welcome to Khobar.. "lil' America" as we call it here! Please tell me how to greet properly in Saudi Arabia, I'm going to Khobar this month,do they shake hands, bow?

Saudi King Shatters Tradition To Welcome Melania Trump Look: Saudi Arabia King Just Did The 1 Thing He Wasn't Supposed To When Greeting Melania Trump
Killing unarmed blacks? (Sigh) For the MILLIONTH time, if BLACKS WOULD STOP GETTING VIOLENT WITH the police, then the police wouldn't be forced to use POTENTIALLY LETHAL FORCE ON THEM! Why is that basic equation so difficult to grasp? The only thing oppressing the Nike-Air-Jordan-Americans is the natural results of their own crime epidemic.

I've dealt with the cops many times over petty things and I've always gotten off with a verbal warning and nothing else. Why? Not because I'm white but because I speak to the cops in a mellow, polite, gentlemanly manner and they immediately see I'm no danger to anyone (cops have even said as much to me).
Liberal "values" Progressives desire.

Welfare for everyone but the wealthy. All immigrants welcome.

Free healthcare for everyone but the wealthy. All immigrants welcome.

Take away any sense of responsibility, ethics, dignity and character. Call babies a fetus so you can kill them and set yourself free from responsibility.

Slap criminals on the hand, especially if they're black.

Men were entitled to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom. Homosexuality equals heterosexuality, and gender is subjective.

Ban Christianity and sponsor Islam. Don't discuss Judaism, because they're so good at keeping it on the down low.

Wow, gee gosh, and there's so much more. Now tell us again why Democrats think?
Welfare for everyone?
Take away ethics and character?
Kill babies?
Ban Christianity?

See? You can't prove any of that because it's nonsense.

But I can prove what I say. With unaltered and unedited video and audio. And you know it. I'm not making stuff up to "attack back". The GOP positions I point out are easily proven.
And if you feel some are false, point them out. I dare you. Go ahead. Tell me where I'm wrong. Pu$$y.
Tax cuts for the rich.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.

Take away a woman's right to choose.

Kill unarmed blacks.

Destroy the lives of gays.

Ban other religions

Wow. And there's so much more. Now tell us again why Republicans think they are better than everyone else?

Kill unarmed blacks.-
Republicans are trying to stop the killings of Black babies that are still in the wombs.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.-
If someone really wants their healthcare, they will be willing to pay for it from out of their own pockets, like the way they buy booze and drugs.

Kyle Hill, Bona-fide aesthete.
Answered Nov 16, 2012

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, money spent on alcohol and tobacco is about the same now as it was two decades ago (in real terms). Last year, the average American household spent $435 on beer, wine, hard liquor, and mixed drinks. This is more than the amount spent on all non-alcoholic beverages combined. Most of this is actually consumed in the home.

Well, we all knows how much they spends on illegal drugs and legalized marijuana last year..

Ban other religions-
If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them.

I see big problems in the claims made by the OP. But "If people wants to practice other religions, then they should moved to those countries that practices them" is completely insane and goes against the fundamental principles of this great nation. In other words, no.
What is you were living in a neighborhood that all of the people in the neighborhood having anal sex in the streets. And it is all perfectly legal.
And so, will you stay there and smell all the fumes in the air, or moved?
Besides. Most Muslims thinks that we are so repulsive, deplorable people, that they will not shake our hands.


You are equating practicing religions other than Christianity with having anal sex in the street?? Really?

Also, I have known plenty of muslims. Never had one refuse to shake my hand.

Best Answer: Salaam alaykum .. this is the proper greeting.. means "may peace be upon you"...
if you are a male, and especially a westerner, just offer to shake hands. The Saudis do the "kiss the air besides the ear" method upon meeting friends, but this might be a bit personal for you.. You can just take the lead of the person you meet..
Never though offer to shake a hand of a lady.. You can just politely overt your eyes and say modestly. Salaam to her.. But if you are at a business meeting and there is a western minded Saudi executive female, she might offer her hand to be shaken in western style.. I myself am of Aramco oil company family.. We've worked there for years. and there are many women executives there, they act just like they do in any western business situation.. You sort of just have to see how the other person does first.. but a good offer of your hand to the men will always be acceptable...
Welcome to Khobar.. "lil' America" as we call it here! Please tell me how to greet properly in Saudi Arabia, I'm going to Khobar this month,do they shake hands, bow?

Saudi King Shatters Tradition To Welcome Melania Trump Look: Saudi Arabia King Just Did The 1 Thing He Wasn't Supposed To When Greeting Melania Trump

Every first lady has their own way of greeting heads of state. And some are good heads.
Tax cuts for the rich.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.

Take away a woman's right to choose.

Kill unarmed blacks.

Destroy the lives of gays.

Ban other religions

Wow. And there's so much more. Now tell us again why Republicans think they are better than everyone else?

Hurray OP!

The Top 1% should pay 100% of the taxes.

Them rich don’t pay their fair share.
Tax cuts for the rich.

End healthcare for millions of Americans.

Take away a woman's right to choose.

Kill unarmed blacks.

Destroy the lives of gays.

Ban other religions

Wow. And there's so much more. Now tell us again why Republicans think they are better than everyone else?

Hurray OP!

The Top 1% should pay 100% of the taxes.

Them rich don’t pay their fair share.
Well, they sure don't like to go into the Military.
Look at Trump.
Wow, when you think about it, did any of these people ever go in the military?
House Speaker
Senate Majority Leader
Attorney General
Secretary of State
Goldman Sachs Cabinet Members

And yet, they send people off to fight and die to protect their money.

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