Conservative vs Liberal Anti-Rape ideas

Which would you choose?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Just one problem, most women get raped by men they know, meaning they couldn't get to the gun because he knows about it, or they wouldn't use it, or they can't get to the gun because the rapist was on them before they even had a clue, which means now he gets sex and a free gun. Winner winner, chicken dinner.

A gun is not the solution to rape. That's men not raping women, children, men, animals, and every other damn thing on this planet with a dick-sized hole.
I just find it incredibly disturbing how rape prevention has become a taboo topic in liberal (primarily feminist) circles. Apparently this idea has been going around that any talk of prevention strategies, tools, or weapons exists solely to blame the current victims and the purported reason of hashing out ideas so that other people don't become the next victims is just a smoke screen for misogyny. It's bad shit insane and more than a little paranoid, but that's the current climate.
In Canada, the Global Television Network just completed the most extensive survey on rape ever conducted in Canada. Their findings:

1. 30% of all women are sexually assaulted at least once in their lives. That's nearly 1 in three.

2. 82% of the women who are sexually assaulted, don't report it. Only 18% reported the rape to the police.

3. 28% of the women who were assaulted, were raped by a relative. A further 38% were raped by an acquaintance.

"Women reported being victims of 472,000 sexual assaults in 2009, according to Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey; men, 204,000. Yet police-reported crime statistics for that year show barely 21,000 incidents of sexual assault, and 7,951 persons charged."

Only 23% of those charged, are convicted. What that means is that out of the 676,000 sexual assault which occurred in 2009, 1,829 convictions resulted. That's less than 1%. No wonder men think they can rape with impunity because, well, . . . they can.
In Canada, the Global Television Network just completed the most extensive survey on rape ever conducted in Canada. Their findings:

1. 30% of all women are sexually assaulted at least once in their lives. That's nearly 1 in three.

2. 82% of the women who are sexually assaulted, don't report it. Only 18% reported the rape to the police.

3. 28% of the women who were assaulted, were raped by a relative. A further 38% were raped by an acquaintance.

"Women reported being victims of 472,000 sexual assaults in 2009, according to Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey; men, 204,000. Yet police-reported crime statistics for that year show barely 21,000 incidents of sexual assault, and 7,951 persons charged."

Only 23% of those charged, are convicted. What that means is that out of the 676,000 sexual assault which occurred in 2009, 1,829 convictions resulted. That's less than 1%. No wonder men think they can rape with impunity because, well, . . . they can.

Because as with poaching (been watching a lot of North Woods Law on Animal Planet) the punishment doesn't match the crime. Should execute rapists providing an actual deterent to doing it. Poaching crimes are a $300 crime and max of 3 days in jail, so many do it. If your'e gonna have a crime, have a punishment acting as serious deterent to it. If it's a slap on the wrist, people are gonna do it more than if doing it can get you executed.
In Canada, the Global Television Network just completed the most extensive survey on rape ever conducted in Canada. Their findings:

1. 30% of all women are sexually assaulted at least once in their lives. That's nearly 1 in three.

2. 82% of the women who are sexually assaulted, don't report it. Only 18% reported the rape to the police.

3. 28% of the women who were assaulted, were raped by a relative. A further 38% were raped by an acquaintance.

"Women reported being victims of 472,000 sexual assaults in 2009, according to Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey; men, 204,000. Yet police-reported crime statistics for that year show barely 21,000 incidents of sexual assault, and 7,951 persons charged."

Only 23% of those charged, are convicted. What that means is that out of the 676,000 sexual assault which occurred in 2009, 1,829 convictions resulted. That's less than 1%. No wonder men think they can rape with impunity because, well, . . . they can.

If the right gets their way, this will get a lot worse before it gets better.

If it ever does get better.

This is certainly not the only area where the right is moving us back to the Dark Ages.
This is certainly not the only area where the right is moving us back to the Dark Ages.

The Dark Ages are when the lower classes were disarmed and powerless.

We had this thing called the Enlightenment against Absolute Government Power. It's Progressives that want to Progress back to the Dark Ages.
An interesting version of the Dark Ages, and utterly wrong of course.
Well a conservative would just say it isn't rape. So I don't get the OP.
Legitimate rape. The rest are just sluts, who changed their minds later on.
I agreed with you up to that post and you claim you are around my age 49? Yea right you are a 23 year old college kid

Fuck you with that post
Little friend, it's sarcasm. That's what the right-wing says about most women who claim to have been "raped", that they really weren't.
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