Zone1 What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic-poll

What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic

  • 7 Catholicism is too old a religion

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/----/ ""This bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for 'us' the body of Christ""
Uhhhh, the bread Jesus shared was also made by human hands.
You are correct.

He used many parables and similes in his teaching. The consecrated bread and wine is another example.
If one has enough faith it is the body and blood of Christ.
"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
Says the guy who can't bear admitting Leviticus 18:22 was a command against homosexual relations. Why should anyone believe any of your so called "hidden" meanings?
That's just as dumb as the first time you pulled that. The 89th time wasn't any less dumb.

Dumb? I'm sure it appears that way to you, but I assure you, it only seems that way.

Whenever anyone refers to themselves in the plural like you do all the time they either think of themselves as royalty or are speaking for a crowd unaware. Either way the prognosis is not good.
Dumb? I'm sure it appears that way to you, but I assure you, it only seems that way.

Whenever anyone refers to themselves in the plural like you do all the time they either think of themselves as royalty or are speaking for a crowd unaware. Either way the prognosis is not good.
It's super dumb and makes you look like a dummy. Is that really the best you can do? Nitpick?
Says the guy who can't bear admitting Leviticus 18:22 was a command against homosexual relations.
Its not about sexual preferences anymore than kosher law is about food. Apparently you can't handle that. You know nothing about my God, Jesus, scripture, the Law, or the power of my God.

Your professed beliefs that the concern of God is about diet fashion and sex reveals a perversion dwelling within you, a perversion that reflects your insecurities and sexual hang-ups which you attribute to Gods Law according to the most superficial ignorant carnal interpretation possible.

Listen, if hairy man ass turns you on just admit it. God doesn't give a shit about who you love anymore than you give a shit about a dog humping someones leg. See a shrink about your salacious obsessions and desperate need to overcompensate for your homosexual tendencies.

Be free.

Why should anyone believe any of your so called "hidden" meanings?

Don't believe me. Believe Jesus.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it (Jesus) BURIED IT AGAIN". "'Till now I have been using figures of speech."

Or Isaiah;

"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."

Or revelation.

"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the hidden manna.."

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust; For they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts"

Now slap yourself on the forehead, chant OWA TANA SIAM ten times, and then fuck off. Perv.
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/----/ Just curious, what do you think about people who pretend to be of the opposite gender?
Its none of my business, whatever my preferences may be, which is no one else's business.

The command of Jesus to love one another is not dependent on how one expresses their identity and so I am in no position to judge anyone else for their personal sexual or gender predilections.

What makes you think that you are in a position to judge anyone for anything while you openly defy the laws of God, perjure yourself in his name, and openly desecrate the teachings of Jesus?

What do you think pisses God off? How other people identify or you persecuting the innocent in the name of God according to the most ignorant salacious and carnal interpretation of his Law?

Smarten up!
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Primary reason people are against the Catholic Church:

People are abysmally IGNORANT about TRUE Catholicism--- which is scary because Jesus said that FEW find the narrow way to heaven...

and there are few things more narrow than TRUE Catholicism!

Get to Heaven, everyone! Stop believing
People are abysmally IGNORANT about TRUE Catholicism--- which is scary because Jesus said that FEW find the narrow way to heaven...
So, 1.3 billion people is a few? Don't kid yourself. The entire focal point of Catholicism is brazenly defying the command of God to not bow down and worship anything made by human hands.

If it is wrong to worship the stars, sun, moon, trees, animals, or human beings, things that God has made, then how much more wrong, sinful, is it to worship anything made by human hands?

Try to think, RUMINATE, as if your very life and eternal soul depended on it..... because it does.

"True Catholicism" or any form of Christianity that worships a trinity or Jesus as God is a rat trap.

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It's super dumb and makes you look like a dummy. Is that really the best you can do? Nitpick?
You have exchanged your birthright as an intelligent, ruminating - rational THINKING human being - and the individuality that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy God, for being an insignificant part of a self-negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Now thats super dumb, mr "we"....

And this little piggy goes we we we all the way to destruction.

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the catholic church has always been political & has looked the other way when criminality occurs within their flock - from their clergy to their high paying parishioners...
the catholic church has always been political & has looked the other way when criminality occurs within their flock - from their clergy to their high paying parishioners...

quit insulting Christ's Church.

acting like ALL Catholics are crooks... Do you have a brain?
You have exchanged your birthright as an intelligent, ruminating - rational THINKING human being - and the individuality that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy God, for being an insignificant part of a self-negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Now thats super dumb, mr "we"....

And this little piggy goes we we we all the way to destruction.

Says the guy who can't bring himself to admit Leviticus 18:22 was a command against homosexual sexual relations. So your interpretations are clearly biased.
Maybe? Maybe I'm an atheist? An alien? A stranger in a very strange land? A secular Jesus? lol.

Perhaps I am in a Catholic seminary that the Pope himself said already had to many frociaggine.

Clearly there's a reason you can't bear to admit that Leviticus 18:22 was a command against having homosexual sexual relations.
the catholic church has always been political & has looked the other way when criminality occurs within their flock - from their clergy to their high paying parishioners...
The thing I like about the Church is it's diverse membership. I'm not sure any other church can compare to its diversity.

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