Zone1 What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic-poll

What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic

  • 7 Catholicism is too old a religion

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Clearly there's a reason you can't bear to admit that Leviticus 18:22 was a command against having homosexual sexual relations.

Clearly :auiqs.jpg: Of course there is a reason.

You are perpetuating homophobic lies and I am The Avenger of Blood, the blood of Jesus and all those who have been falsely accused by sanctimonious assholes like you who should be worried about your own sins of perjuring yourself in the name of God, to demonize the innocent, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus by perpetuating the same lies about the Law that makes God out to be a carnal minded pervert which Jesus openly and courageously lived and died opposing

What's the reason you deny that worshiping the lifeless work of human hands is against the Divine commands, UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH, even though anyone can peek inside any church on Sunday and see you and all congregants openly doing this with their own eyes?

Pssst! You died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, decades ago.

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Molestation is one example of a broader issue: Catholic abuse of power. It is trying to seem more fair and compassionate now, but that may be far too little and far too later after centuries of abuse. Ex-catholics may be the only people who care enough to be anti. The rest of us can stand by and watch it self-destruct.
Molestation is one example of a broader issue: Catholic abuse of power. It is trying to seem more fair and compassionate now, but that may be far too little and far too later after centuries of abuse. Ex-catholics may be the only people who care enough to be anti. The rest of us can stand by and watch it self-destruct.
Looking back through the centuries the likelihood is not self-destruction of the Church but self-correction. People of faith have seen this ongoing correction for decades now, while the 'anti's' keep going back to the 60s and 70s and even then, don't look at the entire picture. They root for destruction over correction. Why is this?
People of faith have seen this ongoing correction for decades now
When are all of you believers going to get around correcting your idolatry? Don't you know that, to the living, your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field. No?

Go figure.
When are all of you believers going to get around correcting your idolatry? Don't you know that, to the living, your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field. No?
Take your pick of these: Shake the dirt, get behind me, the cornerstone the builders rejected...

Meanwhile, those who have chosen the better part will not have it taken from us, no matter how much and how long you continue to berate everyone. Discuss your own faith, not the faith of others. Isn't your own faith strong enough to stand by itself without berating the faith of others?
Take your pick of these: Shake the dirt, get behind me, the cornerstone the builders rejected...

Meanwhile, those who have chosen the better part will not have it taken from us, no matter how much and how long you continue to berate everyone. Discuss your own faith, not the faith of others. Isn't your own faith strong enough to stand by itself without berating the faith of others?
I am discussing my own faith by pointing out that you died in the very day that you set aside the Laws of God, got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands which can neither see hear speak or walk that you worship and eat for spiritual life.


That you are oblivious to the fact that what you do at mass, hoping for eternal life, is exactly what scripture teaches results in death, not when your body dies or at the end of time but here and now on earth, just validates my faith that the Laws of God remain in effect and in full force.

I am discussing my own faith by pointing out that you died in the very day
No, you are discussing my faith. Mind your own business. If your faith is to destroy the faith/worship of others, you have literally nothing to say about your own worship.
No, you are discussing my faith. Mind your own business. If your faith is to destroy the faith/worship of others, you have literally nothing to say about your own worship.

Every time that I am pointing out the obvious, to which you are blind, I am worshiping my God.

In Spirit and in Truth. I'm sorry if that offends you (not really). I am just being neighborly. Don't worry! Even if you don't understand where I am coming from or where I am going, many will.

Do yourself a favor. Try to imagine that Jesus actually showed up one day and examine your own conscience and ask yourself honestly what he would say about what you do at mass. Well done?

I don't think even you, a virgin diddling triune edible mangod worshipper, could believe that.

So stop whining about being berated, excoriated, one day you will thank God for the correction.

"The servant who knew his masters wishes, yet made no attempt to carry them out, will be flogged (excoriated) severely. But the man who did not know them and earned a beating will be flogged (excoriated) less severely. Where a man has been given much, much will be expected of him; and the more a man has had entrusted to him, the more he will be required to repay"

Luke 12:47-48
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I am discussing my own faith by pointing out that you died in the very day that you set aside the Laws of God, got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands which can neither see hear speak or walk that you worship and eat for spiritual life.


That you are oblivious to the fact that what you do at mass, hoping for eternal life, is exactly what scripture teaches results in death, not when your body dies or at the end of time but here and now on earth, just validates my faith that the Laws of God remain in effect and in full force.


You are one sick and ignorant person.

You do not have Christ in your heart or you would not attack others just because they don't believe exactly as you do. I may get irritated w/ those who don't get Catholicism, but I don't sink to your level of hatred. Maybe you should join forces with Irish Ram or Rightwinger
What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic
It's the same answer as "Why did they crucify Jesus?" The RCC gives unapologetic direction on how to live your best and moral life. Some of the rules are tough at first glance. Those who do not practice a virtuous life hate that message and want to destroy the messenger.
It's the same answer as "Why did they crucify Jesus?" The RCC gives unapologetic direction on how to live your best and moral life. Some of the rules are tough at first glance. Those who do not practice a virtuous life hate that message and want to destroy the messenger.

They are indeed tough at first glance. I myself could write a book on that theme. I accepted everything the Catholic Church teaches when I was young... except for the teaching about this one sin that I didn't think was a big one (mortal).

It hurt like hell --this learning the hard way--and the repercussions hurt to this day.. and will until I die.. (although I have given it all to Jesus.. but memories pop up here & there, and the devil keeps accusing..)

I learned the old fashioned way, the hard way that the Church is WISE.

Maybe that's bc Jesus Christ founded it?
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If you do not worship God/Christ as HE wants/requires you are worshipping the devil IMO
"A time is coming, and indeed it is already here,(2000 years ago) when true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth." John 4:23,24

God and Christ just want honesty, TRUTH. No matzos, no rituals, no pretense, no gibbering, no churches, no candles, no chanting, no altars, no fancy costumes, no actors or acting required.

If you think that doing those stupid things is worshipping God you have been beguiled by a devil.

Now that is the truth, the very truth. Don't be sad. Look on the bright side. You have been freed from memorial bondage and can do better things with your friends family and life on Sundays.

As long as comprehension, eternal life itself, has been granted to you by the Father.

If not you will be lost and gone forever. Dreadful sorry. For scripture must be fulfilled.

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Clearly :auiqs.jpg: Of course there is a reason.

You are perpetuating homophobic lies and I am The Avenger of Blood, the blood of Jesus and all those who have been falsely accused by sanctimonious assholes like you who should be worried about your own sins of perjuring yourself in the name of God, to demonize the innocent, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus by perpetuating the same lies about the Law that makes God out to be a carnal minded pervert which Jesus openly and courageously lived and died opposing

What's the reason you deny that worshiping the lifeless work of human hands is against the Divine commands, UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH, even though anyone can peek inside any church on Sunday and see you and all congregants openly doing this with their own eyes?

Pssst! You died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, decades ago.

Actually I am showing how your interpretations of religious texts are colored by your biases.
When are all of you believers going to get around correcting your idolatry? Don't you know that, to the living, your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field. No?

Go figure.
Says the guy who can't bring himself to admit that Leviticus 18:22 was a command against homosexual sex.
Says the guy who can't bring himself to admit that Leviticus 18:22 was a command against homosexual sex.
Are you hard of reading?

As I have told you many times MY GOD doesn't give a crap about diet, fashion, or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds like some avid reader of a salacious and puerile tabloid, never diddled a 14 year old virgin, never became a diaper wearing human being, did not die for your sins, never turned his teaching, the Actual Body of Christ, into a matzo, and did not suffer crucifixion as a 'perfect human sacrifice' so that buffoons like you can sin with impunity for life.

If you want to believe otherwise, pray to a matzo, obsess about others sex lives, and stay in hell.

Actually I am showing how your interpretations of religious texts are colored by your biases.
Is that what you think? How cute! What is actually happening is that I am showing where wrong and right and judgement lie, proving Jesus right, the very Jesus whose name you bring into disrepute among intelligent people by professing to believe that he claimed to be God, INSANE.

Bias has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that what you do at mass is a brazen violation of the command of God to not bow down to and worship anything made by human hands. It's truth.

If you don't believe me read your own holy book. Would you like to see the chapter and verse?

If not, just snap out of your drunken stupor and pay attention the next time you go to Church.
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Are you hard of reading?

As I have told you many times MY GOD doesn't give a crap about diet, fashion, or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds like some avid reader of a salacious and puerile tabloid, never diddled a 14 year old virgin, never became a diaper wearing human being, did not die for your sins, never turned his teaching, the Actual Body of Christ, into a matzo, and did not suffer crucifixion as a 'perfect human sacrifice' so that buffoons like you can sin with impunity for life.

If you want to believe otherwise, pray to a matzo, obsess about others sex lives, and stay in hell.

You quote the bible all the time as if it's from YOUR God. In fact you are trying to do it now. You seem rather selective.

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