Conservatives attempting to infiltrate liberal and moderate advocacy groups

Is it okay for you?
Have I gone off on a delusional paranoid rant?

And before you answer like a troll...document your claim
Riddle me this, historically speaking which one has proven to be more dangerous to innocent people, armed citizens or armed governments?

I’m sure the citizens of Iraq and Vietnam would especially like to hear your take on it.
Tell us folks...should delusional paranoid idiots like above have access to deadly weapons?

How are you going to stop me?
Or anyone else?


That's an interesting response
What's interesting is how intent you are on labeling your opposition as crazy and dangerous, simply because they don't agree with you and want you to fuck off and leave us alone...... we don't want anything from you, we don't demand you agree with us, we don't come and bother you, we just want to be left alone.

And to you, that is unacceptable and makes us crazy and dangerous???:huh1:

Ya'll are fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
They were infiltrating and subverting these institutions since before I was born.
By infiltrating, you mean getting educations, and pursuing a career?

Are you accusing these people of assuming false identities to do so?
Read Saul Alynskis rules for radicals. It might help you understand what’s been done to your mind and why.
Tell us folks...should delusional paranoid idiots like above have access to deadly weapons?

How are you going to stop me?
Or anyone else?


That's an interesting response
What's interesting is how intent you are on labeling your opposition as crazy and dangerous, simply because they don't agree with you and want you to fuck off and leave us alone...... we don't want anything from you, we don't demand you agree with us, we don't come and bother you, we just want to be left alone.

And to you, that is unacceptable and makes us crazy and dangerous???:huh1:

Ya'll are fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
Not labeling. Demonstrating.

Or rather letting you demonstrate and pointing it out
Is it okay for you?
Have I gone off on a delusional paranoid rant?

And before you answer like a troll...document your claim
I was speaking to Dana not you, you want to try again? :)
You were responding to Dana who was responding to and greeting with me.
So I said nothing to you, I responded to Dana and you feel the need to think it is about you. Got it. Got anything else or do you think everything is about Lesh? :)
There’s a lot of Trump supporters that are absolutely insane. And this isn’t a rogue band of acolytes, they were supported from prominent Trump donors and people close to him like Eric Prince.

They trained people, assumed identities as liberals and moderates to infiltrate these groups and bring them down from the inside.

Who does that?

Anyone doing warfare does that. They've finally realized they are in a war with an enemy who won't stop until they are completely destroyed, so they adopted guerrilla tactics.
Academia, for one.
Media, for another.
Wait, what? You think leftists are posing as conservatives to “infiltrate” academia and the media?

These people will lie about everything.

They seem to have a need to say all democrats do the same bad things that republicans do.

Which is mostly a lie.
That's true. democrats have their own sleazy, underhanded tactics they engage in. They are far more creative than Republicans are, who are just now figuring out they are in a war.
Is it okay for you?
Have I gone off on a delusional paranoid rant?

And before you answer like a troll...document your claim
Riddle me this, historically speaking which one has proven to be more dangerous to innocent people, armed citizens or armed governments?

I’m sure the citizens of Iraq and Vietnam would especially like to hear your take on it.
Armed religious fanatics
Academia, for one.
Media, for another.
Wait, what? You think leftists are posing as conservatives to “infiltrate” academia and the media?

These people will lie about everything.

They seem to have a need to say all democrats do the same bad things that republicans do.

Which is mostly a lie.
That's true. democrats have their own sleazy, underhanded tactics they engage in. They are far more creative than Republicans are, who are just now figuring out they are in a war.
Such as?
I Is it okay for you?
Have I gone off on a delusional paranoid rant?

And before you answer like a troll...document you
Riddle me this, historically speaking which one has proven to be more dangerous to innocent people, citizens or armed governments?

I’m sure the citizens of Iraq and Vietnam would especially like to hear your take on it.
Armed religious fanatics
Really? You think “armed religious fanatics” are more deadly mass murders than the institution of the state? How many of the 70-85 million people killed during WW II were killed by “armed religious fanatics”? What about the 2 million during the Vietnam war? Or the 2 million Afghans murdered by the Soviets? The historical death toll at the hands of the state is nearly limitless. The only reason that we’re having this debate about disarming our neighbors is because politicians are worried about mass shooters honing in their action.

If the human race had any claim on reason, we’d be making sure the citizenry is armed and the most prolific mass murderer in history, THE STATE is disarmed. You want a recipe for responsible, just and responsive government there it is.
Tell us folks...should delusional paranoid idiots like above have access to deadly weapons?

How are you going to stop me?
Or anyone else?


That's an interesting response
What's interesting is how intent you are on labeling your opposition as crazy and dangerous, simply because they don't agree with you and want you to fuck off and leave us alone...... we don't want anything from you, we don't demand you agree with us, we don't come and bother you, we just want to be left alone.

And to you, that is unacceptable and makes us crazy and dangerous???:huh1:

Ya'll are fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
Not labeling. Demonstrating.

Or rather letting you demonstrate and pointing it out
Except, you know....... not really. :rolleyes:

If someone held a gun to your head and demanded you state one true thing or die, I get the feeling your brains would be seeing the light of day, you poor delusional fuck..... (smh)
Tell us folks...should delusional paranoid idiots like above have access to deadly weapons?

How are you going to stop me?
Or anyone else?


That's an interesting response
What's interesting is how intent you are on labeling your opposition as crazy and dangerous, simply because they don't agree with you and want you to fuck off and leave us alone...... we don't want anything from you, we don't demand you agree with us, we don't come and bother you, we just want to be left alone.

And to you, that is unacceptable and makes us crazy and dangerous???:huh1:

Ya'll are fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
Not labeling. Demonstrating.

Or rather letting you demonstrate and pointing it out
Except, you know....... not really. :rolleyes:

If someone held a gun to your head and demanded you state one true thing or die, I get the feeling your brains would be seeing the light of day, you poor delusional fuck..... (smh)
One true thing.

You’re a right wing asshole. I’m safe
Colfax, none of these Trump supporting morons would bother to read the story you posted.

The two infiltrators exposed:

Ms. LaRocca first met Mr. Seddon in 2017, when he ran training for Project Veritas operatives at Mr. Prince’s family ranch in Wapiti, Wyo. Mr. Seddon taught them how to work undercover, build aliases and recruit sources. Mr. Prince, who had recruited Mr. Seddon, is the brother of Betsy DeVos, Mr. Trump’s education secretary.

Mr. Maier, 36, a brawny and tattooed veteran of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division who fought in Iraq, also trained at the Prince ranch that year. His mother is a baker and was the cook at the ranch, and he is the nephew of Glenn Beck, the conservative commentator.

The next year, Mr. Maier and Ms. LaRocca lived in a luxury house in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington that Project Veritas rented for undercover sting operations against government officials that tried to expose “deep state” bias against Mr. Trump.

LMAO, so you think investigative journalism is a bad thing?


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