Conservatives control DC, yet cannot repeal Obamacare

The Derp

Gold Member
Apr 12, 2017
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

That is because you have too many Cuckservatives, you should vote them out of office and get some solid Conservatives elected instead, the Cuckservatives are the problem and not the solution.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

You're confusing Conservative and Republican; there's a difference
That is because you have too many Cuckservatives, you should vote them out of office and get some solid Conservatives elected instead, the Cuckservatives are the problem and not the solution.

Conservative = Cuckservative = Libertarian = Teabag = Republican

They're just different shades of lipsticks on the same, smelly pig.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

So you think it is better if it is crammed through in the first 100 days regardless of how good it is? I would rather have them get it right (as much as they are able to actually get something right) and have it take longer than just do it to say they did it.
Not just healthcare. They've had control for 2 years and drumpf for 3 months. Nothing.

The Rs haven't accomplished anything in many years. Its been 50 since they've done anything constructive. Now, they're just a front for the 1%.
So you think it is better if it is crammed through in the first 100 days regardless of how good it is? .

100 days? They had seven years to come up with something. Unless the last 7 years was all sound and fury, signifying nothing? What were they doing the last 7 years? Pretending to oppose Obamacare?

I would rather have them get it right

Well there's your problem; you are assuming they can do anything right. As we've seen, Conservatives have no idea how to do anything, let alone govern. Seven years is a long time...why were they not working on and polishing a plan in that time? The answer is obvious; the "repeal and replace" talk was all for show, to sucker morons into voting for them by spreading lies. That's why there's no health care plan, despite 7 years of promises.

And that goes for Jobs bills too.
You confuse those labels with anyone who isn't lefty/Marxist/segregationist/subversive/pseudo-liberal/pseudo-progressive = democrat.

liberals don't need labels...Conservatives do. You guys re-brand yourselves more than Madonna.
The Rs haven't accomplished anything in many years. Its been 50 since they've done anything constructive. Now, they're just a front for the 1%.

Conservatives have absolutely no legislation from the last 37 years they can point to with any pride.
Not just healthcare. They've had control for 2 years and drumpf for 3 months. Nothing.

The Rs haven't accomplished anything in many years. Its been 50 since they've done anything constructive. Now, they're just a front for the 1%.
If they haven't accomplished anything then you should be happy. If changing nothing means they only front for the 1% then that means you are a 1-percenter.
Just using your logic.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

So you think it is better if it is crammed through in the first 100 days regardless of how good it is? I would rather have them get it right (as much as they are able to actually get something right) and have it take longer than just do it to say they did it.
They had 7 years to get it right. Whats the frigging holdup?
They could repeal Obamacare. But they are ignoring the mandate established by recent elections, including the presidential.

And they do so at their own risk.
They could repeal Obamacare. But they are ignoring the mandate established by recent elections, including the presidential.

And they do so at their own risk.
The Republican clown voters mandated that Obamacare be repealed but they wanted to keep AHCA. They were too stupid to know that it was the same thing. Now the GOP is between a rock and a hard place.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.
That's OK. It'll work out. Think of it as trying to get a 14 year old to give up his pacifier.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

So you think it is better if it is crammed through in the first 100 days regardless of how good it is? I would rather have them get it right (as much as they are able to actually get something right) and have it take longer than just do it to say they did it.
They had 7 years to get it right. Whats the frigging holdup?
They were waiting for the Kenyan to move out with his veto pen and phone. I thought that fairy would take over as dicktator.

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