Conservatives control DC, yet cannot repeal Obamacare

For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

The House and Senate Republicans are such a utter joke right now! They look so damn incompetent.

(1) They scream about illegal immigration yet they pass a budget with no funds for the Wall. Word to stupid you don't need even 1 house Democrats to get a bills and Reid showed us with Obaminationcare that you can get around the 60 votes with reconciliation.

(2) Yes they did grandstand votes to overturn Obamacare, but now that they are in power Obamacare seems more likely to stay then go. And they had 7 yes to plan for a replacement, but what they offered was 10 fold worse than Obamacare.

(3) Tax reform: Why not call it tax cuts and cut taxes. Yet they offer thinks like remove the popular mortgage interest rate deduction removal!

You can partially blame Trump's lack of leadership and inability to get his party on the same path. I mean Obama got the entire Democratic part log step in one direction, even the so called moderates. However, the main blame lies with the incompetent GOP Congressional leaders!

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He knows it. This is just more of the same effort to tie anyone they disagree with to failure. It is the same when they try to make Trump out to be conservative when clearly is is not.

LOL! Everyone is a Conservative until they arbitrarily determine they're not. This is called moving the goalposts. You're the ones who elected Trump and the Conservatives to control in DC. What have they done with that control? Nothing. Why? Because they are impotent.
don't know how anyone can possibly take you seriously. Six month prior to the elections I stated I would not vote for Trump. The reason I stated was that all of his solutions were big government solutions and the fact that just a few short years ago, he was a liberal Democrat. I did not vote for Trump when the time came.

The only goal posts moved with any frequency on this forum is those the left set up. So much so, they are often on furniture dollies so that the snowflakes don't drop a nut trying to move them.

Not everyone is a Conservative. Trump is not a conservative. Conservatives are NOT in control of the GOP as evidenced by the CR on spending and their inability to just repeal the worst law enacted since the 16th Amendment.

For people like you, all you hear is disagreement with your thoughts and that automatically puts the person in one camp. You couldn't differentiate the differences if they came in the colors of the rainbow.
REPUBLICANS control D.C. which is exzctly why Conservatives cannot repeal the ACA.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

That is because you have too many Cuckservatives, you should vote them out of office and get some solid Conservatives elected instead, the Cuckservatives are the problem and not the solution.

Great theory by the narrow minded. Most areas of the country moderate. Yes some are far right or left, but many areas are moderate. If you discount these areas because you only want a so called strong conservative, then the GOP will lose these areas. They will be the permanent minority party and the liberal agenda will push forward

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don't know how anyone can possibly take you seriously. Six month prior to the elections I stated I would not vote for Trump. The reason I stated was that all of his solutions were big government solutions and the fact that just a few short years ago, he was a liberal Democrat. I did not vote for Trump when the time came.

How were his solutions "big government"? Don't understand what you're talking about. Can you provide some examples? Trump didn't really reveal any solutions during the campaign. Instead, he offered his voters rhetoric. Conservatives have controlled the House since 2011, the Senate since 2015, and the White House since January. Why, from then until now, have they been unable to produce anything? The answer is obvious; the GOP and Conservative movement are just a bunch of know-nothings posturing intelligence, who want to undermine democracy in order to institute some kind of theocratic serfdom.

The only goal posts moved with any frequency on this forum is those the left set up. So much so, they are often on furniture dollies so that the snowflakes don't drop a nut trying to move them.

Conservatives have wiggled the definition of "Conservative" so much now that it's a joke. Everyone is a Conservative until someone arbitrarily decides they aren't. When pressed for details, what we get from the snowflakes are a bunch of whining about "true Conservatives" who are really the same Conservatives we've heard babble nonsense the last 37 years. Now, that they have full control of DC their inability to govern is showing. The GOP isn't a political party anymore, it's dogma.

Not everyone is a Conservative. Trump is not a conservative. Conservatives are NOT in control of the GOP as evidenced by the CR on spending and their inability to just repeal the worst law enacted since the 16th Amendment.

So who are the real "Conservatives", then? It doesn't seem like they even exist since you qualify and then disqualify them left and right. What makes someone a Conservative is that they talk out of their ass, don't have any sound proposals, and are egomaniacs. That's why you try to distance yourselves from the very people whose ideology you blindly accept. Give it up already, and get over yourself.
If only thzt were true, we'd be far better off. Unfortunately it's not true.

There is no difference, and Conservatives have failed to explain what the differences actually are.

Are tax cuts not Conservative dogma?
Is deregulation not Conservative dogma?
Are reckless military spending and engagements not Conservative dogma?
Is religious-based bigotry not Conservative dogma?

Since when?
[ll it's interesting that you took part of my post out, specifically:(as much as they are able to actually get something right)

Not sure your point here. 7 years isn't enough time to get something right? How does that excuse the fact that the GOP has had seven years to come up with a replacement, and they haven't? All that means is that the GOP was pulling your leg on Obamacare repeal. The truth is they have no plan because Obamacare was their plan. Obama beat them to it by proposing it first. If McCain had won in 2008 instead of Obama, and if he decided to tackle health care reform, it would have looked exactly like Obamacare, which was basically Romneycare, which was basically the Heritage Foundation's counter-proposal to Hillarycare in the 90's.

But don't sweat the details.

As far as suckering morons to vote for them, how do you explain everyone who voted for Hillary, the biggest fucking liar of them all? Democrats have absolutely ZERO credibility to rail on the Republicans, they sabotaged themselves by putting up a candidate that is as corrupt as they come. Along with the DNC, who sabotaged poor old Bernie.

Please stop crying crocodile tears for Bernie. We know Conservatives would have been just as slimy against him as they were against Hillary, even resorting to collude with a foreign power. Would that collusion had been as successful? Who knows. No one here is defending the Democratic Party, but that is still no excuse for lack of an Obamacare replacement for the repeal they had been voting to do since 2011.

Bla bla bla. Go back to watching the View.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

You're confusing Conservative and Republican; there's a difference
tomato tohmahto
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

You're confusing Conservative and Republican; there's a difference
tomato tohmahto

Progressive, Communist, etc
There is no difference, and Conservatives have failed to explain what the differences actually are.

Are tax cuts not Conservative dogma?
Is deregulation not Conservative dogma?
Are reckless military spending and engagements not Conservative dogma?
Is religious-based bigotry not Conservative dogma?

Since when?

Yes, there is a difference and always has been. You just dont want to see jt because then youd have to sccrlt thst most Republicans are no difderebt than Democrats. Have a nice day.
Yes, there is a difference and always has been. You just dont want to see jt because then youd have to sccrlt thst most Republicans are no difderebt than Democrats. Have a nice day.

And those differences are...?
And those differences are...?

Lets start simply..... One is a socio-political philosophy and the other iz a political party. A party which has NEVER truly embraced the philosophy of Conservatism. Thry pzy lip service to it as a means to separate thrmselves drom the Democrats, who theyre really fsr cliser to, philosophically.

Conservatism is anout propriety, decency
, traditionsl schools of thought, reason, and logic. Its about honoring the time tested vslues of Right and Wrong.

Republicanism is about getting reelected every 2-6 years and not disrupting thr stztus quo any more thsn necesszry.
Lets start simply..... One is a socio-political philosophy and the other iz a political party.

So again, you're dancing around the issue. I asked what the differences are, and you didn't do so. Conservatism and the GOP are intertwined. Have been for a while now. So what it seems to me is that you are shifting the goalposts on what "Conservatism" is, as the Conservatives continue to fail in their duties and their ideology.

What a bunch of snowflakes! So concerned with their egos! Egads!

Thry pzy lip service to it as a means to separate thrmselves drom the Democrats, who theyre really fsr cliser to, philosophically.

No, they're not closer philosophically. Conservatives, for instance, believe the world is 6,000 years old, that Jesus rode a triceratops, and that "if you build it, they will come". All three ideas are childish. All three ideas are lynchpins to Conservative "thought" (LOL!).

TConservatism is anout propriety, decency

You know, you clowns have redefined the parameters so much on your ideology that your ideology has since become one of avoidance and denial. Making up crap about what Conservatism is to you I'm sure makes you feel better. But it doesn't solve the underlying problem which is that the belief system itself is shit. Nothing you believe is supported by facts, only by your snowflakey emotional outbursts. That's why Conservatives have to inflate, exaggerate, or invent personal anecdotes and backstories, like Dungeons & Dragons, in order to lend their failed argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have. So when a Conservative or their policy inevitably screws up, you just retroactively say "oh, that wasn't Conservative, really". But we all know it was. Conservative thought is synonymous with bullshit.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

No, the GOP controls Congress and the Oval office, not conservatives.

Most in the GOP, like John McCan't, detest conservatives.
No, the GOP controls Congress and the Oval office, not conservatives.Most in the GOP, like John McCan't, detest conservatives.

Republicans = Conservatives = Teabags = "Libertarians" = snowflakes = Klansmen

You can put a different dress on the pig, but it's still a pig.
No, the GOP controls Congress and the Oval office, not conservatives.

Annnnd, who voted for the GOP? Conservatives. Who represents the GOP? Conservatives. Conservatives and Republicans are a distinction without difference.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.
You are conflating republicans with conservatives, like an idiot.

We CAN repeal Obamacare. They just AREN'T. Because the Republicans (not the conservatives) refuse to act on the mandate they were given.

And voters will act on that. Incumbents are going to be disappearing with every election.

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